
Are you kidding? We're having trouble dealing with what we have. A group of 8 is hard to manage. Poor Monty has to deal with 23
Wow gee yes it sure is hard doing absolutely nothing since all the villains are controlled by other players and there aren't any NPCs.
Cut the attitude, Zask. And part of the trouble is that the antagonists are being controlled by everyone EXCEPT the DM.

@Beaurmont , should I entertain the fair citizens of Kaekuma for you?
The siege shouldn't take some many RL days to complete since it's moving at the speed of narrative. Besides not like there's a bunch of players in the city anyway.

Also outside of being all foreboding and evil the antagonist PCs haven't too much. Real issue would be the GM not using his GM power to make things progress and instead just kinda interacting with the love interest
GreatGavino said:
real problem is lack of posting, if no one posts, nothing can happen
Yeah. That's the biggest problem for Kaekuma. Since the only characters who are still active are generally inactive professions (me the preacher, Zaskille the merchant, Ixacise the whatsit), there's not much incentive for us to do anything but sit back and drink.
I will though.

Also kinda hard to post when things are stale. I want to join on the action. Perhaps I shall cut down the young prince down in an unfortunate accident and then we can at least have some intrigue in the fallout that will happen
The prince is the focal point. Please don't kill him

I'm not going to lie. We don't we're doing. The original plot got blown to bits, and we only have a vague idea of what to do next.

I guess I should ask you guys: where do YOU want this to go?
I think you lot might want to start up a conversation with every player around Dominion, so you can do a little brainstorming. In my experience, the most boring kind of RP is the meandering one.
killing off the prince would surely be the end of the RP, but beyond that we have a simple problem

the people in the action are waiting for the people out of the action to join it, while the people out of the action are waiting for the people in the action to finish it so we should probably fix that
Aight convo started anyone else interested in join just merely has to state their interest and they will be added.

Also killing the GMPC wouldn't end the game just add some new wrinkles
I accept constructive criticism, and I do admit, I focused mainly on the romance between Eva and Zelin. But you see, back when we had only 8 people in the RP AND only me and L.I.P (The Velveteen Rabbit.) nearly posted everyday, I put more work into. When the great influx of players appeared it threw me the fuck off. (^.^) So I apologize for that, I simply wasn't prepared for it. Last note, in my defense, it wasn't the amount of players I controlled that was the problem, it was catching up those who had just began the RP when we were already 130+ posts in. They didn't want to read it all, I didn't expect them to read it all, and it was a headache to tell a story in only about three sentences. Feel me?

Fun fact, I was actually planning on Killing Zelin off eventually anyway. Not because I grew bored of him or anything, but for the Plot twist~ However, just showing up and hitting him in the head with a shovel because why not...that seems unrealistic. Even if you had a reason to hate him.

I do further apologize for not being here today, I had the task of applying to college and scheduling a tour of the campus among other things. Having a life sometimes gets in the way. (
-_- ") None the less, I hope you guys came together and found a solution whilst I was gone?

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