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Realistic or Modern Your IQ is WHAT?!? (Third Time's the Charm?)

LOL, Duncan's foster mother did NOT have cancer. She is a doctor that treats it. His natural mother was shot by a gang that was trying to kill him.

It you guys look at the Overview under the Plot tab, there is a short blurb about plots. It you highlight the rest of that tab you can read the rest of the plot stuff. That is where an FBI type scenario is mentioned. Only it is a little on the sinister side. This is the reason why building our own think tank was suggested - to accommodate the not so genius intellects.

If the money was there we could have our own research campus - complete with housing. But something like that is probably going to require government funding. I watched the recent Fantastic Four movie - technically a good movie. It just had a few major strikes against it. (Weak plot, weak script, and departure from the original canon - as a stand alone story rather than a retelling of an old one, it would have done better.) But the Baxter Building concept wasn't a bad one.

Our non-geniuses are going to make plot development more difficult, but not impossible. We just need to hear from Freddie once this holiday and family stuff is behind him to pin down what we are actually doing.
Hey y'all- I'm going to be out for most of today, but this plotting looks great!

What I think the consensus has been up to this point: a group of geniuses decide to start their own unofficial think tank out of a garage, and others are brought in to help. Most of them live in the garage, some don't. They do their genius thing, and then a high profile stunt gets them noticed by the FBI, who realizes their potential and picks them up to aid in various cases.

Is that what the consensus seems to be?
I think so; though I think we still need to do some plotting on what stunt get's the FBI's attention, what the FBI want with us, and how some of the characters ended up in the Think Tank of ours.
Well, the fact that the FBI appears to be the agency of choice offers its own flavor. They are concerned with Domestic threats - not foreign - though they may get involved if the case is on US soil. That will mean that there won't be a need for pure researchers.

CIA is concerned with foreign threats and counterintelligence. NSA is concerned with foreign intelligence collection and analysis. They operate under Dept of Defense.

DHS is the one that mystifies me. But it does have the widest scope of interests and might better suit our purposes. I suggest looking up DHS wiki on Google. Then look at Structure. I can see uses for ALL of our characters there - some pleasant, some not so much. And no reason why DHS wouldn't use the FBI and CIA to investigate us.
Hey Mitheral, can I get the full name for DHS? All I get is the department of Human Services in Australia, and I know this rp isn't in Australia nor deals with Centrelink.
Alright that's a solid start.

As for how Tabitha got there... Well I have no idea. She's a genius, but her realm of expertise is kinda weird. The girl who is really good at analyzing plants and literature. Maybe she met someone at uni?

As for the uses of her knowledge... Plants have a ton of properties for pharmaceutical usage, plus some have crazy neurotoxins so... Weapons. Not to mention important for lots of ecological things too.

We can decide on the government organization perhaps once we figure out what our geniuses would be worth to such organizations? Scorpion (the show) has the geniuses with DHS but sometimes being loaned out... That being said, would our fed be a NPC or would we get someone to actually play them?
[QUOTE="Detective Rascal]Hey Mitheral, can I get the full name for DHS? All I get is the department of Human Services in Australia, and I know this rp isn't in Australia nor deals with Centrelink.

Departnent of Homeland Security

It's worth noting that the TV show that this rp is inspired by uses DHS
What Freddie said. (I worked for NSA if that give you guys an idea of my past. But I left in 1989 - before 9/11 and the birth of DHS. DHS doesn't oversee NSA, FBI, etc ... but they can call on them to assist.

lol .. My character could easily draw attention. History with two gangs. Possibly ordering chemicals for laser and explosives research. Some chemical explosives are on the order of a million times more powerful that TNT. Imagine if he ordered enough to make a pound of such a chemical ... in an attempt to make a next generation rocket fuel for interstellar exploration (or a model rocket he had in mind). It might not go over so well with DHS. Ya think? So he orders the same chemicals in tiny amounts many, many times ... maybe getting his friends to help ...
It would be hilarious if Duncan (Maybe Emma too) was secretly making explosives in the Think Tank Garage without anyone else knowing, and then the FBI just broke in to arrest him.

That could be our catalyst too for the DHS collecting the geniuses. They come in, 'detain' us for an indefinite time so that they can use us for what they need, and then they don't have to let us go 'cause they have a million laws saying they can do what they want in the name of homeland sercurity. They're pretty much holding us prisoner, and then spreading us out to different areas, but I reckon we could bargain a deal where we get to keep our garage, or get a fancy new one to live in independently of the agency, with a handler visiting or living with us.
If the DHS would make all of the characters useful, in some way, then I'm more than okay with this. Though, I am curious, what sort of use would they have for Jericho, Mitheral?
Alright TL;DR time!

Plot: The geniuses make friends with each other and start an unofficial think tank from a garage. The purchase of explosives marks their presence to DHS, which sees a use for them. Thus, they start working for DHS. (Perhaps DHS is more or less holding them, or they have a great relationship.)

As for how the musical characters fit in... I'm not sure what DHS could do with them but they're definitely part of the team and its a package deal. Plus street musicians make awesome surveillance.

I'm going to make a much more organized way of collecting ideas soon, but right now I'm solely working from my phone which makes it harder.
I wanna say that anyone who's a musical genius, or is in the arts, should totally be a spy of some sort.

They would be useful in intelligence gathering with a little training.
That would be very true. The musical geniuses would be excellent for spying and recon. Jer could also be a pretty good fighter, too, if they wanted to train him. He already has the muscles and the flexibility for it. A lot of dancers take martial arts courses because it helps with their flexibility and form. It's really a matter of re-purposing skills. xD
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I think the whole spy thing is a great idea. P.S I'm off to work so I'll probably need another recap tonight when I get home haha
Well, the "what use" question? The standard DHS response would be "None, they are excess baggage. cruel, but true. However, if they are already a part of the story, they have to be included for security purposes. The response becomes: Retask. Like Space said, re-task their skills. DHS might not even suggest the idea. The cost of housing someone like Jericho is negligible to the gains for having a few prodigies. Jer may have to write himself back into the story.

This sort of plot happens in TV shows a lot with "weak" characters. Early in the season they are the DNPC's (characters that rely on the main cast to survive) and start to transform into characters in their own right.

I kind of like the rocket idea. Maybe use a few of those large acetylene tanks as main boosters (any space engine designers in the group?) Use a pound of fuel that has been "stabilized" to serve as a powerful fuel. Have the FBI arrive as the countdown finishes and the rocket launches so fast it creates a nice sonic boom about 50 yards up ... and explodes an instant later as the reaction proves too unstable. The scene ends as the payload falls to the ground, the parachute melted and smoking.

"What explosives?"
Say ... does Emma wanna watch the launch???? (Boyish enthusiasm." "This is gonna be so cool."
Emma just stands there as it goes up and explodes, and then the FBI arrives, and she just pops a champagne bottle because they made a god damn rocket and thats what you do when you launch something.

Duncan has used a witty comeback, in the background you've got a bunch of people staring at the wreckage, and a teen in pjs holding a bottle of champagne.

It's perfect.
That makes perfect sense. Jer really doesn't hold much use to the DHS, at the moment. But he can be re-tasked into someone more useful later on. Writing him back into the story sounds pretty reasonable. Or I could scrap him and use another one of my stock of characters. I wrote Jer up, not thinking about the government involvement plot. I have a former Navy Seal who would probably fit a lot better into the plot. Then again, shows do still need some of those characters that become important later. However, there are seemingly a lot of artistic types in this roleplay for what plot we've decided on. So maybe using another character would be a better course of action for me.
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