your gem [Inactive]

"They... They got killed..."Aryhann continued. She looked at the ground as tears dropped down her face.
Now inside the vase a tear came from her. After a few hours of the transformation, the vase began to shake and fall, the rose fell to the ground and the once a girl turned back. Instead of her casual outfit, it turned into beautiful petal like dress. She shivered as the water dropped onto her.

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as the city thawed out the blood leaked by the cold-damaged body's pulled together and followed pbtenchi before condensing into a small dark red gem, pbtenchi thought he turned around thinking he heard something and saw the small gem on the ground (g2g might not be back)
Jackson hugged the girl he didn't know why he cared but he still did " it's okay man they may be gone but there happy you know that right "
Leroy was finally pulled out of his deep thought as he watched the rose turn back into the girl from early except now in this exotic petal dress that would would usually see in fairy tales. He seemed to watch it in slow motion, the girls awakening face, her hair cascading down, the red petals dancing around.

".....That's it, I'm going crazy." He freaked. One hand was all tangled in his mess of wavy black hair with a face of pure confusion.
Eliza began to make a moaning sound. "I...I'm sorry." She said in a shivering voice. She began to sit up. "Where am I?" She asked rubbing her head.

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He stared at her. Confused just as much as he is, huh? But she's taking more of the emotional route of it. "Sorry, I took you to my place. You passed out...I didn't have many options. If you want to leave the doors right there." He motioned towards the door with his head.
Lucas decided after following them for awhile that he should show himself since they had gems. It looked like they were meditating but he still said hi.
"Where would I house is burnt as an over baked cookie..." Eliza put a bit humor into what she said to lighten up the tense feeling around. She stood up and cleaned up the vase and water. Once returning to herself, "love your place." And walked to the couch. "Is it okay to stay a while, till I figure something out?"

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