- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Damian finally reached the school grounds but it was significantly... Empty. "...Is something happening today? It's usually crowded." Damian walked through the entrance of the school and walked about the ghost town of a campus, he came to the double doors and gave them a tug. The doors stubbornly resisted Damian's quick pull and remained shut. "Closed? Is school closed today? What the hell?" Damian took a few steps back and eyed the door expectantly for someone to open them and clarify. Hoping someone heard the bang of the doors hitting against whatever locking mechanism was behind. After a few minutes. Nothing. No one came to the door. Damian surely wasn't going to tug at the doors like a madman in hopes they just open up magically. He could just slip under them but what's the point in that? If they're closed that must mean, "School's closed. Well... There were damages. I guess that maybe it. I remember the room Hotaru was in, the vent had caved in." Damian turned around and left the school premises and sat down in front of the wall that guarded the schools perimeter. He pulled out his 3DS from his bag and continued his hunt for monsters. He didn't feel like going back home yet. His love of freedom had wanted him to stay outside... But he wasn't sure where to go. And there's always he possibility he'll run into someone. He ran into his usual crew so much it worried him of what the coincidence even meant.
Nikky eventually rose again to turn off her alarm clock, she groaned. She should have been use to this routine by now but she still felt sleepy. She paused for a second to take another look at her clock,

“Holy crap.”

Crap crap crap crap crap.

Nikky threw herself out of her bed and scrambled to her feet to throw herself into the bathroom and throw on her clothes. She hit herself in the fore head, her laundry was way overdue and she didn’t have a clean uniform to spare so she just threw on whatever she could find and rushed out the door.

Nikky bent over and took a moment to catch her breath standing at the gates of Armstrong high, she looked up at the school and for and her heart sank as the memories of yesterday came back. Still, she approached the school to see Chickadee standing there with his head in a device that looked similar to a Gameboy. “Hey Dame.” She waved. Why was he standing outside of the school? Now that she thought about it, where was everyone? She looked around as she approached the boy,

“What, no school for today?”

Luck must've been on her side today.


school supplies

Lucky momento

Dead phone


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"Dame..? And how did I know I'd run into someone. Hi Nikky. Yes, school is closed. I'm going to guess because there was some damage from the Ho--" Damian stopped himself. He didn't think Nikky knew about the situation with Hollows and the ilk. Though she was there when they were all attacked by Hierophant's host. "Yeah... Just damage. I guess I didn't get the memo. Oh well." Damian stood up, dusting his pants off and stuffing his 3DS in his pocket. "Well, since I'm here with you now what? I can't get inside so..." Damian looked off down the street into the town as he thought of whatever attractions he could walk off to. Though he didn't know many...

...In the back of Nikky's mind a familiar voice spoke to her, a disembodied voice. "Nikky! That's him isn't it? Go on, break the ice! This is a perfect moment!" Elijah had appeared behind Nikky, floating over her shoulder while pointed at Damian while his head was turned. "Go ahead!" Damian's face scrunched up and he turned back around to face Nikky. Elijah had already went and disappeared. "...Did you hear something, Nikky?"
"Gah, can you just-"

But as Nikky was turning the floating entity was already gone. No doubt about it now, she had a zodiac now. It was strange, she didn't feel any different but having a second soul was certainly something new.

"...Did you hear something, Nikky?"

The girl ran a hand through her messy hair, regretting she didn't have enough time to fix it properly. Despite Elijah pointing out her secret she was determined to carry on with her play as usual.
"Oh that? Probably nothing. Maybe just one annoying bird..." she hoped Elijah could hear her.

"So yeah, I ended up rushing to school on an off day. Go figure" She smirked but then paused, she wanted to ask something just to make sure, "Who's lance?"
"I'm... I'm sorry?" Damian's eyebrow arced quizzically at Nikky's question. He didn't think that she'd know about Lance. Or maybe he mentioned it out loud before and didn't think she would remember. Either way, he was slightly clueless. "Lance is... A friend of mine. He passed away before I came to Brookfield. But... Are you sure that was a bird? I heard a voice and a few words. I guess some students are around campus. Well, what do you want to do?" Damian asked...

...Back in Nikky's head Elijah had pouted and huffed, letting the girl know she was disappointed. "Wow, you really just put me off like that!? How rude! I thought we had a thing going on! If you don't say something I most definitely will! No harm in him knowing you have a Zodiac riiiiight~?" Elijah beckoned.
Eventually maneuvering her way into the bustling concoction that was the Downtown Brookfield society, Akira managed to make her way to the Soul Food café. From the outside, the place looked incredibly prestigious and professional. People seemed to be bustling nearby as well. A simple rarity of this shop was its presence of outdoor tables! It was then that she looked over to the sidewalk area, immediately retrieving a feeling of déjà vu after seeing the area where the photos of the murder scene were taken in the news. There were no photos of people, but the photos of the crime scene that the newscasters were allowed to take definitely gave this particular location away.

So it definitely happened just outside this café. And since it was recent, it shouldn’t be that hard to find an employee willing to discuss what they saw. Gossip shouldn’t be that hard to locate at a place designed for people to sit, talk and dine.” She thought, turning her attention to the building in front of her. The girl walked toward the Maria café entrance, instead, and soon opened the door, entering quietly and looking around once again. It seemed busy, but not bad enough where she couldn’t take a seat somewhere. Quickly, she sat nearest the window and grabbed the small booklet containing the list of hors d’oeuvres available before she was able to eat. While she sat, she gazed out the window for a few short minutes and continued to daydream… She sighed, soon deep within her own thoughts…:

My first day, here I was escorted to the library by a complete stranger who claims he isn’t an assistant, despite the fact that he’s around whenever I need just that, assistance. And just when I start to think that maybe everyone in this town is as nice as he is, the very same day, I come to find out I’m living in a town where murder is all of a sudden the pass time for some unnamed psychopath. The second day, I end up getting locked in a pitch black academy by a thunderstorm and come to find out that someone not only vandalized the school, but almost destroyed a whole floor by God knows what means and for God knows what reasons. And the third day I’m “investigating” a crime scene between some delinquent gangbangers, one of which possessed a weapon of untold deadly caliber, for no reason at all. I swear either I’m a magnet for insanity or people in this town just won’t let foreigners leave without a scar or two…” The girl sighed, looking out the window and at a few of the clouds in the sky, awaiting the next surprise to come to her, today.
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Nikky bit her nails, so Damian did know a Lance. That meant Elijah really did know that she... Ugh. He must not have remembered she was there during the battle with that surfer guy, and that would explain his powers.

"-Well, what do you want to do?"

The idea of visiting Hotaru or even searching for a job came to mind but Elijah quickly interrupted her thoughts.

"Wow, you really just put me off like that!? How rude! I thought we had a thing going on! If you don't say something I most definitely will! No harm in him knowing you have a Zodiac riiiiight~?"

This little arrangement was going to kill one of them, and it probably wasn't going to be her. What are you going to say, Elijah? "Hey Damian, I'm a Zodiac, and my host totes wants to makeout with you?!" Nikky didn't know how she felt about Damian, but being forced to deal with such emotions only made her want to rebel. She couldn't see anything wrong with Elijah showing herself to him if he had a Zodiac too but she'd be damned if she'd allow that woman to do just whatever she wanted.

"Hey! Do you know anything about playing the cello? I wanted to learn how to play one for a while." she smiled for a bit before pointing behind her towards the exit, "And well, I was going to go to the library and pick up a few books, if you wanna come?"
Zage woke up coughing, and sneezing. She sat up and rubbed her eyes as she stood up. She changed into some jeans and a t-shirt before slipping on her shoes. After brushing her teeth and hair she grabbed her purse and jogged down stairs to grab a bite to eat before leaving to go explore town. She opened the dorm doors and walked out into the crisp morning air as she started the walk into town.



Hand Sanitizer



Loose Change


Pocket Knife
"The cello? I used to play viola in Elementary, but I haven't since. I may be rusty and I feel I'd have to handle a cello differently. Though, I can try." Damian took a moment to exhale some worry. For a moment he almost thought she caught on to Lance. If anything he didn't want to bring her into his endeavors with his powers and anything else Zodiac related. Though... He can never be too sure... "Sure, I'll come with you to the Library but what made you ask me about Lance? I didn't think you'd know anything about that. Unless I'm forgetting something." Damian pulled his backpack up more against his back to hide that he was a little nervous about the situation. Right now he felt it may have been good that Lance has been absent...

|Cafe Maria|

|Shun : Ashlei|

Sleep did not come easy for Shun as he laid awake pondering Len's explanation of the the underlying party involved in matters of the supernatural. If he remembered correctly, Boone had been their former principal and apparently responsible for the entire fiasco that sparked the incident with Damian in the first place.

From his current perspective, the tentative meddling of those who lacked concrete knowledge was likely to prove more disastrous than helpful; however, as more he continually pondered the incident with their battle in Limbo, the more puzzling the entire mystery became.

Their party had originally journeyed to Limbo with the intent of searching and seizing Damian after his misguided interpretation of the events led by Red. Rather than fulfill said goal, he had encountered an additional Zodiac user who, under logical sense, should have never existed in that setting. With the hectic return to reality, Shun had not given the minor details much thought, yet as he now addressed the issue, the boy couldn't help but wonder the purpose that Heirophant held in relation to the other Zodiacs.

"Bastion, you know about Heirophant don't you? The more I think about the fight that we had, the more it makes me suspicious of his existence. His presence was untimely, unexpected, and nearly had me killed.

Its obvious he isn't on good terms with us users, and I think its time for some answers, spirit."

Bastion wasn't one to timely respond in non dire situations so Shun simply closed his eyes in an attempt to redirect his thoughts toward the sleep that he sorely desired. Feeling a tremor against his side, Shun turned his head to notice the tears in Ashlei's eyes and the shivers in her sleep. After gently wiping away her tears, Shun with a solemn look on his face wrapped his arm around her figure in comfort until the eventual coming of fatigue brought his conscious to worlds plagued with memories of his past and present.

The vibration of his phone would awake Shun a few hours later with the delivery of the academy's notice for no school. Half asleep, Shun giggled as he read the message and pictured the immense destruction that resulted from the fight against the hollows.

"Sleeph welp?"

A familiar voice called out from the room's bathroom as Ashlei stepped into the doorway with a toothbrush in her mouth, and a cheeky attempt at a smile on her face. After moving to the edge of his bed with a yawn, Shun gave his friend a nod in response before rising to his feet for a shower of his own. After a morning of sleep, the contemplation from earlier had been dispelled from Shun's mind; however, upon seeing Ashlei's overly cheerful face, another wave of negative thoughts replaced the once empty space in his head. In the night before, he had arrived much later than expected, and Ashlei, who had remained in his dorm for the entirety of the day, had long fallen asleep without giving answer to the question of her sudden return.

Refreshed and revitalized for the day, Shun, upon his return to the room, found Ashlei happily continuing a painting she had previously begun. Because of the peaceful calm on her face, a feeling of guilt washed over himself; however, the boy still failed in stopping himself from speaking his mind which was still focused on the matter of her return.

"About your sudde--"

Shun's question was interrupted by Ashlei who flicked her brush toward his figure and splattered his face with the red paint she was using. After giving him a sweet smile, Ashlei set aside her artistic tools before springing up and pointing both index fingers at his self.


"Your hungry?"

Ashlei's smile widened as she enthusiastically nodded while gathering her necessities for a trip into the city. Expecting to dine at the traditional Soul Food, Shun had set his course toward the usual destination; however, it was to his surprise that Ashlei began dragging him along an unknown path in the opposite direction he had intended.

"We are trying something new today. I learned about this cafe known as Cafe Maria, and from what I know its actually quite the artistically tasty place to dine."

Shun couldn't help but agree with his friend's description of the cafe as it certainly held a unique feel among the traditional appearances of restaurants in Brookfield. With much effort put into the store's quaint design, Shun found himself nodding in appreciation, yet at the same time, wondering the quality of breakfast they would find in a store that he felt was tailored toward pastries and desserts, rather than quality sustenance. With a quick shrug, Shun let out a small sigh before entering the store with Ashlei and a trifling curiosity as to what he would find inside.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf53694ec_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.f2b76e4445387747b37b8eb80e677618.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19254" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf53694ec_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.f2b76e4445387747b37b8eb80e677618.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.::Hoshino Shiromiya::.

~Cafe Maria~

Hoshino made her way to the cafe soon enough, and once she was inside, she was surprised by how busy it was. However, she also figured it was to be expected, for morning normally equals coffee time for a majority of people. With a smile, she made her way over to the front where the hostess from before awaited her.

"Thank heavens you're here!" She cried out in sheer joy. "I've been the only one working! Go ahead and go to the back to get changed. We prepared your uniform."

"You got it!" Hoshino nodded eagerly as she rushed off to the back room. She made her way to the girls' locker room, and in there was a locker with Hoshino's name on it. She smiled at the cute little chibi-like art and bubble letters, and immediately she knew that the girl from before - Cassandra, her name was - must have drawn it. How? Well, there were two chibi girls on it, and one looked like Hoshino, while the other looked like her. With a soft laugh, Hoshino opened her locker with the key taped to the drawing. Inside was her uniform, and she quickly changed into it. It was a little long on her, being that Hoshino's quite small to begin with, but at least it fit her figure snugly. Not to mention, the outfit was insanely adorable. Hoshino posed in front of the mirror for a moment, examining how it looked on her. Afterwards, she put her things away, but took out Gom and held him. She couldn't leave him behind, after all. Afterwards, she made her way back to the front.

"I'm ready~!" She spoke to Cassandra, who smiled at her warmly in response. "Good! The teddy bear is a cute touch," She joked with a wink, which made Hoshino's eyes shift slightly as she flashed a small, nervous beam at her. You have no idea. She thought as she continued to listen to Cassandra speak. "I'll be your trainer, then -- Ah! Here comes a customer." She spoke, and as soon as Hoshino looked towards the door, her eyes widened.

course it had to be Shun.

It wasn't that Hoshino didn't like Shun, nor that she didn't really want to see him; it was because he was mentioned by Cecilia. Apparently he was a host as well - the host of someone named Bastion. Hoshino pursed her lips together as her eyes glued to the ground, and she held Gom close to her torso.
I wonder if I should talk to him about it later.. She wondered and debated in her mind, but as soon as Cassandra shot her a questioning and concerned glance, Hoshino put back up a more friendly facade. "I'm alright," she assured her, and followed Cassandra's lead.

"Welcome to Cafe Maria~!" She and Hoshino greeted them in unison, speaking cheerfully and smiling brightly. Cassandra readied their menus, handing them to Hoshino afterwards. Hoshino nodded in return and realized that working here is all about friendliness and politeness, and she watched as Cassandra waited for them to take their seats. Apparently Cassandra's main role was a hostess/greeter, though Hoshino noticed that some people simply picked an open space to sit. Perhaps the place wasn't large enough to hire the role of a real hostess who seats all of the customers. With those thoughts in mind, Hoshino simply smiled over at Shun in a kind, gentle manner, expressing an open and inviting nature as her eyes shimmered with delight. She showed the same expression to the girl that was with him, as well. Though Hoshino was curious as to who she was, she knew it'd be rude to pry him about it. Therefore, she pushed her eager thoughts away, and simply showed them both a welcoming beam.

However, Hoshino realized that there was another person seated and waiting in the corner by the window. She must have slipped away from Cassandra's view.
"I'll attend to her; she's been waiting," Hoshino spoke, which resulted in a thumbs up from Cassandra. "Go for it!" She said, and they traded off menus. Cassandra would handle Shun and the girl with him for now, meanwhile Hoshino would take the real menu to the girl sitting beside the window. They had little booklets on the table with some of the advertised items, though the actual menus were given to you by the waitresses. "Hello," Hoshino spoke kindly to the girl. She recognized her from school, though she never caught her name. Akira, was it? No matter, Hoshino knew she had a job to do. "Welcome to Cafe Maria," she began, showing her a welcoming smile. "Here's your menu," she stated as she handed it to her. "What would you like to drink?" Hoshino asked kindly, and she noticed that, while some people were taking seats and waiting to be served, some others were waiting at the register, simply taking things to go. Another girl arrived to attend those who made their way there, so things were slowly becoming less chaotic. Hoshino breathed a sigh of relief.

Cassandra seemed to be attending to those at the door, grabbing their menus and handing them to them while attending to some other people who came through the door. Handing and giving out menus left and right, while also bidding farewell and thanks to the people who were departing; Hoshino realized that the waitresses here play many different roles. Apparently it was just the effect of this being a small cafe with low staff. However, the atmosphere was warm and welcoming; which was probably why it was getting so much business. Hoshino couldn't help but smile.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Vintage.png.13664a21a36225e2339ff635b398b787.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19255" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Vintage.png.13664a21a36225e2339ff635b398b787.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Soon enough, someone walked over to the table, holding out a menu, beautifully designed, hence the fit of this rather floral café. So interested in the false menu was Akira, that she hadn’t even given the girl a glance until another booklet was being handed to her, which she gently took in hand. She then looked up to see that it in fact read “Menu” in a selection of florally decorated font. Looking to the one she’d already had, Akira soon came to recognize that they weren’t the same; however they both contained some of the inner content. One was advertising some new features! Quaint... She then looked up at the waitress to greet and thank her for her kindness, for her mere aura was making the atmosphere something in and of itself grand.

Oh… thank you, ma’am…” She spoke, suddenly cutting her words short upon realizing whom exactly she’d been given the pleasure of greeting. The girl’s name was unknown to her, but she specifically recalled referring to this girl she’d come across two days ago as… “The… angel…? Yes! There’s no mistaking it! It’s the girl of snow white hair that I’d seen outside the billboard advertising that stolen motion picture idea; the one that Dom was so pressed about before!” Her thoughts had caused her to stare for a short moment before regaining her focus. “Oh, right! Forgive me; I merely thought I recognized you from somewhere…” Christ, there went that nervous reaction again where she’d refuse to smile and make eye contact. “I think I’d just like a strawberry and graham parfait, if that’s alright. I’ve got a bit of ripping and running to do, today. So I think I’ll start this morning off with a by taking heed to my inner sweet tooth.” She'd finally managed to bring out a small but warm smile. But she, herself, knew she was lying. She only wanted something sweet because the white haired girl next to her gave off the essence of some type of candy, so the first sweet thing that came to mind was a parfait!


-Front of Armstrong High-

-Interacting with Sam-

Alice couldn't really tell anything to Sam since she didn't know anything about soccer nor did she knew who they were up against, she just knew they got a game. With a frown, Alice crossed her arms and sighed,"I play for the soccer club but to be honest, I haven't been to many of the club meetings and I have no sense of knowledge in soccer in general, I only joined because I thought I would be able to learn but it seems that I've been so busy that the coach could even kick me out of the club by now." Alice said, at least telling Sam one true thing about her.

The first day of school was pretty fast and Dominic kinda made her choose a club. All the primary clubs were not really her type of clubs but because they were the only clubs she could choose, Alice went with soccer since her father was a sports fan of many and soccer being one of his favorite all time sport. He and her mother usually left her to go to the soccer games that occurred from time to time.

Alice wasn't much of a sports fan like her father, she was more of a bookworm and a loner. Locking herself in her room and reading books after book. She would sometimes go outside but she only did when she needed to practice on her skills in Kendo and Judo or just to take a breather, enjoying a day reading outside in her mother's garden. That was the old Alice though, now that she moved and was living in Brookfield, she had been so busy that she never have time to enjoy a little peace and quiet for herself.

Everyday she was being dragged and pulled into mess with Tyrik and the hollows, that Elephant man still glued into Alice's mind. She couldn't quite tell what was his intentions for Damian but she knew that the Elephant man had a host and that host was someone close, someone who knew about Alice and her friends even the Zodiacs. The thought of him made Alice grow more and more confused with everything around her.
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Nikky had never been much of a fan of mornings; all it meant to her were abrupt wakenings and cold water thrown on her face when she didn't comply. But now she was by herself, on her own. It was a wonderful experience when she thought about it but also a lonely one. "...?"

She looked over to see other citizens of Brookfield taking a morning stroll as well and then at Damian walking beside her. She placed her hands behind her head, she was never truly alone just like she would never truly be idle in a city like this.

In the depths of her very being, something foul was in the works...

Nikky dropped her pleasant look at Damian's question and picked up her speed until she completely blocked off his path. The smaller girl locked eyes with his so he couldn't just look away or try and shrug it off like he liked to do at times.

"Damian, do you want my honesty or do you want me to tell a lie like you just told me?" She didn't bother waiting for his reply, since she could have probably guess what it would be.

"There are two things I know to be true." Nikky raised her index finger pointing upwards,

"One, Lance is a Zodiac and two-" the girl raised her middle finger to join her index, "You're his host. Which explains the powers." She folded her arms across her chest.

"So... am I right? Or am I right?" She tilted her head a bit to the side with a curious smile, her eyes hinted at triumph as she watched his facial expression.

Just as the tension was setting in, the mood was completely broken by Nikky's absurdly loud rumbling stomach. She was in such a rush she had forgotten the most important meal of the day. The girl puffed out her cheeks in attempt to distract from the growing pink in her face but she had already lost her cool and was laughing.

"Sorry." She managed to say between her laughter.

Love, Tapatalk

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf53997d8_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.a4be42c74d91f7d1da525bbe9b3da6f5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf53997d8_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.a4be42c74d91f7d1da525bbe9b3da6f5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.::Hoshino Shiromiya::.

~Cafe Maria~

((I vote for people to start putting their location as above like me and some others have. x3))

Hoshino smiled brightly towards the girl, her entire aura warm and welcoming. So far, it seemed like Hoshino was practically born for this job. Or, perhaps she just felt cute as hell wearing the uniform they gave her. "Oh... Thank you, ma'am..." The girl spoke quietly and nervously, and she seemed to give Hoshino a second look of recognizance. Hoshino tilted her head slightly as she awaited her response, though she didn't really mind the glances being thrown her way. She did the same thing to her when she saw her sitting by the window, hence why she wanted to serve her. No harm in wanting to make friends, right? Eventually, though, the girl regained her focus and returned to the real world. "Oh, right! Forgive me; I merely thought I recognized you from somewhere…" She spoke finally, which resulted in a sweet laugh escaping Hoshino's lips. "School," Hoshino stated kindly, "At the bulletin board." She nodded with delight, glad to have been recognized.

"I think I’d just like a strawberry and graham parfait, if that’s alright. I've got a bit of ripping and running to do, today. So I think I’ll start this morning off with a by taking heed to my inner sweet tooth." She spoke in response to Hoshino's question, which resulted in another eager nod and bright smile. "You've got it," she spoke in a friendly and open fashion, hoping to make the customer feel as welcome as possible. Though, Hoshino was also wanting to leave a good impression, as well. With her compassionate and inviting nature, it's never been too hard for her to make friends, for everything about her seemed to occur naturally. No fake smiles or laughs, no false compliments or statements; she was always honest - that was her constant. After concluding the order by memorizing it in her head - for, Hoshino's quite good at memorization - she took back the menu and held it in her free hand. "Thank you! I'll be back with your parfait shortly." She stated, and her aura was practically shimmering with euphoria.

It was then that she returned to Cassandra, who was attending to people left and right. Hoshino knew she had to step up her game to make the workload a little less chaotic for her.
"One Strawberry and Graham Parfait. Where do I put in the order?" She asked, and Cassandra pointed to the back where all of the orders were either written down or told to the cooks in the back. With a smile, Hoshino nodded once more, and made her way on over. "One Strawberry Graham Parfait, please!" Hoshino spoke to the people preparing the food and drinks. With a thumbs up from them, they began working on it. Hoshino noticed a classic little bell on the counter, that of which was rung when an order was ready. "One grande cappuccino with a shot of hazelnut and caramel," the lady called out with a smile. Hoshino found herself wanting to work as the makers of these delicious things one day, but for now, she watched in amusement. So I just wait for the bell and call.

Hoshino talked to Cassandra about who she attended, who ordered what, and where they were sitting, that way she could also serve them while waiting for Akira's parfait to be finished. Hoshino brought everyone their breakfast sandwiches, coffees, and even the few people who were like Hoshino and ordered some sweets. With the rush going on, the girl's parfait was finished in no time at all.
"One Strawberry and Graham Parfait!" Was spoken just after the gentle ring of the bell. This little cafe had such a homey feel - Hoshino couldn't get enough of it. With that, Hoshino pranced on over - even having a little pep in her step - as she grabbed the parfait and walked back to where Akira was sitting. "Here you go, ma'am," Hoshino spoke politely, getting the hang of this waitress gig pretty quickly. What luck, being that Hoshino is a fast learner. "One Strawberry and Graham Parfait. Oh! And my name is Hoshino Shiromiya. It's a pleasure to meet you~!"



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It was when a thud was heard throughout the empty hallways, did the source of the thud figured out where she was. The small bed wasn't enough for her constant turning and spinning in the night. She rubbed her aching head and looked at the former white sheets. It was tinted red and pink from the clothes she was wearing. Rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes. She looked around the room. She gripped her head, looking up at the ceiling. The girl rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes. Sitting up, she did her best to fix her bed hair. Her yawn resembled a small whine. She straightened up and looked around. School should have started, where was everyone? Wherever they were, she shouldn't go out like this in public. Hotaru's eyes quickly caught sight of the bathroom. She sighed used the bed to propel herself forward towards the bathroom. She leaned against the door and turned the knob. Upon entering, Hotaru looked at her reflection. She felt heavier, as if there was another ton added on to her back. She couldn't even look into her own eyes. Turning the tap on, the girl rinsed her hands and face. Her nice looking uniform was now ruined with her own blood. She couldn't even defeat a Hollow. Her grip on the sink tightened. Nikky wouldn't want to ever want to be friends with a girl like her. She couldn't protect Nikky. Hotaru cupped her hands to catch the falling water. She splashed the tap water on her face. Hotaru felt drained, all she wanted was to retreat back into a dark room and sleep the days away. She rubbed her face on a towel and headed back into the room.

She didn't want to be a burden, so she plucked the bedsheets out and was about to put it in a hamper when a loud voice boomed out calling her name. The female voice stressed the last words of each sentence. Hotaru looked down and realized that she didn't want people to see her bloodied clothing. She dove for the bed and pressed a pillow over her uniform. She will have to send them an apology for messing up the pillows as well. Hotaru awaited for Farra's appearance. Yet, how was she going to communication? Last she remembered was that she left her personal belongings in Mr. Mutton's room.

//I'm sorry//
Damian grew a look of disapproval as Nikky had elaborated on how she knew who Lance was and what his powers were. She locked eyes with him, making him slightly more uncomfortable with the situation than he already was. Looks like the cats out of the bag. She wasn't buying his alibi and he could lie anymore than he had. He didn't like lying, though he felt he could excuse it for Nikky's safety... But that went nowhere. "Oh dear... Yeah, well there you have it. I thought maybe Limbo stripped you of your memory but I guess not. I don't really want to talk about the issue, Nikky. Best if you stay out of it." Damian was being blunt, but he had no other way he'd want to respond. With Lance's sudden absence, the Hollows, the host of Hierophant, the dangers of the oncoming future didn't bode well in Damian's head. Ever since he ran into other Zodiac host life hasn't been the same. Of course it wouldn't if you interacted with humans with superpowered spirits loitering about their person. Even if Nikky knew what was going on he didn't want what had happened to him, happen to her. He was almost killed a few days ago. He didn't want to run that risk for Nikky, who's just in the crossfire of these estranged happenings. "We're going to the Library right?" Damian asked, already starting his was there...

..."That wasn't what I meant, but good job! I guess he thinks you're still all helpless. We'll show em'! Him and Lance! If he ever pops up! Wonder where he is anyway... I haven't seen him in a good while, but usually Zodiacs would appear in front another when theirs hosts interact. Funny. Maybe he got sick of me." Elijah digressed. Even she was beginning to wonder where Lance had ran off to. It was odd of him to disappear since he's only ever in one place all the time. "Buuuut... We should surprise him! Tell em' that you're not helpless and then I'm like; Hell yeah she ain't! You're not the only one with a Zodiac! We should do it! I wanna see the look on that bored face change. Oh it's going to be sooooo good~!" Elijah had appeared behind Nikky and held her shoulders, shaking them some. She had this determined look on her face, and was so pumped she had to bite her lip to keep it all held down. "He's just like Lance too! I just have the urge to prove him wrong!" Elijah whispered. "On your mark, boss!" Elijah said, saluting Nikky and disappearing again.

|Cafe Maria|

|Shun : Ashlei|

The Truth: Part 1

The pair graciously accepted the menus from their host before seating themselves within the cafe which was slowly gaining traffic despite Shun's earlier doubts. Rather then delving into the mystery of the cafe's offerings, the boy's first action was to curiously observe a familiar face he remembered as Hoshino from the art club at the academy. Focusing his gaze upon the teddy bear that she carried, Shun was certain the presence of a zodiac emanated from the plush's existence, yet it was a unfamiliar feeling as if a new spirit had claimed a host from their world.

Just how many spirits are going to take asylum in hosts of our world.

"Another cute friend of yours?"

With his thoughts interrupted by Ashlei's declaration, Shun snorted in response to his friend's usual antics of assuming his company consisted of mostly cute girls that she could befriend. Watching Ashlei begin to creepily stare at the poor girl, Shun couldn't help but break into a fit of laughter that took his mind away from the current unnecessary thoughts the zodiacs would bring.

Finally delving into the menu he was given, Shun was surprised to see ordinary food offered at the cafe, and with two orders of omurice and tea coming from their pair, he couldn't help but feel that the restaurant resembled a maid cafe more than anything else. Especially after considering the uniforms that each employee wore.

"S-So...I-I...think I am going to become a full time employee for Jessica's art school."

Shun's thoughts were once again derailed by his friend who had lost her cheerful composure and was nervously contemplating her words with careful caution. It was obvious Ashlei was attempting to stall the conversation from reaching the answers Shun desired; however, the girl was never one to effectively beat around the bush, and it was with patience that Shun awaited her eventual response.

"C-College...S-So it--"

Ashlei cut off her own words with a series of deep breaths all while twiddling with her pigtails as a secondary outlet for her current nervousness.

"M-My funds were c-cut from...m-my b-benefactors."

|Takumi Manor|

|Shun's Father, Daichi : Alfie|

The Adoption: Part 1

"Welcome to your new home, young man."

Daichi's tone was welcoming as he gave the youth sitting across from his desk a warm smile to help alleviate the awkward tension that existed in the room's atmosphere. With the adoption papers right before his eyes, the man knew the answers to every question he would ask of the boy, yet as an attempt to break the ice, he continued with them regardless of the nuisance that it felt to be.

"Although we both know each other's names, I think a proper introduction would be the best start to our relationship. I am Daichi Takumi, and you are?"

There would be a long period of silence under which the man would patiently await the boy's answer which was stalled by the youth who was nervously stirring in the chair that he sat upon. During the entire process of adoption to the eventual arrival at the manor, not a single word had been uttered from the boy's mouth toward either Daichi or his wife, and although not a hint of negativity would show on his face, Daichi was brimming in annoyance from the frustration he was experiencing.


It would be nearly five minutes later that the boy would finally speak his name, causing Daichi to break into a fit of hearty chuckles as his initial response.

"Well then, its a pleasure to meet you, dear Alfie.

I'm sure you must be a bit tired from the trip, and I would love for you to break into your new house; however, I brought us here for a small chat.

I thought you might have been curious about our reasons and expectations from you as our new son."

Reaching within a paper bag at his feet, Daichi retrieved a set of artistic materials whose quality easily reflected the wealth that the Takumi family held. With a smile on his face, he shoved the materials across the desk toward the boy whose eyes were instantly fixated and intrigued by the offering of his new father's gift.

"These are entirely yours, and I believe this hints toward our discussion to come."


School Entrance

Talking to Alice

Sam raised an amused brow as Alice started talking about her general lack of knowledge of the sport she's about to play a game in. He can't help but laugh. "I shouldn't laugh, sorry." He pauses to think. "I got an idea, I need to go pick up some books from the library for classes, we can probably find some books on soccer there as well, plus I have my laptop and the Library should have Wi-Fi." He smiles sheepishly. "The problem is I don't know where the library is, and I have a feeling you probably do. So let's make a deal, you show me where the heck the library is and I'll help you learn how to soccer." While Sam isn't exactly a sporty person he's always up to learn something new, and he has a strange feeling Alice will have some problems if she tries to understand the sport by herself. "So." He continues. "We can head there after the game, that sound good with you?"

Since Sam decided to join the security team he doesn't really need to know soccer, but he figures there's a first for everything, and he might have to know how it works one day...for what reason he can't say, but he's sure the rules of Soccer will come in handy.


Meanwhile Sam realizes he needs a job, he's not sure where he'd get one as he can't name 3 businesses in this town yet, and the only placwe he'd been is that café he didn't learn the name of, not that Sam could cook. Maybe they needed a janitor or something, there's always hope right?
Farra skipped over to Hotaru's bed, and the sharp scent of dried blood slapped her in the face. She must have bled a lot, Farra thought. "Heeeeeey there, Hotaru! I have a question for you!" She held up the half-drunken Baja Blast. "I happened to get this from a dream," she said, lowering her voice to a low murmur, "And I was wondering; you've got one of those Zodiac thingies, right? I remember everything from the event in the portal, with that creepy Hellophant or whatever his name was. How'd you get yours? A dream, by any chance? I also happen to remember a certain desert wasteland dream from the beginning of school concerning this subject..." Farra bounced on her heels, bursting with anticipation, when she noticed Hotaru had nothing to write with! "Oh, I guess you need something to write with, right? Since these sheets are already ruined--" Farra spat into the dried blood and stirred her finger around in it, forming a goopy, dark red liquid that showed up well on the stark white sheets. "Try to write small, okay?" She said, resuming to bouncing. "Sorry to bother you, by the way, but I had to know."
Akira gently took her parfait in hand and looked upon Hoshino with a smile.

One Strawberry and Graham Parfait. Oh! And my name is Hoshino Shiromiya. It's a pleasure to meet you~!" The once believed angel spoke. Akira looked at the girl with a kind expression.

Thank you, Hoshino!” She said, taking the metal spoon that was already placed at the table and placing it gently into the succulent parfait. “My name is Akira. Akira Sonaris, though you can simply call me Akira. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Hoshino! Tee hee!!—Gah!” The girl had been so utterly lost in this blessed introduction that, like a complete idiot, she allowed herself to giggle. God how she hated that damned giggle. Though her voice was usually mature sounding and of normal female pitch for her age, it only ever went to such a pitch that she sounded like a 3 year old baby when she either laughed or screamed, the latter only occurring when her normally serious aura was tainted with that…. Of a pure one. She looked at Hoshino with wide eyes and then immediately diverted eye contact, trying her hardest to contain the blush that was creeping its way into her skin.

Y-yeah…. Thank you…” She said, now glaring out of the nearby window, letting the blush take its full effect while no one could see it.
Farra was certainly in a cheerful mood. She was carrying around a half empty, yet half full bottle. Hotaru blinked a bit, inching a bit away. She would have gave Farra a hug, but it seemed like the bedsheets were enough to give an idea of her mess. She began to shoot out questions and it looked like she was hoping for Hotaru to answer. Seeing that Hotaru couldn't speak, Farra made a bloodied paste for her to write with. Hotaru lifted the blood up, but it seemed to be weaker to hold up. It couldn't possibly be the fact she might be losing her powers. No of course not, it's just probably the spit in the blood. She shifted the words into letters, and then words. "No, you aren't bothering me. I'm a bit glad you came. I wanted to thank you for helping me." She hugged the pillow tighter and covered her neck from plain sight.

Her words shifted to answer the number of questions she was given. "I did get a Zodiac through a dream. The portal thing was my fault, I didn't realize that it had sucked you in by accident. " As she bent her blood to speak, she began to wonder about the portals and how she could have killed her friends, "Desert dream? The one with the cute puppy dogs? I think that one was coincidental..." Hotaru realized that a lot of her classmates were in the desert dream. It seemed like only a few had remembered. Hotaru smiled at her classmate. Since she was questioned, Hotaru hoped that Farra wouldn't mind being asked some things as well, "Is everyone okay? From the blackout, I mean. Why the sudden questions? How did you get that drink from your dream?" Hotaru paused a bit before asking more. "Where is everyone anyways?" She felt a bit down that Nikky hadn't shown up. Of course she would, Hotaru had her almost killed! "Oh....and do you have a change of clothes?" She could feel herself turn bright red. She couldn't bear doing a walk of shame to her dorm room with a pillow.
Clark sighed after leaving the bathroom and getting changed out of his nightwear. It seemed whatever had decided to give Clark such a horrible nightmare still refused to show itself to Clark. He decided not to persist on the matter and do something productive today. What he should actually do was what Clark couldn't decide on. Eventually he decided to go to the football (soccer) match. Even thigh he wasn't a great fan of it he knew the basics and it wouldn't hurt to watch it. Plus he could just leave at any time if he got bored. Once he arrived Clark got a bottle of water and sat in the stand, waiting for the game to start.

((sorry for the bad post I just want to sleep))
CENTER]The Library

Interacting with no one


Damian had left her alone to ponder her actions. Maybe, and only maybe did she start to regret what she had said. But Nikky wasn't one to admit her mistakes, acknowledge yes, but admittance was something she refused to do. So she carried onto the library paying the boy no more mind; the jerk. He even had the gull to use Hotaru as an example. She marched towards the library her foot falling to an unexpected beat in her head. She blinked for a bit and paused when Damian had left she realized she was alone now. And without another soul to converse with, Nikky began to notice a few things,

1.) A man sneezing.

2.) A baby crying with a mother trying to confort it.

3.) An obnoxious phone ringing.

4.) The sound of a cat scratching at a door.

But here was the thing, none of what she heard was actually there. In fact, many of the things she heard she was quite sure were far away. Her ears were like a transmitter picking up random frequencies, but she couldn't tell just where they were all coming from exactly.


Nikky jumped at the sound of a walnut falling onto the concrete before her, she stood there frozen for a minute before a squirrel hurried down the tree to retrieve its treasure then disappear into the safety of the tree branches. Elijah's words went in one ear and out the other, all she wanted to do was get away from all the noise. So she headed for the library.

There was definitely something different with Nikky as she looked for books. Maybe it was that unconscious tapping of her foot that drew attention from the librarians causing them to make comments about being quiet. Or the sway of her hips as she lost herself in the thought of a new tune floating in her head. Or maybe the out right whistling that eventually got her shoved out the library all together due to complaining people trying to read. She stood outside the building, clutching her book on
The property of sound waves and Playing instruments for dummies close to her chest. Glad they at least had the courtesy to let her check it out before they made her exit the building. Looking down at the title of The properties of sound waves, she sighed. Her was heart heavy and it was apparent on her face in the off times like this when her social mask slipped. She had hoped something useful or at least interesting would come from the text within. The next thing she needed to do was accquaint herself with the Cello instrument or any instrument for that matter. Nikky tapped her finger on the books in her possession and began walking away from the library, but was immediately hit with a wave of noise coming from every which direction. Nikky abruptly dropped her books on the ground and cringed clutching her ears wanting to peel them off right at that moment. She screamed, but it was for naught. She couldn't even hear herself beyond the massive collection of mixed voices and sounds currently attacking her eardrum. She frantically shook her head and gathered her things before dashing away, she needed to go somewhere. Anywhere, anywhere but here.

Nikky turned the corner to burst through the double doors, an automated bell ringing upon her arrival..

And just like that, the noises stopped and the tear stained girl leaned her shoulder onto the wall sliding down to the ground clutching her head in her hands. As if afraid that if she let go, her cranium would just roll away or burst. She raised her attention to notice total silence. The clerk looked at her with a worried expression; his hand reaching for a hidden button. People in the line waiting to check out also gave the girl a apprehensive look, some uncertain of what to make of the mess of a teenager, while others sneered at her.


Current location: Convience store
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Damian turned his head back around over is shoulder when he heard Nikky utter something, as if cue something. "What..?" Damian eyed the space around and behind Nikky and found that nothing had been there. Did she have someone else with her? Was this some prank to waste his time and keep him on subject? Damian blinked at the girl, a little confused as to what he was supposed to be seeing. "Umm... Am I supposed to see something? Or?" Damian shrugged it off and turned forward blowing a raspberry at Nikky's little act. "Yeah... The Librar--" "Boo!" Elijah had suddenly appeared as if from thin air in front of Damian. "Aah!!" Damian jumped back. His arms threw up in defense from the startle, almost tripping on his heel. Elijah had caught him off guard completely showing up in front of him like that. Whomever this girl was he didn't know her and hadn't seen her around the school before. Her outfit in comparison to the teenagers around here was quite unique, plus she looked like an adult rather than a teen. "Is-- Is this someone you know, Nikky?" Elijah had placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. Her puffy ponytail waggling all over the place, completely devoid of gravity. "Yeah. I'm her Zodiac you dense bumbleclot! Name's Elijah. And yooooouuuu'rrree... Dame? Yeah? Whatever Nikky called you. Lance's sulk baby. Need not worry, girl can handle herself and anything with me around. Kehehehe~" Damian lowered his arms, regaining his composure. Damian had looked back to Nikky to confirm that she was seeing the same thing as he. Well, no doubt about it. Either she had a Zodiac or Damian finally snapped a twig somewhere. He stuffed his hands back in his pockets and threw his head about to "fix" his hair. "Elijah? Fantastic..." Damian had started his saunter to the library. It was obvious he wasn't happy about Nikky gaining a Zodiac, no matter how powerful she claimed to be. It all didn't sit well with the boy. "Hey where do you think you're going!? You don't just ignore a woman like that!" Elijah shouted at the back of his head.

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