
Good news everyone! The RP is once again able to accept new members! Now if I could just remove some of the old names that'd be great. *Grumble* Ahem...With that, hoping they will join at a slower pace then during the previous influx. That...was a bit difficult to deal with. Anyway, I'll start posting now to get the show on the road.

And it seems I am being threatened otherwise and I quote: "Post you fool or I shall send my reign of demon potatoes to end you." Senpai is frightened.
I'm going be a while. Tomorow maybe. Out of thinking power right now, I have an early shift in the morning and need my sleep, I have a lot to catch up on, and I need time to figure out how to Trina is going to react to all this crap anyway.

And people, before you get too hasty (pause to give Velvet an amused look) keep in mind that my character can run 40 mph and is big enough to ride.
MrMopp said:
I'm going be a while. Tomorow maybe. Out of thinking power right now, I have an early shift in the morning and need my sleep, I have a lot to catch up on, and I need time to figure out how to Trina is going to react to all this crap anyway.
And people, before you get too hasty (pause to give Velvet an amused look) keep in mind that my character can run 40 mph and is big enough to ride.
But is also in the middle of a town. If she transforms people will see it.
Mahself, mah lord.

Work work.

Zug zug.


It's for anyone who wants to use it in an RP, just to expand the lore. Of course, I will take what I like and leave the ugly parts out, like some kind of princess who becomes a god.
Hm. Not sure I understood that last part.

Well, as long as it's a personal project and not interfering with our current RP, feel free to use any of my ideas you want. I noticed that your ideas on lycanthropes are more Unique Condition while mine are more Nature Spirit, so we clash there, but don't be afraid to adapt it to your liking.
Okay ^-^


Woo-hoo! Senpai noticed me!
So it's pretty well established that the Rider is radiating intense hatred and that friggin scares people. And since animals are very sensitive to emotions that counts as triple for Trina. But for her, it triggered the "fight" reflex instead of the "flight". Someone just waltzed into her territory and broadcasted that he wanted trouble so, by golly, was going to give it to him
I wanted to give notice that I will be indisposed for the next day and a half. I apologize for holding up the rp. New Years gave me the chance to hang out with friends I haven't seen in about two years. Much happiness. Oh yes, HAPPY NEW YEAR MATES! Kinda late yeah, but why the hell not right? Anyway, I'll post when I can so as not to put a huge delay on it.
Ok, so thinking about lycanthropes again, I can't figure out what kind of magic to give were-coyotes. Any ideas?

Or swans. I'm stuck on that one, too.
Wooo! I'm back. Good times. Anyway, I'll get right to posting when I can. MAY THE PLOT MOVE FORWARD ONCE AGAIN. HAZZAH~
Professional whiner, at your service.

But this time i was just confused

And actually I, I read it over a little more carefully, so I under stand it now

More for the lycanthrope page.

Many of lycanthrope beliefs are adapted from Mundane mythology. They hear a story that relates to their animal, think "yeah, that sounds right", and after snipping out the parts they don't like they wear it like a badge

For instance, many of the scavengers, such as ravens, jackals, (coyotes?) and sometimes wolves, consider themselves to be the children of the Gods of Death. I suppose would help you feel better about devouring someone's corps, but still, a few of them take their role as psychopomps (guide-of-souls) seriously and dedicate themselves to honoring and even communicating with the dead.

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