- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Sam stares groggy eyed at a letter that he managed to read in his state. Sam isn't what people call a morning person, he's slow to wake, typically...very slow. He's tried everything he could think of, cold water to the face, coffee, even one of his friends slapping him across the face repeatedly. He had a red mark on his face for the whole day but he still couldn't wake himself easily. He's settled for setting his alarm early-ish and spending about ten minutes willing himself to get up for the day. He's not grumpy to anyone who bugs him, but you probably won't get a response for about an hour, if he manages to remember. Sighing, he gets himself dressed and ready for the day, (Is there a dresscode/uniform? I forget) He slowly makes his way downstairs where he waits for anyone else to arrive. Only one thought on his mind.

I need to get more rest...

Inventory: Nothing
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The last day or so had been rather boring. A Sunday with no coffee, cookies, marshmallows and books would’ve been the end of Akira had there not have been a lake to stare at for hours on end. The girl found the strangest peace in daydreaming… dreaming of things that couldn’t be and yet with the proper scenarios could have. Something about the imagination that drew her interests… It’s why she loved to commit her seldom free time to the arts. Music was even something to listen to in order to pass the time. Too bad mother STILL hadn’t returned it. An hour had passed since the girl awoke, exiting her dorm, grabbing her mail and reading it…

Funny they’d tell us about this little 'tour' short notice. I would rather have liked to go to class and meet my administrators rather than be dragged around by some ‘superior’ senior.” She said aloud, fiddling with the edge of the paper and entering the dorm, closing the door behind her and placing the letter on the table. “Alas… I want to know whom I’ll be sharing this school with.” Shortly after, she threw on a nice little dress suit she believed would be fitting for the school uniform, depending on whether or not they had one. It would be nice to blend in. And if not, it’d be nice to make a professional first appearance in front of the schoolmates. She then threw her hair in a neat ponytail and grabbed what school supplies she had available from last year as she hadn’t left to buy any… not the best idea… and grabbed her laptop, putting it in her bag and taking her keys along with her, exiting the dorm. Walking down the hall, a few thoughts had come to mind…

So this town has seen a recent influx of homicides. One of which was a boy that once attended here. Given the research and the timing, I won’t be shocked to discover it was something gang related… People are always acting up right when school starts just to get their stresses out because they know from the get-go that they aren’t gonna get anywhere in life. At least… that’s what…” She stopped talking to herself for a moment to turn the corner, having now entered the dorm lobby. She looked to see two males, one of black hair and dark eyes and another of a slightly geekier appearance. They both looked rather nice, though. Were they new here as well? Or the stuck up superiors to which her gorge would rise should they fail to betray her rather truncated expectations.

The clothing can be viewed in the inventory section. I'd like to say whenever it is changed but you can still check just to make sure I'm not off on uniform code or anything.

  • Clothing


    Notebook: Filled to page 58

    Pens x5

    Pencils x5

    Mints x1


    Hair Clip x1

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Sam yawns as a new girl comes down from the girls wing. He gives her a glance before yawning again. He isn't sure whether to talk to her or not, but he realizes that, even in his exhausted state he's going to need to at least make himself known to people. He raises a hand and waves. "...Hello there miss..." He shakes his head, groggy eyed. "My name's Sam, sorry if I'm a bit out of it, I don't think I got enough sleep last night." He laughs as best he can, although he sounds and looks tired, almost exhausted. "I'll be fine in a few minutes..so don't mind me if I'm a bit late to answer questions."

Inventory: Nothing
The girl looked over at the one who spoke, raising an eyebrow shortly after. Truly, he looked exhausted as though he’d been awake the entire night, perhaps even longer. She examined him peculiarly, a smile never having made its way past what her mind could imagine her appearing like, would she have actually created one for the boy. Her lips remained still until, with an eyebrow still raised she spoke:

Hello, Sam. My name is Akira. It’s a pleasure, really.” God only knew why she was being so formal. It wasn’t like she was trying to be rude… fairly enough to say this boy just didn’t strike any interests. He seemed to be the lazy type, honestly. And anyone who knew Akira would know that of all things, she detested the common sloth.
Sam nods at Akira's comment, although he gets a feeling she isn't exactly fond of him, he shrugs and stares at the ceiling until someone new arrives or she tries to make some conversation. Slowly but surely he's waking up, now he can probably pay attention to what someone says and he'll be able to make heads and tails of whats going on around him, he's still not very helpful though. However, he looks a lot more alert, tired, but alert.

Inventory: Nothing
Farra rolled over in bed slowly as her alarm clock blared. Today was the day the newbies were taking their tour. And Farra had to lead them. "Mrfh," she groaned into her pillow. Today wasn't going to be a good day.

She eventually managed to pull herself out of bed. Her body still ached from the night she spent in the prison cell with everyone else, but she was used to it by now. She'd been in plenty of those grimy holes before. Pulling off her pajamas, she pulled on an outfit she thought she'd never wear twice, just to freak the newbies out--Her "Maka Albarn" cosplay outfit. It actually looked regular on her. Farra decided to leave the scythe in her dorm, even though it was made of plastic. It could still gouge someone's eye out. And we wouldn't want
that to happen, now would we?

"Hello, children," Farra grumbled as she entered the hall filled with new students. "My name is Farra Rei, and I'll be your tour guide today." As Farra went to continue, a kid called out, "Hey, isn't that a Maka costume?" She glared at the source. "Bitch it might be." Resuming her train of thought, Farra took another deep breath. "Alrighty, then," she said cheerily, plastering a fake smile on her face, "Let's get started."



| Morning |

| Monday |

| September 23, 2014 |

Dominic's first thought was that the two arriving students would greet him. Preparing himself for the task ahead, he grinned towards the two, only for his grin to fade moments later when they decided to converse amongst themselves. It took a second before he looked away and gave Ben a fake reassuring chuckle. "There goes your people skills." Obviously not fooled by Dominic's phoney expression, he rolled his eyes. "This is stupid, the student body should be here."

"My name is Farra Rei, and I'll be your tour guide today."

Dominic wanted to speak up, seeing as how he was the one with the stack of school maps in his arms, but a second thought closed his mouth, only groaning at the situation. Well this is a wonderful start.
Farra stopped for a moment after seeing a familiar face...not just any familiar face..Dominic! She grinned when she saw his dismal expression. She strolled over to him, the all of the newbie's eyes following her. "This, children," she announced loudly, "is Dominic, my personal assistant. Dominic, hand out the maps, please. Thank you. Now, our first stop will be the GYMNAAAASIUM." Farra waved a map around with flourish and pointed dramatically at the gym on the map. "Any questions?"
It didn’t take very long for what appeared to be the life of the party to arrive. Of course Akira managed to dismiss her while staring around for any other students to enter afterward. She hated sloths, and just as much, obnoxious folk proved to be an irritation. Shortly after, she looked over to the green haired girl, though. The boy whom she’d referred to… he was… her assistant? And that outfit... was she trying to scare them all somehow? Quite elaborate for a simple first impression.

Pheh… so they really DO contain a hierarchy here… how vindictive of them. Yet another person I’ll have to avoid.” She thought, crossing her arms while maintaining expressionless. For once, her thoughts remained in her head though. When around others, Akira never could recall being the sociable type. And it became painfully obvious that this wasn’t going to change much now.
Farra over heard one of the newbies commenting on how "they really Do have a hierarchy here." She strolled over to the girl, and bopped her on the nose. "No, silly! It's just a matter of who claims the spots first, and, of course, who's the richest."

She laughed a bit, and stopped suddenly.
"Seriously, though. We're not that bad. MOVING on."
The girl’s random intrusion of space as well as the random touch of the nose was absolutely unexpected. The appalled Akira was taken aback by the randomness of this girl. Just who the hell was she?! Why was she dressed so strangely and what on earth was with that random occupation of her facial area!? The girl didn’t even realize how wide her eyes were. She hated it. They always looked unnecessarily huge when she was shocked as she was. She managed to dim them before crossing her arms again, holding back the incessant blush that arose from her sheer embarrassment of what had just occurred. This time, she thought, and thought strong, while making sure that her thoughts remained in her head this time:

Not that bad huh…? I won’t be placing my bets any time soon…

She resumed following behind the group, allowing herself to fall to the back to guarantee no eye contact would be made with anyone. Just that quickly, she wished she had her friends to ponder the oddities of the students of this academy along with her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf38e066c_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.2ac77c8978c8f51ea9a9f81b83929e35.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf38e066c_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.2ac77c8978c8f51ea9a9f81b83929e35.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hoshino Shiromiya

Hoshino could see the sunlight peeking through her dorm room window.
I really don't want to get up yet.. she thought to herself with a sigh. She's never been a morning person, and today was no exception. She arched her body up lazily in bed, propping up her torso while setting her elbows down on the pillow before her. Her snow white hair was in an elegant mess, sticking up cutely and falling over her face innocently as she looked about the room. Her zoned out turquoise eyes were still half asleep as she attempted to sit up, throwing her slender legs over her bedside as she did so. She nearly fell over as she tried to stand, acting like a child who was barely learning how to walk. "So.. Tired.." she thought out loud, and just before she was about to throw herself back in bed, she could smell the scent of delicious cinnamon rolls. They were cold, but Hoshino knew the scent. She looked over to the kitchen in her dorm room, and there it was - a note from her self the prior night, telling her to get up and get dressed. I know me so well, she thought to herself with a smile. Her old roommate back in the private school she attended in England used to to the same thing for her - tempt her with sweets in order to wake her up in the mornings. Luckily, her plan worked. The last thing Hoshino wanted was to be expelled in her first few moments here.

She took the time to heat up her cinnamon roll, making sure it was steamy and fluffy again. Afterwards, he applied a small layer of extra icing on top of the delicious bread before eating it, and once she was sure it was perfect, she smiled and munched away. While she did so, she brushed her hair with her free hand and picked out her clothes of the day. She's mastered the art of the one-handed-dress-up game, being that she usually eats and gets ready at the same time. Many people question Hoshino as to her secret to staying so slender after eating so many sweets all the time, and she honestly doesn't know the answer. Perhaps it's simply her high metabolism, but she can pretty much eat anything and hardly gain any weight. Hoshino isn't one to diet - unless it's an all-sweets diet. Soon enough, she finished her cinnamon roll and washed her hands. Once she was all clean again, she took the time to style her hair with it's usual array of pins, and then she proceeded to putting on the clothes she picked out. Today, she decided to wear a white button-up blouse with two chest pockets, matched with a blue pleated and plaid-printed skirt. Because Hoshino likes to keep things colorful, she added rainbow buttons to the skirt, and topped it off with a rainbow tie and choker. As for her hair, she left it like usual - down with her bangs accented with pins.

Looks like I'm all set, she thought to herself as she grabbed her gray messenger bag. It was covered in buttons - some of her own design. You see, Hoshino quite enjoys photography and art, so she likes creating her own little devices. These {pins} were some of them. Most of them were drawn in a cutesy way, following her love of sweets, but Hoshino actually has a lot more talent than she lets off. Still, she's never been one to boast, so after making sure she had some writing utensils and notebooks, she decided she was ready to go explore the campus. She looked over the letter she got along with the school map she possessed, and it stated that a school tour was being held today. Today, huh? I'm probably late! She realized, and in a flurry, Hoshino rushed out of her dorm room door and locked it behind her. I'm late, I'm late, I'm so late! She thought to herself as she rushed down to the lobby. "I-I'm here!" she gasped as she caught her breath. She caught the last bit of their conversation. Apparently they were heading to the gymnasium along with the rest of the group gathered. "Wait up~!" She called out sweetly as she caught up with them. "Phew, I thought I was a goner," she stated as she looked towards everyone. One person was in a ravishing costume that Hoshino immediately loved, and a couple others looked to be in a bad mood. With a shrug, Hoshino put a smile on her face and ignored the aura floating about.

"I'm Hoshino Shiromiya~ It's nice to meet you all!"

Her {clothes of the day}, of course.

Strawberry Chapstick x 1

Messenger Bag x 1

Lollipops x 5

Wallet x 1


Pens x 3

Pencils x 3

Notebooks x 5

Juicy Fruit Gum x 10



  • Hoshino Shiromiya Icon 2.png
    Hoshino Shiromiya Icon 2.png
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Sam smiles and waves at the newcomer. "My name's Sam Sarith." He says, trying to get back to his cheery, normal self. He remember her from the bakery yesterday, and while they didn't do much by the way of conversing (or anything really) she seemed friendly enough. "I'll be a bit more cheery once I've woken up...I hate mornings." He laughs, and while it certainly isn't as happy as it could be, Sam's regaining some of his energy, and his normal happy mood with it. "Welcome to the Tour I guess." Sam shrugs. The girl is cheery, maybe someone he could befriend, certainly more friendly then the other girl he met this morning.
Stop turning.

Ghosts, dressed in black gave an ominous feeling on that cold autumn morning. They swayed back and forth crying, whispering and then silent.

Black, we are in mourning. Nikky gave a half-hearted chuckle to herself at the thought, causing a few heads to turn in response, Nikky frowned in the shadow of her hat. It was a dark and cloudy day, fitting for a farewell service. The leaves of the trees rustled together, singing a sad song orchestrated by the wind. Grey skies, dead and dying leaves. Good, she thought, I want Mother Nature to weep too.

A weight came down on Nikky's shoulder squeezing gently throwing the girl from her somber thoughts; she touched the hand. Replying with a quiet, "I'm alright", she tried her best to keep her voice from revealing too much emotion, "I'm alright." she repeated, sounding more sturdy. I'm okay she kept repeating. Everything from there just seemed to mix together in one big blur. The coffin was lowered, words were said but they were all hurried and unclear, people without faces reminisced and tried talking to her giving her hugs then departed. She envisioned a mirror standing in front of her and the face though distorted was one of the headmaster's. His expression showing extreme sorrow.


"Red was no saint, but did he have to die?"

Nikky bit her pencil reading over what she just wrote. She sighed then closed the black book marked 'Dream journal' shoving it back into the drawer. She stretched arching her back to hear familiar snaps and pops before sighing satisfied. One quick spin in her desk chair before getting up to prepare for school.

Nikky buttoned up her shirt, and donned a sweater vest (her favorite kind of vest) and stared into the mirror but her mind was clearly somewhere else. Back to school, she thought to herself. It was strange; things would still carry on as normal despite everything that happened just yesterday, not that this concept was new to her. And once she sat down and really thought about it, it was just ridiculous! In fact, laughable! Portals, other worlds, Zodiacs? Just when she thought her brain couldn't handle anymore, her insatiable curiosity kicked in. If all cities were like this, she wished she moved sooner.


And then her phone rang, she rolled her eyes knowing exactly who it was. .

"Hi, Auntie"

"Hello darling, you haven't forgotten our agreement now, have you?"

A smile formed on her face, "Of course not."

How could she? She barely had enough time to forget.

I'll most likely replace her picture with somthing I made, but for now. here ya go~!


"Hello, Nikky."

Nikky bit her bottom lip, standing in the doorway unsure of just what to say. Across from her sat her great Aunt Emilia with sharp and piercing eye a frown deepening the wrinkles on her face. Now, Nikky could probably talk herself out of anything when it was anybody else in the family, but when it came to facing her aunt? The room was filled with silence.

"Auntie..." she started, "What are you doing here?"

"More importantly, where were you last night?" she snapped back.

Nikky opened and closed her mouth,
"I was helping out the film crew shoot this scene and-"

"Just. Stop. I know when you lie to me." Emilia crossed her arms and sat back in the chair and glared waiting for a better excuse.

"I... I was just..."


Nikky's head began to swim, and her face felt hot and her eyes itched. She couldn't argue with this woman, she might have had a slight chance on a phone, but face to face? Nikky's knees felt weak and she wanted to cry, reminding her of the first time she got introuble and was called to the principal's office.

Nikky clenched her fists and looked the woman in the eye.

"I- was with my friends, we had a sleepover." That was kind of true "S-so-"

"Were you drinking?"


"Did you have unprotected sex?"

Nikky's face went bright red, she gave a uncertain grin hoping it was a joke but when her aunt's serious expression didn't change Nikky swallowed her embarassment to speak up.


"Good." Her Aunt stood up from the desk chair and hugged her.

"You worried the hell out of me, sweetie."

Nikky buried her face in her shoulder,
"I know."

"Don't do that ever again, you hear me?"

"I won't."

"I love you Nikky, I'm only hard on you because I-"

"-Care. I know."

The older woman broke away from the hug to look the girl in the eyes, there was something different. What was it? Her aunt then shook her head dismissing the observation.

"Nikky, pack your bags and let's go. You're transferring out of here."


Emilia turned giving her a look as if she hadn't quite heard her correctly.

"What did you say?"

"I said no, Auntie."

After that? One thing led to another and voices grew louder until finally Nikky reached her breaking point----

"What?! Do you hate me or something?!"

"No!" Nikky was visibly shaking, her emotions were getting outta hand and the more aware of it she was the more stressed she got. Her heart was almost beating out of her chest.

"Of course I love you! I love the shit outta you guys so much and I'm so happy you took me in but..." Oh no, what are you doing? Just stop before- "I don't want to feel like I'm in debt to you anymore!" You can still back out of this- Nikky wiped her eyes trying to regain footing, "Ever since I realized black babies don't come from white families... I felt inclined to prove I was worthy." Why are you still talking?! Abort. Abort. Fudgin' abort! But it was too late, she was on a roll and there was no way she was stopping unless someone punched her in the jaw right then and there.

"That's why I never complained, always listened, and pretended to be that 'good little girl'." Tears started to fall down her cheeks, she looked up to see her aunt just standing there listening intently, taking in every single word. "I'm so sick of trying to keep up the image, Auntie. It comes to a point where... I hate you guys for it, and I don't even know if this is the real me! If this is how I really feel! Do you understand how much that scares me?" Nikky gazed into her aunt's eyes desperate to try and get her to understand. "It was just supposed to be a game, to make you all happy but now...?" There was a long silence, the tension heavy enough to drown in, and Nikky's stomach was practically doing backflips.

"Why didn't you tell me this, Nikky?"

"I was scared... everyone expected me to be grateful that someone like me was adopted into such a well off family. And I wa- no, AM really grateful... But--" Nikky took a second to take a deep breath, "I've always pushed back what I wanted to do because, I was scared you'd throw me away sooner or later." It killed her inside to know how exposed she was in this moment but she couldn't let this chance go to waste. "So, please for just this one thing. Let me have this!"

"Nikky," the older woman began, "how can you expect me to be OK with this?"

"I... I'm not asking you to be okay with it. Just, have faith in me."

Her aunt shook her head, but said nothing more, Nikky watched as the woman walked up to her and her hands were placed onto Nikky's shoulder's.

"Nikky... I knew, I knew there was something different about you, just like your mother, that girl.." Her aunt took on a soft expression that not even Nikky could have imagined was possible for someone like her.

"She was a wild one alright, jumping off this and that pretending she was a superhero... I can't count how many times that brat nearly gave me a heart attack with the stunts she tried to pull." Even if she just insulted her, there was an unmistakably loving tone in her voice.

"I know I can't stop you, believe me, I've tried with your mother and she was damn stubborn." Her aunt adjusted the girl's attire. "I... I don't want to lose you Nikky, and don't you EVER think we'd just throw you away alright? We love you, I love you. You're a Viole and you always will be." The woman pulled hugged Nikky tightly.

"Trust me, Auntie I'll call you everyday and... and I just want to live on my own for a while."

"I understand, I really do, however no decision goes without consquence. No more monthly allowance, you need to get a job."

The woman patted her on the shoulder then gathered her things to leave, Nikky flabbergasted all the while,
"Oh, and make sure to call me everyday, alright? And I'm stopping all payment to your phone, miss grown up!"

"Wah, but...!"


after a quick chat with her aunt she hung up and headed out.
The magic circle created by Hotaru worked perfectly. Adonna was itching to get out before another 'surprise' decided to show up and keep them from returning to their realm any longer. One by one they were pulled into the circle and popped out on the other side. Home. Finally. And what a relief it was to find Shun happily sleeping away on the concrete floor. Everyone else had made it out in one piece, more or less, if not a little worse for the wear. We can finally go home.

"You are all under arrest for suspicion in the Brookfield killings."

Of course it wouldn't be that easy.

The night was long one. Adonna only stayed in tune for if she needed to act, but as the lot of them had been shoved together, none of them had been in any real danger. Morning couldn't come soon enough. Once they were shepherd outside the station, she was the last one to wander away, staring at the police station as if trying to make sense of it.
A narrow miss... How many times was it now? Twice, with the fight, and now with this... Was this bad, or good? Adonna turned her back on the station and walked off to the direction of the dorms. In honesty, she had no idea where she was going, not without a map, but somehow she made it back.

The moment she was back in her room, she collapsed onto her bed and blacked out. She woke up sometime in the wee early hours, when the world was dead and cold. She laid in bed, numb, until thoughts slowly began easing their way back to her consciousness.
A narrow miss... she thought once more. What did that even mean. Was she doing right, then? At first, being detained had made her think that she was doing no better than when she'd been back in her old school. But, no, she'd been released, they all had. And none of them had really done anything wrong. Sure, that boy had ended up dead, but Adonna felt no love lost for such a thing. People died, that happened, and it couldn't have happened to a better person... Brookfield killings. Pushing herself off the bed, Adonna slid into her desk seat. Her table was as she'd left it, if not a little dustier, with a mess of things piling up to the left of the laptop, while on the right side a singular origami "dollar"-bill dragon sat on the furthest corner. The machine powered on, and Adonna followed the instructions on logging in and all that lot, this was the first time she'd actually used it since they'd installed it.

"Current events" wasn't Adonna's thing. What didn't happen directly around her never really felt important. If it didn't affect your, your family, your friends... but now it was. The lot of them had almost been arrested for this... spree of killings, as it seemed. This was something that would have happened easily back in Jersey. And back home, maybe not as much, but weren't small towns supposed to be.
.. I can keep repeating that, isn't gonna make it true. Other than the deaths she'd heard about, there were several more murders that had happened. And disappearances on top of that. Leaning back in her char, Adonna stared at the screen. At some point, she remembered her phone was quite dead and was going to stay that way if she didn't plug it in. Doing just that, Adonna shoved herself out of her seat and threw off her clothes. She badly wanted a shower.

Cleaned and refreshed, Adonna found herself wide awake. She closed her laptop screen, and checked her phone. Missed calls, from mother. Of course. That was another thing... A lot of what was happening wasn't going back to her mom. Not something Adonna was used to, everything she did in her old school went right back to her mother... Now being given a choice... wasn't it only right to tell the truth?
Yeah, something tells me trying to explain Ulysses to her is just gonna send me to the ward. Why was it so easy for Mikie, "just lie," seemed to be simple... but it didn't sit well with her. At first she thought it was right to keep those not involved out of it, but keeping Farra and James in the dark had only put them in more danger when they'd found themselves in the dream realm. Not that... mother can get that involved... Or any of her family back home, thankfully. So... what was her next course of action...? **** this. This entire situation.

Was it just her, or was her desk lookin' a tad too dusty? Well, as long as she was awake... Adonna spent the remainder of the morning cleaning her room, though still refused to unpack the rest of whatever was in her bag. Around six in the morning, she began to grow incredibly tired. And school was in a few hours. Of course. Part of her really wanted to just throw responsibility in a large bloody blender, but using whatever self-control she had left, she got ready for the day. Tired, worn, and just not feeling it, Adonna noticed much of nothing, not even the riffraff of new students taking a tour or that their tour guides were those she'd allied with in the battle against the Adonis of a Zodiac.

Arriving to the classroom of first period, Adonna found that she was actually pretty early. Usually, she would have waited outside the classroom so she didn't look like that pathetic student that always had nothing better to do but arrive early to class, but Adonna was afraid she'd just fall asleep by the windowsill and miss the entire day if she did that. So she pushed the door open and entered the empty classroom, settling into the seat closest to the door. Groggy, sore, Adonna rubbed her eyes and sighed lightly.
It's gonna be a long*** day.

Alice awoke after a good, whole day of sleep, she still had some bags under her eyes from the uncomfortable dreams she had but she got her sleep. Dressing out of her pajamas and into her uniform. It felt like forever since she last went to school though it was just only two days but with everything that happened yesterday, it felt like months or years. Grabbing her bag, she headed out the door like usual and headed off to her first period.

Walking through the school gates, she noticed there were some new faces along the campus. Looking around, she became confused but ignored it and continued on thinking that they were just the new students who transferred here just like her. Walking past many people, she headed off to her class. While walking, her mind suddenly started to drift off in sleepy land. Her vision was starting to get blurry from the lack of sleep and her feet became really heavy like she was wearing bricks as shoes.

Placing her hand over her pounding forehead, Alice tried to stop the pain but it was hard to. Trying to stay strong and ignore the pain, she moved a few good four steps before collapsing in the middle of the hallways. Her eye lids couldn't keep open any longer as she drifted back off into dreamland once more. All the students that were in the hallways were surprised and shocked by the commotion and started to surround Alice's unconscious body. Some started to call for a teacher and others just stood there chattering, many try to help Alice but nothing could wake Alice from her slumber, it was like she was dead.


Walking through the campus, a boy with light blonde locks was walking around. His light green orbs looking around the school just like a child, glint of curiosity and excitement could be seen in those eyes. His appearance was almost like a prince coming out from a fairy tale. The wind blowing through his hair was like magic and his charming smile was so perfect. Today, Casper was wearing a pair of green-rimmed glasses to hide his features. He was not in the mood for his first day ending like how it was in Canada.

The memories of people chasing him just because he was handsome. To many people, it was a blessing but to Casper, it was more a curse. Walking into the school, he heard loud commotion going on and stood there confused,"What's going on?" He thought and headed over to where the commotion was happening. Trying to see over the crowd, he noticed blonde locks just like his on the floor. Squeezing his way through the students, he got a better look and saw it was a girl who had fainted in the hallways.

Examining the girl more better, she looked almost identically like him except as a girl and smaller. He gasped softly at the sight and was about to help the girl but with all the people around, he couldn't reach her and pulled himself out of the crowd,"Where the teacher when you need one?" He thought and looked around for someone to help the girl.
"DOMINIC!" James shouted, and he sat up in bed, panting, with beads of sweat dripping down his face. A nightmare, he thought, that was all it was. He was dreaming about the other world, when he slipped on the path, but this time, Dominic simply turned round to him and smiled, crushing his fingers beneath his foot.

"Die." he had said, as James lost his grip, falling to his doom. It was this point at which he had woken up.

James was certainly shaken, but he was able to at least do everything he normally would now.

Looking at his clock, he saw he was quite late getting up. He quickly had his shower, got dressed, and ready for class, before rushing off.

Walking through the corridor, his spirits were a little raised, as he saw a large influx of new faces, being guided by... Farra? He pushed thoughts of Zodiacs and alternate world to one side for now, and focused on what was there.

All these new people meant really only one thing to him, it meant new people to con out of their money. Easy pickings.

He saw a familiar head in the crowd. Alice, her name was. She seemed to be having a headache of some kind. James always kept a couple tablets on him, he occasionally had them himself. Suddenly, she collapsed to the floor, without warning.

"Alice?" James called to her, worriedly, as he dashed over to where she was lying on the floor, passed out.

"Shit... She's really in a bad way..." he said to nobody in particular.

"Alice? Alice? Can you hear me?" He said to her, but no response whatsoever. He held his hand above her open mouth. She was still breathing. He also put his fingers on her wrist, and found a pulse.

"Help!" He shouted for a teacher. "She's fainted!"
Not much time had passed before a tired looking girl had soon arrived. Alas, Akira's focus was maintained on the girl in the strange costume. The moment of quiet turned disquiet. The blonde girl fainted and everyone's focus was on her, from behind the crowd, Akira stood perplexed. The students had entered a Commotion and her focus was now completely broken as mind went blank, unable to identify the cause of everyone's worry. With no way to help, the girl stood back and allowed the students to clamor about, though wearing a distressed look on her face. She rather disliked being useless, but this time around, it couldn't be helped. The girl stood back, focused elsewhere to prevent from being caught in the stampede of students headed for the damsel in distress.

Posted from iPhone. Forgive me for the grammatical and punctual errors. Had to make this post rather posthaste.

((I'm going to control a NPC teacher/staff. I'm just going to make them a male or something, so you guys can decide who it is. Hoshino wouldn't know. x) I hope you all don't mind!))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf39a8ce6_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.77e4c47eebdb73aa1853dcfdad498793.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18226" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf39a8ce6_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.77e4c47eebdb73aa1853dcfdad498793.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hoshino Shiromiya

Hoshino felt a little discouraged at how nobody except a kind person named Sam seemed to take notice of her after her late introduction, but perhaps it was to be expected. With a sheepish shrug, she followed the group and smiled over at everyone anyways.
"It's nice to meet you all, too," she stated kindly under her breath, but before she could get another word out, she could hear a commotion coming from down the halls. "Help! She's fainted!" She heard someone shout, and it was then that Hoshino's overly compassionate instincts kicked in. For some reason, she could never leave a person in trouble alone unless she's already tried her very best to help them. In this case, she didn't even know who this person who fainted was, but she still wanted to help out. "I-I'm sorry. I'm going to go look for a teacher," Hoshino stated as she ran down the halls frantically. Eventually, she ran into someone who looked to be a teacher. He was wearing slacks and a button up shirt, and he appeared older - classic teacher attire. "You're a teacher, right?" she caught him in the halls. He tilted his head slightly in confusion and nodded briefly, but before he could get another gesture or word out, Hoshino grabbed him by the arm and pulled him down the hallway. "Someone fainted and needs help!" She informed him, and he immediately ran with her to the scene.

Hoshino pushed through all the people surrounding the poor girl. "Give her some air, will ya?" she scolded them, and most of them backed away after she did so. The teacher eventually made his way through and picked up the girl from the floor. "Make room, make room," he stated as he pushed his way through the crowd. Hoshino followed after the man, as did people who seemed to know the girl somehow. Some other curious souls tagged along, but they eventually seemed to lose their curiosity. "She has bags under her eyes," the man observed, "which means she probably passed out from exhaustion, or maybe she's feeling very ill," he stated, and eventually they made their way to the infirmary. She's so pretty, too. The poor girl, Hoshino thought as she looked over at her. She looked so frail, and she was the classic blonde-haired and blue-eyed beauty - only on a more cute level that Hoshino adored. Being the affectionate person she was, she was almost tempted to hold her hand in comfort, but she decided against it. They don't even know one another, after all - why would anyone want to wake up to a stranger comforting them? Yeah, that'd probably freak her out more.. Hoshino let out a single, breathy laugh. That's not the best way to make friends, I don't believe.

With a sigh, Hoshino followed the man into the infirmary. The girl was brought to the nurse and set down on one of the beds in the room, and Hoshino took a seat right beside it. Being the worried soul she was, she wanted to remain here and make sure the girl was alright when she woke up. The nurse seemed to appreciate the concern, so she allowed Hoshino to stay there for a little while. "I wonder if I'll get in trouble for missing the tour.." she thought out loud, her brows furrowing slightly in shame. I just left randomly.. We didn't even make it to the gymnasium yet.. Hoshino realized, and she again let out another sigh.

I could kill for some sweets right now... She thought as she popped a lollipop in her mouth.

Soothes the nerves.



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Clark awoke from his slumber. Not too happy as he remembered it was Monday. The worst day of the week in his opinion for many reasons. Number one being that it meant he was back to school again after a very short weekend to finish homework and relax. Clark looked at clock and realized he didn't have much time left before school started. He had hoped to phone his mum but it seemed like he would have to wait until after school was finished. He had a shower, got dressed, ate some breakfast and left for class. As he passed by the corridors he noticed a crowd forming and heard something about someone fainting. Clark sighed, he never understood why so many people crowded around when they could do nothing to help, they just wanted to be there to provide an exaggerated story for their friends most of the time.

Clark walked passed the crowd and continued to class. He would've liked to have stuck around the person who had fainted so he didn't have to the dull classroom but it seemed they had been taken to the infirmary. It wouldn't have been the best of excuses anyway. Once Clark arrived the classroom seemed empty. He only recognized one person, that being Adonna, and he greeted her on the way in but Clark only saw a few other students and that was it. He didn't think he had came that early but he may have. That or a lot of people were absent today. Clark sat down, waiting for another 'fun' lesson.
After all the commotion of the fainted girl, Sam somehow managed to end up waiting outside the infirmary, he didn't do much, he cleared some of the other kids out of the way and helped them through the halls by letting everyone know what was going on and that they should clear a path. He sighs, first day at school and he's already missed the majority of the tour, but he couldn't really help it. Someone was clearly in trouble, and the friendly girl seemed to have the right idea, get a teacher. So he just did everything he could. Now he's waiting outside the room, waiting to go in. Taking a deep breath, Sam opens the door to see Hosiro in a chair next to the girl who fainted. He sits down across from her, the closest chair to the two and sighs. "Bit of a crazy first day huh? You think she's going to be alright?"

Inventory: Nothing

(My posts feel so short compared to everyone...is this an okay length? :?)


| Morning |

| Monday |

| September 23, 2014 |

Ultimately, Dominic let it go. It was upsetting enough to know that the same person who he had freed from decades of jail came along and totally disrespected him. He wouldn't let the anger get to him, instead, he took it as Farra lightening the load in the list of his tasks for the day. Of course, he still kept an eye on the group as a whole. One was tired, the other was annoyed, and the last had enough optimism to carry the entire group forward.

Of course, the tour was halted short when a commotion occurred within the halls of the school. Anticipation for the worse welled up inside Dominic's chest as he pushed his way past the wall of students to get a good look.

Alice was sleeping again.

With no visible injuries, and the teacher stating that there were bags under her eyes, that ball of worry eased itself away with a sigh. The tour group, however, disbanded without another word. Half of which followed Alice to the infirmary, while the remaining half remained where they were. Dominic shook his head, slightly annoyed that such a thing happened, now the Headmaster was sure to blame him for not properly giving the students a tour.

And speaking of school issues, it was almost time for classes to begin. Glancing up at the clock on the hall's wall, Dominic beckoned the remaining tour students.
"I'll show you guys where the lockers are. Unfortunately we don't have time to keep the tour going, because class is about to begin." Frowning at the group, Dominic headed off towards the lockers, approaching his own since he figured the rest knew which ones belonged to them. After exchanging the necessities, Dominic entered and found his usual seat in Mutton's class, instantly spotting Adonna, who seemingly arrived a lot sooner than the others. There was still some time before class started. He may as well check up on those that followed him into Limbo.

"Adonna..? I didn't expect to see you here so early, not after the party."
Shun's night was quite restless as he laid awake in the earlier morning hours with his mind plagued by thoughts of the day before. Compared to the incidents which he had experienced, Sunday had by all means been ordinary, yet he couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension toward the unknown. In the past, Ashlei had always scolded him for expecting the worst situation to arise out of nothing, but through the grace of his misfortune, instances of his angst always seemed to come true.

As Shun predicted, Jess had been overjoyed with his timely arrival at the art academy as she had been expecting him to skip the participation in his job.

"You actually came! You don't understand how overjoyed I am to see you."

Perhaps he could have taken offense to her statement, but Shun had simply given her a small smile in response before heading to his duties as an assistant instructor. While his attention was certainly not limited to favoritism, Shun had developed a mysterious interest in the young orphan whom Ashlei had mentored. The young boy's talent was fresh; it was an unrefined beauty waiting to be developed into a unique existence that would define the boy's talent and life as a whole. Perhaps it was a simple case of jealousy rather than anxiety that now kept him awake in response to the sudden notice of adoption that had taken Alfie away from the academy much earlier than expected.

Groaning from his lack of sleep, Shun rose to take a shower in hopes of cleansing his mind from whatever curse that had befallen his thoughts. As the water gently caressed his skin with its warmth, he let out a sigh of relief just before collapsing himself onto the floor of the tub. With the water simply raining down upon his head, Shun would remain in this position for the remainder of the hour before his water clogged skin would give him motive to finish the purpose of a shower.

Cleansed and no longer fatigued, Shun seated himself before the easel of his room with the desire to attempt a painting now that his arm had been healed through his encounter with Heirophant. Locating the mask of Bastion, Shun wished to call upon his power for a way to remove his now pointless cast; however, in the process of searching, the vibration of his phone against his desk distracted him from the task at hand. In a rush to answer the call, Shun avoided inspecting the caller id, and upon hearing the voice from the other hand, it was a decision that he immediately regretted.

"Good morning, Shun. It's good to know your doing quite well after hearing about the several...incidents... concerning your existence."

The voice felt warm and genuinely concerned for Shun's well-being, yet for the boy,himself, there was an understanding that the emotion was nothing more than an act put on by his father who had an ulterior motive in calling his son.

"You seem content knowing that I am well. I suppose that will suffice for your curiosity then."

"You disappoint me, boy. I am quite certain your mother and I did not raise you to become such an ill-mannered young man. Though I suppose I'll cut to the chase. I simply called to inform you that your mother and I have given up on our reformation of your prodigal life. After all you have shown us an option that will suffice for our desires."

"Is that all you intend to tell me?"

"Hmm, I suppose that is the gist of this call. Though that friend of yours, Ashlei was it?...Well I suppose time will tell its own story."

With nothing left to hear but his father's chuckles, Shun ended the call before throwing his phone atop his bed and grasping his hair with both hands in response to the emotions that he currently felt. Locating Bastion's mask, Shun quickly placed the zodiac's identity upon his face to reap the calming effect that the spirit's presence brought upon his self. Perhaps it was because Bastion had once experienced similar familial issues that the spirit could resonate so perfectly with his soul, but whatever the reason, it was a slowly developing dependence that the spirit was becoming for the youth.

Had he not suffered the emotional turmoil from the call, Shun would have already dissected his father's statements in order to understand the cryptic reasoning hidden behind his words, but as the hours would pass in calm meditation through paint, the coming of class would give no time for Shun to revisit the memory. Rushing to find an appropriate outfit for the day, Shun took hold of his usual messenger bag and departed from the dorm with his destination set for the academy. He had heard about the new students an the tour which would taken the presence of a few classmates; however, he was quite happy to see a familiar face as he plopped next to Adonna's desk with his usual smile and good morning.

Much like himself, Adonna seemed entirely unfocused to the day at hand, and rather than disturbing the delicate peace she seemed to hold, Shun retrieved his phone to send Ashlei a quick text in concern of her well-being. His father had mentioned her name in their call, and Shun, lacking understanding of their relationship, could only hope that it was once again a case of his anxiety that brought upon the feeling of distress. Letting out a sigh of frustration, Shun laid his head on the desk and simply waited for their teacher to arrive and the day to begin.

At least class might be able to distract me.
JUST as Nikky walked through the gates she was bumrushed by two familiar faces, Melody and Anni. They seemed to like popping out of nowhere, they bounced excitedly squeaking about what had just happen. Nikky nodded but their words just went into one ear and out the other.

"-She was like sleeping beauty!"

"She was absolutely adorable!"

"Armstrong academy's very own sleeping beauty!"

"She was carried away by a teacher!"

"Do you think he'll kiss her to wake her up?!"

Nikky grinned and raised her hands to stop them before they got carried away, "Sleeping beauty?"

"Yeah, that's right." Vivian said as she walked from behind Nikky, where the hell do they all come from? However unlike Melody and Anni, Vivian showed more distain as she talked about the 'sleeping beauty'.

"That... girl fell down just like that, and in minutes everyone was swarming her, cooing and cawing." She shook her head, Nikky could of sworn she heard a hidden, "stupid" in her words.

"Either way, she'd make a good news story! We must find out who this 'Sleeping beauty' is!" Melody exclaimed.

"Hm..." Vivian dismissed it then turned to Nikky, "So, have you decided on whether or not to join the journalism club?"

Nikky had completely forgotten they had asked her to join.

"Yeah-" since being forced to go home wasn't a problem anymore, there was nothing stopping her from joining.

Melody and Anni began squealing in excitement.

"Omigosh yes! We're happy to welcome you aboard Nikky!"

"Heck yeah!"

"Now now," Vivian grabbed the two girl's collars and began pulling them away, "We can't have you guys scaring away another recruit. We'll talk later."

Nikky waved watching them go, then walked on to class. She remembered she still had Damian's notes. Maybe he was out figthing crime-

GAH, how the hell was she supposed to focus today!? There was too much going on!

~~ @-@ ~~

Tote bag

School supplies

Small rock



A knitted hat


Love, Tapatalk
The class slowly began to fill up, initially with a few students whom, with Adonna dazed, passed by without much notice by the girl. It was the first 'good morning' of the day that pulled Adonna out of her trance. Ah, this kid. It took her a moment, but she remembered him. The guy from the roof, and the barbecue. "Hey..." Chris? Something told her that wasn't right. "Good morning," she settled on saying. One of these days, she would get his name again... and then hopefully remember it. She did remember though that they'd had that almost conversation about the Zodiacs, but in the nightmare world she and the group had found themselves in right before getting arrested, he had not been there. But clearly he was in the first dream, I remember. Adonna left the thought in the air, without having more knowledge to how any of it worked, pursuing any associated questions would only cause a headache.

More students came trickling in, one after the other, none of which seemed particularly thrilled to be awake on this Monday morning for class. The opening and closing of the door lulled Adonna back into her half awake trance when another familiar voice called out to her. Ah, this one... his name... his name...
Dominic? Either that, or Damian. At least I'm getting better at this.

"Party? What Par- Oh." OoOh. That took her a second. Clever. "Yeah... I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep... How are you, uhm, faring after everything?" she asked him. It was good to see him on his feet after the ordeal of a weekend they'd been through. His friend... Adonna briefly wondered how the boy who Dominic had went into the other realm for was doing, but didn't feel it her business to ask.

Along with the next wave of students, Shun entered the classroom. A relief to see him too, up and breathing. His disappearance during their time in the other realm had caused a bit of a subdued panic within her, but all had been well, as he'd been quite safe in their home realm. Adonna wasn't sure how he'd gotten back before them, but did that detail really matter.
"Good morning," she returned his greeting as more students piled in, door opening and closing. Opening and closing.

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