your gem [Inactive]

Aryhann heard someome screaming and went into that direction. She finally got at a clearing and saw someone. She hided herself.
pbtenchi wondered around, when suddenly he saw a hostage situation, a man with a gun was holding some lady hostage. without a thought he tapped the gunman on the shoulder, and when he turned around and let the girl go he froze him
He stared down at the girl. She's on mushrooms or something crazy. Or maybe he's the one hallucinating? He bends down and reaches out his hand to comfort her but hesitates. Careful Leroy, you're on thin ice. What if this really is some idiotic police setup? He eventually forces himself to awkwardly pet her. " to talk about it?" What is this? I should be running for my life. Why am I not even freaking out? What the hell is wrong with me.
Lucas thought he had heard someone else so he went in that direction thinking "finally freedom from this horrible forest."
"I'm not sure what happened but it started with this." Eliza held the gem in her hand. Shaped as a rose, it glows and she passes out. "I'm sorry." She said becoming unconscious.

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Jackson stood and walked slowly in a circle while singing he thought he saw someone but he kept singing. But as someone approached him he stopped and looked at them " h-hello "
...And the chic passes out in his arms. Craaaap what is this!? This is defiantly likes some kind of japanese cartoon! He stares down at the now passed out girl. Sure maybe he just manipulated a bunch of cops to kill each other but leaving a defenseless girl like this is a whole other level of monster. Wait, what kind of logic is this? He sighs until he realizes the strange thing about the strange rose in her hand. He took it from her hand and observed, realizing it must be like the gem he himself has. He cursed under his breath before putting the gem into his pocket and picked up the girl. Now I look like a creep...
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the girl he saved fell to the ground and just stared at him, then she got up and ran away screaming, pbtenchi will never forget that moment.
Lucas got where he was going and saw 2 people there. One of them just said hello to the other so he stayed hidden since he was a monster now.
In the mean time, police gathered at the mansion. Bodies of maids and butlers burnt along with a couple in bed. "No sign of the girl." One said. They followed a trail of burnt grass leading to the forest. "Hey! Stop right there!" And aimed their guns at the guy carrying Eliza.

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it seemed the woman had called the police because out of nowhere a load of cops appeared and pointed there guns at him.
"I understand... Me too, i'm still unstable..." She took her necklace off and showed him that she had a gem too.

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