- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Mutton tried calm her down and apologize for everything that had happened; too bad that wasn't it. "Heh, it's not that+...it wasn't really that scary you know--" Suddenly, he yelled. "What the hell?!" He ran inside, causing Farra some confusion. I wonder... She peeked her head in the door and was greeted with an onslaught of blood and destruction. Great. Her desk was smeared with the stuff, and toppled over onto the white tile floor. "Perfect," she grumbled. "I'm gonna have to look at those ugly red stains for the rest of the year." Hotaru and Nikky were still in there, and Hotaru looked as if someone had begun to strangle her. She had finger marks on her neck and was having trouble getting up or breathing. Farra gasped a little. So, that entire portal thing was related to this, huh? That creature must have been an Empty--no, that's not it, a Vacant? That isn't right either....HOLLOW! Yeah, that's it. That thing was a Hollow. This thought led her to think about Damian. Should probably go and whoop his ass, she thought. Later. Right now, she had to deal with the problem on hand. "Hey, Hotaru, Nikky? You guys...alive?" Farra slowly wrapped her arm around Hotaru and tried to pull her up; gently. Something could be broken, and that might contribute to the fact that she was having trouble getting up. She glanced over at Nikky, who seemed like she'd just witnessed Hell. As far as she could tell, Nikky had remained in the same position for the entire time Farra was in here. Farra turned to Mutton. "Hey, can you check on Nikky? I think she might be in shock. She seems pretty...stoic."
Soon enough, Akira stopped behind the boy who’d immediately come face to face… literally… with the girl for whom, unbeknownst to Akira, herself, he had been searching. Looking around, she then saw Dom as well as his brown haired friend, but her attention was immediately diverted from them when seeing the damage done to the area.

What… in God’s name—” she began to speak, but ended up being cut short by Dom’s proposal for him and his friend clear the area. She turned back to see the two walking away. This boy had a habit of moving rather hastily, especially when it seemed like a good time to ask questions, regardless of their value. She stood there, watching him and the other boy walking away, and then turning to Sam and the blonde girl of shorter hair. Suddenly it dawned on her, just who exactly this child was! The cute girl from the library! Not to mention the one she’d assumed was Dom’s owner… Considering that she, Dom and the brown haired one had been located all in the same area; chances were all of them had disappeared at the same time and had met up here. In conclusion:

Sam, is this the one for whom you’ve been searching?” She asked, curiously. Both eyebrows were raised and a small smile managed to find its way to her. Things were calming down again, thank goodness.
Alice didn't have time to react to Annabelle, trying to swing the axe at her but it seemed that she didn't have to, the girl suddenly retreated from the spot leaving some sprinkles behind as if she was some vampire from twilight books. Once the girl was gone, everything returned back to normal, the light coming back on along the process. Luckily, Alice didn't have to murder the girl at the least. The Eliminator was already gone from her hand once the purple world was gone, looking around her to see that her mess was still there,"Oops." Alice muttered under her breath, trying to hide the fact that the spikes were her doing.

Watching as Damian took this time to leave and get the heck out of here, Alice also took this chance to go and find her missing group but it seemed she didn't have to, turning the corner came Sam coming at full speed and slammed right into her. Falling to the floor, Alice let out a "Oof" and the feeling of pain spread throughout her body, mostly her back,"Ow.. Sam what was that for?" Alice grumbled, getting up and rubbing her nose.

It seemed that Sam had been looking for Alice for the past few minutes along with a companion to accompany him. Looking up at Sam, she blushed lightly at the position they were in and turned around to see Dominic offering a hand. Taking his hand without hesitation, she got up and dusted herself off. Trying to hide her blush, she cleared her throat and sighed,"Are you okay Sam?" Alice asked a little worried for the boy since he did tackled her down but Alice was strong enough to take it, shrugging the pain off as if it was nothing.
In the end her efforts hardly came to bear fruit, and she accepted the fact that Hotaru was going to die and then she was as well. Nikky fell to her knees watching in awe until the humanoid stopped his actions and vanished. Again, she couldn't do anything, she doubted herself. Looking down at her hands she clenched and unclenched them. The girl then lifted her head to see Hotaru hyperventilating but couldn't move to help her,

'I was going to let you die, ya know.' Nikky thought to herself.

The girl started receding into her memories, it was something she did when she was upset at herself. Withdraw and collect yourself, she did it a lot. Old habits die hard, and soon Nikky was nothing but a shell staring off at a distance. People had entered but she paid them no mind, they were the same as insects to her she couldn't careless. She was strategizing back on how she could of handled the situation better.

"Hey, can you check on Nikky? I think she might be in shock. She seems pretty...stoic."

An annoyed voice spoke up, shockingly, it was Nikky's.

"I'm fine." The highschooler finally looked up at Farra and Hotaru, an unintentional glare in her eyes.

"I'm just pissed." She hated it, how she just accepted her friend's death, how she couldn't think of anything better to do, how she was helpless. Nikky pushed off her knee and stood up dusting off her clothes. She took a deep breath, with a quick twist of her body she rammed her fist into the wall,


She stood there for a second before before she muffled a scream of pain.


Okay that hurt, but she deserved it. She couldn't look at Hotaru in the eye now, not ever. Nikky chuckled,

"First friendship ruined, mission accomplished."

Love, Tapatalk
Sam just groans for a bit after running into Alice full speed, he's not the strongest kid in the school, in fact he might be one of the weaker ones. Running into Alice was a shock, both mentally and physically. He nods to Akira when he stands up with help from Dominic. "Akira, this is Alice, she's the one we've been looking for." He stretches a bit, wincing. "That's definitely going to bruise." He says as he rubs his arm, he also misses Alice's blush. Then looks back to Alice, a million questions enter his head at once, but he figures Dom is planning to do something, even still he looks at Alice. "I'm fine, thanks for asking..." he takes a breath. "Alice. What the hell happened?" A concerned look takes over his face. "We were in the middle of a conversation and you just up and disappeared? That's not normal..." He sees her start to respond and holds his hand up. "Don't give me that "I was going to the bathroom" crap or something along those lines, I know you well enough that you would have told me instead of leaving me in the dark, and what the hell is with this debris?" He picks up the pipe off the ground. "This...a power outage doesn't cause this Alice. What's going on?"

Sam may not know as much as Akira, but he knows that SOMETHING is wrong, between the debris, random power outage and her sudden disappearance things don't add up to Sam. He's hoping Alice will tell him the truth, but he's not sure what he'll do if she lies or dodges the question.
Alice couldn't speak, her throat was dry and her eyes couldn't even meet with Sam's own, his eyes asking for her to explain, to be truthful to him and not lie. She was being such a weakling in this matter, can't even look at a guy who can't even harm her made Alice grip her hands into a fist, her knuckles pale white from how tight she gripped but his words made Alice's mind go in circles. She couldn't think straight and many lies came into mind but none good enough to hide the facts that she was lying. She could dodge this question by lying but it would cost their friendship and Sam's trust on her.

Alice stood there in silence and stared at the ground as if it was so interesting to stare at. Tyrik never told Alice to keep this a secret but to tell Sam, a new student and only been here for only TWO days, now asking her these questions out of the blue was too much for Alice to say. Letting her grip go, her hands hung at her side, nail marks in her palm to show how tightly she grip onto her hand. Taking a deep breath, Alice decided that their friendship, may have to end here.

Alice couldn't bring Sam into this mess, if she told him that she was abnormal and was being possessed by some girl who wanted to live that she met in a dream, he would be forced into this crazy battle she is in and could get hurt along the way. Alice couldn't bring herself to harm Sam but if Sam really wanted to know, then she'll give him that wish but she couldn't tell him now,"Sam." Alice started, now looking up at Sam into the eye to show she was not going to lie or dodge the question this time,"I'll tell you the truth but this is not the best place to speak of it." Alice said looking around them seeing that there were still some students and teachers here and there who could overhear them,"Let's speak of this some place more.. private, tomorrow. Your friend could tag along since she is also involved." Alice said.

She wasn't sure where they could go to speak of such matter but she knew that it couldn't be anywhere with many people. If they wanted to know the reasons then they would have to come with her at another time. Right now wasn't a good time, seeing that it was already night and Alice was too exhausted to answer all these questions now,"Meet me tomorrow early in the morning at the school gates. There we will go to somewhere private so no one can hear." Alice said and then left the two behind, turning on her heels and not listening to Sam's response or even Akira's. She was not in the mood to hear anymore protest or questions, she was too tired to do anything and they didn't even get to do their project yet,"Why is this week so busy? It has only been two days and I'm loaded with work and trouble." Alice grumbled the way home till she got back into her bed, sleeping her trouble away.
After receiving the rifle back from Len, Shun dispelled both of his creations with a dramatic wave of his hand before sighing in response to the destruction ahead. While a boulder was more than effective in killing hollows, it had the added benefit of crushing the tiling along its path of travel, and that alone didn't even account for the destruction Len had brought upon the area prior to his arrival.

The sound of battle echoed from the lower floor; however, rather than agreeing with Len's proposal to scour the school for remaining hollows, Shun removed Bastion's mask causing his spiritual tools to dissipate into the nothing from whence they came.

"I would assume the hollows were targeting us individually which means the rest of the zodiac users should have the rest of the situation under control."

As he spoke his opinion of the situation, Shun fell against against the nearby wall with a small sigh of fatigue as a result of the powers he had used. Perhaps the more logical decision would have been to heed Len's word and possible assist the others in battle; however, knowing they had survived their encounter with Heirophant, Shun felt assured that they would handle hollows without his assistance. Rather, this was an opportunity for light to be finally shed upon the many mysteries of Brookfield.

"Besides if I'm such a clueless boy, how about we take advantage of this isolation for a small chat? You seem quite confident in your knowledge, though I must warn you that I might not be as naive as you think."

With a playful tone on his voice, Shun gave Len an equally playful smile as he slid down the wall to seat himself on the ground in preparation for the hopeful talk to come.
Damian started browsing the first floor hall when it finally hit him. "That classroom where I heard the bang!" Of course he ignored it the first time but now that he was outside of Limbo he was reminded that non-hosts exist. This posed a bellowing pain in his stomach as he worried that someone may have been hurt and he didn't go check on it before. "S**t...! I didn't check on the noise before because I felt I might not have been able to handle the Hollow on my own! God pray tha--" As Damian came to the room he skidded to a halt. There he saw Farra holding Hotaru up in her arms. The girl unconscious. "What happened?" Damian asked in a demanding tone as he entered the room. He knelt down in front of Hotaru, taking a moment to see what was wrong with her. Immediately he saw that there were red marks colored depressions around her neck. "Was she.. Strangled?" Damian turned around to face the doorway and saw that the other students were far too fixated on leaving the school to actually acknowledge was was going on in the room. "Grr-- Why hasn't anyone called for a nurse!? Dammit!" Damian ran out the room and slid out into the hall and at his fastest that the other students would possibly allow him ran for the nurses office.
The words the blonde girl spoke were true. It became evident that she was reluctant to say anything in particular, and chances are, she had her reasons. Akira nodded to Sam shortly after the girl left and headed out, exiting the building with the umbrella hoisted above her. The rain was calmer than it was earlier. Eventually, she made it to her dorm and entered, locking the door behind her and laying on her bed, staring blankly until she managed to fall asleep.
Sam feels torn into a million pieces. He can see his questions hurt Alice, more then any tackle ever could. As she walks off he nods to Akira, voice a bit shaky. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow Akira...for answers." He walks off, each step feeling like a mile. He stands outside the dorm entrance, the marks in Alice's hands clear in his mind. She's being torn apart. He realizes with a shock. She's being torn between...something...and him. He fist lands on the wall with a terrible and wicked sounding thunk. He stands there in the rain for awhile as it softly falls down around him, soaking his hat as the rain lands on his head, a few droplets of water hit the ground that aren't from the rain.

He's ruining his closest friend. He can't bring himself to do it. He realizes. As much as he wants to know...as much as he needs to know...it isn't worth breaking his friendship with her. He realizes it all at once, whatever Alice is going through...he won't force her to tell him. She can tell him when she's comfortable doing it, not when guilt and pain are forcing words out her throat. He knows it will drive him crazy, but he isn't angry at her, just worried. He'll find a way to help her, somehow. Even if he doesn't know what's going on. He slowly walks towards his room, an idea forming in his mind. He spends an hour surfing the web, and falls asleep at the computer, webpage open to numerous tabs of basic first aid information. A quick browsing of his computer would reveal him taking notes on basic first aid as well as looking up any free courses in the area.

Sam knows Alice doesn't want to tell him something, be it for one reason or another he doesn't know. But that's okay, he'll learn first aid and help her and her friends out in a way that doesn't require stressing their friendship. He trusts Alice, so if she doesn't want to tell him, he can live with it.




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| Evening |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

The sun had been far beyond the horizon by the time the clouds parted and the rain ceased. A ghostly lit full moon hung above the town as always. Brookfield was winding down to sleep, completely unaware of the dangers that lurked the streets at night.

| ASH |

| First Floor |

| Mutton's classroom |

Several minutes had passed within the classroom. While Mutton's last generation phone died out on him, one of the last remaining nurses had rushed over with Damian's help to assist the two in any way they could. At that point, Hotaru was inside of the infirmary, and was recommended to remain there for the duration of the night. Everyone else would have been ushered to leave to give Hotaru some space and time to rest.

| ASH |

| Second Floor |

| Hallways |

"I would assume the hollows were targeting us individually which means the rest of the zodiac users should have the rest of the situation under control. Besides if I'm such a clueless boy, how about we take advantage of this isolation for a small chat? You seem quite confident in your knowledge, though I must warn you that I might not be as naive as you think."

Len looked over his shoulder towards the boy who had slumped against the wall. "Seeing as how you've already met the spirits on the other side, I suppose you've earned an explanation as to what's been going on." The threat within the school had ceased, allowing for Len to lower his guard and address Shun fully. "Fire away." He said on behalf of Shun's oncoming question barrage.

| Outside |

| Just outside of ASH |

The intense situation within the school was calming, at least for Dominic and Ben. Ben, who had been staring up at the night sky in wonder, turned to Dominic with curiosity. "What are we going to do?" He asked. "What do you mean?" "I mean-.. with these spirits. Should we just tell the police..?" "No, no!" Dominic had already noticed that Ben was frightened about it all. About the near-death experiences and the unexplained attacks. What were this spirits doing here and how come Ben was able to do what he did?

Dominic grabbed Ben's shoulders. "All that is going to do for us is get us thrown into a mental hospital or jail for suspicion. Let's.. let's meet up after the soccer game tomorrow and talk about it." Ben nodded, having been released from Dominic's hold. "I'll keep it to myself then.." Dominic smiled contently. "Now I'll be heading home. You should too." "R-Right, see you, Dom."

| Dominic's room |

Half an hour later, Dominic was in his bed, glancing up at the night sky once more in wonder. The moon seemed different than before, something about it made him feel as if he should head straight to sleep. Was the moonlight making him sleepy?

He fell back onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling above. The events at the school was a mystery, one that confirmed that the Hollow ordeal was still fresh, and not gone.
Today was a close call. Something tells me that my last school year is going to be an interesting one.
Farra glared at Damian. "Well, after you disappeared magically in the hall, I came down here to scare some kids--don't ask--Hotaru and Nikky were fighting one of those Hollow things. It seems as if she WAS strangled. I wouldn't be surprised if Nikky tried to strangle her," she added, shooting Nikky a look. "And we didn't call a nurse because we felt as if calling the whole goddamn trio of emergencies was enough--" By the time she'd explained a bit, he had already rushed out of the room, probably looking for a nurse. Farra turned to Mutton, sighing. "What now?"

Not getting a definite answer, she frowned.
"Eh, what the hell. I'm covered in blood now, so I might as well go home."

Farra closed her door softly with her foot, the avoid getting blood on it. Pulling off her wet, sticky clothes, she set her blood stained headphones on the desktop on went to take a shower. The hot, steamy water made her tired; it had been a long day.
"No need to study, I'll pass anyways," she sighed. "I guess I should go to bed." Farra put on her turquoise nightshirt and got into bed, snuggling under the covers and turning off her lamp. "Ugh...so sore..." She mumbled as she fell asleep.

tapatalk is KA-KA-KA-KAWAII!
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4e7a223_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.f792d290ba62b8e36215fcbc6468e9e8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4e7a223_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.f792d290ba62b8e36215fcbc6468e9e8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.::Hoshino Shiromiya::.

Hoshino was hiding in the classroom in the space between two shelves with her hands over her ears, and she was trying her best not to shake. As soon as Shun left, she let her fear of thunder show, and she took cover. She didn't want to explore the school - especially due to the state she was in. Not to mention, the sound of people freaking out resonated through the room as soon as the door was opened. She could hear worried cries from the classrooms before her, concerned voices, panic; all that was the last thing Hoshino needed in that moment. Therefore, she simply stayed put. So many thoughts were running through her mind as she shut her eyes tightly, curled up in a little ball. Her extensive white hair nearly covered her completely as she huddled up together. I hate thunder! She thought to herself, finding this fear of hers nothing less than embarrassing and annoying. Her adorable face was innocently flushed.

Soon enough, however, the lights came back on. Things were a lot less terrifying now that the place was illuminated, though Hoshino still had her hands cupped over her ears. She lifted her head from the space between her knees, and her white hair slowly draped back to it's place over her shoulders.
The lights are back? She questioned the obvious in her thoughts. Judging by how dark it looked outside, Hoshino knew it was about time she went home. With a sniffle, Hoshino rubbed the tears forming at the corners of her eyes and returned to her feet. She dusted off her school uniform gently before grabbing all her things, placing them all neatly in her bag. I wonder if I got a call during the storm.. Hoshino thought to herself, for she was waiting for a notice from the cafe she applied to. Maybe I didn't get the job... I mean, I don't really have any work experience. Though, lots of people's first jobs are at restaurants like that, right?

Hoshino shrugged as she put her phone into the small zipper pocket of her messenger bag.
Oh well. She thought with a sigh. Thanks to that thunderstorm and all the ordeals that just happened, she wasn't in the best of moods at all. She walked out of the school, trying her best to ignore the panic still going about around her. She just wanted to get out of there. What a day... She shook her head gently. It started off so nicely thanks to her getting accepted into someone's group, but then it just had to storm, and the power just had to go out. She bit down on her lip, for she was resisting her urge to burst out into tears. So many memories rushed to her as she sat there cowering alone. One was when she was alone in her parents' mansion; she was around six or seven years old. She was alone in her room, trying to ignore the chaos.

The only friend she had was her teddy bear, Coco, who she told all of her secrets to. She held him close to her as the opaque skies raged, and she cried into him as the loneliness of her world crashed over her like a tidal wave. Her father, always working.. Her mother, always leaving them for some other man.. Why did they always forget about her, she always wondered? Was she not important enough to remember? Did she not mean anything to them? All of the money and material items in the world couldn't make up for the affection, love, and care that her heart craved. Sure, she has nice clothes. Sure, she went to nice schools. Sure, she always had 90-100 dollars in her possession thanks to her father's blood money. But, none of that was enough. She needed them to be there for her, though she did appreciate the day she got Coco.

To this day, she still has that teddy bear. The thought of him made her smile, and once that beam crept over her lips, her phone rang. She was about halfway back to the apartments. With slightly raised and curious brows, she looked at the unfamiliar number.
"Who could this be?" She questioned aloud, hitting the green button to answer the call.

"Hello?" Hoshino spoke into the receiver.

"Is this Ms. Shiromiya?" The other, quite friendly voice replied.

"Yes, this is she."

"Hello! This is Maria Green from Cafe Maria. Thank you for showing interest in our restaurant! I received your application, and I'd like to offer you an interview. Is there any particular day that would be good for you?" Maria seemed incredibly happy to hear from her, for her voice was chipper and upbeat. Hoshino got a great vibe from her, and her turquoise eyes sparkled with glee.

"Oh, no! Thank you!" Hoshino began politely and respectfully, "I'm free after school and on the weekends, so any day is alright, really."

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow evening, then!"

"See you then!"

With that, the call dropped with a '
click', and Hoshino jumped for joy. "Yes~!" She cheered, unable to contain her elation.

She walked the rest of the way home in a state of euphoria. Once she made it back to her dorm room, all the chaos of the day caught up to her. With a yawn, she decided it'd be better to just head to bed.
I'll decorate tomorrow.. She thought as she changed into her pajamas, got Coco, held him close, and fell asleep.



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Before she could get her answers from Ulysses, Adonna was distracted by lights systematically shutting off in the surrounding buildings. That was strange. Then a sudden purple forcefield passed her and surrounded the school. It was just like the one when they faced the spider! Was it happening again!?

"I'll save hearing the answers for later, it seems we have to act now." She burst through the door and down the stairs, but the stark difference in available light from outside to inside threw her off. She lost her footling and had to jump off the last few steps to keep from falling. By this time the door had closed and there were no lights so when she spun to keep her balance, she instead cracked her skull against the wall. And blacked out.

Awakening, she looked around at the perfectly normal and well lit stairwell.
"Weird. Did I imagine all that?" Well, thankfully nothing weird or epic had happened as she lay unconscious! Anyways there was much homework to be caught up on and other shit to do so she dusted her self of and headed to her dorm.
Clark was surprisngly fast while running home for someone as un-athletic as him but the constant downpour encouraged to get home fast to prevent as little rain from getting on him as possible. Unluckily for Clark, even with the schoolbag for cover and the fast running pace he didn't escape the rain that continued to lash down outside. He walked awkwardly in the dorm building from the uncomfortable dampness of his clothes. Clark was just glad he saved his hair from the rain. Clark got changed into pyjamas and threw the wet school uniform into the washing basket. He turned on whatever radiators there were, made sure the windows were closed to prevent a cold draft and jumped into bed and closed his eyes. This school just keeps getting more and more crazy Clark thought to himself before finally going to sleep.
Shun opened his mouth to begin the barrage of questions he wished to ask Len; however, as the words formed in his mouth, he quickly silenced himself and began contemplating the current inquisition from a broader viewpoint. Certainly this was a possible opportunity to garner a higher understanding of the zodiacs; however, his lack of knowledge of Len made him suspicious toward the individual's willing offering even through their feuds in the past. Having experienced a unique side to Limbo multiple times in the past, Shun believed himself to hold a great deal of information about that world, and without knowing Len's motives, he held no desire to reveal his knowledge into the unknown.

"Calling me naive and informed, which is it?"

Shun rhetorically chuckled as he noticed the contradiction in Len's words, but at the same time, he couldn't stop himself from yawning in response to the fatigue which had slowly been creeping up to him during the entirety of the night.

"Alright let's get straight to the point. Its obvious you know way more about the spirits than any ordinary person should, and its also obvious that your organization has a great deal of interest in us. Red was hostile toward zodiac users while you seem passive and somewhat helpful. Quite the miscommunication if you ask me. So tell me, what is your goal, and what does it have to do with the overall picture."
Hotaru's senses were all useless. All she saw were hazy figures running around. There was a loud monotone ring in her eyes. Her fingers felt the vibrations from footsteps and a thud or two. Thuds seemed to make her more nervous, maybe the chainsaw Hollow is going to come back. Hotaru felt weak, she froze for no apparent reason.

Could they be anymore dramatic? Hotaru shifted in the white bed that was given to her. It took a while, but a brown lunch bag and a pat on the back was enough to keep her stable. She pushed her hair back only to create static which made the hair jump back to her forehead. Everything was so blurry. Her head felt fuzzy. Groaning she turned on to her side to look at an open window. No one else was in the infirmary yet everything was so vivid, as if there were other people watching her. Hotaru was just being paranoid. Biting her blood caked lips, she grimaced at the taste. The infirmary was colder than the rest of the rooms in the school, another reason why the nurses wear long sleeved shirts. Despite this, the school can't even provide sheets for resting.

Hotaru sat up and looked left and right, the place was vacant. Her brain kept making the small noises into something that could pop out and scare her. Oh lord, what was she thinking? This was Hotaru, she isn't scared of ghosts or demons. She welcomes it, in fact! The school would creak once in a while and her heart would begin to race. Hotaru stood up, her uniform was unfortunately drenched in dried blood. Red crumbs fell onto the floor. Hotaru sighed and dusted off her clothes. Heading for the window, a silverware of some sort fell to the ground. It caused her to jump. She held her beating heart and frowned.

As she neared the open window, she lost her footing and fell. Help, she has fallen and can't get up. Hotaru groaned and stood up observing the floor, it was wet from the rain. Sighing deeply, she pushed the window close. The highschool girl pulled her hair tie out and rubbed her head, everything hurts. She landed on the pillow head first, the girl let out a muffled scream. When it was all let out, Hotaru laid on her back looking up at the ceiling. She reached her hand out to examine it, she would clench and let her fist go. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the low light and she was slowly, yet surely, drifting off to sleep.



| Evening |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

| ASH |

| Second Floor |

| Hallways |

"Alright let's get straight to the point. Its obvious you know way more about the spirits than any ordinary person should, and its also obvious that your organization has a great deal of interest in us. Red was hostile toward zodiac users while you seem passive and somewhat helpful. Quite the miscommunication if you ask me. So tell me, what is your goal, and what does it have to do with the overall picture."


The sound of it make Len scoff. "It's no organization, Shun Takumi. As we both know, Red is far from the cooperative type. His blunt ways ultimately sealed his fate. I, on the other hand, am only here to assist in investigating the Brookfield murders, by request of Ivan Boone." His tone was convincing, straight forward in it's nature. "I'm not denying that I know of these spirits, but I'm not exactly fibbing when I say I didn't expect all of this to happen." Len sighs.

"Boone wanted an investigator of the supernatural type, so he got one, simply put. I'm just doing my job in trying to piece all of this together."  



| ??? |


| Farra Rei |

Farra would have awakened within a dark, smooth stone room. The air was cloudy with dust and humid. In that room was an old, worn table and chair. Upon that table was a dial radio, long over-lived it's usefulness. A single light-bulb hung overhead, flickering with cobwebs attached to it. It helped to make the room more visible, but often cut out and leaving the girl in complete darkness.

There was a doorway to past through, through beyond the room she was in, no light was present. It was clear now - she was in an old military bunker of some sort. The torn flyers on the wall advertising and promoting the American Army recruitment helped prove it.

Sounds of an electric hum vibrated through the air.

Seeing that Hotaru was in good hands, Nikky took her chance and left. But she did take it upon herself to leave a note with the Nurse for Hotaru when, it simply read:

Take care, Hotaru.

There was a lot more she wanted to say to her, but when it came to personal feelings Nikky preferred to use her own voice. It could display things that simple text just couldn’t. But considering how Nikky couldn’t even managed so much as a glance at Hotaru’s general direction the note would have to do.

Once she got home she leaned against the door closing it behind her. Shaky breaths escaped Nikky's lips as she raked her fingers through her hair, tugging gently at the strands. Everything was better, it was fine now. She was trying to convince herself but she was obviously losing that argument. Nikky looked up at the plain ceiling and smiled, she should really paint that. She let out a sigh; no matter how many times she complained about it she knew she wasn't going to do it. The girl walked to her bed to lie down. The spring mattress gave a soft whine as she shifted her weight onto it. She reached lazily for her pillow hugging it close to her body, wanting to bury herself in comforting softness and never have to deal with these feelings ever again.

Nikky turned onto her back looking up at the ceiling watching colors, flashbacks and her regrets danced across the blank canvas. It was like watching a painting of PTS form right in front of her.


She raised her arm over her eyes in an attempt to find solace in the darkness but was only given the same results. There was only one thing to do!

When life seems to screw you over, run to the world of dreams, my child. So Nikky closed her eyelids and allowed herself to drift to sleep.




| Hoshino's Dream |

Perhaps at one point, a gentle night's sleep, filled with dreams of fantasy and delight, would have been expected by the oblivious girl in her innocence, yet the soothing chill and smooth texture of the Penrose tiled floor would have brought about a sense of reality to the small girl resting upon its existence.

Were she given time to view her surroundings, Hoshino would have taken note of several defining features in the surrounding room. From the endless aisles of designer outfits covering the left side of the room to the collection of makeup stations coloring the right, the sheer size of the expanse would have been enough to leave one breathless, yet further developing the spectacle was the overpowering atmosphere fueled by a mysterious presence and gentle orange glow which enveloped the area.

"Why would you, a model, even think to filthy yourself upon the floor."

The voice would furiously call out toward Hoshino before approaching and yanking the helpless girl to her feet without regard for her feelings. The source of actions would have been recognized as an unusual man topped with bubblegum pink hair and dressed in a bizarre combination of an eccentric vest, scarf, and pair of slim jeans. The man spoke not another word, but rather, simply dragged the girl toward the north wall where a single sewing machine gently hummed despite the absence of a worker.

"Choose one fate as your own."

With his words, the man would depart into the aisles of clothing where both his appearance and presence would vanish from the room, leaving Hoshino in front of three mannequins topped with three unique outfits that were tailored to fit her sized. The first outfit would be an ornate Victorian dress much akin to the Gothic style of the late 1800's. The second would be much simpler in design existing as an ornate white kimono patterned with sakura blossoms covering the entirety of its lower end. The final would be simplest in design as a casual graphic tee and jeans with an added pair of glasses to add for the look.

At the south end of the room a large curtain would draw to reveal a path from the room. Although what lay beyond the possible exit remained obscured by the darkness of the other side, a mysterious yet alluring aura would emanate from its existence.
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~Nightmare Hour~


Nikky Viole

Nikky's distress was answered by the allure of an unseen string instrument. Awakening her but... At the same time not awakening her. She would have risen somewhere else. Somewhere unfamiliar to her. A tavern. An oil lamp lit, log tavern. She opened her eyes to the sight of the arched ceiling, the wooden rolls horizontally placed upon each other in a slant to support the vertically placed logs over on top. The sound of the music was so strong you could feel the sound waves vibrate the plank flooring. The room around her was a simple bedroom. A queen sized bed with animal skin covers, a small table with a brass desk light with cogs at the ends of its joints, and lastly something fairly out of place; A cavalier hat with goggles and 2 different pairs of lens facing upward. From the looks of it the lens can be pushed down over the default clear leans. The purpose of both lens aren't clear but it did look cool. The sound of the stringed instrument still played in harmony downstairs below. Whomever was playing it appeared to be playing to get Nikky's attention, as she started just as Nikky had stumbled upon this unknown musicians abode.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4f42dcf_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.aa483bd05777f370e047438f5a599eaa.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4f42dcf_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.aa483bd05777f370e047438f5a599eaa.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.::Hoshino Shiromiya::.

Hoshino was, at first, in the cafe where she was to be working. "Mmm~ Parfait~" She cheered hungrily as she was about to dig in to her meal of sweetness. However, out of nowhere, she felt a dizzy spell come over her. She collapsed unto the tile floor beneath her, and suddenly her entire world went black. Her turquoise eyes sealed shut, and she found herself in a completely different place when they reopened. This tile was different from the one in the cafe; it was cold and smooth, and it had a different design upon it. Where am I? She wondered as she sat up. It was then that an unfamiliar voice spoke out to her. She followed the sound with eyes filled with curiosity, and what she found was quite peculiar. His hair was a light candy pink, and he was dressed in quite urban, fashionable clothes. Is he a designer or something? Hoshino asked herself internally, but, before she could get a single word out, he yanked her up to her feet abruptly. She was going to protest, but something told her that this guy wasn't someone to mess with. So, she kept her mouth shut and listened to him, though her expression showed a hint of stubbornness.

She allowed the man to drag her, though she was slightly distracted by the humming of an absentee sewing machine.
How can that thing be running..? Wait, no. This has to be a dream. She shook her head as she looked upon the outfits displayed before her. "Choose one fate as your own." The man spoke before departing. He seemed to just vanish, which made Hoshino conclude that this had to be a dream. With a disbelieving shake of her head, she walked up to the beautifully tailored outfits before her. "They're all just my size," she noticed, which was rare due to her small stature. With a smile, she looked at the Victorian styled dress. How pretty.. But, I wouldn't really wear something like that, she let out a giggle as she moved on to the next mannequin. This one was a beautiful kimono reflecting her Japanese origin, and it was even white to match her hair. She was almost tempted to pick that one, but Hoshino has never been one to follow tradition. "Choose one fate as my own..." She repeated the phrase aloud as she walked over to the third outfit. It was simple and cute; just Hoshino's style.

She grinned happily as she took that final one and put it on.

It even came with a pair of glasses, which added to Hoshino's already quirky personality. The graphic tee expressed her artistic side, and who doesn't love jeans? She felt comfortable, which is exactly what Hoshino likes.
I wonder why he called me a model, though.. I feel so chic, indeed~ She joked around in her mind, posing in front of a mirror before nearing the curtain. She felt drawn towards it, so, with hesitant but eager intentions, she made her way through.

((I FELT SO TORN!!!!!!))



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Nikky stirred from her bed but kept her eyes closed, she could see the sound waves appear behind her eyelids; a colorful string of light danced to the sound of a music...


Nikky rolled onto her side and threw out her hand to feel the strange fabric she now laid on,
Furs? it was completely different from the comforter she had originally fell asleep on. Opening her eyes she looked up to see the white ceiling replace with wooden logs, the feeling of being whisked away to an unknown area was not something that was new to Nikky but still took a bit to get used to. She wasn’t particularly scared, no. In fact she felt more curious to see the source of the sound. It was like the music seemed to tug her along encouraging her footsteps to come and find the source. Nikky’s feet padded for the doorway but stopped to observe the flickering lamp, at first glance it was simply flickering as would any normal flame. But upon closer inspection, Nikky could see, its movements were carefully choreographed, it was dancing. The scatterbrained girl then moved towards the desk as what was placed on it drew her curiosity. She picked up the hat adjusting the lenses for a moment, but as the music grew just a bit louder Nikky knew it was time to meet her host.

Nikky walked in and stood near the doorway, she approached the figure. A warm feeling surged throughout Nikky and a smile stretched on her face as the music picked up upon her arrival. She was almost tempted to dance like the flame did but instead asked,

"You rang?"

The source of the music was coming from a cello-like contraption mounted against the shoulder of its female player. While it was a cello it looked... Different. For starters it was thinner than a cello. Where most of its size lied was underneath it rather than to its sides. Secondly, the strings were placed horizontally instead of vertically up the instrument. Third and finally, from the hole underneath the strings a number of arrows could be seen loaded from within. This cello was just as much a weapon as it was an instrument. It looked like it could've worked as a large crossbow. Something right out of fantasy. The player was a gown, sunset colored hair woman. Her hair was done in a thick ponytail and curtain bangs. Her face was peach skinned, young but also scarred as if she's been through a number of scrapes and accidents. She had these welcoming bright green eyes that made you feel like you were at home when you looked into them. She wore an elegant linen outfit with puffed shoulders and bell rimmed sleeves. The color of her shirt was a light lavender, and her trousers a darker shade of purple kept up by a thick and wide belt with a gaudy gold colored buckle. Her boots went halfway up her calves and had her pants tucked inside. When she saw her chosen host respond to her music she grinned and propped her cello up to the wall and stood up straight, hands on her hips and tilting her waist to the side. "So my playing got to ya' huh? Good. I was hoping you'd be perceptive enough to see that I was playing to catch your attention and not for my own enjoyment. There's one step of us getting along! Being able to read my play. Yissiree~ We'll communicate juuuuuust fine! Now, Nikky? Right?" She asked pointing an upside down finger at the girl. "I've been keeping an eye on you for a bit now, and I think I've waited long enough... I know you're torn up about your friend getting hurt. Marabel's host. Yeah? Well that's about to change. Cause' those prayers of you wantin' to help protect your friends have been heard by your musical Goddess~ Which is me! ...If you were wondering." She took a large step forward and gave Nikky her hand to shake. "The name's Elijah! I think? Been a while since I referred to myself by my name. I'm one of those fancy spirits that your friends have. And I can assure you I'm most certainly better than those scrublords, hehehe~"
Despite all the instruments she heard, the musician was only playing one. One, in particular, strangely made instrument that Nikky wasn’t quite sure of how classify. She had entered the woman’s domain, it was a large room empty where sound could freely roam. Faint sunlight trailed in through the windows. Next to the woman sat a table in the middle, with a purple flower laying on it. She approached the table and held the flower between her fingers. Nikky remained quiet as she listened to the woman, Nikky grinned listening to the woman’s accent it reminded her of her chats she use to have with Granny. She had been trying to get over that accent for a while but considering the atmosphere and how relaxed Nikky felt so just allowed herself to talk accordingly, nodding as her name was said.

“I've been keeping an eye on you for a bit now, and I think I've waited long enough... I know you're torn up about your friend getting hurt. Marabel's host. Yeah?”

Nikky could feel an imaginary pang of guilt hit her in the chest at the mention of her friend, she knew immediately who she was talking about and she felt regret all over again. There was just no escaping it, not even in her dreams. She lowered her eyes in response to the ground.

“-Well that's about to change. Cause' those prayers of you wantin' to help protect your friends have been heard by your musical Goddess~ Which is me! ...If you were wondering."

The woman extended her hand and Nikky took it, prayers?
I ain’t no praying girl. Nikky thought to herself with a chuckle. She blinked looking at the musician up close, she was truly a beautiful woman with visible scrapes and scars that the girl figured meant the woman she was dealing withshe was no sissy. And Nikky honestly felt a bit jealous, the woman had welcoming eyes but also the eyes of someone who has been through some things

"The name's Elijah! I think? Been a while since I referred to myself by my name. I'm one of those fancy spirits that your friends have. And I can assure you I'm most certainly better than those scrublords, hehehe~"

Nikky raised an eyebrow,
“A Zodiac.”

-Wait what?

“A… z-zodiac? Why? Why me?” She bit her tongue, forgetting the saying “don’t go looking a gift horse in the mouth” but she couldn’t help it she was a curious soul.

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