your gem [Inactive]

Leroy went silent. "...Tha' hell...?" He gripped tightly onto his and Eliza's gems before turning to the corner to face the source of the voice.
"Where is the gem?" A voice whispered to Eliza, "where is it?" She woke and no one was around. "Hello?" She asked. She then found his note. Cleaning the stuff from the kitchen.

A little while later, something grabbed her leg. "A rose vine? The garden?" It began to pull and drag her.

In the garden grew a large rose and spoke to the visitors. "Where is she? Where is the gem?" Suddenly, it spoke the same words but louder and became violent.

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Aryhann body turned back into material form as she was exausted. "I am not harmfull, I promise," she said softly.
He glared down at her but before he had a chance to say anything a rose had appeared...and it...talked?

"Where is she? Where is the gem?"

Leroy stared in confusion had the rose. "Um...Eliza?" He questioned, though it didn't sound like her...

"Where is she!? Where is the gem!?" It asked again, louder.

"Uh..." Leroy took a step back, not sure whether he should answer it truthfully.

"WHERE IS SHE!? WHERE IS THE GEM!?" It kept chanting, louder and louder to such a deafening level.

"Shit!!" He clamped his hands to his ears.
"WHERE IS SHE!? WHERE IS THE GEM!?" The rose began to get violent any other circumstance it may have appeared humrous but all elements of humor have been delayed for the time being.

Leroy wasn't sure about the gems yet and so he just couldn't give it to the, this wasn't good. He'd just have to get out of here. His eyes began to glow. "You're a normal rose. Roses don't talk and they certainly aren't violent!" ....

The rose whipped him and sent him flying into the wall. Apparently plants can't be hypnotized.
Eliza was dragged all the way to the mansion in rapid speed. It also grabbed everyone else. They hanged upside down above its mouth.

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"Damn!!" Leroy grunted. This was like a fanfiction gone horribly wrong. He saw Eliza.

"Well...g-good morning. Food was great!" He cracked an unnecessary joke. "Though no offense if I lose it."
The rose began to smell Eliza. It spoke in a more gentle tone, "where is the gem?"

Eliza saw him. "Great morning right. Glad you liked it. That's alright."

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"Hey, creep! I have her gem!!! Get off of her, it's disgusting!" Ugh is this REALLY the time to be a gentleman Leroy! Well she did make us breakfast. That was good breakfast. No...its just that that rose is creepy. Then why am I attracting it over here!!!! He pulls the rose gem out of his pocket and waves it around "Looky looky!"
Jackson's gem made contact, he was engulfed in flames, he screamed as the fire swirled around him, the plant dropped him, there he stood in his dragon amor, he stood readied with his sword
The rose began to tell its story. "She killed my roses! She must die and that gem is mine! She dishonor did her duty as the keeper of the rose!" It began to lower Eliza down to its mouth.

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Leroy fell to the ground and fell on his back. "Aw shit! That's going to be fun to feel for the next several years!" 
He got up quickly though despite the pain. "Um it's going to eat her! Any plans!!!!" he cried out frantically.
"Tap tap tap....yeah" He fumbled in his pockets and pulled out the rose gem. "Tap it!? l-like this!?" He began furiously tapping it.

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