

We're not starting the second seige already are we? I know I'm a bit of a whiner, but this is my first time playing Trina as a human (and with vocal chords) and Ian just got here.

More stuff for the lycanthrope character page involving hybrids.

Lycanthrope/mundane pairing are unorthodox but not unacceptable, although it's usually insisted that the mundane goes through the transformation process before they become part of the family (I'll describe that process later in another section). Love between two species of lycanthrope, however, is pretty much taboo. Should such an odd union be forged, the offspring will almost always take on the animal form of one parent, although they may have a personality, coloring, or magical affinities belonging to other.

Chimeric Hybrids like Trina, who take physical aspects from species, are extremely rare. They are considered freaks by other lycanthropes, and tend to make the headlines when seen by humanoids.

Now, I'm bored. Anything you need me to elaborate on about lycanthropes?
I would like to know the most common animal type of Lycanthrope, and the most rare, and maybe types in between. Also, the origins of Lycanthropy, and if there was once any sort of Shapeshifting species that the alphas are descended from. And I would like to know whether or not you could summon one through magic.
It's not so much about how common they are. It's more about how much press they get and how likely you are to meet one.

In this area, Skunks are actualy number one. They are complete PESTS who are notoriously rude and aren't afraid of anything. They go where they what, do as they will, and say what they please. It's not uncommon for them to piss someone off and end up transforming to defend themselves. They also have the ability to neutralize magic (in a 5 yard radius when they want to) so magic shop owners know to look out for them.

Ravens are number two. They have the ability to sense death and sometimes spirits. Although creepy, this death-sense opens up some good job opportunities in the city so there are more of them around then you think. But they still keep quiet about it.

Wolves are number three. In spite of their bad reputation, werewolves are one of the more sociable lycanthropes in this area and often like being around humanoids. Of course that causes problems when they get plastered in a bar one full moon night and forget to keep track of the time, or maybe gets the midnight munchies and decides to raid his neighbors livestock. Certainly makes the headlines. Wolves also tend to hang out in large group. There are entire tribes of barbarian werewolves up in the north and you'd be surprised how many packs live in local monasteries

Other lycanthrope that are native to this area include bears, coyotes, cougers, bobcats, foxes, horses, porcupines, wolverines, badgers, seals, swans, beavers, and raccoons. Though I think I might've missed a few.

Somehow, I doubt lycanthrope are summonable. Besides, summoning a were-bear while he's on the toilet would be a death sentence.
Getting there.

It depends on who you ask. Some claim to be decendents of a great nature spirit. Others elaborate and say that their ancestor took a humanoid bride, but as a wild creature he bound to leave her so he gave their child the ability to walk between their worlds. Others claim there was a time when all animals could transform back when the world was young and still raw with magic. Some even claim to be the ancestors of the humanoid races. Some don't give a darn where they came from.

There are hundreds of diferent answers. Who knows for sure.
If you were to ask my character, I would pick a theory based around the First Men of the North, sort of like Lord of the Rings. And that the descendants of the First Men, who could shift, also got this ability, and were able to spread it as well, their saliva containing the very DNA that contains such power, which enters the body of the bite victim, and is quick to multiply and make their way into the victim's own cells.

But w/e, just a more scientific approach to it. It's just a theory, anyway...

A game theory! Thanks for watching...

Sorry, I had to do that. Fistbump if you know that reference.
Vundabar mate. Perhaps the immense culture is to your liking? I couldn't really go into full detail as one, it's been eradicated now, and two I was kidnapped at the beginning of the RP. xD
SirFlabberghaspy said:
their saliva containing the very DNA that contains such power, which enters the body of the bite victim, and is quick to multiply and make their way into the victim's own cells.
Your character is entitled to his opinions. One problem. What is DNA and what are these "cells" that you speak of?.

This a medieval world of magic. Not scifi .
But, but MrMopp-san...

I thought if Magic existed it would simply increase knowledge as well, besides, we already have Magi-Tech and Electricity O.o

Also, I have no idea, I just looked up Anime yay gif.
I was going to have a Magus character show up later that would be this powerful elder. He would give explanations of the use of magic and be the head of "scientific research". But due to his work being called blasphemous by the church, he had to go into hiding to conduct his own.

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