
Maybe but keep in mind two things :

1. Don't listen to Trina. She doesn't know Zelin. Her low opinion of his competence stems from when A) she tried to scare him the night before while he was injured and mistook his shakiness for wussyness, and B) when he just told her "I'm tired of being useless" which was a red flag for her. Not very inspiring impressions.

2. And smart person might think twice about sending in their liege to fight a magic-using assassin, but your typical commoner would worship the ground Zelin walks on and would be more than happy to see him ride into battle with his radiant sword in hand to fight the foe.

3. He's the prince. Are you really going to tell him no?

(Looks at first sentence) ...Apparently, I can't count.
1. haven't met her but I wouldn't trust an injured kid to fight

2. Don't know or care

3. Not my royalty
@MrMopp I assumed she didn't have any swords or bladed weapons, though it doesn't hurt for him to ask for such no? Yes he is a swordsman, as it is the only thing he has any impressive kingly skills at. He disregarded his magic study completely, so he barely knows even the most basic magic principles.

1)I wouldn't expect people to just give me stuff since I'm prince.

2)Why would they trust me when I'm only 18 and Dominion was obliterated?

3)Am I cool yet for using numbers?

4)The assassin would surely kill him at this level without a weapon.
To answer #2. I don't think most of the populous will hate him for that if it wasn't his fault. But honestly, I'm not sure.
Monty just to let you know I'm still present just waiting on a certain event to occur. No pressure to my lackies though! Ya'll are doing a wonderful job! (You know who you are ;)

But seeing as how there have been some unaccounted assistance for the elf and Guardian...I may have to intervene somehow for this certain event to occur.

I ask you all if you like suspense and tension in a story, yes? Well two others (whom I won't name for the sake of surprise) came up with this wicked plot twist, the thing is it may seem as though it may not occur. I wish you all to trust us in that I ask you to stand down your characters. Not completely have them back off from the fighting. I love the fighting occurring but for some those assisting it may cause difficulty for the event to occur. Perhaps having your characters overpowered by some dark forces that held them back from helping. Mmm I guess in this case I will intervene in some manner. This is mostly a suggestion, you do not have to comply if you do not wish to.
I'll pass.

I haven't been able to do anything since coming back on the holidays.

And if I keep staying on the sidelines I'm just going to up and leave from lack of investment
The problem is that no one realized he was addressing us, so the door slamming went by unnoticed

Well, addressing them
Mmm okay okay. I have something in mind, but will have to post tomorrow. Currently studying Pre-Cal...and well my brain is hurting

If you plan to have something happen to one character that is currently in a group, you need to let the members know what the end result is, otherwise we will be pushing our goals with no idea as to what you want to happen.

Medea is far too close to the action for a "dark force" to "overpower" her (in a rather peaceful town).

If the end result is Eva getting kidnapped, than have it happen during the 4 vs 1 that is about to happen. If it's something else, than let us know so that we can let it happen.

You can't expect us to be able help move your plot along if we don't know what it is. You don't have to tell us the whole thing, just the desired end result.
Kay, I'm gonna take over for her since she got offline x3.

Yeah, Evangelina is indeed getting kidnapped. Ya guessed right. The only reason why @LifeNovel said she would have Kyro intervene, is so that no one rushes in and completely destroys Rider. Our original plan was: Zelin and Trina would run off, Evangelina would try to fight off Rider with a little bit of help (Shor, Medea, or @Ixacise 's character), but will still be kidnapped as a result. Because more characters are joining in on the fight, it makes it a little harder for this whole kidnapping thing to work. Ya got the base of it now? If you want me to explain anymore, just ask.
GAH. SORREH. I had to. Everyone would have been confused as hell if I didn't tell them the end result. I didn't tell them a few other parts though xD So the surprise isn't completely over.

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