your gem [Inactive]

Lucas noticed that they didn't hear him so he tried saying hello again now that they were done meditating.
"A big tiger? I'm not completely sure myself." Said Lucas as he stepped into view. 
"Also I may have been stalking you since I was lost in a forest. " he added.
He thought for a moment. Yeah, he remembered some kind of burnt down house the second time he used his power. During that time he had the girl.

"Love your place." He stared at her quizzically. He lived in a normal house...and truth be told being a single man living sure as hell wasn't the cleanest either. And as she just said she lived in a mansion. She was just probably trying to make him feel better or something.

"Is it okay to stay a while, till I figure something out?" she asked as she took the liberty to herself to sit on his couch. She sure was making herself at home.

" aren't like creeped out by me or anything right? Not that you should just...I was expecting you to freak out more and punch me or call the cops or something?"
Lucas didn't care that he was called stalker but instead told them "a tiger tried to eat me but ended up giving me this gem. My best guess is it's one of those gems of power I heard of once. "
"When activated, these gems give powers to their owner..." Aryhann replied as her gem glowed more 'Oh no...' she tought
"Why would I be creeped out by the guy who helped me out...beside, the police might want to talk to me and have me explain but I don't know why to tell them." She looked around and saw the mess and swallowed. "You look tired. You should sleep." Eliza decided that while he slept, to clean up a bit to repay his kindness.

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He only slept a few hours though. Nightmares and an uncomfortable feeling settled within the inside, like a rock. He woke up, a bit panicked but just scowled. It was dark out now. It was quiet too. And...ick how he was sweaty. Damn dreams. He removed his suit and tie and unbuttoned the collar to his white button down, something he probably should've done before he slept, but he just hasn't been thinking straight for a while. Groggy, he stood up ready for some coffee and to figure out his motives on everything.
By turning into a rose, she was given energy and was cleaning the house. Finally, the living room and kitchen was clean and decided to put a fresh pot of coffee on. She placed a note on the counter saying, "Thank you for every thing. Enjoy the coffee and food. Love Eliza." At the same time, she found ingredients and made some food. She fell asleep on the couch.She began to dream about a if 3 people on top of a roof and thought of finding them.

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"First to answer your question I'm Lucas, the big tiger thing that has been stalking you guys." After saying that Lucas tried to touch Aryhann's arm but passed through it "whoa weird. "
He walked in and saw....

"Where in the hell did my house go?" ...It took him a moment to figure out that this was his house...just...the cleanest its ever been in ages.

"Can the floor be this white?" he asked himself walking cautiously around the kitchen. "And ....that smell..." he walked over to the fresh pot of coffee and food. Following with the note. "..Thank you for everything. Enjoy the coffee and food. Love Eliza." He stared at that note a little more than needed, dumbfounded. She didn't just- what the hell was she!? A house wife!?

Wait, where was she?

"Eliza..." he said the name quietly to himself a few times to get it fixed into his head for memory's sake. Then he dashed out of the kitchen. "Eliza!?" And forced himself quiet when he saw her asleep on the couch. She tired herself out to do all this work? Sheesh, she didn't have to do that. What are my friends going to think next time they stop by? He takes a long, deep tired sigh before getting a cover from his closet and covering her up with it. He took the rest of the time she slept to eat, drink and stare carefully at the two gems he had a hold of. His and Eliza's.
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