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Fantasy Yukai High!

Jackson looked down, "Oh.." he said before looking back at her, "It would have been interesting to hear you're future plans." He smiled.

"Yes. Despite how organized and prepared I am, it's surprising that I don't know what I want." Ellie said smiling back. "How about you? What are your goals?"
"M-my goals?" He too did not how to answer, "I... uh... I wish to uh.... I want to.. uh..." He wanted to tell her without giving away his past to much, "I want to make my... mom proud." He said, though was obviously a lie because his parents disowned him when he was little.

"That's sweet." She said, and stood up. "I'm sure you're making her proud right now, by making it into this school."
He gave an awkward smile, "Yea... sure.." He looked and muttered under his breath not wanting her to hear him, "If only you knew.."

Ab scratched his head, "I can imagine, japanese is alot more complicated than other languages, especially the writing," he said with simpathy. Ab had heard little of Beverly Hills, all that he could recall was it housed alot of rich American people, mostly celebrities.
"Well, I'm going to go find my first period." She said, turning to face him. "I'll see you later?"
"Alright, see you later!" She said happily, and walked towards the schools entrance.
Lina yawned slightly and ran to her first class, nose still buried in the journal. April 1st: Today my best friend was murdered. They never found the killer, just traces of blood and a message: S33 M3 RUN. TRY 2 C4TCH M3! I found blood on my sheets last night.. and my sister came home covered in blood. I don't know what's going on. Things are getting worse and worse here, she read, shuddering a bit. Walking into her class, she sat down and happily closed the book, chilled by its contents.
Ab pulled out his phone again and checked the time, "we'll better head to class now." He said while standing up, "I'll see ya around danny," he said before walking to his first period class. When he arrived he picked a window seat, and proceeded to look out of it, eventually spacing out.
Jackson sighed and walked to his first class and took a seat away from everyone else. He was the quiet kid in class.
Jackson fell asleep in his class, he was extremely tired.
Lina awoke, to the teacher standing right over her. "Oops.. sorry!" she said, before sitting up. She paid attention, or at least, tried to.
Trissa quickly ran towards the school in the distance, she was late since she overslept. She always over slept since she spent her time up at night. her whole body was covered head to toe despite it being spring and she had a umbrella although it wasn't raining. As she ran she tripped and stumbled catching her self before she fell. She made it to the school and went inside sighing. She ran to her first period through the hall whilst folding her umbrella down. She opened the door to her first period panting for her run and immediately regretted it since all eyes went on her.
Ab's wandering mind was interrupted by a girl who was late. He turned his head twords the girl, then back out the window. He let out a quiet yawn, he was still tired from his trip.
Trissa immediately sat at the farthest seat from the window and slowly started removing her wrappings careful to not get hit by the sunlight. She pulled out a note book and started writing but anyone who was paying close attention could tell it wasn't notes.
Kazuma entered school grounds. He checked his watch. He might be late it seems. He did all his necessary things at his locker and somewhat jogged to his first class. He made it luckily on time so he sat at the closest seat to the window. He still had earbuds on but they were hidden under his jacket sleeve. He held his hand nesr his ear listen to music before te bell. Though he saw the other classmates there he was a bit scared about getting near them himself.
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Angelina was currently wandering around, not caring that 'she' was late. I hate class. It's a waste of my life, 'she' thought. But I might as well show up. So she walked slowly to her class, walking in with her head down. She noticed a guy sitting by the window and frowned slightly. Dang it.. best seat's taken. She went over and sat in the back, so that way she could nap in class if things got dull.
Having arrived a bit early, Mabel decided to sit and enjoy a morning cup of tea under one of the blossoming trees. She smiled slightly, watching the soft pink peatles fall to the ground. This is nothing like London, Mabel thought to herself, enjoying the light breeze that knocked more peatles into the air.

Having lost track of time, Mabel checked her phone. She was late to class in her first day.
Of course I'm late in my first day, she thought, hopping up off the ground. She slung her back pack over her shoulder and began running to class. She tumbled through the door to find the class mostly full. Her cheeks flushed a light pink as she made her way to the back of the room in embarrassment.
Kazuma yawned and stretched backwards. It tilted his chair at the same time. He leaned back a bit more hut that was a mistake on his behalf. He fell backwards hitting his head on the desk behind him. He fell to the ground holding the back of his head.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow...."
Ellie happened to be sitting behind Kazuma as he fell back and smacked his head on her desk. She squeaked and jumped in surprise, and looked down at the boy on the ground. "Oh my. Are you ok?" She asked with a worried tone.

@Kazu Kun
Angelina jolted a bit when the boy fell backwards, and decided, Oh, what the hell? and got up. Going over to him, she asked quietly, "Are you okay? That looked pretty... painful."

@Kazu Kun

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