
(' :| )

Eh he he... (Senpai's scaring me.)

Okay, I've read through the last five pages of the RP and I'm a little lost. Could someone give me an explanation as to what has happened with the Prince's group, as well as a description of the setting, so that I can accurately being Madea and Shor in?
The prince and Evangelina, the elf, are in a town a bit aways from the large Venesian city Dominion, resting in a inn. Dominion, the capital, has been completely demolished from a siege set up by orcish war troops led by a demon under the command of the Dark Guild. Life Novel's Characters are lurking around Dominion, from what I remember, and Gav's character can be anywhere since his last post was him riding into the darkness. Trina is in the forest, Ixa's char is heading to the small town with the prince, and the gravedigger is burying some corpses in the forest. (He's accepting jobs from Dominion refugees.) The whole of the Kaekuma plot-line is currently frozen as I have heard zero news from any of them. Charles is hiding somewhere in Dominion or something to that effect (Kinda confused as well.) and a small refugee camp has been created in a mountain range on the outskirts of the Dominion ruins.
I am dumb

I thought you posted IC in the OOC

Also I think I'm in town considering I was fiddling on the rooftops
They are creatures that inhabit the Sky Realm, or anything similar to that. You can summon them from that realm, like how people summon Fire Elementals from Fire Realms, etc.

They can also speak, but usually choose not to. They know Celestial and Common
Do a lot of Dominionites know about them? (I'm thinking Trina is showing a feather to someone from dominion, and if he knows, he will tell her about it.
Considering that they are used for evacuation, yes, but they're also rarely used as Dominion hasn't been in such a state in a very long time. I would think that Dominionites would know about them, but only in detail if they themselves know how to summon them, or have been associated or was once a Venesian Guard.
Trina is still in the town. I don't necicarily want her to leave the town, I'm just having her do what I think she'd do,
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He was a hooded man who was looking for the prince, basically the guy who started the little resistance outside Dominion. I ended my last post with him being around thirty yards from the outskirts of your little town / village.
Based it off of Falkreath from Skyrim xD Hellz yea

But yes. Tis' called Halkreath xD Because I am unimaginative.

Wait a minute. Does Ian know who I am? xD
*Is secretly rubbing hands together evily* "Yeeeesssss. L.I.P will catch on. All according to plan."

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