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Fantasy Yukai High!

Kendell took a deep breath' good she didn't hear at all' she thought as she smiled" okay so what is your classes" she asked" i want to dance again" she say to her cousin" i'm scared being alone thats why i'm asking it been a year since then" she say to her
Angelina detached herself from Karie, and ran into an empty classroom where she could change forms in peace. She did so, and then he exited the room, returning to the girls.
It's funny, he's been very lucky today. The only person thar encountered the rubies happened to be a janitor. The teachers excused his absense in class after they saw what was happening. But it was time to go to the next class now. Hopefully he would see that cute hetero boy again at least. He needed to meet new people too though.

@anyone @Eagershadow3
Asuka was walking around the hall as she bumped into a boy" ah i'm sorry i wasn't watching where i was going she say dropping her books all of them was used she didn't have the money for new ones

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"Oh it's ok. I'll help you with that."

Danny helped pick up the books.

"I'm Danny by the way, Danny Dawn. What's YOUR name?"

He needed more hangout buds. People he could hang out with. Hopefully this person would chill with him after school or something. He needed someone who would invite him to parties too. He was in fact a GREAT dancer, but never got invited to parties. Maybe this person could help? I just hope she isn't another fake bitch. He doesn't like fake people and would rather have NO friends than fake bitches for friends. He hoped she wouldn't care how much of a freak he was....
Azuka looks at him" i'm azuka nice to meet you i uh thanks" she say nervous as she got her bag and put her books in
"It's nice to me you Azuka! Are you new here too? I PERSONALLY am new here & I come from Beverley Hills. That's in America in case you weren't sure. It's where all of us spoiled brats come from"

Danny says in a self-depreciating joke.
Azuka just looked at him" i'm new too my cousin came here so i had to move here from tokyo japan my parents well they died" she say bitting her lip" lived in a tent for a year" she say to him

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Danny for some reason decided he had enough. He would just tell her. He only just met her. But if she wasn't ok with it, she wasn't worth having as a friend anyways.

"Do you beleive in magic?"
Azuka looked at him he was nice" of course magic is cool" she say smiling" i like ya your nice" she say unlike some bullies she picked up her inhealer from the floor putting back in her pocket
"Well thanks. But I'm serious. I meant as in ACTUAL magic. Not the trading card game 'Magic The Gathering', I mean like THIS"

He outstretched his palm and a ball of of red mist came out of it.....
Azuka looked at it" whoa thats so cool" she say wanting to touch it" i'm not scared i really did meant what i said magic is cool" she say looking at him smiling
"Don't touch it though! It's acid can dissolve military armor in an instant. That's how I...." He paused because he was hesitant to tell her how he killed a bunch of police officers in a past life with this power. It goes back into his hand....
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Azuka looked at him" can i be your friend i mean i don't have friends so i don't know what to act around friends i only trust my cousin i trust you too" she say to him blushing a little
"Yeah sure! I don't have any friends either.... I just hope you will be able to handle my..... Unwillingness to censor my words...." he says.
"Wow! That's great! I thought I was possibly the only one!"

"You want to go dancing tonight? TECHNICALLY you have to be 21 or older, but I can get us in. It's sad that there are no places where you can just dance the night away. I actually HATE drinking and wish they wouldn't serve alcohol at all the dance places. There's just no way to get the dancing without the drinking. There's sadly no dance places where there's no alcohol. So how about I get us in to dance, just as friends of course, but we don't drink? What do you think about that?"
Jackson yawned, "Guess I should find Ellie.." He thought.

(omg i forgot about Lina for a sec xD )

Lina walked around, smiling, hoping she could make some sort of friend. So far, the only friend she had was Ellie.

Kazuma kept his stuff at his desk and stretched slightly. He walked out of the classroom staying near the window side. He kept looking outside just because not much seemed to please him sight wise. He wandered around the school. And like himself he didn't pay attention to what is infront of him. He kept walking and suddenly, thud... He bumped into someone, Lina. He stepped back after impact and looked infront of himself.

"O-oh sorry!"
"Ok then! I'll meet you about 6 hours after school ends so that we can get done with things like chores, homework, studying, & other responsibilities before we get to the fun stuff. I may be a party animal, but I am not school failure. I may be a nightlife lover but I am not lazy or irresponsible. Do you like dubstep, electronica, pop, hip-hop, RNB, dance, club, party or house? What kind of music do you like? Also, do you speak English?"

OOC:@Rosebaker I will interact with you once I'm done talking to @Zeldafangirl
Azuka looks at him" i'm not sure what music i like wait i like Japennese music i was born in japen after all" she say (she can meet up with us seeing us talking or something)

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