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Realistic or Modern Young And Rich (Private High School Rp)


Caleb McCoy

Caleb finally made his way to the Campus Cafe and saw his friends standing in a circle, Effie, Raiden, Bailee and Brian
. He was playing this

, he took out his earbuds as he approached them. "Uh . . . Hey guys. I can hear you guys talking from outside of the cafe." he chuckled. "So when's this party then?" he leaned in, "Am I invited?"
@QueenOfDisaster @Tsiwentiio @arizzle
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(lmao, my male characters name is Brian... Sorry, forgot to add that cx.)


Effie eye'd Caleb who was walking over to them. She rolled her eyes at him for being a snoop.

With a sly smile on her face she turned around and faced Caleb. She seductively blew a puff of smoke at Caleb's face. She was obviously still smoking. She wasn't going to waste one cigarette because she left her booth, "The 'party' is probably going on right now..." Effie said mysteriously and shrugged, "That depends if you have a fake I.D. or not..." @BrooklynBaby @Tsiwentiio @arizzle

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8bf62083_images(6).jpg.cbcdc6095c034e9e48cbe331afbca349.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8bf62083_images(6).jpg.cbcdc6095c034e9e48cbe331afbca349.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Lunch

Interacting with: @Tsiwentiio @Darth Gangsta

Carlos chuckled a little bit and then smiled at her. "I got another class for choreography. Somehow my dad talked to the school bored and convinced them to get me two classes of it. He said it would be good practice for my next tour." he said. He looked at the time and then back at her. " Hey i should get going. My class is all the way across campus and its almost time for lunch to end. It was good seeing you again Bailee."he said. He got up and slung his black and white bandanna printed backpack over his shoulder. He went over to give her a hug and then gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek. " Looking forward to hang out again." he said in his latino accent. When he was walking he noticed a guy full of tattoos and he smirked. He looks cool, he thought to himself.




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Brandon Lancaster


Standing up from his noisy pen tapping, Brandon swung his bag over his shoulder before walking out of his class. The ringing bell still an echo in his head. He made his way toward the Campus Cafe, seeing some of his friends standing in an obvious formation. Sup, my fellow friends." He greeted, "Yo, Caleb." The dark-haired boy found a space next to Cassidy. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jogging bottoms. He switched his gaze back to the girl. "So... You okay? You kind of ran off in lunch." Brandon looked down to the girl, his eyes concerned. After all, Cassidy was like a sister to him.

@Darth Gangsta @QueenOfDisaster
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Caleb McCoy

Caleb chuckled, "Yeah, I know the party ain't going on right now." Caleb set his things on a nearby table, "What you mean by a 'fake I.D'." he asked as he stuffed his hand in his pocket for a cigarette. In the other pocket, he took out a lighter and lit the cigarette. "So . . . What have you guys been doing then?" he tried to start a conversation as he was bored.

Caleb looked as Brandon approached, "What's good, Brandon?"

@QueenOfDisaster @arizzle @AmRosey @arizzle

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.d7ebeca1579d89d957c9cdcfc92a334a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114702" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.d7ebeca1579d89d957c9cdcfc92a334a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Effie smirked and blew out a puff of smoke then dropped her cigarette to the floor, stepping on it, "I don't think you know what type of party I'm talking about, Caleb..." Effie sighed and looked around at everyone and smiled at Brandon, "We're just talking about a party, Brandon. Interested in coming?" Effie looked back at Caleb, "You need a fake I.D because it's a club. You up for it?" Effie looked at everyone with a sly grin on her face. @BrooklynBaby @AmRosey @arizzle



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"I know someone who can make fake id's" Mitch said in a quiet voice, he already had one but figured most people didn't. He leaned back in his chair observing everyone around the room, and thankfully the person who made the id's was walking towards them.

"Alright have fun" Bailee said to Carlos as he walked out, she looked over to where Mitch and the others were, she went over and stood next to him "You still make fake id's " Mitch said looking up at Bailee "Yeah" "Hey guys if you need a fake, Bailee here is your go to" Mitch said to the group

(mentioned: @Julie) @BrooklynBaby @arizzle @AmRosey

Brandon Lancaster


Looking up to catch a glimpse of Effie, Brandon was about to answer her question, but as soon as a Bailee approached the group. Brandon couldn't help but feel his face loosen up, however, when the mention of fake ID's came into context, the boy's lips turned down into a frown. "Well done everyone! It's good to see that this school have been accepting some dodgy people." As he said this, his hands were clapping with sarcasm. He obviously didn't approve of using fake identities as; it can get you sent down and his parents would probably kill him. But, no! It's good to see that this didn't phase his friends. "Oh! And even better! We have the fake ID dealer in this very school." It really was a wonder to how these people got accepted. Really. It was. "But don't worry about the consequences, people. At least we'll have fun."



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.511b0e779ac8065e8fa73a990c5f7095.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114713" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.511b0e779ac8065e8fa73a990c5f7095.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Oh, perfect. But good thing I already have a fake I.D. The rest of you just need to get one and we'll be ready to go..." Effie put her put on her sunglasses because of the sun shining through the windows. Effie couldn't help but let out a laugh from how much Brandon was being a goody-two-shoes, "Oh come on," Effie chuckled, "Loosen up. What'd you say to Cassidy this morning? Something about living in the moment or something like that. We're teenagers we make mistakes. Just live a little." Effie smirked and crossed her arms. A part of her was actually hoping Brandon would come along. She wanted to spend some time with him in her type of setting. @BrooklynBaby @Darth Gangsta



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The corner of Raiden's lips twitched at the mention of a party. She hadn't been

to one in a few months but she could still pull off the fake I.D she had made for herself a year ago.

It wasn't really all that complicated to make. "
I'm in, I don't know about the rest of you guys but I'm

going to get drunk off my ass. Maybe blowed? Whichever makes me forget whatever the fuck I did when I wake

up in the morning.
" She licked her lips and grinned.

She rolled her eyes at Brandon. "
You act like some

student's here actually got in because of their GPA's. Half of student body is here because their parents are

rich beyond our wildest dreams, not because of what's going on in their brains. So put on your big boy pants and

fuck some shit up.
" Her attention then shifted towards Brian.

You'll be going to, right?" Raiden raised a mischievous eyebrow.

@BrooklynBaby @Darth Gangsta [/b]


Brandon Lancaster


"Yeah... But that was before I found out about the over 18s club." Brandon sighed before racking his rough fingers through his dark locks. At times, he loved his friends but other times they'd just be a pain in the ass. Although, when he listened to what Raiden had to say... Well, that pretty much shut the door for any refusal comebacks. He hadn't noticed before, but she was a pretty persuasive girl ;) (don't know why I put that there). "Fine. But when you guy's are throwing up in the gutter, I'm not taking care of your sorry ass'." Brandon shifted from one foot to the other, his gaze automatically drifting over to Effie. Of course, she would become the exception.

(OCC: @BrooklynBaby

Any of you guys think it would be a good idea to colour code our character's speech?)



"well for those who will need a fake, I just need a pic of you like one that would be taken on a license or something, and your birthday, height and weight, eye color and natural hair color" she pulled her phone out of her bag and made sure things were still in the clear for her to use the machine to make the id's, it had been a while hence making them but she was confident in her skills.

"Oh trust me I can handle my liquor"
Mitch said, he was definitely looking forward to going to the club, it had been a while but his parents could care less if he went out drinking, as long as he didn't get caught then they could care less.

@BrooklynBaby @AmRosey @Darth Gangsta

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.6492fe9ece6305156bdfe899aad36173.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114722" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.6492fe9ece6305156bdfe899aad36173.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Effie grinned towards the girl who said she was in, "And who are you?" Effie asked, trying to sound nice... But she tends to sound rude most of the time. She doesn't mean to but I guess it's just in her nature.

Effie looked over at Brandon and rolled her eyes at him, "You're to sweet prin-" She shook her head to herself, making sure not to say that infront of other people. Effie didn't want to sound sweet, "Just sweet. Yeah, you're too sweet. You'll probably help someone... I just know you." Effie said teasingly, but truthfully.

"You better be able to handle your liquor. This night will blow all of you over the edge." She grinned mischievously. @BrooklynBaby @Tsiwentiio @arizzle @AmRosey @Darth Gangsta



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Oh Brandon, you know you will. You're too good of a person to just watch us suffer."

Raiden winked at him. People always said that but when the situation came down to it

they never really did leave the one in need alone. It was human nature, along with morals.

She frowned when Brian didn't answer her but let it go, that's usually why she didn't

take an interest in boys anymore.

She looked back over at Effie and introduced herself, a small smirk.

Names Raiden."

@BrooklynBaby @Tsiwentiio @QueenOfDisaster @AmRosey @Darth Gangsta

Brandon Lancaster


Still keeping his eyes on Effie, Brandon raised his brows up into a devious manner. This girl was just acting too cute - no matter how much she may deny it. Though, he was going to save her from the eembarrassment. Even if he wanted to keep it there. Holding his hands up into a defensive state, the boy chuckled, "Okay, okay. Am I that predictable?" He asked the others.

(OCC: Sorry if this is short.)

@Darth Gangsta
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Effie smirked back at Raiden, "Well, isn't interesting to meet you." She looked back at Brandon and nodded to his statement, "Yes, you are very predictable..." She said, keeping his eye contact with her sparkling blue eyes. Effie raised an eyebrow, still smirking, "What are you looking at?" Effie crossed her arms and tilted her head.


Brian was listening to the conversation. He wasn't the very type of person to start talking unless someone decided to talk to him. Which happened actually. When Raiden spoke to him. The first time he wasn't really paying attention. He was lost up in his own thoughts.

Brian realized Raiden was talking to him and he quickly nodded, "I suppose I'll go, just don't really have a fake I.D." Brian shrugged then looked towards Bailee, "At least Bailee can help with that." Making his eye contact back on Raiden, he smiled, "I should go out a live a little I suppose."


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Raiden nodded her head. "
Incredibly predictable. But that's not necessarily a bad thing." She reassured

Brandon before grinning at Effie. Her attention turned back to Brian as he finally noticed

that she had spoken to him.

You should, it'll be fun I hope. Maybe we could have some fun as well."

She teased. Raiden was a big tease, she never meant have

the things she said but she sure did love the reactions she got from

others with how she worded her sentences. She huffed at everyone.

This party better not be lame because if it is I might

scream. Or do a lot blow. Whichever will calm my nerves.



Brandon Lancaster


"Brilliant." The boy dropped his hands to the sides of his waist. So, okay, maybe he was still looking at Effie and her uniqueness, but as soon as she caught his stare, Brandon could feel his cheeks flaring up with colour. Raising his own eyebrows up as if she was talking to someone else other then himself, the poor dude didn't know what to do. "What am I looking at? Y-y'know, I honestly don't know myself." Brandon shrugged, his eyes flitting away from the girl's. Hearing Raiden's audible huff, he rolled his eyes. "So getting pissed, watching people get pissed and squeezing in a quick shag; will that satisfy your taste then?" He asked, arms crossed over chest.




Effie shook her head with a small smirk on her face. Smirking, why'd she smirk anyway... Suppose she just likes to... Who knows.

"Alright, sure you don't know what you're staring at..." Effie looked up and gave Brandon a tiny smile then looked over at Raiden when Brandon talked to her. But, she looked back at him when he finished his sentence, "Damn... Nice one..." Effie admitted and crossed her arms, looking back at Raiden then back at Brandon.


"Alright," Brian said, feeling a bit anxious about wondering about what she meant about them having some "fun", "Well, I believe this party will be fun. I mean Effie and Cassidy are taking us. The partiers of the school." Brian smiled towards the two he was talking about then looked over to Raiden after what Brandon said, "Okay then..." Brian really didn't know what to say to that. But Raiden seems like a smart girl, she'll work it out.

@BrooklynBaby @AmRosey @arizzle @Darth Gangsta




Raiden merely smiled at Brandon. "
It might just actually, considering

you barely know anything about me. But if you're so interested in my sex life

and quick 'shags', you must not be getting much now huh? You can watch, if you're

into that sort of thing.
" She blew a kiss at him playfully.

Or then again, you can stay here with

your definition of fun which is sitting around either being a teachers pet or goody two-shoes.

She didn't like it when people tested her. She was quite good at hurting others feelings if she wanted

to but she refrained from Brandon, considering him a friend. But of course, she wouldn't ignore his comment.

I'm glad your so concerned about me, really - I'm flattered."

Raiden then turned back to Brian. "
I highly believe in their party finding skills.

I'm excited for what's going to be brought to the table.
" She tucked a piece of her

hair behind her ear.

@AmRosey @QueenOfDisaster @Darth Gangsta


Cassidy looked at Brandon and barely smiled, "I'll talk to you about it later.." She sighed. "Oh, and relax, we won't get too hammered." She lied. If she wasn't pregnant, she was getting wasted. "But if we do, leave us in the dust, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. You don't have to go." She gave Brandon a reassuring smile. Cassidy looked over at Raiden, "The party will be amazing." She deviously smiled as she tried to inhale the smoke Effie let out again. "Oh, and Brian, hell yeah were the partiers of the school." She winked and linked her arm with Effie's. "So, you're a dealer, huh?" She looked at Bailee, smirking. "Niiice."

@QueenOfDisaster @AmRosey @Tsiwentiio @arizzle @Darth Gangsta

(Ugh, Easter was so busy, I tried catching up on everything :) Let me know if I left anything out!!)​
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Caleb McCoy

Caleb smirked, "Fake I.D, huh?" he chuckled, "I got you, girl . . ." Caleb laughed at Raiden's comment about getting drunk, "Same here. I'll probably get stoned too." he dropped the unfinished cigarette on the floor. "So when are we pulling this shit off? I'm excited as fuck." he said while rubbing his hands in an effort to warm them up.



"I got a few connections" she smiled at Cassidy, she was involved in a few more things than just fake id's but she kept her mouth shut. Bailee was a tank when it came to drinking, well drinking really wasn't that interesting to her, because her friends always seemed to get black out drunk by the time she started feeling a buzz. "I hope all of you can party hard" she stood up and pointed at everyone

The more and more everyone was talking about the party, the more Mitch was getting excited. "Yeah so when is all of this going down" although he really had no plans he wanted to be sure to look good, cause you never know.


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