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Fantasy Yukai High!

Jackson went to his third class to and took a seat towards the back.
He blinked when he noticed the female's English accent, well at least now you know where she came from, he thought to himself. He quickly reminded himself of his horoscope, time was money today for him. "Biology." He stated simply, "Do you know where it is?" He asked her, turning his back to her
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Trissa returns back to school by the third period and goes into biology where she goes to the darkest place in the room. Her face seemed perfect now despite the fact it was boiling just 2 hours ago her pale face was shrouded in a hood however and she had the rest of her body covered. She looked around the room with her blood red eyes.
"Alright.. Just give me a sec, ok? I'll be right back," he said, before running back into the girl's bathroom and changing back into Angelina. She put on the uniform and left the bathroom. "Okay, let's go," she said with a bright smile.

[QUOTE="Rose Baker]"Alright.. Just give me a sec, ok? I'll be right back," he said, before running back into the girl's bathroom and changing back into Angelina. She put on the uniform and left the bathroom. "Okay, let's go," she said with a bright smile.
@Rose Baker

[QUOTE="Rose Baker]"Okay.." Angelina said, thinking. What a strange day. Being socially stable is a bit odd for me, she thought.
@Rose Baker

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[QUOTE="Rose Baker]Angelina was becoming slightly confused, but she nodded and said, "Kay."
@Rose Baker

Asuka just ran into the hall as she saw her cousin she haven't seen her for 2 years" KARIE" she yelled hugging her she haven't told her about her parents death or she's living in a tent
Zeldafangirl said:
Asuka just ran into the hall as she saw her cousin she haven't seen her for 2 years" KARIE" she yelled hugging her she haven't told her about her parents death or she's living in a tent
Karie smiled as she saw her cousin "hi! how ya' been?..." she asked cheerfully.. maybe her sister would understand... but then again... maybe not.
Ausuka just looked down" um good" she lied as she smiled" how you been i missed you so much" she say smiling
Zeldafangirl said:
Ausuka just looked down" um good" she lied as she smiled" how you been i missed you so much" she say smiling
Karie stared at her blankly "f-fine." she obviously lied and looked away. @Zeldafangirl
Asuka looked at her" um i have to tell you something mum and dad died i live in a tent" she say wanted to cover her mouth but she needed to know the truth
Zeldafangirl said:
Asuka looked at her" um i have to tell you something mum and dad died i live in a tent" she say wanted to cover her mouth but she needed to know the truth
Karie nodded slowly "that's.. not good." she said plainly and laughed awkwardly, hugging her sister it'll be alright!" she said trying to brighten the mood.
Asuka just looked at her" can i stay with you" she say looking at her as she smiled when she got hugged
Zeldafangirl said:
Asuka just looked at her" can i stay with you" she say looking at her as she smiled when she got hugged
KArie nodded "sure! but listen, there's something.. I should tell you!-" she cut off agai and blushed "n-nevermind." she said.
Zeldafangirl said:
Asuka looks at her" what you need to tell me i will understand" she say smiling
Karie shakes her head "no... you won't. plus it's embarrassing! and Angelina/Cody's here!?" she says, awkwardly smiling and giggling as she pulled her hood back up and over her head.
Asuka looks at her" who's cody and Angelina" she asked as she was confused as she was smiling as she noticed the people" oh i'm Asuna" she say to them
It was apparent to Mabel this boy had somewhere to be, which was biology class. She looked down at her own schedule, and low and behold, she was also headed to biology. She looked up with a slight smile on her face, "I'm actually headed that way myself. I think it's down one of these hallways," she pointed off to her left. "If you want we would walk together," she mumbled, trying to be polite but obviously shy.

@T h e F o o l
Zeldafangirl said:
Asuka looks at her" who's cody and Angelina" she asked as she was confused as she was smiling as she noticed the people" oh i'm Asuna" she say to them
(they're one person. just two genders, currently they're a girl. A.k.a Angelina.) xD

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