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Realistic or Modern Young And Rich (Private High School Rp)


Effie continued on with her little signature smirk, linked arms with Cassidy and nodded, "Yup, fake I.D.s. high school parties are nothing like what we're going to..." She looked around at the group of people and took back off her sunglasses, noticing that one of the staff members closed the blinds, "Thank god..." She mumbled and put her sunglasses in her little black leather satchel, "We're going to 'pull this shit off' at 7:00 pm... Meet me all at the far end of the campus behind the football field... I know a little exit that comes in handy... A lot." Effie couldn't help but grin a bit and shrugged, "So, who's in?"


Brian smiled and nodded in agreement, "I wouldn't doubt it in the first place, Cass." He looked Cass up and down and smiled, for the longest time he liked her... Not as a friend. But they never had gotten together due to their "just being friends" state of their relationship.

He then glanced over at Raiden. He was also growing fond of her too. But he barely knew her, they'll see how this night works out and who knows.

"I'm actually pretty excited for this.. Not really about the crowd, but spending time with you guys." Yeah, yeah, yeah, Brian is a cheesy guy. Everyone's knows that.

@BrooklynBaby @Darth Gangsta @arizzle @AmRosey



Raiden watched as Brian checked Cassidy out. She was pretty and she could

understand why he liked her. She could read people easily - it was

the one thing she was good at with being social. But Raiden was no

second choice and she wouldn't let herself be one. "
Cute." She smiled at him, and his


I'm in, most definitely." She chuckled at Caleb. "Get stoned, for all in

gods name get cross faded. High and drunk at the same time? You'll

be in for one of the best trips of your life.

Raiden then stood up and stretched. "
I guess we should all go

get ready and meet back where Effie said.

(what happened to your character Lana? I think her name was?)

@BrooklynBaby @Darth Gangsta @AmRosey



Cassidy looked over at Brian and furrowed her eyebrows. She always thought of Brian as a good friend, but nothing more, although she definitely was flattered. "Obviously I'm in. I have a shortcut to the shortcut by the way. There's security by the football field, so go to our dorm, room 231. We can go through the vents like I did first period." She smiled cheekily. "Oh, and each of you go to our dorm in five minute intervals, we can't make it obvious. We can go through the vent system that leads to the sewers if we go in the right direction. If we sneak down there, we can actually go behind the football field without anything detecting us. Don't make fun of me for taking this seriously. The principal said if Effie and I get caught one more time, we're suspended." Saying that sent shivers down Cassidy's spine. Usually Effie and her stayed under the radar, but they were both recently caught for sleeping with two other students. "Trust me."

@QueenOfDisaster @Tsiwentiio @AmRosey @arizzle @Darth Gangsta


Caleb McCoy

Caleb smiled, "A'ight then, 7:00 PM it is." Caleb looked at Raiden, "I've done it before. It's amazing, and feels good as fuck." he gathered his things. "See y'all at the football field then I guess." Smoking and drinking was definitely not a habit Caleb was proud of. But hey, it was his fault. He had to live with all of his mistakes.

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Effie grinned, completely forgetting out the vent idea to get to her idea, "Completely didn't think of that, Cass. Perfect." Effie looked at the group of people and raised her eyebrow to everyone in the group, "If you don't trust us, you'll most definitely get caught, not having to think twice about that." Effie checked her iPhone for and in her head began counting down the minutes until lunch is over. That is, until Lana came along.

Lana was loved and hated by many, known by all. She was a bit of a mean bitch to people she wasn't comfortable with but to other people she could be very nice.

Wonder what she wanted in the first place, her and Effie don't get along so its odd to see Lana here in the flesh.


Lana sashayed up to the group of people with her hands on her hips. She was a badass diva, no doubt about it.

She still had her hands on her hips and ran her fingers through her hair, "Hey, heard there was a little thing you guys were planning on doing..." Lana tilted her head, "You guys fine if I came?" She asked with a small grin on her face, "Come on, a party isn't good until everyone comes along... Plus if the fake I.D.s don't work out... You're going to need someone who knows these type of things to work around that..." Lana grinned mischievously but it quickly faded, "Just let me come..."

(Don't really know what to say for Brian...)

@BrooklynBaby @Darth Gangsta @arizzle @AmRosey



It certainly does." Raiden agreed with Caleb before she looked over at the girl

who had come to their table. She was a spoiled bitch diva, she could just see

that by her appearence. She couldn't stand those rich girls, but then again there

was something she liked about her. Maybe her mentioning her knowledge on how to get out of

sticky situations?

She may have looked to be a spoiled brat but there was some badass, some potential.

I'm fine with her going." Raiden said to the group. "But its up to Effie and Cassidy, they're

the ones who planned this whole thing out. She also could prove useful in case

anything bad happens.
" She shrugged.

It wasn't her call.

@BrooklynBaby @Darth Gangsta @QueenOfDisaster @AmRosey


Andrew had done his best to simply eat his lunch and ignore the group of people talking about sneaking out to a club and spending the night drinking. Somehow it didn't surprise him to see Effie Woodson and Cassidy Scott leading the conversation, given their reputations, not that he was really one to judge how other people wanted to behave. At least they were brave enough and honest enough with themselves to do what they wanted. He'd never been to any crazy parties despite his fair amount of popularity, was the exact type of thing that he knew his dad would kill him for if he ever got caught doing. He'd always thought that it sounded like a lot of fun.

Maybe there was just something in the air. Or maybe he was just tired of the same soul-crushing routine every day. Whatever it was, he wanted in, one night of fun wouldn't destroy his dad's career. Andrew stood up and walked the few steps over to group, his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "You guys are seriously talking about going off campus to a club? That may be one of the craziest things I've ever heard." He took a deep breath and flashed a friendly smile. "Got room for one more?" He didn't have a fake ID, obviously, but it sounded like they'd be able to make him one easily enough.

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster @AmRosey @Tsiwentiio @arizzle

Brandon Lancaster


"Wow..." Now Brandon wasn't the type of guy to start something he couldn't finish. Especially if it involved Raiden, she would win EVERY TIME, and it wasn't very gentleman like, of course. But he did want to act a bit cheeky if he wanted to hit two birds with one stone. Just because I don't have sex for a pair of designer boots every time, doesn't mean I don't have it at all. "Ask Effie. She knows how much I'm getting. And if that's not enough, then I guess your next one-night-stand should give me some tips." Was all the boy said before winking seductively at Effie.

Turning his attention back down to Cass, he furrowed his brows with questions.
"Okay." He said before his face loosened up to her thoughtfulness. She was so sweet. Kinda hard to believe that she had any involvement in such delinquency. "Nah, I'm going. I guess I'll enjoy it somehow." He shrugged, reaching out to the girl and rubbing her shoulder. His rough yet delicate touch against her soft skin. This was just a friendly gesture, nothing else.

Looking back to Raiden, the boy had a grin plastered onto his face.
"Oh, don't feel too special. I care about everyone in this place... Some more than others." His eyes flickered to Effie's before dropping to the ground so he wouldn't get caught.

Listening to the planning, Brandon removed his hand from her shoulder and looked up to see 120 pounds of bitchiness approach them.
""In case something bad happens". Yep, because Lana will be such a help to us all." The boy cocked up a brow, his eyes serious and reeled with grudge. Last year, Lana had rejected him, and it honestly wasn't the nicest rejection you could've received (hope this is okay with you Queen). Looking behind the girl, Brandon smiled. "Sup, Andrew. Yeah, I think we've got enough room for such person as yourself."

@Phobos @Tsiwentiio @Darth Gangsta


Cassidy smiled at Brandon's gesture and lightly hugged him. She could see how he felt about Effie, and she was absolutely not going to get in the way, so she let go of the hug and looked at Andrew. "Hey, Andrew." Cassidy greeted him. "Yeah, of course you can join. For you, Lana, well, if it was up to me I'd punch your face in." She smiled bitchily. "But, Effie, what do you think?" Cassidy looked at her. "Okay, just to finalize plans, you're all coming to our dorm at seven o'clock. Then, we go through the vent system and make our way behind the football field and go to the party." Cassidy began to feel excited as she spoke, she hadn't had a fun night out with Effie in quite a while, they've both been busy with their slutty sex lives.

@Darth Gangsta @AmRosey @QueenOfDisaster @arizzle @Phobos @Tsiwentiio


Lana tilted her head and smiled at Brandon and Cassidy in a bitchy way, almost mimicking Cassidy, "Well, so glad to meet my fans." She blew a kiss at them and then crossed her arms, "Who's the rich famous model here who can get out of any situation with money? Right, me."

Lana looked at everyone and played with her hair, "Come on, you can't not let me come." Lana smiled "sweetly".


Effie looked Lana up and down, rolling her eyes then glanced at Cassidy, "I mean, she could be helpful... I suppose... Plus, the more the merrier." She stuck her middle finger up at Lana then looked at Brandon, rolling her eyes at him too, but also winking seductively. Because, why not?

She noticed Brandon quickly look at her when he mentioned caring about some people more than others... Did he like Effie... Effie wasn't too use to romance just because she slept with people didn't mean Effie understood romance... It was odd for her. But a part of her wanted to get to know Brandon a bit more.

*After School! Get ready to meet at Effie and Cassidy's dorm!*

@BrooklynBaby @Darth Gangsta @arizzle @AmRosey @Phobos
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Brandon Lancaster


Spraying his underarms with cool deodorant, Brandon straightened his outfit out. The scent still lingering throughout the room. He was pretty excited - well, more like excited to watch other people get off their faces. Haha, man, this guy wished he was that heartless. Slicking his hair back with anti-clumping gel, Brandon checked himself out for a few seconds before turning to face Brian's side. "Want to come with me to the girl's dorm or do you need extra time to get ready, man?" The boy asked, the edges of his lips turned up into a kind smile.



Brian looked up Brandon and shrugged, "We still have time, man." He said with a smile then looked back down at his phone. He completely forgot to get Raiden's number and that annoyed the crap out of him.

"I say we just hang out here until 6:40 pm... Then we leave." Brian smiled at Brandon then his smile quickly faded, "I completely forgot to get Raiden's number." Brian said, aggravated at himself. @AmRosey


Cassidy got her hair done and clothes on, looking awesome. She definitely felt confident in her outfit.


Cassidy looked over at Effie and had a nervous expression. "We need to get the test before the party. I'm going to ask Brandon to come over early." She took out her phone and texted Brandon, 'Come over early, like now, I'll explain when you get here. -Cass'

She sent the message and walked over to the mini fridge in their room. She took out a water bottle and drank it. "I'm going to have to pee to take the test so I better start drinking."

@QueenOfDisaster @AmRosey


Mitch was back in his room, he started getting ready he made sure to help Bailee with the fake ids but once it seemed like she had everything under control he went back to his room, he took a nap and made sure to get up in plenty of time to fix his hair, he was super excited it had been a while since he'd gone out to party or do anything fun.

Bailee had all the id's finished and she was impressed how quickly she got them done they looked good. She walked to the mirror in her room and started curling her hair she had an outfit picked out. She realized that she hadn't texted or really talked to Carlos and so she grabbed her phone and debated whether she should text him or not, she did and just said they were planning to go out but she wanted to hang out with him.​


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c4e77e1_images(6).jpg.5b30cc2be33c1ec923445091cce2c570.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114852" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c4e77e1_images(6).jpg.5b30cc2be33c1ec923445091cce2c570.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Dorm

Interacting With: @Tsiwentiio

Carlos just got out of the shower and he almost tripped because he couldn't see, luckily he didn't. It was a steamy mess in the bathroom. Right when he sat down on the bed, an alert came up on his phone. He couldn't help but smile at the phone. When he read it he sighed and texted back. Carlos knew that every time Bailee mentioned going out, there was always gonna be some kinda trouble involved with it. He always liked to take risks with her but the last time he did, his own dad threatened to end his career, so he didn't want to mess around with stuff like that. After he texted her, he looked at the dorm door, making sure it was locked and started changing quickly. He would be embarrassed as hell if he was still changing and his roommate walked in. After he got dressed, he decided to write a song for his upcoming album.

( Text: We can reschedule, Bailee. But please be careful)




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Brandon Lancaster


Looking down to see his watch, Brandon chuckled at his off-guard time-keeping. The boy scratched the nape of his neck, his eyes creased at the sides. "Haha, guess I'm just itching to go." More like itching to see Effie... He dropped down onto his bed with his phone tucked into his pocket before listening to Brian. "Raiden? Can't you just ask her when we get to the dorm? I mean, you can last an hour without texting her, right?" He smirked while his phone buzzed mid-sentence. Grabbing his number #1 possession, the boy let his eyes scan the glowing screen: "Come over early, like now, I'll explain when you get here. -Cass"

Looking up to Brian, Brandon shoved his phone into his pocket. "If I had Raiden's number, I'd tell you, but beside her being a friend. She thinks I'm a douche so..." Standing up from his position the dark-haired boy made his way toward the door. "Sorry, mate. The girl's need me." Brandon clasped his hand around the handle before walking through the doorway.

His pace quickened as he walked toward the girl's dorms. Brandon hadn't really spent his time wondering around the hallways as much as the other guys, as the only reason he'd venture this far was to see Effie and Cass. But, he also respected their privacy. Approaching their door, the boy knocked against the solid wood. His mind curious to why they wanted to see him earlier then everyone else.
Cassidy probably wants to talk to me as she said from before.

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster


Effie looked in the mirror as she was getting ready. She quickly put on her crop top then skirt, making sure she looked nice. Which she did. Effie had to love this outfit more than all the other outfits she wore to parties. It was simple yet sexy. Perfect.

Effie finished up changing and quickly put on her boots, "Yeah, we need to make sure you're not... It would suck ass if you were... But don't worry. I'd be there for you." She heard a knock on the door, "I'll get it!" Effie said a bit too loudly and walked to the door, "She smiled to see it was Brandon, "Hey, Brandon." She smiled with a wink and let him inside, "So, I guess I'll just let Cass explain." Effie walked over to the mirror and began to wave her hair around to make it look beachy.


@BrooklynBaby @AmRosey
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Andrew could barely believe he was actually doing this. He could feel butterflies building in his stomach like he was a little kid on the first day of school again, he was so nervous and excited. He managed to get most of his homework done in class, so after finishing with swim practice, showering, and eating dinner, he was able to go back to his dorm, confident that at the very least he wouldn't be too screwed the next day in class. He waved to Carlos as he walked through the door, seeing him with notebook and pencil in hand. "Hey Carlos, what are you working on?"

As he asked the question he stripped off his navy Henley and began digging through his drawers for a plain white t-shirt. Once he found that he threw it on in addition to a hoodie, sunglasses, and his Yankees cap. He was hoping for a casual, non-descript look for when they snuck out tonight, but really ended up looking like someone who was on the run from the police.



Cassidy looked over at Brandon and smiled. He got her text. "Hey Brandon." She waved as she slipped her shoes on. "Thanks for coming.." She sighed in Effie's direction.

"So, basically, I slept with this guy." She grew embarrassed as she spoke. "Don't judge, but I did. I have been slacking on the pill, and well, I'm not sure if he used protection, so well, um..." She played with the tips of her hair as she spoke, "Well you know. I'm scared if I'm, you know." She really didn't want to even say the word. "I might be pregnant. Do you want to come with us to get a test at the convenience store? I also have to renew my birth control prescription."

@QueenOfDisaster @AmRosey
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Brandon Lancaster


Hearing the distinctive yell of a female, Brandon looked around the hallway; in hope that no one would think that he was some persistent creep that wouldn't leave these girls alone. Listening to the door swing open, the boy automatically grinned at the sight of Effie. But she was wearing something tight... *sigh* and short. Brandon's protective radar was ringing erratically at the sight. Clearing his voice, the boy slowly turned flustered. "Uh--hey guys." He greeted whilst shutting the door from behind him. He stepped forward before shoving his hands into his pockets, fingers pressed against the phone case. His eyes hovered over to where Effie began to perfect her hair - well, not that it needed perfecting. This girl just confused him to much for his own well-being, okay! However, the words "pregnant" soon captured his attention. "Y-you're pregnant?!" Brandon exclaimed, the wideness taking over his eyelids. "Me and Effie are going over to that guy's house and... I'm going to fucking beat the shit out of him!" He said raising his voice so about anyone in a 5 mile radius could probably heard his shouts. In the moment, he tightened his grip around the phone. There was an actual possibility that he could've cracked it's shell. But that was a possibility.



Cassidy lightly chuckled and walked over to Brandon, taking his phone and setting it down. "You're going to break the damn thing. No, I'm not pregnant. I might be. For the time being, we're going to assume I am. You can never be too careful." Cassidy sighed and threw her bag over her shoulder. "Forget the convenience store, we'd have to sneak out. I'm almost positive they have them at the nurse's office. Come on." She looked over at Effie and put a hand on her shoulder. "No need to do your hair any more than you did, it looks awesome." She smiled. She left the dorm, waiting for them to follow.

@QueenOfDisaster @AmRosey


Effie sighed and looked up, noticing Brandon hovering over her. She smiled at him, but she couldn't help but laugh at the over reaction that Brandon made about Cassidy being pregnant, "Everything will be okay. Just try not to worry. If she's pregnant theres many options for her to take." Effie shrugged and messed with her hair and nodded at Cassidy, "Oh. Thanks." Effie smiled, grabbing onto Brandon's hand so he can come along as well, "Alright, well, lets get a move on." Effie let go of Brandon's hand reluctantly and led the way. @BrooklynBaby @AmRosey


Brandon Lancaster


Speechless at how serene Cassidy and Effie were acting, his mouth hung open as he let the girl take his phone. It was almost like they've done this before, which they probably have. Considering the fact that they both sleep with some random guy every other week. As Effie grabbed his hand, the boy felt her soft warmth against his palm. He honestly didn't want her to let go, but she did and he barely let go himself. He had always had a problem with "letting go". "Pregnant or not I'm still fucking that guy up." Brandon grumbled before continuing to speak once again. "And it doesn't matter how you get rid of the fetus. You guys shouldn't be doing this stuff. It's just wrong in all ways." Brandon said, his tone becoming concerned. He shut the door and followed after Effie.



Cassidy mentally rolled her eyes at Brandon's comment. "Don't you think I know it's wrong, Brandon? It's not like I enjoy it. You wouldn't understand. By the way, there's no chance I'd get rid of the baby. I can't do that to a living thing." She sighed as she continued walking down the hallway. The anticipation was going to kill her, the five minutes they had to wait to see the plus or minus symbol, it's all so terrifying. This has never happened before, which is what scared Cassidy the most. "Dear lord." She mumbled as she ran her hands through her hair.

@AmRosey @QueenOfDisaster

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