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Fantasy Yukai High!

I show up in tight black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. I wore a blue hoodie. I witnessed only the boy's head in the girl's lap. I rush over to help.

"Oh my gods, are you alright?! Should I get an ambulance? Or perhaps it is a regular supernatural occurrence for you?" I ask in worry...
Jackson had no response, he silently sobbed in her lap, This embarassment.. i've never passed out before.. I can't handle it... Not a very good impression for the first day of school... He thought.

She turned and noticed another boy go running by and sighed. I'm totally invisible to these people, aren't I? Fine then. I will talk to myself. She then said, "Hello Lina. Nice to meet you. Blueberries are nice.."
Ellie ran her hand through his hair, trying to calm him. "You're ok." She soothed.
Jackson turned his head to see yet another person show up, he wiped the tears, got up and ran off, accidently brushing by Lina, So much embarassment in one day.. I should just go home. He thought, not realizing he forgot his backpack next to Ellie.

@Kayzo @Rose Baker
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Ellie blinked in surprise as he ran off. "What a strange kid." She thought, looking down at her pants, which had some tears on them. Then she noticed his bag. "Wait!" She called out, picking up his bag and walked after him.
Lina sighed as more people ran by her. Again. "Guess it's just you and me, Lina," she said to herself miserably. She then trudged over to her bench and started reading, holding in a few tears of her own unsuccessfully. Teardrops splattered onto the page, and she stared at them. Dang it. All over your book, great work Lina!
Jackson felt so embarassed for passing out, he leaned against a wall and slid down it, "This is way people hate me..." He told himself. He couldn't help it, he had a habit of blurting out compliments and sometimes hurtful things, he had no control over it.
It didn't take long for Ellie to catch up to the boy. "Hey, you left your bag." She said, panting.
Jackson looked at her and hid behind his shirt, "I...I'm sorry..." He said, the same red flush appearing.

"The ungrateful dunce, all I wanted was to help. How rude of him to just go like that & ignore me."

Danny walked over to the nearest person to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Danny. What is your name?"
Lina sighed before tossing her book up in the air. She then pulled out the strange journal and began reading it. "March 18, 2015. I saw a strange thing in the Synapse today.. There was a beautiful, blonde little girl. She was holding a bloody baby doll. The doll was wearing a time choker. She threw it into the well and disappeared," she read from the journal. She looked up and said, "Hello. I'm Lina.."

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Ellie giggled and held the bag to him. "Don't be sorry." She said, giving him a smile. "What's your name? I'm Ellie."
Jackson slowly reached for the bag, his face dry with tears and his hand visibly shaking, "J-Jackson... Y-You're... pretty..." He said in his one of his blurts before dropping his bag and covering his mouth, "S-Sorry." He apologized.

He kept thinking, She hates me now, she hates me now, she hates me now. "You're... not mad?" He said slightly confused.

Jackson's thought process froze and he went silent, he couldn't formulate words to respond. He noticed his dried tear stains on her legs then looked back at her, "It's just... I've always..." He couldn't speak.

"You've always what?" She asked, curious about what was up with Jackson. He acted so awkward around other people, and it made her curious as to why that was.
His face turned a deeper shade of red, "I...I...I..." He come to tell as to why he acted like this. He felt like he was about to die of anxiety before finally blurting out why he acted the way he did, "People hate of the things I tend to say.." He sat in quiet contemplation for her response, Dont hate me.. Repeatedly going over and over in his head.

"People hate what you say? That's ridiculous! All you have said are nice things!" She said, frowning. That was unfair.
Jackson shook his head, out of pure embarrassment, he stumbled to her and hugged her, he wanted to run away again but also needed a shoulder to go to when he was having mental break downs, "I dont.. always.. s-say nice things... all th-the time..." He struggled to say that.

Ellie looked at him surprised. She waited a few moments and hugged him back. "Neither do I."

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