


Raptor Shadow Creature? :3
I quite forgot about tech-magic. Well aright, but try finding different terms us to use instead of DNA and cells. Different world after all. Trust me, it'll be more believable. Either way most lycanthropes would scoff at the idea.

BTW Most lycanthropes don't bother bitting people. Just wolves. Most people who become lycanthropes voluntarily go through a ritual (or sometimes stolen from their cribs. Seals have been known to do that). I'll get to details on the ritual in a moment.

What exactly is wrong with the prince? Is he sick? Poisoned? Wounded?

I'm asking because Medea specializes in healing magic (empowering magic) and healing him would give the group a reason to keep her around.
Well I guess it's not a ritual, but no lycanthrope worth his salt is going to make you into one of his kind without you becoming a part of this family, through marriage or adoption, so I suppose there is some ceremony involved.

One way to transform someone is, of course, biting. This requires some magical knowledge and blood on the teeth. Another involves getting someone to drink a magic mixture with a lycanthropes blood mixed in it. Both of these methods take a full month and there's no guarantee the subject will notice or even know how to control his new power. Unless it's a canine, in which case the transformation will happen quite suddenly on a full moon.

That's all useful if you're forcibly recruiting (or teaching some trigger-happy hunter a hard lesson) But the most ancient, spiritual, and frankly practical method of making a lycanthrope requires the subject to wear the pelt of a deceased lycanthrope.

Yeah. It's gross. I know. But that's how it's done. The pelt has to be mostly undamaged And MUST be treated by a mage who specializes in skin-changing magic. A shaman usually. When you put it on, with the head covering your own like a hood, the furry coat will stretch over your skin while your skeleton, organs, and muscles change shape (painlessly) until you've taken on a full animal form. It will not stretch over your clothes, but if you tuck the tail end under your collar, it will stretch under it. After a little instruction, you can take it off and put it on whenever you please. Unless it's a canine pelt in which case the full-moon rule still applies. After about a month of wearing the pelt daily, you will no longer need it to transform and will have become a full-fledged lycanthrope.

This method is kind of like training wheels. It let's you slowly become accustom to your new animal nature and growing shape shifting power. Some people claim to have seen the spirit of the pelts previous owner guiding them. Anyway, once you've made the full transition, The shaman or clan chief (or whatever) will take the pelt back.
So, because Orc Shamans usually wear pelts, could we assume most of the young Shaman are lycanthropes in-training, while the older Shaman treats the coat for them?
Nnnno. A lot of people wear animal pelts. Becoming an adopted lycanthrope is a rare privalige.

As far as what humanoid race they would be, I didn't give that a lot of thought. I take a lot of my ideas from ancient shapeshifter myths and "animal wife" story's like the Selkie and Swan Maidens. Those all feature humans.

I think that lycanthropes would be Toren if nothing else, and Ian suggests I exclude Guardians and Magus

What do you guys think?
I don't think their is a problem with an Orc lycanthrope. He might even BE the shaman in that case. Would give him some influence.

I think that powerful mages should be resistant to transformation. If your a Mage, transform yourself for cryin out loud.

Lycanthropes are usually pretty low level magic users, with the exception of seals, and eastern foxes.

Seal mages can control sea storms.
My god that sounds amazing...

I was thinking of a Lycan who isn't really at full-power, so they were kind of stuck mid-transformation.


Yes, I did just do that.

Come at me, bro.
I guess so.

I think that if there are any minor types of lycanthropes, such as foxes, rabbits, etc, they should have a little more control due to them being docile, unlike wolves, who are naturally more aggressive. And with this control they can transform half-way instead of fully if they wanted to, but do not get the full powers of their lycan form, yet have the benefits of remaining humanoid.

Also, I was thinking about Wolfsbane. Would such a potion exist? If so, how common/rare is it?
Oh, wolfsbane is a real plant that grows in Western Europe. Its some times called aconite or monkshood and it's highly poisonous. For our purposes, if you give a werewolf victim some wolfsbane the night he gets bit, it will kill the wolf inside him. If it doesn't kill the victim, too.

I actualy avoided most of the prey species for now until I know how lycanthropes deal the food chain. But actualy, there's nothing stoping a lycanthrope from going halfway. A hybrid form is quite useful, especialy if you're a feline (Jaguars make excellent assassins). They just prefer to do one form or the other.

@Ian Temero He currently healed his illness, but none the less, a healer of ANY type is welcome in the plot. You could appear healing the refugees upon the way and we manage to find you? INSTANT FRIENDSHIP.
SirFlabberghaspy said:
I also wanted to know if you wanted to add anything to it? You know, just help me with it. I plan to write stories set in it, and Roleplays set in it too.
I might. Just be sure you ok things with Monty. Don't want to step on his toes.

Oh. Oops. Sorry Monty.

@SirFlabberghaspy Btw: I thinks our notions of magic clash a little. I always go for subtle and mystical, and you prefer it to be tangible and structured, am I right?
Poor Monty's toes.

Toes toes toes.


And yes, but I tend to use mysticism as an entirely different category for magic, which I might need to add. For example, witches and warlocks practice mysticism, but may also practice magic such as demonology, etc.

Mysticism would be, in my general notion of magic, hexing, charming, envisioning, and the scientific part of it would simply be alchemy. My view of mysticism and the subtle would fall under the witches, warlocks, and perhaps prophets.

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