
Well, maybe not gods, per say. Maybe more like spirites. A bunch of Kitsune (not were-foxes) tried to get themselves worshiped as gods and, well, they managed to piss off their own deity. Consiquently, that particular race of Kitsune is now mostly extinct.

Aright. I just added the stuff about "how to become a lycanthrope" to the lycanthrope section. Now I think I need to get to work on the individual lycanthrope races. I've done enough fluff.
my master plan is complete

Or perhaps both should be slammed by the almighty door?

Also I did give fair warning about slap stick
Gavino's dude was being evil and threatening and stuff to rabbit's character. And as I had warned about some slapstick earlier I managed to emerge from an alleyway tavern with the door slamming into gavino's character ( :P ).
Ohhhhh... Ok THAT is funny. I think it would only hit the Rider. Velvet didn't even notice
@The Velveteen Rabbit @GreatGavino

While this post is specifically aimed at the aforementioned people, I think it would be good for everyone to take note of what I am about to say...

I believe that at this early in the adventure, none of the "heroes" should be able to take on a single player villain on their own. Evangelion may be a gifted Mage, but she is only 19, while the man(?) that she is fighting is an assassin with who-knows-how-many years of experience. There is no way that she should win this alone. Have her put up a good fight, but take damage, have her miss, and start to lose. Then some one else comes in, which thanks to your shield only another mage (-cough- Me -cough-) could get involved. Working together the two will then push him back. Not beat him, only drive him back.
Me and Velvet were already discussing that, and we got a general idea worked out [villains good for moving plot]

But we can still probably arrange for something to happen so PCs can group up


idk what to do right now, since im in a barrier bubble thing, in a fight but getting hit with doors

i think we will just sort that stuff out tmr bc i gonna go sleep
I can't do anything until Monty responds, but I would love to have a piece of the action.
Or I could apply door some more. :D

Great suggestion as Protag plot armor aside I don't think the characters are like that far ahead to do that sort of stuff.


The answer is Jackie Chan style duel
GreatGavino said:
Me and Velvet were already discussing that, and we got a general idea worked out [villains good for moving plot]
Not when the plot is gathering everyone together. Then all you end up doing is dragging things out. ( ;) )
Okay, since all of you guys want to help fight Rider, I'll have Evangelina break the barrier at a certain point. Either when she's about to lose and be killed, or when Trina and Ian's characters show up. It doesn't matter when I guess. Whenever you guys are close enough, I'll have her break it :3
1 villain vs 5-6 hero PCs is no fun, so we will have to kinda form a way to get everyone in the fight without bringing a squad beatdown
I kind of agree with Ian, drawing everyone into this fight is gonna be fun! Unless you Gavinos character.

How tough is he?
And I never intended for Evangelina to win the fight. She's going to lose. I already talked to Gav about it, and well... It'll add more to the plot anyways. Not saying what happens once she does lose, but... it won't be nice I guess.
GreatGavino said:
1 villain vs 5-6 hero PCs is no fun, so we will have to kinda form a way to get everyone in the fight without bringing a squad beatdown
Well that's the "driving him back" part. The odds are heavily against his favor so he retreats.

[QUOTE="The Velveteen Rabbit]Okay, since all of you guys want to help fight Rider, I'll have Evangelina break the barrier at a certain point. Either when she's about to lose and be killed, or when Trina and Ian's characters show up. It doesn't matter when I guess. Whenever you guys are close enough, I'll have her break it :3

Well, Medea is going to show up as soon as I post, but I plan for her to sit and watch until it is clear that she is needed.

To make this easier for a large group of people to fight, when the shield goes down Medea can cast a spell that forces the fight out of the alley and into the street.

And as to how the barrier goes down, It happens when Eva can no longer focus on it. (Either too exhausted or takes a painful hit that breaks her concentration.)
I dunno might be fun to see the shadow rider take the girl out for dinner as an apology on bringing down the smack down on her
Ixacise said:
I dunno might be fun to see the shadow rider take the girl out for dinner as an apology on bringing down the smack down on her
I think I like you.


GreatGavino said:
1 villain vs 5-6 hero PCs is no fun, so we will have to kinda form a way to get everyone in the fight without bringing a squad beatdown
It will be 1 vs 3, Trina, Evah, and Medea. Zelin's a wuss.

Your about get in a fight with 3 teenage girls

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