- Zodiac - [Inactive]

It looked like it was going to rain today. Not to mention that leaving the window a crack open had allowed the entire room to gain a chill. Adonna shivered like mad as she exited the shower and readied herself for the day. The lilac umbrella was easier to find this time around. Jacket on, backpack on, umbrella sticking out of said backpack, Adonna murmured a goodbye to her origami dragon, that had become quite the habit, hadn't it, and left. The weather had put a sure frown on the girl's face, but in truth, she was in a good mood. She'd slept rather well the night before, and it seemed like everything around her was calming down... returning to normal.

Catching a glimpse of a police cruiser by the gate as Adonna entered the school put her back on edge. This was just like last time, putting her guard down, only for something to happen again. She couldn't make the same damn mistake twice. But, how on earth was she actually supposed to prepare if she was busy wondering about
if there was something to prepare for? ...One solution was apparent. Adonna felt the muscles around her heart tighten, her pace slowing as she neared the classroom door. Since moving to Cali, she'd always been the oldest, the one people went to, the one who knew how to take care of them, of herself too. Since moving to Brookfield, she'd made friends, and allies. Allies were one thing, 'ally' assumed some sort of equal standing. But going to another for help, one who was clearly above her in all ways... She sighed, grimacing further. Pride was a *****.

Hell, she was going for it. "Hey... Ulysses?" she spoke softly. Then felt her cheeks burn as her frown nestled happily into her face. God, what am I doing, I need to get to class. Adonna closed the space to the classroom's door.



Dorm Key


Killer Frown
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"Uh, yes, I'd like to join it, sir. My name's James Wilson. You see, I had signed up for it, but then, uh..."

James had almost told him about his death, but narrowly realised that it probably wasn't wise to get the headmaster, or anyone else at all ,for that matter, into the business of Zodiacs and such.

"Then I got taken away from school for sickness, so I couldn't join it, of course. "

James was a little bit nervous, naturally, as the principal could easily deny him. But he'd have to wait and see, what his answer would be.
Even after going to bed earlier than usual Clark had managed to sleep through his alarm and now had barely anytime to get to school. He only had enough time to get a shower before leaving. He walked down the dorm corridors trying to sort his bag, get his uniform correctly and he was attempting to eat a cereal bar while doing all these different tasks. Thankfully for Clark all the other students had left so the corridors were empty and he had fixed everything before walking outside. Clark looked up into the dull sky. " Crap...I should have brought an umbrella. I just hope it won't rain." He mumbled as he began his walk to school, unsure if he would make it in time.

After the thief was apprehended by Dominic, Damian had released himself from the marauders shadow. As he crept out it looked as if he had managed to pull himself out from a thick tar. The darkness sticking to his leg taking on the appearance of a viscous fluid. It may not have been wise to have used his powers in public like that, but the situation posed little choice. For him at least. Nikky had eventually caught up scavenging the scattered remains of her cell phone and dialing the three toned number that evidently had been the police. As Damian saw his work here was done he didn't feel the need to have stayed and let the scene begin to crowd around him. He was still suffering from guilt and figured it would be best if he had kept his distance for a while. At least until he felt he would be articulate enough to hold the groups attention. As he turned his back on the situation to take his leave he was stopped by two surprisingly strong arms gripping around his waist and stopping him entirely. He turned his head over his shoulder and saw it was no one else but Hotaru. It wasn't like Damian was happy to see his quiet friend but it was a bittersweet encounter. From his peripherals he saw someone new.
"Yeah... Time for me to go." Damian whispered before taking a step forward... And then stopped again. This time, by an apologetic Nikky. The boy wasn't sure what it was she was saying sorry for but he decided to humor her. "It's fine... Thief's fault. Not yours. I'm sure he'll get his worth in charges." Damian said with some confidence as an officer had already began to take the perpetrator away. "Hrm." Damian mumbled. "Dom' I'm going to head to class." Damian had moved his head down towards Nikky. "I'll see you in Literature, Nikky." Damian stuffed his headphones in his ears and turned his MP3 player to the remix of a boss theme for some walking music.


Ulysses heard the call of his host from within his little plane. Though... She didn't sound too sure about her decision. Not completely sure of whatever help she may have needed, Ulysses only appeared but as a shade. His form wasn't complete and he was only a transparent upper half floating behind Adonna. "You called, Adonna?" Ulysses took a moment to look about their surroundings and saw she was in a sort of classroom setting. "Strange. There doesn't seem to be any danger. Unless-- You're picking up on something? Someone here is another Zodiac user? A Hollow maybe?" Ulysses tried his best to make sense of the situation but he appeared to keep coming up short. Not only could he pick up another outer worldly presence, he couldn't sniff out the negativity that a Hollow would permeate the area with. "Adonna... Are you sure everything's alright?" He asked with some concern.
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Alice didn't hear her hello kitty alarm going off with her favorite tune playing until the sound of her alarm going off once more with a more disruptive tune came on almost like someone was streaming. The noise was loud enough to wake her neighbors up but luckily they weren't home. Getting up from her bed, she took the clock, yanking it out of it's cord and throwing it across the room with great force,"Shut up!" She exclaimed in anger, not pleased that she had been awaken by such a terrible sound.

Rubbing her eyes and stretching out her arms with a pop of her bone, she stared out the window to see dull, grey clouds looming around the town. Seeing the gloomy day just made Alice happy, her mood now getting better,"Oh, what a lovely day it is~" Alice chimed and got out of bed to get ready for the rain not noticing she was even late for class.

Staring into the mirror, Alice picked up some of her blonde locks, noticing it had gotten longer,"Hmm.. I could do some change to this hair now." Alice thought and grabbed a straightener. Plugging the cord in, Alice started to straight out her hair until there was no waves to see. Now looking back at the mirror, Alice's hair was now more longer and reached pass her shoulder and more to her elbows. There were some split ends here and there but it was fine, getting two blue hair bow, she made hair into two pigtails.

With her hair in a pigtail and with her short height, she perfectly resembled a child who was going to middle school more than a high schooler. Pouting at her new appearance, she just rolled her eyes and continued her routine not caring about her hair anymore. If anyone at the school spoke of her hair then she'll just have to ignore them but seeing how Tyrik was the type to get angry easily, she wasn't sure if she could hold herself back.

Once her uniform was on, she pulled on her over-sized raincoat and grabbing her umbrella, heading out the door with a small skip of joy. Swinging her umbrella around her side, she took her time coming over to the school. She didn't notice that some disturbance on the school campus had occurred during her slumber, seeing some police cars pulling out the school,"What the?" Alice thought but didn't get involved, not seeing that Dominic and the gang had did something, once again.

Seeing the crew, she noticed Damian among them and gasped,"Wait... is that Dam? I haven't seen him in a while." Alice thought surprised to see the boy back from that time. It felt like years since she last saw him but it has been only 24 hours since that time. Watching as he went off into the building, she went over to the crew and smiled,"Good Morning guys, so what happened here?" Alice asked confused but to be honest, she really didn't want to know what happened here.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf44b7d5c_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.fc9155670e867e8f7538f2eeeb0b732a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf44b7d5c_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.fc9155670e867e8f7538f2eeeb0b732a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.::Hoshino Shiromiya::.

Hoshino rolled over in bed indolently. Today, the sunlight that would usually peek through her window by now wasn't present, so she began to question exactly what time it was. What time is it anywa-- she began thinking, though, as soon as she looked at her phone, her eyes widened in shock. "Holy--I'm gonna be late!" She exclaimed as she threw herself out of bed immediately. As soon as she did so, however, she got the worst case of vertigo and fell back to the floor. Her nose reddened from the face-first impact. Ow.. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.. She thought helplessly as she sat up on her knees and rubbed her poor nose. The corner of her eyes began to water, but she pushed past it and got up a little slower this time around. Like every morning, she started off with wobbling about like a child just learning how to walk. Her silken hair swayed back and forth as she wandered about, trying to wake herself up. She had taken a shower the night before--for she knows she usually wakes up late each morning--so that was one thing she didn't have to worry about. The hunger and fatigue, though, was an everlasting problem. Still, she remembered to put out another cinnamon roll the night before, and she could smell the sweet goodness of it. "Mmm~ Cinnamon~" she sighed contently as she went about her usual routine.

Today, however, she decided to also do something else. Hoshino, since she was fairly new to the wonders of Brookfield, didn't know all that much about this place. She used to watch the news all the time back in England, being that she enjoys knowing what's going on around her, so she decided to flip on the TV today. What she saw as she brushed through her silken, snow white hair was nothing less than shocking.
K-Killings? There's a murderer out on the loose? Hoshino thought as her turquoise eyes widened in revelation. "Just a few hours ago, police have discovered the existence of four more victims, each a member of our local school, Armstrong High. They were found north, on the outskirts of Brookfield where the forest surrounds the highway. The driver who reported the bodies was soon interviewed by reporters moments after the discovery was made." Hoshino listened intently, and the fact that four people were murdered made her want to be sick. Those poor people... And, he used the word 'more'. Does that mean this has been going on for a long time? Were they all from Armstrong High? She couldn't help but wonder, so she turned up the volume and continued to lend an attentive ear. They brought in the truck driver who discovered the bodies, and it seemed like they were interviewing him over it all.

"I know full well that the police is doing all they can to help put an end to this killin' spree, but if you asked me, I'm sleeping with a loaded shotgun under my bed, you know?" "Well, Mr. Redfield, you've lived in Brookfield for most of your adult life, how do you feel about the police calling in out-of-state help for this case?" "I say do whatever the hell you think is best. If calling in the big guns means our safety, I'm right on board the wagon too." Hoshino agreed, as well. She, being the empathetic and compassionate soul she is, didn't want to think of anybody suffering--much less slaughtered in cold blood. I really hope they can solve this case soon, she thought as she listened to the conclusion of the whole ordeal. "It's obvious that no murder case has been reported in Brookfield for years, and when a large case like this occurs, it would startle the community. In other news, it has been reported to rain later on today into the night, so if you're heading out, don't forget to bring your necessities. Channel 2 news will return after these messages." Hoshino nodded as she clicked off the TV. "Looks like I should bring an umbrella," she stated her thoughts aloud, and packed up her bag with her necessities. She decided to bring her sketchbook today, too, now that she was joining the art club.

I still need to figure out where I sign up for the swimming club, she thought to herself as she finished the rest of her cinnamon roll. As soon as she was done fixing her fair mane, equipping with her favorite clips like always, she made her way out the door and locked it behind her. She continued on the way back to Armstrong High, but soon after she arrived, she couldn't see the place the same way anymore. To think that people attending this school have been murdered.. Why four from this particular school? She continued to wonder. The news this morning was stuck in her head, no matter how fervently she tried to push the thought of it all out. With a shrug and a sigh, she made her way over to her locker. She still had a few minutes until class began, so she took the time to organize it a little more and place her things for her future club inside. Let's see.. All I need are a few of these text books, notebooks, and writing utensils. The rest of this can stay in here, she listed off in her thoughts, though she still kept a few candies on hand--caramel, lollipops, and gum, mainly. With that, she shut her locker, and made a mental note to decorate it later on. Hoshino, being the creative soul she is, loved personalizing things to her tastes. She even spent last night decorating her dorm room with her artwork.

With that, she made her way to class to join the others. She had her mp3 player with her today, so she put in her ear buds and began listening to "
Bridges" by Broods. Hoshino listens to a little bit of everything, but lately she's been listening to music like that. She smiled as she listened, and she made another mental note to try and learn the piano parts from it later on that day. Not many know this, but Hoshino is quite the piano player. The arts have always called to her ever since she was a little girl, and a lot of variant forms became her precious and dear hobbies. To this very day, she paints, takes stunning pictures, sculpts, and plays a few instruments constantly during any free time she has. One may say art is how her heart speaks, for, without it, she would feel completely lost. Every night, she can stay up decorating or practicing her arts for hours. It's like therapy for her. Though, it's also probably the reason she can never wake up early. She still felt a little groggy, even though she had that delicious cinnamon roll. With a sigh and a smile, she decided to just listen to the music, allowing that to be her wake-up call.

Soon enough, she was in the classroom along with everyone else, and she took her seat with a small yawn.


clothes, of course.
Writing utensils {10}

Juicy Fruit Gum {5}

Spiral Notebooks {5}

Caramel candy {10}

School textbooks {4}

Messenger bag {1}

Canon camera {1}

Headphones {1}

Mp3 player {1}

Cell phone {1}

Umbrella {1}

Lollipops {5}

Wallet {1}


{{I hope this is okay~!}}



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| Morning |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

| Outside of the suburbs |

| On the path to Armstrong |

With the man held firmly to the ground, Dominic felt success. Nikky's phone had returned and the police was there to retrieve the man soon after. Following up was a series of hugs from the only girl who could manage it all. His focus was on those two, so he didn't notice Damian had disappeared until he had actually re-approached them and told them so.

At first Dominic was going to question why he wanted to go alone, but after taking a look around and seeing people like Sam and Alice arrive, it became clear to him. Damian felt guilty for what his actions had sent them through, so in result he hid himself away from sight, away from them. Dominic frowned, shaking away the realization like a bad habit.

Unfortunately, he had missed Sam's introduction that was given to the entire group. While they had listened, Dominic didn't. The only piece of information he was able to remember was that his name was Sam, and he was new.
"Good morning, Sam, Alice." His voice still a little heavy due to the sprint and adrenaline of it all. "Let's get going to school, else we'll be late."

| ASH |

Ten minutes passed of nothing but walking along with the ever-growing group. It was strange how when trouble always found one of them, everyone else would show. Dominic didn't mind traveling in a group as large as theirs, but the situation felt strange, and new. Going inside the school, Dominic did the routine job of moving to his locker and getting what was required for the day.

Just another average day.

Dominic waved to Mutton on his way into the classroom. Picking his favorite seat near the window, he smiled towards Ben who had also been able to make it. "You look winded, Dom." "Ah-.. yeah. I was a superhero today." Ben tilted his head in confusion. Superhero? When the realization of Zodiacs possibly being brought up again hit, Ben simply sulked back into his chair. Dominic chuckled in response and he too, focused on clas-


The group project!

| ASH |

| Headmaster's Office |

"A plague must be moving through town with what's been happening as of late." Stryker scoffed at the situation and inspected James in a similar manner as he did Sam. "You're James Wilson. A transfer student, but not from the late group." The man took a moment to think and pet his beard before looking back towards James. "Your school record is clean, so I suppose I will accept you. Perhaps help out the other newbie that joined." Stryker had no use for James talking. The Headmaster already knew of his existence and had his face pulled up on the computer in a jiffy. If Boone had accepted him into the school with no fuss, who was Stryker to think otherwise?

A few clicks later and James would have been assigned onto the Committee in just a few simple steps. "Alright kid, a uniform should arrive first thing in the morning, as well as your training. Now beat it."

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Mental note: shadow powers are pretty damn cool.

When you have to look up at someone, you realize just how short you really are or just how friggin' tall someone is in comparison. It was one of those times where he could just reach over and pat her on the head to make her feel even smaller. But at least Hotaru was around and just as short so she didn't feel all that bad. Despite Damien saying it was alright she still felt it was necessary to apologize. The high speed chase was incredibly fun while it lasted, she still felt bad for having to have Dom and Dame help her. She wished she could've done more; feeling like the damsel in distress wasn't a gig she liked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll see you." She watched him go and a uneasy feeling set in her gut. If it wasn't of what had happened earlier that was bothering him what was it? Nikky shook her head and looked towards the transfer student.

Sam was his name, she knew a Sam once actually, he wasn't very fond of green eggs and ham.

"I'm Nikky, nice to meet ya" and he persisted in asking questions, the girl smiled, "Like I said, a morning jog. That may or may not have gone awry." She gave him a knowing smirk. She knew how much being kept in the dark could be unbearable to the curious mind. It was like those moments when someone says something and you don't hear clearly and they just shrug the whole thing off with a quick 'nevermind' and you have to nag them until they tell you what they were going to say.

She had noticed Alice approach asking questions as well.

"Well, to keep a short story even shorter a thief got arrested. That's all" with that, she tipped her imaginary hat to the group and went off to class.


Love, Tapatalkkk
Zage sat up from bed, quite tired. She yawed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, getting her hair out of her face as well. Grabbing her clock she looked at the big red numbers flashing across the screen. "I'm gonna be late!" She exclaimed, hopping out of bed. She grabbed some clothes from her closet and threw them on as she frantically brushed her teeth and combed her hair, while she stepped into her shoes. She spit out the toothpaste and washed out her mouth before grabbing her school bag. After she had gotten outside the dorm she grabbed her bike and slung her bag over her shoulder before pedaling as fast as she could, trying her best to not be late to school.

//Sorry it's so short compared to the others!

// "^^

Farra pulled herself out of bed. "Eurgh," she groaned, exhausted. Though she had gotten a full night's sleep, she felt like she'd run an entire marathon on stilts. Glancing over at her clock, she sighed and laid back down. Suddenly, loud Japanese music begins to blare, right next to her ear.

She screamed. "Mrhaaaaaaaaa!" Farra spazzed everywhere, kicking off her covers and landing her on the floor, where she busts her lip and splatters blood onto the tile.
"I..guess I'm...getting up now..."

Damian had been doing some inventory management within his locker. Students moving behind him exchanged weird glares at him from behind his back, murmuring judgmental nothings amongst one another.

"Isn't he that boy who was shot outside Soul Food?"

"I swear he's not human. I saw his eyes glowing red when he was walking down the hall!"

"Something creeps out of his shirt and tries to grab things! Does he have an octopus in his backpack or something?"

Damian couldn't bring himself to care. If he even tried to educate him on what his power truly is it would only make the gossip worse. Next thing he needed was a group of people thinking he was a psychopath again. He soon may be driven into being one. Ignoring his own spiteful temptations, he slammed his locker shut with his Literature II text in hand along with his binder labeled for Literature. The anger curdled up into his hand as he shut his locker had managed to startled some students loitering behind him. As he turned himself around to take his leave for class, Damian took a second to peer at his peers attempting to study him.
"I wanna give them a scare..." He sinisterly planned. He called upon his dark reserves of power and for a split second coated himself in darkness. His eyes took on a red glow that stabbed into the hearts of those overly analytical students. Though, rightfully so. After finishing up with the peanut gallery, Damian had finally left for class. He looked about the classroom to see if his usual seat was still available. Thank whatever entity held jurisdiction over this world, it was! Damian had swung himself into his seat and stacked his bearings neatly on top of the desk. The Professor had already written what the days assignment would be. It appeared to be some free form poetry. "Fantastic..." Damian complained.
Sam, although a bit annoyed at Nikky's lack of telling him something, is still in a good mood, or at least as much as he CAN be after staying up half the night and feeling exhaustion he looks to Alice when Nikky finally tells her what happened. Brow raised, however he chooses silence to be his best bet. He turns to those remaining with him. "We really should get to school." He laughs. 'I don't want to be late on my second day, so c'mon, let's move!" On their way there however, he turns to Alice. "So Alice, since that Dom guy dodged the question, what are Zodiacs? Some kind of movie thing you guys had cooped up? If you want I can help out if you decide to try and make it a thing. I wouldn't be much help though."

Alice is really the only person at the school right now that Sam feels would stop to give him the time of day, he's trying to get closer to the only friend he's got, and since the only thing he knows she can do is related to that movie thing that there was a huge kerfuffle over the other day. Sam's hoping he's not really coming across as creepy, as his intentions really are just trying to make a good friend.


School Issued Laptop

Zage was panting and sweaty by the time she pulled up to the school. She shoved her bike into the bike rack and ran as fast as she could through the doors of the school, desperate to not be late. Stopping by her locker she pulls out a few notebooks and continues the run to class.
Alice nodded towards her crew, happy that at least Nikky understood her well enough to know she didn't need details to know the story. About to walk off to class, Sam was the one to stop her in her tracks, his question made Alice froze in place. She was being asked a question that she didn't wish to answer. Looking over at Dominic with a death glare, she huffed and knew she couldn't get out of this now,"That bloody Dom! Making me in this situation as he get away with it!" Alice grumbled.

She couldn't tell Sam the truth of Zodiacs and needed to come up with a lie, fast! Trying to think up a good one, she tried to avoid the question as well by just saying,"Oh, about that... we'll be late for class!" Alice exclaimed, and quickly went off to class, leaving Sam alone,"I'm sorry Sam but a question like that I can't answer." Alice thought mentally apologizing to Sam for her rudeness but she really couldn't think of anything to say to him.

While trying to get to class, she turned a corner and before she knew it, she rammed into something, falling to the floor with a thump,"Oof!" Alice exclaimed, her bum now hurting from the fall. Looking up to see what she ran into, she noticed it was a girl, a new girl. Alice gasped and quickly got up,"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you." Alice said apologizing to the girl but then she noticed something, getting a better look at the girl, she noticed that she was way smaller than her. The girl was pretty small to be in high school and looked almost like a child,"Wait.. these new kids are really short... does that mean I'm finally not the shortest one here?" Alice thought, her face showing how happy she was but she quickly shooed off the feeling. Seeing that she had made the girl drop all her books and paper, Alice helped the girl collect all her things, giving them back neatly,"Sorry about that." Alice said apologizing once more feeling bad she made the girl fall, dropping all her stuff.

  • Backpack

    • Notebooks
    • Books she got from the library
    • Wallet ($20)
    • Headphones
    • Umbrella
    • Bag of chips
    • Fruit Taffy (x3)
    • Gumballs (x5)

Eventually, Akira made it to her locker, soon glancing around for any teachers that may become the passerby willing to snatch up her phone should the chance that it be caught in sight come to pass. Once the coast was in fact clear, the phone was out. She clicked the home button and quickly allowed the time to show before shutting it off and slipping it back in her bag. She opened her locker with haste and placed her History of the Americas: Edition I book in her locker, slowly closing it before checking her bag twice and thrice to guarantee that nothing was being left behind and/or forgotten.

That’s just about everything… now off to class.” She thought, picking her bag up and standing, readying to head to class. A great distance away, she noticed a nice amount of the student body congregating to a single area. They weren’t standing as if watching a show, yet somehow, there were individual factions of them, perhaps within their own small to large circles of friends. Some would walk and slow their pace when passing a certain area. Others would be stopped altogether. The one thing that stood out amongst them all was that their eyes all seemed to meet a certain subject. That subject was a locker… no… they wouldn’t all be staring at just a locker, otherwise their bodies would be turned as well. They wouldn’t be looking and speaking as if they didn’t want the locker to know about it. They were gossiping.

I know those glares all too well…” she said aloud. “It’s the look people get when they’re looking at someone different, someone undesirably different at that.” She turned her head, closing her eyes almost as if in shame to the people around her. “Seniors in high school and we still partake in such trivial things as judgment toward that which we don’t understand.

It always bugged Akira when she was a student growing up to have to deal with such things. If it wasn’t an issue with students, it was an issue with her family. Because she didn’t act the same as kids to which her mother oft referred to as “less”, those same kids referred to her as the “stuck-up” one primarily because she happened to live in an estate as opposed to an apartment, and because her father was a corporate owner as opposed to a factory worker. There were always confrontations about kids wanting to borrow things of Akira’s and her naïveté would compel her to allow it, only to be stopped by her mother who already knew the children, who hadn’t when they’d asked, and never would, intend to return what they wanted to borrow from the girl. This led to confrontations with parents who’d swear their children didn’t behave in such ways, only to be proven wrong. Ultimately, Akira would be sheltered from people considered to be “less” despite the fact that she considered herself not to be "more", but to be undefined. But whether or not the person at present was someone like her or other… one thing was clear, those kids weren’t just looking at the abnormally rich girl who never spoke to anyone, their stares were different. It wasn’t as though they were looking at someone, but for a brief instant, that they’d glimpsed into the abysmal nature of some

She turned and entered the biology class, looking around for familiar faces. Instantly, she saw Mr. Mutton and bowed. Such a petulant reaction to always bow when she would see her superiors, but if he didn’t say it bothered him, it wasn’t going to end any time soon. She then saw numerous other students, and then the boy named Dom along with the friend of his that was on the tour.

The fact that they were willing to do such a task together must have meant that they’re friends, and likely close! Should I… wave…?” She thought, walking toward her seat in the back of the room nearest the window that she’d selected the previous day. She decided to do so and waved, rather absentmindedly with a soft smile before reaching her seat and sitting, pulling out her materials and then looking out the window, awaiting the beginning of today’s Biology session.
"Oh sorry, it's okay! I was in the way.." she trailed off as she closed her locker. She looked down at the girl and held out a hand to help her up. "My names Zage, whats yours? You look pretty cool, what grade are you in?" she bombarded her with questions.

//Sorry! It didn't notify me you replied



pencil case


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Sam sighs as Alice runs off towards the school. He guesses he wasn't as close as he thought he was, or maybe he was just annoying. Sam's father is a police officer, and because of this, Sam can pick up when someone dodges a question easily, somewhere, somehow, Sam messed up. His shoulders slump a little as he heads towards the school. It doesn't take him long for him to slowly walk into the large halls and corridors that make the school up into what it is. When he gets to his locker he opens it with an almost miserable look on his face, between his lack of sleep and apparent lack of friends so far, Sam's a bit demoralized. He doesn't even have his textbooks since he didn't go to the library yesterday. With a sigh he examines the meager contents of his locker, there's a place for his bags and there's also a place for any books, but not much else. He could customize it, but Sam's terrible at Art, his circles looks terrible and his stickmen look like they want to die. He might get someone to help him out, but at this rate making friends is proving difficult. Hopefully he still can do the project, although he'll just distance himself as that seems to be what everyone wants.

He closes his locker and locks it with a sigh, it seems like things weren't going well for him at all. He hopes he can keep his grades up, maybe find a job, although he hasn't seen many businesses. Beyond that sweets cafe there wasn't many places he's been. So he was more or less out of luck for now in the work department if the cafe wasn't hiring. But that wasn't really important right now. He makes his way to class, slowly but surely. When he gets there he sits in his seat, not talking. Its clear to anyone observant that Sam's pretty miserable.

For now, he sits at his desk, waiting for the day to start.
Adonna had reached her seat, which wasn't but two grand steps away from the classroom's door when she felt his presence more than heard Ulysses' questions. Startled momentarily, Adonna tried to keep her outward reaction to a minimum. Just as soon as she seated herself, Adonna rose and abruptly left the classroom.

"Ulysses..." she spoke softly once in the hallway, trying not to seem like a crazed woman talking to herself, "Give me a moment." Taking long strides, Adonna moved down the hall to the stairwell, climbing up to gain access to the roof's door. Bursting through, she breathed, only then realizing she'd been holding her breath. Shuddering at the cold, and glaring reflexively, Adonna made a quick sweep of the rooftop before concluding it was just her up here. Well, her and Ulysses.

"I'm sorry," she told the armor apologetically, "I didn't think you'd..." Adonna couldn't finish the statement, not without sounding both stupid and half-assed. That be as it was, she had had an intention behind her summoning. Though, in the future, she knew not to call out haphazardly as she just had. "Yes," she began, answering Ulysses' last inquiry, "Everything's alright... I mean, immediately there's no threat... but," how to phrase this... "Last time, we were... blindsided. I had to learn how to use your abilities while in mid-fight, and..." she unconsciously frowned further, "And I felt that I relied heavily on you, I even..." caused your injuries... "I know I probably should have chosen a more convenient time," like when she was at her dorm, by herself, funny that occurred to her now, “But I have to ask, I have to know, is there something we need to be prepared for, to face, like the abs studded,” for lack of a better descriptor, “spirit?”



Dorm Key


Roof Access Prowess
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Just like before she could see people avoiding Damian like a disease.

"Isn't he that boy who was shot outside Soul Food?"

"I swear he's not human. I saw his eyes glowing red when he was walking down the hall!"

"Something creeps out of his shirt and tries to grab things! Does he have an octopus in his backpack or something?"

All Nikky had heard was that he was shot, no wonder he was absent. Still she remained quiet wondering what a bullet wound looked like up close.Nikky's eyes lit up as she listened to the teacher start explaining the lesson for today, delving into the art of poetry.

She loved writing, it was fun; one day she had hoped to write a novel. For now though, jotting down silly poems would have to do. She had already had her paper out and the rough draft of a poem was beginning to form.


Nikky looked up to see Chickadee sigh in discontent. She smirked, "If ya want, I could help you, Chi- Damian." It was the least she could do, after catching that criminal for her.

"I'm pretty good at poetry." she gave a confident smirk.

Love, Tapatalk
Knock Knock Knock

The sound startled Shun awake as he groggily rubbed his eyes in an attempt to clear the blurred vision that plagued his eyes. Glancing at his phone, he groaned upon seeing the early 5:00 that was only further aggravated by the fact he had gone to bed only two hours prior to this rude awakening. After wrapping himself within his fleece blanket, he stumbled onto the chilled ground and crossed the distance of his room. Swinging the room's door open, Shun was prepared to tell off the source of morning commotion, yet as a familiar face stood before him, he couldn't help but draw the teary eyed girl into a close hug to comfort her from the sobs that she cried.

The two would remain in such a position for some time after, until the sounds of an oncoming cleaning staff member would remind Shun of reality and cause him to yank Ashlei into the confines of his dorm. Giggling in response to the sudden action of her friend, Ashlei gave him a coy smile in between her sniffs.

"Jeez Shun, you could be more gentle."

Shun merely snorted as he returned to sit on the edge of his bed while onlooking his friend who began inspecting the painting which he had spent the entirety of the morning creating. Running her finger against a dry portion of the paint, a warm smile came to Ashlei's face as she turned to present her sudden glowing appearance to Shun.

"Your art is always so soothing. It brings a smile to my face to see how much you have developed over the years, Shun."

Sitting by his side, Ashlei took hold of Shun's blanket and wrapped herself under its covers before collapsing both of them onto his pillow with a content sigh. Giving in to the affection of his friend, Shun simply shook his head as he returned his friend's cuddling hug while contemplating the various possibilities for her return. Although he did not desire to press the subject, Shun couldn't help but allow his curiosity to get the best of him.

"What did Daichi do?"

Rather than responding, Ashlei placed a finger on Shun's lips before giving him a reassured smile for his troubles.

"Hush, you."

Returning her smile with one of his own, Shun waited until she had peacefully fallen asleep before carefully extracting himself from under the covers and properly tucking his friend in. Ashlei was not one to hide her feelings, and it would be in due time that all would be revealed. Rather than worrying about the present, Shun simply seated himself before his painting, and with a brush in his hand, began the continuation of the artwork deemed soothing to the soul.

Although Shun much rather remain with his work, the eventual rise of the sun would signal the coming of class, and the necessity for the boy to undertake his general morning routine. Showered and dressed, Shun would on look Ashlei once last time before departing from his dorm with the general destination of the academy. Seating himself in his usual seat next to Adonna's, Shun gave her and Ulysses a curious gaze upon the zodiac's arrival, but with a shrug, he refocused his attention to the board, and its assignment of poetry. Groaning from his hatred of the written art, Shun rested his head upon the desk and painfully awaited the completion of class which he knew he could skip no more.

"I must have some kind of pheromone that makes people come to me." Alice thought seeing that she been asked many questions now a day but it was mostly because they were new students so of course they would ask her these questions. But Sam's queston was the only question Alice couldn't really answer well enough. Feeling a sense of guilt swept over her shoulder. Looking down towards the girl, Alice tried her best to give a good smile,"Nice to meet you Zage. I'm Alice Boris Nanaka, I'm a senior here in Armstrong." Alice explained, giving Zage a brief introduction of herself,"You look pretty cool yourself." Alice added, surprised that someone called her "cool" but she didn't take it to heart.

Feeling a buzz in her pocket, Alice pulled out her phone and gasped in disbelief. She was in big trouble, the time saying she was gonna be late if she didn't hurry,"Crap! We're late!" Alice exclaimed and took the girl's arm, dragging her along with her to their class.
Hotaru gave Alice a hug as well, hugs for everyone was the way to go. It should be a philosophy for everyone, if they stood strangely optimistic through hardships, everything should be alright. At least in her head it will. Her positive attitude and happy mood slowly slipped away from her face as her lips created a straight line. She was forcing herself not to socialize. Hugs were enough, she had to remind herself of that. Keeping herself busy, Hotaru stayed at the back of the group. She leaned over to the side and picked up two dandelions. The flowers were slowly transitioning from healthy to shriveled up to make room for winter. One dandelion was in a state of full health with it's yellow petals. The other one was in more of a reproduction state with it's seeds and white fluff. The stems stained her fingers with a bitter smell and yellow pollen. Dandelions had so many petals, Hotaru plucked them one by one. Once the flower was bare she tossed it aside. She could feel a pit in her growing. She was growing too friendly with these people. This happy wasn't going to last and she knew that, it was all going to end up in the trash. All people are different, needing and wanting aren't very different. What if she's wrong and change it into something that will keep her trap shut. There needed to be a book with definite answers to questions. She looked up to the back of her friend's heads. Now wasn't the time to think about such things, but Hotaru couldn't help but think about all of the people crying from all the loneliness in their hearts. All of the people lying that they will understand every part. All of the people truly think that love is a thing we take--

Get it together, Hotaru. Stop being stupid and start walking with the group. Fit in, don't lag behind. No one sees that they haven’t seen at all. Hotaru straightened her posture and headed in with her friends. It wasn't long for everyone to quickly scatter around and eventually meet up at their classroom.

Hotaru looked down at her slate and rubbed the faint colors with her thumb. She kept her breathing the same as she looked up to see if anyone was looking. Clear. She looked at her glossy reflection and practiced her smile. It wasn't long until Hotaru began to make silly faces at the slate. Good. She should appear in a much more happier state. Everyone was seated in rows like obedient soldiers. Hotaru, oddly, took the seat furthest away from everyone. Just keep away from her. Her sad little story is getting boring, why does she keep on talking? She pressed her fingers against the desk and quickly looked around. They’re poking and joking and when they’re tired, no more happy or laughing, wait what just happened? They’re worried and judging books by covers. Getting ready, enemy strikes will be coming. No-brainer, the danger is in her head. Just stop thinking. Her eyes landed on an eraser on the ground. She leaned over to pick it up. All of the people buying just to throw away every part. Hotaru, stop thinking. Stop. Gosh, Hotaru likes to think deeply about trivial things. She should really stop if she wants an education.

As if she could hear this, Hotaru obviously continues to think about her life and others. Too long; didn't read, she basically figured out that no one can save the human race, even though it's not really a race. She then proceed to realize that she is going to drown in flow of a big ego because she can't swim. Final conclusion is that hugs are nice and Hotaru's head is filled with pure nonsense. She sneezed and looked up. There was an air vent right above her. That couldn't be the source for the air, where was it coming from? Hotaru looked left and right before tightening her grip on her arms. It was no matter, Hotaru rubbed the skin peeling off on her knee. The teacher went on ahead to start class.

Keeping her focus on her slate and her head towards the front of the room where the teacher was speaking, Hotaru managed to get away with doodling in her slate. She drew Marabel with her long hair reaching to the ground. Next to Marabel, the girl drew a wolf sitting obediently. The wolf was Kenshi, wasn't he? Hotaru wasn't good with names and would rather just identify people with features that they have. A shadow person was behind the wolf, Lance. She even drew Bastion and Ulysses! There was a lonely looking Hierophant in the corner of the drawing. She didn't really know why she drew him to look so lonely, it was like an intuition she had. Feeling satisfied of her expo marker masterpiece, she capped the marker and tapped it against the surface of the desk. Somehow, her hand must have not been holding the marker tightly enough because the black expo marker flew in the air to the other side of the room. Blinking a bit she looked up at the teacher, shutting her mouth, she’ll quit for now. This is bye bye to education.

  • Slate with a cute drawing {x1}

    Marker {x2 minus one}

    Notebook {x3}

    Pencils {x2}

    Folders {x3}

    Bruises {x6 so many injuries in a day}

    Derp moment {x2 combo}



| Afternoon |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

| ASH |

| Mutton's classroom |

Just before class has begun, Dominic spotted the familiar faces show up one by one to class, each taking their regular seats apart from Hotaru, who suddenly resided in the empty part of the classroom. Dominic tried not to let it worry him while there was class going on. The doors had shut and locked and Mutton was already rambling on.


Of course, they had been reminded of the project. Most of the class had already assembled their groups, some even had a name to go with it for vanity's sake. Dominic grumbled to himself knowing he hadn't even completed the first step. That's it. Dominic was going to form a group before he stepped foot outside of that classroom. It was a goal of his and he was determined to do it.


With the final subject over and done with, the students were free to disband. Dominic, however, had been planning on who to bring into the group. Glancing around at his friends, he figured most of them were on their way out already. "I'm not sure if you knew this or not-.." Dominic said towards Damian. "There's a science project we've got to turn in, and we're allowed to have groups of 4. Well for now on you're in my group, got it?" Damian was of course going to be one of the students within his group. The next person he chose was conveniently sitting right beside him. "Ben, you too." That was three. Last was the newcomer who - Dominic figured - didn't have those many friends. "Hoshino, you're the last addition to the study group." His methods were crude, Dominic would admit - but at the rate he was at yesterday, they would have never gotten the project done. At least with one group formed out of their enormous circle, there would be less of a tough selection for the rest to go on.

"Wait, just like that, Dominic? They didn't even agree to-" "-Hoshino did, at the very least. I know Damian would, as well." "And what makes you think I would join you?" All that was needed at that point was a certain look before Ben sighed. "Alright, alright, just don't expect me to carry the group to victory." Dominic grinned innocently, knowing all too well the last time they had to group up for something.

| ASH |

| Hallways |

After Dominic got his bags, he trotted out of the classroom and to his locker. Down the hall, Len leaned his side against the wall as he observed the entrance to Mutton's class. His eyes scanned the doorway as student after student came flooding out of the room.
Zage squealed and ran along with her, giving it her all to stay caught up so she wouldn't be dragged through the hallways. She hastily zipped her backpack and threw it over her shoulder, almost dropping it a couple times in the process. "We're almost there!" She said as she pointed out the class room they were headed to.



Farra yawned as she exited Mutton's class. Dominic went around recruiting members, and she wasn't surprised that she wasn't invited. "Typical," she muttered. Strolling down the hall, she noticed the Zodiac movie kid watching everyone who exited, like a hungry wolf. Or a stalker. She chose to ignore him for now, and headed up to the roof.

Laying down on the concrete, she closed her eyes and felt the sun hit her face. The wind blew gently; and a sheet of paper hit her in the face.
"What the--ew, scrap paper. Looks like someone tried to doodle something on here," she said, pulling a pencil out. "Might as well try to make this presentable," she muttered as she erased the faint lines and redrew the failed girl. Minutes passed. "There!" she yelled out in triumph, holding the paper in her hand as she fist pumped. Farra examined it closely. "This might go for a few bucks," she mumbled. "Maybe a whole book of these! I've always been a good writer. I should write a manga!" She pulled another sheet of paper out of her bag and began drawing some more.

"Oh, great. I'm talking to myself now.."


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