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Fantasy Yukai High!

Asuka just smiled" nice to meet ya" she say looking at her as shse was a little shy as she hide behind her cousin
Karie laughed at the two "Well... you two enjoy yourselves... I'm gonna... sleep... for a bit..." she mumbled before literally lying down on the floor, closing her eyes and falling asleep, curling up in the process. @Rose Baker
Asuka looks at her cousin" hey don't leave me hey" she say she was really shy around people sometimes she don't even know how to talk to them
Asuka smiles" yeah i known her since i was 2 she's my cousin she's like a sister to me i have to stay with her now" she say avoiding that her parents were dead
Karie grabbed onto Angelina's leg in her sleep "..pineapple.." she mumbled like before when being carried. @Rose Baker @Zeldafangirl
Kazuma got up and stretched. He got out of his second period class and walked out. He sighed, tiredly. Kazuma grabbed his light bag with his materials and stuff before he walked out of the class room. He went to his third period class and went to the seat closest to the window like before. He retracted the earbuds for once and didn't sit down yet. He looked around the class to get used to it.
Asuka just looked at her cousin" pineapple?" she asked" she say the weirdest things ever in her sleep i'm close to her cause my parents used to work a lot" she say
Asuka just looked at her cousin as she sat on her trying to wake her up she wasn't good with new people" um what you like to do" she asked them
Zeldafangirl said:
Asuka just looked at her cousin as she sat on her trying to wake her up she wasn't good with new people" um what you like to do" she asked them
(Sat on?!?! xD wow. lol.)

Karie just continued to mumble in her sleep, unaffected "...baby..." she said softly, clinging tighter to Angelica's leg. @Rose Baker @Zeldafangirl
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Asuka just smiled" mum dad i miss you" she mumbered a little as she sighed a tear came down her face
Asuka looks at her" i uh like to uh skateboard i uh also like to read" she say nervous as she looked down
Karie suddenly woke up, knocking her cousin off her as she frantically looked around "where did pineapple go!?" she asked before spotting Angelica and hugging her quite randomly "found you!" she said cheerfully. @Rose Baker @Zeldafangirl
Asuka just hit the wall as she pouted" owie that hurts" she say rubbing her forehead" uh Karie" she say to her as she was distant with the girl she didn't know what to say she had beatuflies in her stomach she was so nervous talking to new people
Zeldafangirl said:
Asuka just hit the wall as she pouted" owie that hurts" she say rubbing her forehead" uh Karie" she say to her as she was distant with the girl she didn't know what to say she had beatuflies in her stomach she was so nervous talking to new people
KArie turned back to face her cousin, still hugging Angelina "..yes?.." she asked with a raised eyebrow and an aura of innocence.
Angelina was, quite obviously, a bit startled. She stared at Karie. Pineapple. I've been known as many things, but pineapple? Never. I kinda like it, she thought. "Um.. yeah, you found me!"
Asuka just looks down as she looked away" you know what nothing" she say" i uh where you stay" she say nervous as she got her inhealer taking it as she shaked it she needed more
Asuka got sad" okay i'll go back to my tent than" she say outloud covering her mouth' stupid stupid angelia knows now' she thought hitting her head
Zeldafangirl said:
Asuka got sad" okay i'll go back to my tent than" she say outloud covering her mouth' stupid stupid angelia knows now' she thought hitting her head
Karie shakes her head "I think I have a dorm.. somewhere... I just don't know where..." she says laughing "you can stay with me there!!" she says cheerfully. @Zeldafangirl
Angelina patted Karie on the head a bit, smiling, until she felt a bit cramped. Not hearing what Asuna had said, she said, "I'll be right back, okay? I have to go change."

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