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Yu-Gi-Oh Gods of Death


New Member
“I win again,” said Greg, while playing his match in a game called ygopro. Ygopro stood for Yu-Gi-Oh pro. It was a card game simulator, which let you play the Yu-Gi-Oh card game, either online, or against an AI. This time, he was playing against the AI. “If only they made the AI better in this game,” he thought exiting out of the game, and began preparing for work. “This is going to be a long day, I just know it,” he grumbled in his head, while leaving his apartment.

Two hours passed and Greg was completely right. The day dragged on. It was as if time stopped, just to torture him, or at least that’s what he thought anyway. Usually when the days felt long, he would always think about the changes he could make to his deck, or just think of short stories in this head. As he was daydreaming, he thought up a duel out of the blue. The only difference between his short stories and this new one was that it gave him a strange feeling. “What the!” he thought, feeling lightheaded. The short story was of a duel between enraged duelists. One was using a silver dragon with glowing green eyes, and a spell caster monster. There was a girl on her knees crying on the sidelines. It almost felt too real, but Greg shook the thought out of his head. He wondered how this story even began to form in his head to begin with, and to make him feel lightheaded at the same time. That was weird for sure.
This was it. This was his day. He would perform today. Mitchell would play the violin in a concert today. He hoped he would play well, but in all honesty, he didnt focus on it nearly as much as he should have. He'd been playing Yu-Gi-Oh online more than he had been practicing. He played on a site called Dueling Network, He had been doing it for a couple years, he had definitely gotten good. He had played 10 games last night, not including rematches. He didn't sleep until 1AM, long after he should've been asleep.

He went to practice in concert attire, which was All Balack, Black Socks, Black shoes, Black Pants, Black Collared Shirt. He was one of many in his symphony orchestra. Not to mention, one of many violinists. He felt a wave of anxiousness hit him when he realized he would play in a concert hall. People would see him. And not only that, he was on the first row. If he messed up, people would surely notice. This wasn't good.

He attempted to put it aside for now, And took his seat. HE sat his violin up right on his lap, whilst the crowd begun to come in. A lot of people. More than he had expected for sure. Mitchell was beginning to feel it all again. He would take a breath and put it aside again as the conductor took his place on the stand. Mitchell brought the edge of his violin to his chin, and grabbed the bow, placing it on the strings lightly. They were about to play Liszt's Dante Symphony. As the conductor began to slightly move his hands, Mitchell began to pull on the bow, bringing a low hum. All went well, at least for a while. Until the song got to the part known as the "Circle of Violence". He began to feel light headed.

He began to see images in his head, then they began to mold together into a scene. Two people were standing about 20 feet apart, facing eachother. They seemed to be enraged, and they also seemed to be fighting. He soon understood what was happening, They were dueling. Like in the shows he had watched as a kid. But it was different, this was very lucid if not real. One had controlled a silver dragon with jade eyes, which was attacking a Mage of some sort. In every way, the Spellcaster monster that the other duelist controlled was a magician. The black cloak, the gloves that did a very strange magic whilst they counterattacked against the dragon. But, there seemed to be something off. There was a girl crying in the background of the duel, were the duelists battling for her? He couldn't figure it out.

He became aware of life around him again minutes later, The conductor was staring at him, signaling him to join back in. He looked down, he knew where the rest were at, and he began to play again, estranged about what had flashed before his eyes.

What had happened to him?
It was a long day, but it was final over. Greg left his job, grabbing a bite to eat, before making it home. He wanted to play a video game, when he got to his destination. However, he wasn’t feeling well. It wasn’t a case of the common cold, but then again he wasn’t sure about that either. He would rarely ever catch a cold. It’s actually been a few years, since he’s ever been sick. He just wasn’t feeling up to snuff today.

“I think I’ll go to bed,” he said, thinking it would be a good idea to sleep it off early while he had the chance, just to be safe. He prepared himself for bed which felt like a chore, which was never the case before. While heading to bed, he stumbled a little, almost falling to the floor. “What is wrong with me today?” he questioned himself, while managing to make it to his bed. It didn’t take him long to fall asleep, which was also weird, because he most of the time had trouble falling asleep, but that didn’t matter. By the time he even had time to think about it he was already in dreamland.

“Please stop!!! I’m begging you two, to please stop fighting!!!” screamed a voice in Greg’s dream. “What the hell is going on? What was that?” Greg said, wondering who was making a huge uproar. “Please,” said the voice again, but this time, it sounded like she was crying the word out. Greg could hear her so clearly; it made him wonder whether or not he was dreaming. “Wait a minute! How do I know that I’m dreaming?” he said, realizing that he never realizes that he’s ever dreaming when he’s dreaming. So did that mean that he wasn’t dreaming or was he going crazy, because he could have sworn, he was in his bed sleeping.

All of a sudden everything went completely black, and all that he saw was nothingness. This all felt to real for him. He felt like panicking, but he choked it down, trying to believe that what, he was seeing was just a dream, and a bad one at that. He was doing a wonderful job until, he saw something that change the situation, and brought fear in his heart. There was a pair of huge eyes staring down at him. The eyes were strange looking, scary looking, and the eyes had a jade green glow. Greg began shaking a little. He didn’t like being stared at, but being stared down at by those eyes, were terrifying. He then heard a voice.

“He failed me, but will you?” it said, with a terrifying deep voice that didn’t help Greg’s condition. It was frightening to hear it. It put Greg in a panic. He had a feeling the voice came from the being looking at him. He couldn’t take the stress any longer. “WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING???” he screamed as the eyes vanished and it was nothingness again.

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