
Working on one.

Leaning to just gathering up the remaining people and introducing some sort of event/mutual goal that gets things going.

Also what's wrong with a shovel to the face?

Also I'd be up for co-gmin now that I got my school stuff out of the way
Just added info on the Lycanthrope character page about their shape shifting.

Shapeshifting: Not like the movies. Transformation is quick and painless. Usual a lycanthrope will go right to an animal form, not stopping halfway. It's not impossible to take a hybrid form, but it's not very practical unless your animal form is strong or has sharp claws. Still, if a lycanthrope got into a fight and he wanted the benefit of psychological warfare, turning into a half-man half-animal would do the trick. I mean, imagine you're facing your opponent and suddenly he hunches over, fur sprouting all over body, his nails growing into curved claws, his face elongating into snarling, drooling, fang filled snout and suddenly he lunges at you going "BLEEEAAAGH!" with jaws wide and spittle flying everywhere. You are GOING to need a new change of pants.

Speaking of pants, clothing does not transform with them unless it's magically treated.
Nope, not for a wolf. In fact they got to worry about them falling off. However Trina is a hybrid wolf/bear so... Um... You know what, I'm shutting up now
New Lycanthrope character page stuff:

Generally, lycanthropes can change form when they wish, but most canine were-creatures are bound by the moon, which calls out to their inner animal and brings it to the surface. On a crescent moon, a were-canine is unaffected. On a half moon, their doggish personality bleeds through a little bit. On a gibbous moon their canine features start to show (fangs, tail, ears, copper eyes). On a full moon they go animal, passionately so. The fuller the moon is, the harder transformation is to suppress.

Canine magic also waxes and wanes with the moon and they can only turn people on a full moon. (I'm thinking of changing the rule about only mages being able to turn people)
*Shrug* I can post something but it would only be me putting Zelin in the inn to rest and not be bleeding out. Other than that Idk.
I just found the pefect picture to show what Trina looks like at the moment.


Nice ending posts by the way mates. Delightfully done. Now then, would everyone here approve if I make a long post that does the time skip, explains the movement of the dark hordes in the background, and Idk. Some other shizz that someone can ask me to add?
ya dont even really needa make a long post, one describing the finale of the battle and kinda explaining it is morning would be fine personally

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