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Fantasy Yukai High!

Saw Ellie patting the desk next to her, he gave a slight smile and sat next to her, "Hey."

[QUOTE="Rose Baker]Angelina ran into a bathroom, changing forms once inside. Cody stared at his reflection, running a hand through this hair. He then exited, realizing how much trouble he'd be in for being in the girls bathroom. He noticed a somewhat strange girl, seeming a bit lost. He went over and said, "Hello. You seem a bit lost.. Are you in need of any help?"
@Rose Baker [/center]

Ellie smiled back at him. "Hello Jackson. How was first period?" She asked while getting her stuff out.
Cody flinched at her words, wishing he could explain. "Well.. Umm.. I have this sort of.. Condition, you could call it. And.. umm.." he stopped, feeling stupider by the minute. "This might sound really.. stupid.. But I'm.. A girl. And a boy. Im.. um.. both."

"I.. slept.." he said, kinda disappointed. "How about yours?"
[QUOTE="Rose Baker]Cody flinched at her words, wishing he could explain. "Well.. Umm.. I have this sort of.. Condition, you could call it. And.. umm.." he stopped, feeling stupider by the minute. "This might sound really.. stupid.. But I'm.. A girl. And a boy. Im.. um.. both."
@Rose Baker [/center]

Mabel was painfully bored throughout the entire class. Nothing was interesting enough to hold her attention. Instead of listening she decided to sketch little nothing's in her notebook as she dozed off into a daydream. The hustle of the class gathering their books broke her daydream, snapping her back into reality. She collected her things, making her way out into the hall.

Mabel couldn't remember her next class, so she dug out her schedule, studying it intensely. However she wasn't watching where she was going and ended up smacking into an innocent bystander. Flustered she looked up, "Oi, my apologies." She pushes her long golden hair behind her shoulder. "I didn't see you there."

@T h e F o o l
"It was very...interesting." Ellie said, not taking her eyes off of him. "Some kid was screaming a ton."
[QUOTE="Rose Baker]Cody breathed outa huge sigh of relief. Thank god. I didn't want to be thought of as a pervert. I'm glad she understood, he thought. "No problem, it's mkay," he said with a smile.
@Rose Baker [/center]

"Sounds fun.." He smiled and blushed lightly, "Um... I uh..." He coughed and the blush disappeared, Get a hold of yourself, Jackson... "I've been real tired as of late." He said.

Karie snuggled into the guy while she was fainted "..mm... you smell...like butterflies...and pineapples..." she mumbled randomly "..thanks...for helping..us.." she finished, smiling. @Rose Baker

He shook his head, "No.. just... events that happened." He looked down, "You know.." He said rather downed.

Uinta-san sighed as he scared off yet another person, probably. He blinked as he noticed someone else bumping into him, turning around 360° to see who bumped into him, starting to walk backwards. "It is fine," he said glancing at the schedule in her hands. Oh, didn't check mine did I?, he thought as he pulled out his own schedule to glance at the next period.

@Lolita Love
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Cody blushed slightly, and said, "Erm.. Thank you. And you're welcome." He nudged open the door to the nurse's office, saying, "Miss Nurse, this girl fainted a few minutes ago.. I think she might need some help." The nurse nodded and motioned to a bed, where Cody set the girl down. He sat by the bed, mumbling a lie to the nurse. "Erm.. the teacher told me to stay with her," he said feebly. The nurse raised an eyebrow but allowed him to stay. I hope she'll be okay, he thought.

[QUOTE="Rose Baker]Cody blushed slightly, and said, "Erm.. Thank you. And you're welcome." He nudged open the door to the nurse's office, saying, "Miss Nurse, this girl fainted a few minutes ago.. I think she might need some help." The nurse nodded and motioned to a bed, where Cody set the girl down. He sat by the bed, mumbling a lie to the nurse. "Erm.. the teacher told me to stay with her," he said feebly. The nurse raised an eyebrow but allowed him to stay. I hope she'll be okay, he thought.
@Rose Baker [/center]

Jackson blushed, "I.. uh... no.. I mean... not really.. I mean... later?" His words staggered, he found it was very hard to talk, Damn it Jackson! This is not the time!

[QUOTE="Rose Baker]Cody jumped a bit, slightly startled. "Um. You fainted.... and you can just call me Cody.. for now. And I.. um. I carried you here.." he shut up, face red.
@Rose Baker [/center]

[QUOTE="Rose Baker]He smiled a bit and said, "No problem. And it's okay.. But, um.. Who is 'they'?"
@Rose Baker [/center]


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