
maybe we could bring in some Dark Guild hired mercs or something [there incase things got bad, which by sounds of it they will] it will allow for less focused fighting since lots people posting attacks on guy can get hectic.
My guy is a musician.

I know my guy isn't exactly known at this point due a lack of stage presence compared to the others. But I'm working on that
Grave digger is someone else.

I'm the musician and like I said I haven't done a whole lot of posts so I'm kinda of an unknown right now.
Medea will be doing both. While she is a powerful offensive mage, she will prioritize healing above all else.

While I like the idea of him being a tank, Shor's only interaction in this fight will be verbal. In fact, he can not use his powers to aid in any mortal conflict unless the person he is aiding speaks his true name (which is not in fact Shor) and orders him to fight. Neither Medea or Shor want this, on account of the cat preferring not to get physically involved and the witch fearing what releasing the devil's power will do to her familier (as in turning him completely evil)

And what do you mean "actually performing magic"?! Her healing is "actual magic". -goes and cries in a corner- (:'()



Oh okay, I see now. Verbal, huh? I feel like that will be entertaining xD
Trina can will try to use long ranged weaponry on the guy first. Or if she can get close enough without detection (cause he has a friggin sword), she could whack him with a blunt object. She could transform in the ally and come out to fight. She would be stronger and faster, but it also less agile and easer to hit
I think so. But you have a little time before that. Say, do you think Trina would know the musician?
@Beaurmont Trina only had (throwing) knives and a tomahawk. No swords or daggers (Zelin is a swordsman, correct?). But if Zelin has a ring with the Royal Seal on it, he could probably commandeer one from some one. A guard, probably.

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