- Zodiac - [Inactive]

A hug is quite a universal symbol. It can range from a greeting to the end of a tied relationship. From soothing to showing weakness. To wrap arms around a limp body can start a simple understanding. The connection creates a small spark. Suddenly meaningless actions have more meaning.

It was the type of hug that meant more than a greeting. It was far more meaningful than something out of pity. She let out a soft gasp from her small lips. A flower bud reaching light and opening up to show the neon blue colors. Tears could fall out and the hug wouldn't be any less comfortable. Hotaru could feel relaxed as her vision became blurry, it kept her mind more clear. Blinking back her tears, she closed her eyes and embraced the hug. Ever since she came here, Hotaru was the one who had to make the first move to hug someone. Here Nikky was giving her a hug with a simple sentence to keep her more relaxed.

As her mind cleared up, the blood from the floor rose. It seemed like Hotaru wasn't controlling it, it was more like her powers were acting out of control. Seemingly, her emotions were tied in with the powers she had gotten from Marabel. The blood raised above Nikky and Hotaru. Nikky let go and she stared at the bleeding girl. Hotaru took no mind to it. She used two fingers to pluck the remainder of the blood off her arm as well as clotting it. She gave Nikky a warm smile but blinked twice as she felt something approaching. She looked towards the door, a wall of purple approached the two, Hotaru widened her eyes as she pushed Nikky to a corner. The purple force washed over her body, but it seemed like nothing happened. She looked down to her toes and realized it was safe. She looked up to apologize to Nikky, but she was gone. Hotaru felt her eyes widen as she looked around the dark room. Without Nikky's light she was kept in the dark.

Thump! Hotaru flinched, dropping her slate once again. There was a long silence before the next thump. Hotaru lowered her blood as she got ready for defending her friend. Judging by where Hotaru had pushed Nikky, she should be by the corner. Taking two-thirds of her spilled blood, Hotaru pushed it to the side. She was now alert and ready to fight. There was something odd about the blackout and this was it. A whiney howl filled the air, goosebumps were visible on Hotaru's arms. Hollows. Thump! There was a crash as a dark being fell from the ceiling. Hotaru took steps back as her small portion of blood moved desks around to give her room. A large hollow reeled it's back to it's original stance to stand at least three foot taller than Hotaru. A loud rip in the air indicated that there was a weapon. Hotaru lunged for the other side of the room to keep him away from Nikky. The bony monster looked directly at Hotaru as she quickly stood on top of a desk and whistled as her blood spelled out words, "Oi! Over here, butt face!" His speed was incredible, he quickly was upon her and had his chainsaw raised above her head. Hotaru fell back a bit as her offense blood acted as a shield. Since Hotaru didn't think that she will use the blood to save herself, the shield was weak enough to penetrate. Quickly moving to the side, she dodged the attack. She held her beating heart as she thought quickly. The blood retreated to her side. Hotaru quickly launched an attack to the hollow as she created more space from the hollow. It was too fast....and adorable! Gah! She needed to remember how it looked like so she could draw it and show it to her sewing club! From a bored expression to a grin, Hotaru moved the desks around to create obstacles. She waited for the attack to draw blood from her opponent.
Akira’s time near the window grew relaxing while listening to the collision of rain on the windows near. Her eyes were closed for a split second until the sound of footfalls approached. The person was enshrouded by the darkness of the halls, and the offset of the lighting discoursed her sight so that the figure appeared to be no more than a silhouette, turning to walk away at first. She once again closed her eyes, readying to ignore the person, as if they should choose to tread in darkness such as this, then they obviously knew where they were going. However, with her eyes closed, she heard the footfalls almost pivot and instead turn toward her direction. She opened her eyes and turned to see the face of a male, rather tersely, as well. He spoke with a slight quiver in his voice, but his sincerity was evident. He did appear lost, like a lost child, almost.

"Hey, Akira r-right?" He said with a slight stutter, "I'm Sam, we met at the tour, I hate to bug you but..." The girl looked at him, her expression blank as a white sheet of paper. She almost looked as though she judging him right down to the soul, with a look this cold. He was right. This was in fact the boy she’d met at the tour, who spoke briefly to her, and to whom her introduction was a rather cold and unforgiving one. The “
sloth type”, or something of the sort, is what she recalled thinking of him.

"I was just talking my friend and she disappeared into thin air...between that and the fact that generators should have kicked in a while ago I'm a bit worried something else is going on here.” He then sighed. "Or maybe its just some lame kid overreacting in the dark, don't mind me.” Akira then looked the boy in the eye and instantly realized something. This boy had almost the same worried look as someone she once knew. Immediately, her cold glare turned to a soft expression, her eyebrows no longer arched in a glaring fashion, but relaxed. She stepped down from the windowpane, looking at the boy and smiling, slightly before speaking in as calming a tone as she could achieve:

Sam… it’s good to see you. Rather, it’s nice to see someone else in these halls besides myself.” Words seemed to roll off the tongue easier in a situation such as this. Perhaps it’s simply because of the fact that they’re both in a peculiar predicament. “I don’t really know what’s going on here…” She continued, “But it’s kind of bothering me as w—… wait a minute! Did you just say your friend disappeared!?” The exact same thing that happened to Dom and his friends from earlier! “Your friend… disappeared into thin air? Are you positive about this?!” She immediately stood to attempt to get on eye level with the boy, despite the fact that he was taller. Something strange was definitely going on. Now that it’s happened to someone else, Akira was positive that it was no simple coincidence that those three had vanished all at once. If the disappearances were somehow related, the two would have to have been careful before one—or even both of them ended up being next.
Sam feels a bit more relaxed now that Akira seems to be okay with his exsistance. Her calming tone also helps him settle down, or at least enough to get his nerves together. He sees the surpise as she asks him if he's sure, and for once he's positive that it wasn't just a trick of the dark. He nods, confident "We were in the middle of a conversation, halfway through a sentence she just disappeared, some people would leave I guess, but that's just not how she acts. Somehow she's just gone...I think there's something a lot worse then just a power outage right now, there's an eerie feeling, and where did everyone else go?" He looks out into the schoolyard. "I know some people would leave me for a prank or something...but that's just not how she is." He looks up to her. "You believe me right?"
"So uhh..What should we do now..?" she said as she looked down the halls. "Should we try to break a window or something?" she offered "I could try to call someone.." she says, trying her best to try and help.
She looked at the boy, expressing his own worries to her in fullest candor.

Of course I believe you, Sam. Because…” For a moment, she debated on telling him whether or not she’d seen what she had, earlier. Originally, she believed that this boy was likely the level headed type, but it became evident that he was just as unaware of everything going on around them as she was, if not more. And it was obvious that it rather frightened him. It bothered her as well, more than she was willing to admit, in all honesty. She stopped herself and then looked at him with a smile, hoping to quell some of his fears, despite what she could not her own.

Trust me. I believe you. There are things going on here that we can’t quite explain. For now, I think our best bet is to go back to where you last lost your friend to see if she’s nearby.” It was obvious to her that the possibility of them finding his friend was highly unlikely, as Akira herself had transcended a full two floors and had still seen no trace of Dom, nor his affiliates. Still, she turned and trod toward the direction from which Sam had come, looking back to him and taking out her phone, turning on the flashlight, and finally displaying its dimming feature to conserve her battery.

I know the chances that we’ll find her where you two were separated are in fact low, but I believe… a low chance is better than no chance.
Sam nods, glad to see Akira has the same idea he has, which boils down to look for Alice. He leads her tot he staircase, which isn't that far, and points to the middle of it. "We were almost up here, when she vanished into thin air." After a quick examination of the surrounding area, its quite clear that Alice, for better or for worse is nowhere close. Sam seems to have relaxed a little however, the adrenaline that came when alice vanished is fading.

He looks to Akira. "Hey, you alright?" Sam is slowly regaining his composure from the shock of suddenly losing Alice. He realized as he looks at Akira that she's just as freaked as he is. "We both know I'm a bit unnerved." He laughs at the understatement for a second before continuing. "But this has got to be affecting you as well, you don't have to be brave for both of us, we can share that burden." He smiles. "I'm a bit scared, I'll be honest but hey, lets get through this." Sam has realized that as worried as he is there's no way he can help anybody freaking out, and he has a feeling that under all the bravado Akira is scared herself.


| Afternoon |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

And so, the two were off. Ben doing his best to stick to Dominic's side as they rounded corners and passed classrooms.

"Dominic, hold up! Aren't you scared?!" Dominic had enough time to look back at his friend and reply.

"We don't have time to be scared!"

An inaudible 'Oh..' escaped Ben. Even though they were sprinting blindly through a dangerous school, they were more prepared than the regular students. This realization dawned something inside of Ben.


Dam! Dom! Ben!"

All four of them met at the base of the staircase, each of them desperately clinging for air. "What's going on?" "Hollows. They're in the school!" At the moment they were safe, no other soul than those four. "I-I felt them. It was the same feeling when Reese showed!"

Dominic didn't know how or why, but a sudden impulse to push Ben overtook him. An arrow came twirling past, nearly hitting Ben in the process. The arrow stabbed into the wall behind them while Ben crashed onto the tile flooring.


A small and fragile body stood on the opposite end of the hallway, bow in hand. "That would have been quick and painless. An easy way to end it all." Judging by the appearance of her small bubble-vest and preppy hair, this was indeed Annabelle. She pinched the end of an arrow from her quiver and lined up her shot once more. "It's okay, I'll give you many more chances." An ominous red flare from her left eye showed she wasn't bluffing. She let the arrow fly through the air. That same arrow flashed a bright green, then multiplied in numbers. One arrow became ten instantly.

| ASH |

| Second Floor |

| Outside of the A&V room |

Go wild.

The copycat soundwave emitted from Shun's spiritual ability did well to stun the solider. The armored Hollow was sent down on it's knee for that one moment. Seeing this chance, Len bolted in, readying his extendable staff and smashing one end into the Hollow's head. The man recoiled back onto his feet, dazed by the attack.


The Hollow was quick to launch an attack of it's own. A series of two-handed slashes with it's katana. Len used his staff to deflect the sword strikes, each hit left sparks flying. One last overhead attack rendered the two in a power struggle. The Hollow's inhuman strength overpowering Len's, causing him to grunt and strain.

| ASH |

| First Floor |

| Mutton's classroom |

While Hotaru was invisible, her blood wasn't. The chainsaw came roaring down on the blood-shielding, spraying the substance everywhere, and even covering the Hollow in it as well. Hotaru had just enough time to roll out of the way before the shield gave up and the chainsaw tore through the desk. Her constant blood attacks didn't phase the Hollow in the least, but it did make him visible as a walking humanoid covered in the girl's own blood.

With each second, the Hollow got closer. One successful hit with that chainsaw and it's over. None of her attacks pierced the dark coating the man had on him, and every time she blinked or turned away, the Hollow would have been closer. When the range was perfect, he gripped Hotaru by her neck and lifted her up. It was obviously getting tired of her squirrely antics. With the other hand, the Hollow was ready to send that chainsaw right across her mid-section.


Farra looked over at Damian, waiting for an answer--but saw that he wasn't there. Guess he didn't answer with words, he answered with actions. Farra's eyes filled with angry tears. Why had she told him all of that PERSONAL information?! And why was she getting so upset? He was just another stupid boy who happened to be up on the roof when the rain started. Now she was all alone during a blackout; And so are other people, she thought. At this, her manic grin returned. Time to have bit of fun.

She headed to Mutton's class; she assumed some people would still be there, as it seemed the blackout had only just ensued. Up ahead, she spotted a group of three short teens; one seemed to be crying, and the other two were comforting her.
"Bingo," Farra whispered, her eyes sparkling and her pupils dilating. She crept behind the trio when she heard the roar of a...chainsaw? "What the--" It was coming from Mutton's classroom, which, like the others was locked. But not empty. Inside was a blood-soaked humanoid figure attacking something that she couldn't see; or, the person (or creature, she couldn't tell, but the idea that it was some kind of intelligent being other than a human sent chills through her body) was delirious. Nonetheless, Farra's heart beat increased again. What was going on? Had some psycho killer infiltrated Armstrong High and cut the power? She narrowed her eyes. Maybe, she thought, this was one of those supernatural things that the rest are involved in. She had to find out. Farra raised her fist and banged on the door relentlessly, yelling madly, "HEY! Who's in there?"

"Who's she?" Before he was able to finish his own question the small figure shot out a volley of ten arrows the groups way. "Ugh. I really hate fighting these things." Damian started commanding his darkness to an even greater extent than before. Was it because the lights in the school were shut off? Damian felt his power magnify double of what he's usually capable of doing. He felt a certain... Confidence. With the ecstasy of power welling through his muscles he regained that "bloodlust" he had before. From when he had murdered his Stepfather in cold blood. The arrows were closing in fast, Damian didn't have much time to try anything grand. He had to act quickly. He knelt to the floor, with the low faint sunlight shining from in between the thick rain clouds Annabelle had a weak shadow but it was enough for Damian to manipulate with his raw power. The shadow at her feet darkening to a complete black, it joined with Damian's own shadow. Connecting like two tethers. From the thick black line, rushing, serpent-like monstrosities had swam through. Like a school of dolphins leaping over the waters surface. There was a sharp screeching noise echoing from the creatures as they zero'd in on Annabelle. When they finally got into range they surfaced from their shadowy pool, increasing in size by taking up Annabelle's shadow and Damian's used to construct them. Mouths salivating a dark ichor, they lunged in for their prey.
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Alice frowned at Ben's statement, understanding that a hollow was in control of this problem but "who" was the question here. Catching her breath now, Alice was about to speak but her words were cut once more by an arrow flying past them, it seemed to be aimed at Ben since Dominic had moved the boy out of the way. The arrow luckily missed Ben, with Dominic's help and instead hit the wall. The arrow stuck to the wall,"An arrow?" Alice said, stating the oblivious and turned to the person who have shot the sharp stick at them.

To her disbelief, the person was none other than the girl who had died on the same day as Reese,"Annabelle." Alice muttered under her breath the name of the girl, a sense of pity and anger towards the dead girl and the hollow who was possessing her form made Alice's emotions to merge and burn into a blue flame. Her sky blue eyes glowed slightly with a brighter blue. Though Alice had no relation with the girl or even knew her well enough to call a friend, Alice knew that the girl was not the type to do such things as to harm a person, since she was part of the security club once.

Feeling a strong sense of strength flowing through her veins, Alice took the chance to stop the arrows before it harmed any of her friends. Raising her knee up into the air, she slammed her feet into the floor, luckily that it was the first floor or they would have also fallen into a hole to their doom. With the great force of her feet colliding into the floor, the ground shook and cracks formed, breaking away the floor and huge rocks spiked up into the air.

Dangerously, the floor was breaking away the sharp rocks were spouting out rapidly but at least it stopped the arrows from getting to them with the rocks being their shield. Jumping off the rock she was on, she went straight for Annabelle, the Eliminator appearing into her hand,"Let's get this over with fast hollow." Alice stated and attempted to chop the hollow Annabelle into two so the girl could rest in peace from this world.

"What the hell Hotaru?"

Nikky rubbed the back of her throbbing head, staying still for a moment until the whooziness subsided.The girl reached over for the phone that had flown out of her hand from the unexpected push. Nikky looked around noticing Hotaru was gone. Now the room was empty, or so she thought. However the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end told her otherwise. Raising her phone, Nikky saw the form of a bloody beast, Humanoid, gripping a chainsaw prepared to hack something. Nikky could hardly make out who it was, but it was a girl's form nonetheless. And if you put blood and girl together you'd have a Hotaru. What the hell was going on? Still, she had no time to ask questions it was time to prioritize.

It didn't make sense Hotaru would just up and disappear. it didn't make sense everything was covered in blood, and it certainly didn't make sense that Nikky was now pelting the monster with books. Hoping it was enough to draw it's attention. Just for added measure Nikky picked up a piece of broken desk to hurl towards the monster

FunFact: 90% of these posts are sponsored by, Tapatalk!! <3
As Shun expected, the sonic wave did nothing more than temporarily faze the armored hollow much like it had with Ulysses; however, his spiritual energy gave Len a window of opportunity for a follow up attack with a staff that Shun doubted the effectiveness of. While Len engaged the armor in close quarter combat, Shun remained on the sidelines carefully analyzing the strength of their opponent, and though Len became easily pressured, the youth couldn't help but chuckle at his struggles.

"Can't say close combat is the best option for you there. "

Drawing yet another copy cat memory, Shun reloaded Bastion's gun and with more precise aim, shot Heirophant's gust of air in between the bodies of Len and the hollow. Under the assumption that his attack would successfully split the entities apart, Shun quickly began two new paintings in the air before him. Shooting one of the paintings with the gun's standard ammo, he manifested a rifle which he tossed toward Len before manipulating the existence of his second painting above the head of the bewildered hollow.

"I'll soften him up a bit."

Shooting the second painting with Bastion's gun, an over sized boulder appeared above the enemy's existence and began its downward descent toward the head of the armored individual. No matter how durable this opponent was, Newton's laws would still hold effect while the rifle would in theory be more than enough to penetrate dented supernatural steel.
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Before Clark could even object to Alice's plan her and Sam had left them behind in the darkness with only Alice's phone number on a sheet of paper. Clark used the light from his phone so he could see the numbers written on the sheet and added the phone number to his contacts. Clark sighed as he realized he'd gotten left with a new kid who he'd never spoken to before. "Go for it, I won't stop you. Just know that I won't help you pay for a broken window. Plus you'll need something pretty strong, I don't think your hand will break it." Clark said as he began to walk down the quiet corridors, using the light from his phone to act as a flashlight. "Or call someone, it really doesn't bother me. I just want out of here. Then again I'm not sure how good cellphone reception is in here...you could still give it a try though." Clark said as he slowly continued to explore the school. Hoping to find some way of escape or someone who had an idea of how to escape.
She stood there a little befuddled before she turned to quietly follow him. She pulled out her phone and glanced at for a moment before cursing under her breath and putting it away. "Well what do you suppose we do?" she said, sounding a little ill tempered. Zage pulled out a journal and started writing, filling up the pages some more with her quick handwriting.

// I think I might start highlighting when she speaks. As long as I don't forget.


| Evening |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

| ASH |

| First Floor |

| Hallways |

In the normal world, none of this would have been seen, except for a sudden series of spikes to rise from the ground and litter the hallway. The sharp ends nearly caught a few students, but it left everyone wanting to get out now. This was no doubt a haunting.

| ASH |

| ??? |

| ??? |

Upon seeing the sudden destruction of windows and the hallways alike, the poorly-lit man sighed. The students were being restless in their attempt to leave. Any more and this would have made headlines. With a wave of his hand, a command was sent out.

| ASH |

| First Floor |

| Mutton's classroom |

The onslaught of physical knowledge did little to distract the brute who held Hotaru in his grasp. Nothing more than a glance backwards to see random small objects being thrown at it. It wasn't painful, so why would it stop? Looking back at Hotaru, he thrusted the chainsaw straight towards her only to stop inches away upon sensing the command of the higher up.

The Hollow grumbled, releasing his grip on the girl's neck. That's when his form disappeared from that realm completely, leaving the blood to suddenly drop to the ground.

| ASH |

| Second Floor |

| Hallways |

"Can't say close combat is the best option for you there. "

All Len could do is grumble, as the rest of his strength went out to keep the katana from slicing him in half. The second attack from Shun was a gust of wind, which knocked the tall man back once more and freed Len from the struggle. The boy jumped back to create distance, grabbing the rifle in mid-air without a second thought and landing relatively close to Shun.

"You're pretty confident for a kid who doesn't know anything."

Despite Len's tone, he was smiling. Thankful that he was able to get out of the rut he was placed in. The boulder came rolling towards the man, who would undoubtedly find a way to get around it. The Hollow turned towards a classroom door and stabbed his sword in between the door frame and the door itself. The enemy was prying open the door to take cover in.

That's when two bullets came dismembering both of the hollow's hands, leaving the hollow in confusion and with two brand new stumps. In that confusion, the boulder was quick to catch up to the hollow and squish it.

Len lowered the rifle and looked onward.
"It's dead." He stated the obvious, returning the rifle to it's creator. The Hollow's body had disappeared under the boulder, but the dying yowl that it gave out confirmed that it wasn't coming back. "We should check for any more in this building."

| ASH |

| First Floor |

| Hallways |

Annabelle grinned upon seeing the sea of shadow creatures leaping towards her. In response, she readied an arrow and shot out the nearby window, letting more of the dim light in - enough to temporarily free her shadow from Damian's. This allowed her to leap back, preparing three arrows at a time to dispatch of the shadowlings that lunged towards her. "You guys are pretty good!" Annabelle was surely having a rush from having a real fight, one that threatened her very life. It gave her that sudden urge to enjoy it.

Annabelle landed with a skid, having rid of the shadow beasts and the spikes that had come up from the ground as a result. Alice had come crashing down with a vertical strike, (That's how I saw her doing it) nearly catching Annabelle in the large, cold steel. However, the girl had an advantage over Alice. Speed.

Just off to Alice's side, Annabelle was staring down her axe-wielding opponent with an arrow ready and a sly smile on her face. That's when she instantly stopped, her eyes widening and her smile dropping.
"Huh?" she called out in a confused tone. "Already? Could his timing be any worse?!" Now the hollow was simply ranting since her kill was denied. On that note, she vanished from that world, leaving behind sparkles of light in her wake.

"Is.. she gone?" Ben's quivering voice broke the momentary silence. He was on the ground, back to the wall the entire time. "Looks that way." Dominic replied simply. He too was beside Ben, but in a more protective way. With Alice and Damian already on the prowl, he felt no need to interfere. "Can you sense anything else?"

Ben closed his eyes to focus for a moment. His mind sending unseen waves through the purple sphere that consumed everyone. He shook his head 'no', as a result. "Just one Hollow..?" "There were more, but I can't sense them anymore. It's as if they disappeared too." That rose curious alarms in Dominic's head. Hollows were insane spirits, they acted upon instinct rather than using their head. All of them disappearing at once could mean that they were under the influence of control. Hierophant's host..?

Whatever it was, it had to wait for now. Dominic helped Ben up to his feet. "Are you hurt?" "N-no, I'm fine." And with that, the sphere retracted back in the same manner it grew - from Ben. The purple hue faded back to normal and the realm shrunk back into Ben's own head. Now the hosts were back in their own world once more, freely able to see the panicking students.

The electricity turned back on, allowing for the lights and doors to become operational once more. Mutton was already on the phone, nodding to whatever the voice on the other end was saying. "Thanks for your help." The teacher returned, ending the call. The students were now leaving, some faster than others. "Strange for us to have an outage AND a haunting at the same time.." Mutton discussed it with the other teachers, who decided to stay and attempt to investigate.
"Well, like I said, call someone." Clark said as he turned around to face Zage, seeing her pull out her phone and then putting it away again."Or don't try that... Clark mumbled. He could tell he would get annoyed with this girl if he'd be stuck with her much longer. Before Clark could answer Zage's question the lights came on and Clark quickly left Zage behind to get to the front door, without even a goodbye but Clark didn't really care. It was probably for the best seeing how the girl sounded irritated when asking her last question and the only answer she would have gotten from Clark would be a snarky remark. Clark sighed once he reached the front doors. He had hoped that the rain would pass by the time the school doors unlocked but as he looked out the glass he realized that sadly wasn't the case. Clark held his bag over his head and sprinted as fast as he could towards the dorms, hoping to get a minimal amount of rain on him by the time he was inside but he didn't have high hopes.
The girl stopped, examining Sam after the sudden onslaught of thoughts that emerged from the question the boy had just previously asked. In response, she shook her head and smiled:

I’m fine, Sam, truly. My fears won’t do me any good for the time being, considering that they won’t she light upon the whereabouts of your friend. But… thank you for worrying. Let’s just focus on finding her, though—” Her words were cut short by the emaciated but real sounds of something immense going on throughout the school. It was brief, but it sounded as though some of the inner structure of the school itself had somehow been damaged. She then l gazed amongst the area, continuing to hear noises as though across the school building, bombs were being set off. Occasionally, there’d be a pause, and then another blitz of small rumbles. Debris could be heard crumbling from said areas, like a ship that was poorly built being swayed violently at sea whilst the only sounds viably confirmed were the groans of the inner workings: its core. The atmosphere that they currently existed in... it was a deadly one, and somehow, someway, Akira knew this. She continued to head up the stairs until she ended up reaching the 4th floor, stopping at the entrance to yet another hallway and a similar alignment of windows to the one in the light of which Sam had found her.

Nothing…” She thought, sighing outwardly. “This is bad. Just how on earth did those four disappear in such a small amount of time? If they’re still within the school, I’m sure as dead silent as it's been , we’d have heard from them soon or later. It’s a matter of two different dissapearing occurrences in a four floored building. Granted, it is large… but shouldn’t we have come across something or at least someONE by now? Wait a minute! Those rumblings I’ve been hearing! Were they somehow involved in why we haven't seen them!?” Akira immediately turned, running down the hall toward where, according to her best estimate, the sounds could have come from. Mid-run, the lights soon turned back on and the world itself seemed to be moving again. She continued to run, despite this. “Whatever this is, I’m sure it was more than just your average power outage. A simple storm wouldn’t cause pieces of the school’s insides to collapse without there being either an earthquake or a tornado. And since the power wouldn’t be on if this were true, both of those can be ruled out at the moment. I’m inclined to believe that this is the workings of something dangerous… and somehow Dom and his other disappearing affiliates are involved!
An arrow pierced through the fiber glass, shattering it into pieces allowing more light inside. Damian mentally commended the Hollows' efforts but soon found the exploitable mistake in her counter plan. Damian dipped into the ground and surfaced from Annabelle's now more present shadow from the stronger cascade of light illuminating the hallway. Damian pulled his arm back and opened his palm and spread his scythe bladed fingers. Darkly growling from his grit teeth, he swung his hand over towards Annabelle. In his fit of adrenaline he didn't even hear what Annabelle said before she vanished into a cloud of sparkling light, all blown about by Damian's quick swipe. "What?" With her shadow gone, Damian stumbled onto the hallway floor, dumbfounded by what just happened. "Did she just-- Okay." Damian got up and dusted himself off. As he scanned his uniform for anymore dirt he saw the floor turned back to its dim grey then back to its marble white as the lights of the school turned on. "Powers back... Little... Pocket dimension reverted. So I guess the Hollows are gone? But why would they just up and leave without...? Whatever. I need to go find Farra and apologize." Damian stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked around for his... Friend? Acquaintance? His something. To go apologize about leaving abruptly and try and explain himself before she ends up hating him more than she may already had deep down.
Sam nods at Akira's explanation to her thoughts. After the noises she breaks into a run, although a bit behind Sam has come to more or less the same conclusion, something else is happening here, beyond his and Akira's comprehensions, as they run through the dark halls the only sounds heard are those of combat and the steps of the two. When the power comes back, Sam's momentary relief is replaced with worry, a normal power outage just didn't explain Alice's vanishing act. So when Akira forges on, Sam is right behind her with long steady strides. They didn't know each other but they know something is going on, and both want to know what. He stops her just before they round the corner to where the sounds seemed to be coming from. "We'll need weapons." Me motions to the increasing levels of debris around him. "I don't know what happened but it as big." He picks up a loose pipe from the ground, torn out from god knows where, and clenches it in his hand. "Better to be prepared and have nothing happen right?" Akira seems to know a few things Sam doesn't, but he can't quite put his finger on it. He'll ask her later when he gets the chance and lives aren't potentially in danger.

(Hey storm, either something else is on this floor and Sam and Akira are in trouble or they went down a few floors, which is it?)
Hotaru looked at the Hollow and managed to grin. He wrapped his fingers over her small neck and lifted her to the air. He squeezed, causing her air to be limited. She gagged, trying to gasp for air. Thinking clearly, she tucked her chin and raised her shoulders so she could support her neck. Tears welled up in her eyes, yet she was enjoying it. Blinking it away, she saw as things around the room began to levitate and was tossed towards the hollow. Hotaru quickly grasped his hand over her neck and dug her nails into him. It wouldn't do anything, but Hotaru hoped that the Hollow wouldn't go attack Nikky.

Hotaru had a glint of hope in her eyes. As Nikky threw books and classroom necessities at the Hollow, Hotaru struggled to get out of his grip. Realizing that the monster was covered in blood, Hotaru raised her hands. She was caught in a moment of terror. The girl watched paralyzed as the Hollow swung the chainsaw near her body. She would be whimpering if she could it sounded more like laughing. The chainsaw stood to a halt, and the Hollow muttered little nothings as he let his grip go.

Hotaru, not expecting to be free, she fell to the ground. Not being able to see the Hollow's departure, Hotaru winced as her hands reached her throat. Blurry vision, head hurting, she managed to sit up and watch as blood falls to the ground. Hotaru closed her eyes, the blood that was supposed to shield Nikky from harm fell to the ground. Almost like she was hiccuping, Hotaru tried to gasp for more air. She pounded her chest trying to stop the unnecessary breathing. She couldn't stop. Hyperventilating, Hotaru gripped her head trying to make the situation clear. The Hollow, where was he? Where's Nikky? Is everyone okay?
Akira was suddenly stopped in her tracks by the boy, almost skidding to halt, heeding his motion to the substantially growing amount of debris that surrounds the two . She then looked at the loose pipe he held, and in response held up the lent umbrella, compliments of Sir Dom, then held it horizontally between them.

Believe me…” she began, “I withheld no intention of entering this empty handed." She ended these words with a smirk. She then nodded to him and resumed her sprint, signaling for him to follow. While running, she looked at the umbrella tightened in the grip of her right hand, her thoughts instantly turning to the one who’d given it to her. “Should anything happen, I don’t intend to be the first to start fighting, but should push come to shove… should running fail and we’re apprehended, I have no intention of going down without a fight! And on that note… Dom… I pray that you’re alright…
Farra slid down onto the ground and banged her head on the door. Apparently, the crazy chainsaw wielding creature had disappeared, and it seemed as if Hotaru and Nikky were in the classroom. "Another ship for Kitt," she muttered, pulling herself up. Since she was still soaked, the tile where she had been sitting was a little wet. Today was shitty, she thought. First you actually start making friends, then it pours. During a blackout. Fuck that. Fuck all of this. She slammed her fist into the door, then instantly regretted it. "Ow, ow, OW!" she yelped, looking at her red knuckles. "That's it," she grumbled. "I'm going back to the roof."
Sam follows Akira at the sprint, and he keeps up with, even overtaking her on the corners. His pipe is clenched in his hand. He doesn't know what happened to this school but it was crazy, debris was everywhere and some lights were hanging from the ceiling. On one hand he wants answers to whatever is around that corner, on the other hand he's worried for Alice, if there's a killer or something on the loose she could be in extreme danger. He clenches his pipe in his fist, and makes a vow to himself to protect who he can, even if they don't need his help. He finally overtakes Akira as they reach the corner that leads to the center of it all, and charges in.

Face first into Alice.

(Sorry for crap post pressed for time)
She sighed at herself and shook her head. "Nice going there Zage." she muttered to herself. Slinging her backpack over her shoulder she turned and walked outside not caring if she got soaked on the way back to the girls dorms. Halfway there she pulled out her phone and sneezed as she replied to a text she had missed while she had no service. Zage sneezed again and shivered as she finally reached the dorm. After getting in she stopped by the kitchen and got a soft drink before heading up to her room. She got there and covered up in bed, falling asleep almost instantly not caring if it was still mid-afternoon.


| Evening |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

| ASH |

| First Floor |

| Hallways |

Without another moment passed, Damian left. Apparently he still had business to attend to in the school at a time like this. Disregarding whatever it was, Dominic was just glad that it ended. Ben was over by the window, observing the dispatching students through the glass. "It's dark out, we should go home." On that note, the two surveyed the surface damage done to the school. "Hopefully they'll have all of this fixed by tomorrow."

Dominic was on his way to check on Alice, who had jumped ahead a bit to her recent attack. However, upon just reaching her, Sam had football tackled her, the two bodies hitting the floor. "..-This seems to happen a lot." He admitted. "Hey Sam-.." Dominic took note of Sam's pipe on the floor. "Are... you okay? Is everything alright?" As usual, Dominic offered the two a hand back up to their feet. "We should get out of the school before it locks again." And with that, Dominic and Ben were heading to stand outside of the school. Hopefully any of the other hosts would be there and help confirm what happened.

| ASH |

| First Floor |

| Mutton's classroom |

Eventually, once the brief gathering of teachers were over, Mutton would head back to his class to lock up for good. However, upon his arrival, he spotted a student of his; Farra. "Miss.Rei, are you okay?" It was well known that the girl wasn't the most 'stable' of his pupils. The two had a brief argument on the first day of school, to which Mutton hasn't forgotten. "I apologize for the scare, really. I imagine the Headmaster's going to give the power company a piece of his mind."

After shooting her a smile, Mutton was nearly about to open the door when he spotted the surplus of blood and destruction littering his classroom.
"What the hell?!" Rushing now, he slid open the door and moved inside. There was a frantic Nikky and a hyperventilating Hotaru. Both of which looked like they had a wild ride. "Is someone hurt?!" He shouted on behalf of the blood everywhere. He ran to Hotaru first, seeing as how she was struggling to breath and stand. One visual inspection confirmed she wasn't harmed, except for finger marks along her own neck. "Someone attacked you..?" At once, Mutton had withdrew his phone and dialed for 911.

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