
From what I remember he was playing music in his last post. IF I am correct. If not I can always change it, twas only a sentence. :D I was hoping to actually start grabbing members and form the group. Maybe I'm trying to hard?
I was.

Also perhaps you should remove the closed tag from the IC to let people know you're accepting new characters
@MrMopp I assumed as much, why? Also, for whatever reason the site is preventing me from changing it to accepting. I can't even change the prefix. I'm alerted with an error explaining the site is doing some sort of maintenance. I guess it'll be a bit.
Nah, he's a very in-experienced prince. Kinda why he's virtually useless. xD Though, he has a cool eye-patch now. Whoo~
I dunno, whatever you want. You can keep the post and have him with an eye-patch or change it. I'll just adjust either way.
*Puts arm around your shoulder* But think of the possibilities Mopp! All of the benefits! Which is better? Eye-patched badass Zelin? Or innocent and well mannered Zelin? Who sometimes has an angry girlfriend with tentacle vines.
Go witth cute. It sutes him better

Ok so the each kind of lycanthropes has a small magical ability or sense based off of mythology or superstition.

Wolves get empathy partially because they are associated with team work, and partially because they seem to be easily controlled by bad guys. (I might want to rethink this)

( @Beaurmont there was a group of monks who could reportedly travel out of their bodies in their sleep in the form of wolves and battle with devils for the well being of that years crops (they were called Benendanti or Gods Hounds I think). So maybe were-wolf priests of Aether have astral projection or mind-walking of something)

Grizzly Bears are associated with nurture so I gave them the ability to imbue things with... Healthiness. Live stock they raise are strong and healthy, crops they grow are of the best quality, and food they prepare is highly nutritious. They also make good healers. (Were-grizzly are notoriously crabby, but make for hospitable hosts if you get on their good side.)

Ravens have death-sense because the three Celtic goddesses of death, war, and harvest are represented by ravens.

Hanging a dead skunk over your door will supposedly keep out evil spirits and bad magic (and relatives, I imagine) so I gave Skunks an invisible anti-magical field that goes from skin tight to a 5yd radius. If you get caught in this field, you will be untouchable by magic for a DAY. If your a mage, sucks to be you cause you can't USE magic for a day.

Porcupine was a master weaver in Native American mythology so I made them skilled enchanters. Being able to imbue material with magic as they make it into clothing. Porcupine was also a skilled archer so I gave them good hand-eye coordination.

The Selkie (seal people) have been said to summon the wrath of the sea upon those who anger them. So, I gave them weather control (in large numbers, I think) but only if they're by the salt water. They never leave the the sea side anyway so...

Wolverines don't need no stinkin' magic. They're badass little monsters. But Lox (the wolverine trickster) seemed to have a thing for fire. So a wolverine mage can either channel their own maniac energy into a fire and thus manipulate it, or steal its heat to fuel themselves. A wolverine pyro-mage can turn flint & steel into an effective weapon. Get into a fight with one in a forest fire and you're TOAST.

Foxes obviously scream out "illusions" but that seems to powerful. Besides, Kitsune are, in fact, going to featured in this game and they can do illusions and MORE. But I don't think I should consider them lycanthropes, because not all Kitsune CAN take a humanoid form. So what do I do with were-foxes?

Jackals have Truth discernment I think, after Anubis, a god of the dead who helps weigh a souls heart on the scale of justice

Swans, coyotes, foxes, cougars, lions, horses, and jaguars are next on the list. Any ideas for small, subtle or difficult to notice powers to give them?
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@MrMopp I wish I could like that post more than once. *Slow clap* (Did I ever mention Anubis is one of my favorite gods? No? It's...not really brought up much in conversation huh? ...I'll be quiet now.) That idea with the monks is brilliant! They obviously won't be introduced until later of course, but I like it! Perhaps I'll PM you sometime about it.
I'll get to posting something later.

We'll regroup and then move to the next plot point right?
Beaurmont said:
@MrMopp I wish I could like that post more than once. *Slow clap* (Did I ever mention Anubis is one of my favorite gods? No? It's...not really brought up much in conversation huh? ...I'll be quiet now.) That idea with the monks is brilliant! They obviously won't be introduced until later of course, but I like it! Perhaps I'll PM you sometime about it.
it's interesting how scavengers end up becoming death gods and afterlife guides

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