- Zodiac - [Inactive]


| ??? |


| Hoshino's Dream |

Cecilia let out a sigh of annoyance in response to her host's request. Letting go of the thread in her grip, the spirit reached forward and took back the scissors in Hoshino's hands and stuffed them down Gom's throat instead.

"And I'm supposed to believe you are actually bright after you tell me this? Rather than risk letting you keep or more than likely lose the scissors, they will remain inside of Gom. If you wish to use their power, then request for them by me first, but you won't need my consent to use your sight. "

Reaching forward once more, Cecilia took the glasses out of Hoshino's other hand and decomposed its existence into several threads that piled in the center of the her palm. Letting the majority of the threads fall to the ground, the spirit kept hold of two particularly shiny threads that were soon grabbed by Gom who then proceeded to climb into his new master's shoulder. With a threaded needle in both hands, the bear without warning stabbed into Hoshino's eyes and began furiously stitching the new threads into position. Despite the brutal nature of the process, not a drop of blood would be split, and once the action would be complete, the bear would simply settle itself back into the girl's arms, content with a job well done.

"Well it seems this process has some side effects after all."

A curious smile would come to the spirit's face as she on-looked the makeshift alteration which had been performed, but without another word or hint toward an explanation, Cecilia, herself, snapped the thread from before, sending Hoshino back to reality and the pleasant dreams from whence she came.



Farra's face fell. So, this was just a dream. "Yeah, I'll accept your existence," she said. Her face twisted for a second before she spoke again. "Why me? What do you mean by 'aiding' me?" She went to speak again, but it spoke first. "You are familiar with the term 'Zodiac', I've noticed. Lost souls who have sought out the life energy of teenagers - your 'friends', as you may call them. They do not concern me, nor should they concern you. I am merely here for your protection and pleasure - should you so accept my existence." Her eyes narrowed. "Well, if you really want to 'aid' me, then you're going to accept them, and we're going to help my friends out as much as we can." She crossed her arms, defiance building up in her like a child before throwing a tantrum. "Any problems?"

(Moved onto my phone, will edit later.)

tapatalk is KA-KA-KA-KAWAII!
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Clark yelled in surprise at the sudden appearance of the armoured man. Causing Clark to stumble back slightly, fearing that his blood coated sword would soon be coated with Clark's insides. However, his fear and worry washed away with a new found confidence as he looked at the dagger in his hand and smirked as he stared into the mans nervous eyes before pulling his shirt down from his nose and mouth. His confidence in battle felt strange, yet also natural. He'd hardly ever physically fought someone in his life yet he deftly dodged the slow lunge from the presumed enemy and prepared to attack the man while he was defenceless from the slow, reckless attack. Clark felt somewhat conflicted though, the man could be defending the village and presuming that Clark was an intruder but there was the nagging thought telling Clark to kill him. Clark lunged at the slit in the mans helmet used for his eyes while the enemy was defenceless.
"Aah we're all not going to get the hang of it first time around." Elijah took her Cellobow back from Nikky and hoisted it over her shoulder, huffing out in relief that she had such an able host in mind. At first she feared that Nikky may have been a little difficult to get to. But Elijah's articulate personality always prevailed in situations like this before. Made the best out of anything with just a few greetings and meetings. "Well. You wanna know who I am? I told ya'! My name's Elijah! Unless... You want to know more about me?" Elijah tipped her head back towards her little snug cabin, humming a the same tune she used before to catch Nikky's attention in the first place. "C'mon! Can't keep ya' here forever. Lest you wanna loose some valuable sleep!"


Marabel ran inside Bastion's mansion through the bore open hole Tyrik blasted apart. Arms spread like an airplane she took in the huge surroundings and interior design of the place, impressed and completely taken in by its splendor. "Yeeeeaaaaah this place is soooo preeeetty! Look at all the stuff! I want this stuff in my forest! What's this statue!?" Marabel went off prodding around in Bastion's mansion taking a look at all his belongings and decor, new to finer housing. Behind her, sullenly followed Lance. He eyed the hole and sighed, wishing he hadn't been seen with such a rowdy crowd. He peered up at Bastion from below curving his cartoon mouth. "Greetings, Bastion. I'm sorry about the mess. I could help put it back together, if you want." Lance stopped in front of the hole and kept his distance. Unsure if he was allowed to tread any further inside of Bastion's abode. He would stop Marabel but she was so captured in her own curiosity she was too far gone to even try reeling back.



| ??? |


| Clark Wilson |

The man went limp, as he should be. His helmet fell off as he landed on the ground, his face donning a gruesome wound. Inside the house were indeed what was to be expected - a woman and child, surrounded by the burning furniture. They were stuck in between a rock and a hard place. The sight of Clark didn't help. It was obvious they were afraid of him, screaming even more now that he had arrived. *Don't! You monster!* Things of that nature.

*An eye for an eye.*

The foreign words would have slipped out of Clark's own mouth without his will. Things were becoming clear now. Memories of someone else's life would implant itself in Clark's mind, yet he was experiencing it as if he were there, as if he was the monster. His normal night-wear wouldn't have been there anymore, rather it was replaced with battered light armor, worn from sword slashes and the like. Soldiers of similar attire could be seen in other areas of the village, killing it's defenders while rounding up it's resident at the center of the establishment.

As if it wasn't bad enough, Clark was robbed of control - his hand reaching for a small firebomb, to which he tossed towards the two. There, they burned, and all Clark could do was watch. The satisfaction of revenge could be felt. An eye for an eye. One family for another. It felt like a second nature, killing. The dream was clear - these were the memories and thoughts of another soul, one that chose Clark as it's vessel, but refused to reveal itself. One name manifested within Clark's own mind. Thane.

This spirit had undoubtedly claimed Clark's body as it's own, without asking like the other Zodiacs. No words were to be exchanged between the spirit and the host. In the spirit's eyes, the host didn't have a choice in the matter.

Now the dream was deconstructing itself, fading away from around him to return back to a troubled sleep for the remainder of the night.




| ??? |


| Farra Rei |

The two would have had a staredown if Nexus had eyes. "As you wish." All the orb needed from Farra was acceptance. Anything following that wasn't that much of an issue, however, it's top priority was protecting Farra. The lights on the orb began to shine, almost blindingly so. It was at a point where she had to close her eyes, and when she did, the air changed around her. No longer did she remain in Nexus' 'base of operations'. Farra was returned to her own dreams - a tray of Baja Blasts sitting on the dresser next to her bed.
Farra sat up, moaning, "That was a hella weird--" She stopped abruptly. Next to her were the Baja Blasts. From her dream. "Not....possible...." She muttered, climbing out of bed and grabbing one. It wasn't a hallucination; this was real. She unscrewed the cap and tasted some. Further confirmation that the dream was real, unless some creep had come in during the night to put them there. She narrowed her eyes. Farra knew that she had to talk to one of her friends...maybe Hotaru. She set off for the infirmary.

tapatalk is KA-KA-KA-KAWAII!
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| ??? |


"And you wonder why he refused your entry the first time."

The voice would have sounded cute and innocent to the unaware, yet for those who could recognize the sweet tone, misleading would have been the only proper description for its source. Squeezing past Lance who was blocking the makeshift hole, Cecilia popped her comparatively minuscule figure into Bastion's abode with an overjoyed wave toward the host whom she adored.

"Don't worry shadow, I will handle the repairs myself.--"

Giving Lance a nod of assurance, Gom hopped out of the girl's arm and began collecting the many threads which once made up the manor and part of Bastion's existence. With the materials prepared and a needle in hand, the small bear soon went to work by repairing the manor to its former glory with perhaps a few minor alterations that would fit a fashion designer's style.

"--As for the halfwit though...hopeless."

Cecilia let out a deep sigh in response to the erratic nature under which Marabel acted, and although the girl feared for the safety of Bastion's manor, like Lance, she hardly attempted to hold back the spirit whose mental state had been long lost in her curiosity.

Refocusing her attention away from the unnecessary, Cecilia turned to give Tyrik a small glare before refacing Bastion and giving him curious smile for the topic she was about to address.

"As much as I do not wish to acknowledge their presence, I would assume we are all here for similar reasons. The threads of existence are unusually twisted, Bastion. Have you any light to shed on the topic?"

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| Morning |

| Wednesday |

| September 25, 2014 |

For Dominic, morning came quickly. The events of yesterday did little to nothing to hinder the boy in his sleep. The sun had risen over the town and his alarm was quick to tell him that it was time to go. At that moment, he realized an important text he got over the phone - it was from the school. Apparently, this was a text that EVERYONE had gotten, through text or the internet.

"To all students of Armstrong:

On Wednesday, we will be having an unexpected day away from school to make up for repairs and the like. Sport clubs such as Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, and Soccer are still permitted to roam the gym and the fields behind the school. All other areas of the school is off limits until further notice.

~Headmaster Stryker"

"I guess that means the Soccer game is still a go." His voice was a little reluctant. Honestly, Dominic wanted to spend the day investigating, or even working for that matter, but it seemed fate already had a plan in store for him. "I wonder who our opponents will be." And on that note, Dominic took a shower and dressed in casual clothing for the day.

| Some time later... |


After Dominic had changed to his Soccer uniform and went out towards the field, he realized he was quite early. Nobody he had known showed up yet. At the very least, he would have expected Alice. Upon reaching the field, it was clear that the rest of the Ghouls were arriving as well. School volunteers were setting up the bleachers and tables with various drinks and snacks, while the athletes practiced running and kicking the soccer balls to one another.

Dominic stood at the entrance, suddenly unsure of what to do. The opposing team hadn't shown up yet, leaving the students and players to simply wait for the time to come. Ultimately, Dominic decided to go by one of the snack stands and grab a cold water bottle for use later.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf5262ffe_HoshinosChangeIcon(2).png.f0c88b85c4886a8a6699556157015c9d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19200" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf5262ffe_HoshinosChangeIcon(2).png.f0c88b85c4886a8a6699556157015c9d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.::Hoshino Shiromiya::.

Hoshino was awake immediately after her "dream", and, as soon as she sat upright in bed, a scream echoed through her room. It took Hoshino a moment to realize that it was her own, though it should have been obvious with how much she was trembling. She had her hands over her eyes, and they were shaking madly with fear. S-She--She--My eyes!! Hoshino wanted to cry, but the tears just wouldn't come. She was still in a complete state of shock. It took all the courage she had to remove her hands from her irises, and, when she did, Hoshino was left in a state of sheer awe. Her entire room was covered in threads, and she recognized every single one of them. Cotton.. Wool.. Wood.. Metal.. Weight.. So many names.. So many threads.. She thought as her lips parted slightly in astonishment. She couldn't believe the wonder that was before her.

Slowly but surely, Hoshino made her way out of her bed, and she looked all around her. All of the different threads had a type of.. Pattern in which they intertwined. It was like the items construction, and Hoshino began to grow intrigued.
"It's like a puzzle," she spoke under her breath as she reached out and touched one of the threads. It felt smooth like yarn, and Hoshino felt like a child discovering something neat for the first time. Eventually, though, the feeling of euphoria and wonderment faded as she remembered the terrible nightmare that was just bestowed upon her. She held herself as she made her way over to her vanity, recapping it all in her mind. First, she was yanked rudely from the floor, then the thunder, then the man shattered the glass, and then the man wasn't even a man. It was a girl who apparently has a knack for sticking needles into people!

Hoshino shivered, and as she made her way over to her vanity to take a look in the mirror, her eyes widened. They were
crimson. Her once turquoise eyes were now blood red, just like the threads she could now see and comprehend. Hoshino's hands flew upwards to cover her mouth, and it took all Hoshino had to not let out another shriek. "Y-You've got to be kidding me.." Hoshino stammered to herself as she examined her face in the mirror. T-This is insane.. This isn't possible.. What the hell did that girl DO to me? Hoshino's mind was running a million miles a minute. "There's got to be a way to turn it off," Hoshino had no other choice but to conclude. This can't be permanent. Gosh, I'd freak people out! They'd know something is wrong with me! Turn it off, turn it off! She thought, shutting her eyes tightly as she covered her face.

Normal.. Normal.. Normal.. Off.. Off.. Off.. Hoshino thought to herself over and over again. She willed away her ability, and for a brief moment, her eyes felt a little tingly. Blinking a few times before her covered hands, Hoshino slowly removed them from her face. She looked into the mirror before her, and once more, her eyes returned to their turquoise state.

"Thank the heavens."

It was then that Hoshino received the message about school being cancelled for the day. With a sigh, Hoshino shut her phone and put it away. I could definitely use a day off, she thought with a sigh. She allowed herself to collapse back unto her bed, her phone by her side. Hoshino looked over towards the corner of her bed where Coco resided, though now he wasn't alone. Gom was right beside him, and with a small laugh, Hoshino took the both of them into her arms. At least I got a new teddy bear out of it. A pretty cute one, too.

Now me and Coco aren't alone.



  • Hoshino's Change Icon (2).png
    Hoshino's Change Icon (2).png
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| ??? |


"Greetings, Bastion. I'm sorry about the mess. I could help put it back together, if you want."

The painted man was still in shock - that or frustration that the entire front wall of his mansion was blasted out. Tyrik and Marabel were quick to make them selves at home. While the mushroom girl ran around poking various things, Tyrik found herself reclining on one of the many crafted cushions nearby.

"Don't worry shadow, I will handle the repairs myself.--"

A familiar voice called out. Her teddy, Gom, quickly went to work rewriting the very existence of the wall. It was a talent similar to Bastion's, yet not at the same time. While the wall was repaired, Bastion sighed at the 'personal touches' that were left behind.
"It can't be helped." Bastion concluded with his own thoughts.

"Inky." The girl called out.

Sighing, Bastion redirected his attention to his 'visitor'. "You know why we're here, right? Why I'm here?"

"..To break things?"

"No - because of what's been happening lately. You know what I'm talking about. You always do."

Again, Bastion groaned.

"As much as I do not wish to acknowledge their presence, I would assume we are all here for similar reasons. The threads of existence are unusually twisted, Bastion. Have you any light to shed on the topic?"

"Cecilia. Lance. It's a pleasure to see you two again, though we could have met under better circumstances." Bastion shot a quick glare at Tyrik before continuing. "There has been some strange happenings as of late. Since the appearance of Hierophant, the air in Limbo hasn't been the same."

"You don't think it could be because there's an actual threat now, do you?"

"I fear it's bigger than that."

"I know it has something to do with him. Since when could a Zodiac control a group of Hollows like that? There was no fuss, no struggling. They followed him and his host without a second thought."
"To all students of Armstrong:

On Wednesday, we will be having an unexpected day away from school to make up for repairs and the like. Sport clubs such as Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, and Soccer are still permitted to roam the gym and the fields behind the school. All other areas of the school is off limits until further notice.

~Headmaster Stryker"

Bloody hell, this was meant to be the day that James was going to join the security club, along with that other guy. Apparently, though, all sorts of weird shit had gone down last night, so of course, the school needed repairing. Oddly, James thought, he hadn't been woken by the brouhaha [best word known to man] that must have happened. He reckoned he had a good idea who had been involved, as usual, those being his friends who were involved with Zodiacs, and all that weird stuff that tended to happen around them.

Seeing as he had nothing better to do, James decided to head over to watch the football game.

He sat and watched from the bleachers, seeing people setting up snack stands and such, and the school's athletes getting ready for their coming game. He saw Dominic heading his way, moving towards the snack stand set up behind him.

"Hey, Dom, you got a minute? There's uh.. there's jsut something I need to ask you quickly"

[i've started using coloured text! Yay! (and from now on, JAMES IS RED NO OTHER CAN EQUAL HIS GLORIOUS HAIR)]



| Morning |

| Wednesday |

| September 25, 2014 |

"Hey, Dom, you got a minute? There's uh.. there's just something I need to ask you quickly"

No more than a few minutes into his arrival, he was approached by someone. Luckily it wasn't anyone from his team, screaming about his absence on practice. Dominic shot James a smile for a greeting. "Sure, I haven't begun warmup yet, so there's time." It's about the Zodiacs, I'm sure. In the back of his mind, Dominic already knew what James was going to ask. The boy was pulled into the world of LIMBO and sheltered against the relentlessness of what happened there. It was only natural for someone to want answers.

Dominic leaned back against the table, bottle in hand.
"Thanks. So, uh, firstly, what the hell were those things we faced back in that weird other world? The ones that attacked us, and that one big guy. Were they other Zodiacs, or what?"

James was glad to finally be able to ask away. He'd tried to get Dominic to answer his questions several times, but to no avail. Then, his mind turned to last night's goings on.

"Oh and last night, when the full moon was out, apparently there was a lot of stuff happening - you know, something that the head said needed repairing. What was that, and does it happen every full moon?"

James felt a little bit like he was piling these questions onto Dominic, but he really wanted to get some answers. At least he hadn't flipped out at him like he sort of did back in the other world when James started getting pissed off with not knowing anything. Dom's reaction had been reasonable considering how batshit insane some of the things going on were, and what he'd been going through, though.



| Morning |

| Wednesday |

| September 25, 2014 |

"Thanks. So, uh, firstly, what the hell were those things we faced back in that weird other world? The ones that attacked us, and that one big guy. Were they other Zodiacs, or what?"

"To be honest, I don't know. We've been told they're called Hollows; Souls that pretty much went crazy. As for the 'big guy', you must have been talking about the 'Greek God' looking dude. I believe he's a Zodiac, but he wasn't on our side, that much is obvious."

"Oh and last night, when the full moon was out, apparently there was a lot of stuff happening - you know, something that the head said needed repairing. What was that, and does it happen every full moon?"

"Full moon..? What, you think it's connected..?" Even if Dominic had that thought in his mind, he never really thought about it like that. Sure, the moon was aggressively bright during those events, but he never thought about connecting the two. "W-well, that was just a Hollow attack, but to think-.. Do they come out on a full moon? Like werewolves?" The question was geared more towards himself than James.
"W-well, that was just a Hollow attack, but to think-.. Do they come out on a full moon? Like werewolves?"

"So it was an attack from things like we faced? What were these ones like? I have delved a little deeply into mythology in my spare time - especially greek and norse, but most cultures seem to believe that the full moon has special properties for the supernatural. Hey, maybe a new moon, when it's completely shrouded, could cause a specific event? It would seem to make sense."

This was a lot more than James had been expecting. He had, as he said, delved quite deep into various mythologies, and he was right. Most cultures did think the new and full moons had supernatural properties.

"Oh, and I know I said thanks at the time, but I never really properly showed my gratitude for, you know, keeping me from getting killed in the other world, and stopping me from falling. And the suit, of course - very nice. Any time you need help, maybe with some kind of mythology or something to do with Zodiacs, or actually I'm pretty handy with a staff or pipe, as I've had to defend myself in a few too many back alleys with nothing but that. So yeah, jsut say, I'm your man."

[i couldn't not mention the suit :P LE SNAZZY]
Clark woke up, sweating and panting from his nightmare. He felt his body shaking from the gruesome things he had saw during his sleep. Clark was just glad he had awoken from it. He stumbled his way into the shower, still trying to get his bearings. Clark thought over what had happened in his nightmare as he stood in the shower, It felt strange to have killed someone, even if it was just in a dream but at the same time it felt natural to kill the man. "Technically I didn't kill them...it was someone else...right? Clark asked himself. It was a memory of someone...but whose? If they could control me then can they hear what I'm thinking and saying? Clark thought to himself, all of this was hurting his head. Once out of the shower Clark read the text from the school as he ate his cereal. He was glad there was no classes. It gave him time to think over everything. He walked back to the mirror in his bathroom after finishing his breakfast. Can you hear what I'm thinking? What do you want? Clark thought as he stared at himself in the mirror. Hoping for an answer or a sign.


| ??? |


"Perhaps you have simply gotten weaker over the years."

With a sly smile upon her face, Cecilia giggled as she focused her attention on the spirit who was leisurely lounging on Bastion's cushions. Extending her arm forward, the girl snapped her fingers causing the seat under Tyrik to explode into pile of threads, invisible to anyone but her. Rather, than falling to the ground however, Tyrik would remain floating in place like every other entity within the room began to do. Having cut the existence of gravity in the room, Cecilia happily performed several forward flips before restoring the room back to what it once was and landing just in front of Tyrik. While leaning forward to whisper in the spirit's ear, the girl replaced her playful smile and cheerful tone with a cold demeanor that better conveyed her feelings toward the other.

"You don't think that there's an actual threat? Tyrik, there have always been threats. Some of us just choose to disregard the finer details in both worlds."

Skipping away from the spirit, Cecilia returned to her previous cheerful state as she turned her attention to Bastion's explanation of the possible disturbances in Limbo. Having once been on good terms with Heirophant in the past, the accusations against an acquaintance made her feel uneasy; however, because of her trust in Bastion, she took his declaration at face value.

"So then perhaps I should pay Heirophant a visit. Last time I checked, we were on good terms. At the least, I haven't exchanged blows unlike a certain crowd."

Ending her declaration with a small cough, Cecilia looked expectantly toward Bastion for his opinion on her suggestion.
Sam, for once, wakes up crystal clear, no state of grogginess. He has a mission, an objective. He's caused a lot of stress for Alice he's sure, but he knows he can make it up to her...somehow. He recieved the message of the school being closed and sighs. He hopes Alice will still come, even if just for one of the sports. Since there's no school he puts on a brown hoodie with a neat little spiral pattern on the chest, he loves his hoodie but not as much as his hat. With a spin the baseball cap lands on his head with a small whoosh. He grabs The Laptop, pipe and spare chance and puts it in his bag, even without school its a useful thing to have to carry things around. Then sets off for the entrance with a mission.

It doesn't take long for Sam to quickly arrive at the school, the trip is short and he took long strides. He's surprised to say he managed to get there before Alice, so he leans against the wall, tapping it in some sort of beat in his mind, she arrives a few minutes later, and he looks up, directly at her. Before she starts to talk he holds up his hand.

"You don't have to say anything Alice." His voice is firm, but not cruel nor does it have any sort of meanness in it. He smiles. "Whatever happened yesterday, wherever the hell you went, I don't want to know if you don't want to tell me." He grins. "I know your doing the right thing, whatever that is, and I'm fine with that, because we're friends, I trust you. I have your back." He gives her a thumbs up, friendly smile on his face.

then he continues.

"That doesn't mean I'm going to do nothing though." He says firmly as he hands her a slip of paper. "On here is my number and email, I don't know what you do but from the debris yesterday its some dangerous stuff. So I'm going to learn some first aid, I'll get a job and keep some water and food on me at all times." He grins. "For every heroine there's some guy in the back-lines keeping her together with supplies, that'll be my job. And don't worry about my safety, push comes to shove I got that pipe from yesterday, I can protect myself." He pauses before continuing. "Try giving me a contact from wherever you go, but if that doesn't work you can call me when you get back from wherever, even in the middle of the night." He pauses. "I'm no doctor but if one of you gets hurt I can probably do a bit without you guys having to answer many questions at the doctors." He grins. "You can tell me whatever the hell is going on, but I'm not about to force you into it alright? That's just not something a friend should do."
Akira’s mornings usually went swell. Given the amount of stress she underwent the previous day, it made sense that this particular morning, she found it rather pointless to have to even wake up at all. Her dreams had been pervaded by the endless possibilities surrounding the anomalies behind the disappearances of some of the students, the power outage, and the school’s unannounced lockdown. Not to mention the destruction of school property. She reached off of her plush bed to grasp her phone. Turning it on, she viewed the text message explaining the reconstruction process.

A day off, I presume?” She thought to herself, slowly swinging her feet over her bedside. “Very well, then. Perhaps I’ll simply use this time allotted to me… to go handle a few things.” The child didn’t have a job, to start with. That would’ve made things much easier for her, given the minimal amount of finances she expected from her parents. When father said he’d be living small, he usually meant it. And this definitely wouldn’t be the first time that he’d come to this decision to save money. Akira wouldn’t be receiving any spending money, no credit cards, nothing.

After finally managing to fully awaken herself, the girl stood from her bed, walking to the bathroom and turning on the shower, allowing the steam to protrude from the door. She grabbed her grooming materials and clothes then entered. Minutes passed before she made an exit with a cloud of steam behind her, in a T-Shirt and a pair of shorts. Shortly after, she walked over to commence skin grooming with her favorite Lilac scented lotion. Once this process was completed, she walked over to the bathroom mirror and, for the sake of time purposes, through her hair in a sloppy bun and put on today's attire, shortly after grabbing her purse while putting the needed items inside.

I’m actually a little hungry…” She thought aloud to herself, “Perhaps I’ll go and grab a bite to eat somewhere that serves a good lunch. Perhaps that Soul Food place I saw in the news. I may be able to gain a hint of knowledge about the recent events that occurred while I’m there…” Without a second though, the girl turned and made an exit after slipping on her shoes, grabbing her purse and looking back to make sure everything was as it should have been. She suddenly caught sight of the umbrella that she still had yet to return. It was sunny outside, but she grabbed it, still, a rather odd idea roaming through her mind before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.



- Mints {1 pack; Half full}

- Comb, Brush

- Perfume



- Phone

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Jesus..." Damian rolled to his side and disabled his digital clocks alarm. This is the first day he's ever had to use one, since he began accidentally sleeping in. Loosing 10 minutes of valuable morning routine time. Using Lance's powers took a worse toll on his body at the end of the day than any vigorous exercise could. Damian moved his messy hair from his face to rub his crust ridden eyes. Upon opening them he was greeted by the morning light searing into his undeveloped eyes. "For f**ks--" He pulled his blinds shut to keep out the painful rays . "I hate bright mornings..." Damian rose from his bed and grabbed his wash towel to go shower for the day. When he opened his door he could hear his mother and baby sister downstairs getting ready for their day. The baby shouting her squeaky gibberish and mother trying to ease her into her fall attire. "Humph.." Damian had started up the hot water and stepped inside the tub, letting himself rinse off first. As he was underneath the hot brine of the shower he started to wonder where Lance was... In fact where were the other Zodiacs altogether. They seemed strangely absent lately. Lance is usually hanging out in Damian's room or sulking by his side occasionally... Lance hadn't shown up for close to three days now. "This isn't normal of him... I even called out to him and he hasn't shown." Lance's absence began to worry Damian. He wasn't 100% on what it was like back in Limbo since he can't get there himself. With all that's been going on and the fact that he indeed has made an enemy Zodiac there was a lot of grim conclusions to consider...

...The shower node squeaked as Damian turned it off, the water was beginning to loose its comforting heat. The boy stepped out shaking his hair like a wet pup. He allowed his hair to air dry while he dressed himself in his school uniform. It was close to 7am, almost time for him to leave. Before he grabbed his bearings and headed out the room door he took one last try to call out to his Zodiac. "Hey, Lance? ... Never mind it." Damian closed his room door behind him and trotted down the steps and out the door. He was so fixated on where Lance could be that he forgot to turn on his MP3 player like he does every morning. Something was off, and he didn't like it.


"...I'm afraid we haven't met." Lance replied to Cecelia who referred to him as a shadow. As if she knows something about him. "Well I--" Lance tried to begin, but the others began going back and forth with each other. Cecelia to Tyrik. Tyrik to Bastion. Cecelia back to Bastion. These kinds of situations were not what he was good at doing. Trying to speak to everyone at once. Though, he found this Cecelia character to be something arousing suspicion and wonder. He hasn't seen her before and already she knows Bastion and said he's spoken to Hierophant once before. Even said they were on "good terms." While Lance was sure Cecelia may be the best out of this group to speak to, there was something he knew as well. "Well, if you would allow me speak." Lance had cut in. "Hierophant had spoke to me. More so, tried to make an agreement with me. The reason why the Hollows aren't acting as they should is because his host has a way of corralling them. I'm not sure what it is, but that's all Hierophant would tell me. He even tried to make me side with him..."

Lance sat on his wood stump throne at the heart of his misty, dead forest. From the mist he could feel that something was lurking about. A visitor? No. No one ever "visits" Lance. An intruder? More likely. As Lance would usually see it anyone walking on his plane was wasting their time. He had nothing to say and there was nothing of value the others could tell him. "What do you want?" Lance rose his voice for it to echo through the forest. "Why Lance, you're quite hospitable." A familiar voice rang back to him. "I've only heard it once and already is it awfully familiar. Hello Hierophant." The long haired Adonis had stepped from the shadows of Lance's dead world and into the epicenter where only a gray cascade had served as this worlds beacon. "I'd assume after what happened in your Limbo you wouldn't bother speaking with me." Hierophant cackled. "Oh no, no. I don't hold grudges. Th Zodiac and the Host are two different people. While your Host isn't on my favorites list, you still hold promise in my eyes Lance." Hierophant approached Lance's stump and stood beside him, leveling his foot on the edge. "Lance. How would you like to get your body back? Your old face? Be yourself again, and not this husk of what you are now." Lance's eyes widened at the request. While he would love to maintain his human appearance again, for his sake, Damian's and to avoid infamy with the other Zodiacs again he knew had had to show reserve. "I'm sorry?" A sly grin had spread across Hierophant's lips. He stood back up and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I can reverse your Hollowfication, Lance. I have a tool that can manipulate anything "Hollow." I can control them, reverse it, instill it, I can completely overwrite their will with my own if I so chose. Lance, this is an opportunity that I have seized. With this tool, I can stop the Hollow threat. I already began coralling them, soon I will lead them to a sort of quarentine. But, if you Hollow I cannot secure your safety. As you're a Zodiac. If you Hollow I'd have no choice but to eliminate you." Lance bit his finger. Everything Heirophant said was true. But if he forms a pact with him there may be unseen consequences in the near future... On top of that, Hierophant's host has been quiet. "Hiero, you want me to believe you can reverse my Hollowing? And what if there's something you're not telling me?" Hierophant sneered. "What's there to hide? Though, I can only be truly honest with you, if you take up my offer. Think about it. If you Hollow, what will become of your Host? You know he would be affected in some way, right? You wouldn't want your power within him to completely eradicate any humanity he has. If that happens, he'll Hollow. And will have to be slain. Lance grimaced at the thought of it. "I'll return at a later date to see what you have decided on. But remember, there's more than your sanity at risk here." Hierophant vanished in a blue wormhole, leaving Lance to critically think on his stump.

"...Hierophant's planning something. And part of it has to do with gaining my support. He wants to reverse my Hollowing, but his Host appears to have different intentions. Before we were whisked away, I saw that he used the Hollows to attack our Hosts. Either Hierophant and his Host are working on two different wavelengths, or there's something he's not telling me. I'd like to believe the latter."
Nikky rolled over and yawned looking over at her clock.

I'm late.

she pulled the covers over her head and drifted back to sleep.


The rustling of the morning newspaper and soft sounds coming from the TV filled the room. A woman, with her younger days long gone, sat back in her recliner her eyes scanning across the article. She pursed her lips then sighed, obviously not pleased with what she had read. Though her mind was taken off her worries as her phone began to ring,



Even when youth was not entirely on her side she still managed to leave the comfort of her chair to answer her phone in a timely fashion.


"You don't know how long I've waited to hear that bea-U-tiful voice darling~"

The older woman furrowed her eyebrows as her voice recognition went to work.

"Laurance." Her tone revealed a bit of annoyance.

"Hello, lovely."

Emilia rolled her eyes,
"What is it this time?"

"I'm delivering a pet to your humble abode since you have refused to share with me Nikky's new adresss"

"I think it's reasons just like this why I have refused to disclose such information with you."

A laugh came from the other side of the phone,

"Alright alright I get it. It's a ferret this time by the way, Nikky'll love her."

"Has it gotten all of its shots? Declawed? Defanged? Is it neutered? Are you sure Nicole isn't allergic-"

Nikky's father quickly spoke up before the woman went off on a tangent, which was very likely with a blabber mouth like her.

"Emilia, Emilia! I've got this, everything is handled so all I need is for you to deliver Yazhi to Nikiti~"

The woman's lips were pulled into a tight line as she considered it.

"...Alright, Laurance."

She was forced to move the phone away from her ear as the grown man yelped in excitement.

"She'll love'er! I know she will!"

Emilia sighed, feeling like a defeated parent giving into their spoiled child's wishes,
"Yes, of course." They said their goodbyes and hung up, she sat there for a moment staring at the phone absentmindedly tapping the table. The silence was finally broken when she chuckled to herself, that man had such strange ways of showing his affections for his daughter. She looked off to the side to see a photo of Nicole and her father smiling big and wide at some amusment park, time had made her forget what the name of it was. The girl sat on her father's shoulders; the picture was taken just before the cotton candy in the girl's hand slipped from her grasp.

At least one of her parents cared for her...
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Waking up was the worse part, from the event from before, stomping her feet to the ground had took effect and her leg was spazzing with pain. Gripping at her leg, she cried in pain, trying to take it in,"A-ahhh... hurt..." Alice cried out, sweat forming on her forehead and tears already dripping from her eyes. The pain was great and too much for Alice to take in but it soon sided, Alice breathing in heavily before collapsing back onto her bed. It seemed that the pain wasn't as great as she thought but it did hurt like heck.

Laying there for a bit, she slowly got up, placing a hand onto the drawer to support her. Getting up wasn't too much for Alice but with her left leg hurting with pain, it felt like she was a crippled person. Hopping from the drawer to the wall, Alice made the effort to the bathroom to get ready for today, so much she had to do later in the day. She still haven't forgotten her promise she made to Sam and she also had a game today, the thought of it made Alice grumble at her bad luck.

After getting herself ready, she pulled her hair in a tight ponytail so it wouldn't get in the way. About to change into her uniform, her phone started to buzz, an message from the school came in. Checking the message, Alice sighed with relief, school was out at the least but Sam and the game was still on her to do list. Putting on a blue, oversized shirt with an adorable marshmallow saying "hello" on it and a pair of white shorts, Alice started to pack all the stuff she needed for the game. Taking her jersey and two bottle of water along with some snacks to keep her going, Alice was set. Flexing her leg a bit, it seemed the pain finally went away and she was able to join in the game.

Putting on her converse, she ran out the door and headed over to the field. Entering the schoolgrounds, She noticed Sam had already arrived at the school before her. Before she could even say anything to him, he placed his hand up, stopping her from speaking. Alice was confused but was also very surprised to Sam's declaration to assist her in any way he could and that he would be there for her. Alice couldn't really say anything and continued to listen, astonished that Sam could be such a guy to go so far to help her and it was really the first time anyone have ever spoke to her like this, a blush formed on her face.

Taking the paper with Sam's contacts, Alice clenched the paper close to her chest and couldn't really express how she felt, a warm, fuzzy feeling filled her chest to the brim. With a grin, Alice let out a laugh at Sam's determination to aid her in any way possible, his caring way was too cute that Alice couldn't help but laugh at this, tears forming in her eyes again. Wiping away the tears, Alice gave Sam a genuine smile and patted him on the shoulder,"Thanks Sam, to go so far to even do all that for the like of me. You're a great friend Sam." Alice praised, putting the paper into her bag,"I'll surely lend on you when I need to and maybe one day... I'll tell you the truth." Alice said and then looked around her before looking back at Sam with a confused look,"So... are you attending my game today?" Alice asked seeing that Sam was quite prepared today with his bag filled with some stuff, one looking like his laptop and Sam also mentioning that he did had the pipe from yesterday with him.
Farra walked through the winding halls calmly, looking for the infirmary, when a teacher stopped her. "The school is off-limits," she said, her voice a low monotone. Farra plastered the fakest smile she could muster on her face and cheerfully said, "I'm on my way to see Ai-chan--I mean, Hotaru. She's in the infirmary?" The teacher's face twisted in confusion and concern. "You are not allowed to be on the premise today, not even meeting people in the infirmary. You must wait until tomorrow." Farra frowned. This teacher wasn't budging. "I kinda need to see my friend. I have a BURNING question to ask her, concerning--school work. That's...due tomorrow, yeah." The teacher nodded, but still didn't move. Farra growled. "Look, lady, I NEED TO GET THROUGH!" She yelled those last words, pushing through her rigid body. The teacher looked startled, but did nothing. She just...stood there. Farra looked back and gave her an odd look, but continued on to the infirmary. She eventually found it on her won. Farra swung open the door and shouted, "Hotaru, my deeeeeaaaar? Are you in heeeeeeere? I have a question for youuuuuuuu!"

Sam raises a brow. "I honestly had no idea your on a team, but I can definitely stick around. What sport do you play?" Sam's just glad to put the whole incident behind him for now. Even if she didn't want to tell him everything he's fine with that. He wonders what sport she's going to play. Personally Sam isn't a very sporty guy, more happy to surf the net then play some soccer with his friends. He grins. "Whatever it is, consider me your number one fan then." He laughs. "I might need you to explain the rules and all of that stuff to me, so I'll make you a deal. Explain the game to me and I'll watch all of yours I can."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf52a2f66_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon(2).png.c9aa3ee45cc6e1a2287eaf1a94342713.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf52a2f66_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon(2).png.c9aa3ee45cc6e1a2287eaf1a94342713.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.::Hoshino Shiromiya::.

Hoshino held Gom and Coco close to her as she let out a sigh. I don't want to just laze about here all day, she thought, and then she decided to sit up and crisscross her legs in bed. She began flipping through the contacts on her phone, and, on it, she found Cafe Maria's number from when they called her yesterday. I could tell her that I don't have school today, so we don't have to do the interview in the evening.. Oh, but I don't want to seem too eager. Still, being eager is a good thing, right? Showing interest? -- Yeah, I'll just do it! She nodded, and, with all the courage she had left to muster, she clicked the button to call.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Hello, this is Maria from Cafe Maria. How many I help you?"

"Oh, hello! This is Hoshino from yesterday. You see, school was cancelled today, so I can come in earlier for that interview. When would be a good time?" Hoshino asked hesitantly.

"How wonderful!" Maria's chipper voice seemed overjoyed. "One of our workers called in sick. If you'd like, you could jump right into action! The mornings and afternoons are pretty busy, so we could use the help."

"I'd love to! I'll be right there, then!" Hoshino stated, unable to contain her euphoria, either.

"See you soon!"

With a click, the call ended, and Hoshino threw her arms up in the air in accomplishment.
"I don't even need an interview~!" She cheered. "I wonder if they have a uniform that would fit me, though." She spoke her thoughts out loud as her turquoise eyes stared at the ceiling in pondering. With a shrug, she figured that they'd work something out. Better get moving, then~! She thought with glee, but before she could stand back up on her feet, she looked back at Gom. Sadly.. I think I have to take him with me.. I don't want to just leave him here unattended.. And, if something happens, I'll need a way to contact Cecilia.

Hoshino let out a sigh as she grabbed the teddy bear and examined him.
I wonder if there's a way to add straps on you - like a little backpack... Hoshino thought with a pair of pursed lips. She looked over to one of her old book-bags, and with cautiousness and hesitation, Hoshino took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. Threads.. Threads.. Threads.. She thought to herself over and over, and soon, she felt that tingly sensation in her irises again. Once her eyes reopened, the threads of existence were present before her again. With a grin, she walked over to her bag and began examining the pattern of the straps.

Rough weave cotton and string to hold it all together, huh? Hoshino stared at it in wonder as she took some time to memorize the pattern. While she was using these eyes, she felt like an almost completely different person. If anything.. She felt more like Cecilia herself. It was confusing, and Hoshino didn't understand it at all. She shook her head and bit down on her lip, trying to make these feelings and urges disappear. They didn't feel like they were really hers. With a sigh, Hoshino blinked a few times and pouted. She knew she couldn't use the power without Cecilia's permission, and she said not to contact her. Hoshino would rather put friendly distance between them before trying.

Oh well.. Looks like I'm going to be teddy bear girl for a little while, Hoshino thought as she shut her eyes once more. After a few moments of concentration, her turquoise eyes returned, leaving the crimson hue behind. Now, the threads were gone, and everything was normal again. Hoshino could feel her vision blurring slightly due to the switch, however, and she guessed was some sort of side-effect. I guess I shouldn't do that too much unless I plan on really using it for something, Hoshino realized as she rubbed her slightly achy eyes. With that, she brushed her hair, got dressed, grabbed Gom, put him in her messenger bag, and made her way out the door.

Time to head off to work~ Hoshino thought, excited for the day ahead.


clothes, of course.
Messenger Bag [1]

Bubble Gum [5]

Wallet [$90.25]

Cell Phone [1]

MP3 Player [1]

Headphones [1]

Caramel Candy [5]

Gom the Teddy Bear [1]



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