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Realistic or Modern Young And Rich (Private High School Rp)


Cassidy took a deep breath. "I'm late." She whispered. She took out a water bottle from her bag and chugged it down in less than two seconds.

"I'm freaking out. What if I'm pregnant? Fuck, this is what happens when I have sex with every boy that breathes the same air as me. We need to stop doing that." She tried laughing to lighten up her own mood, although it didn't quite work. "A few weeks ago a slept with this guy, and I don't think he used protection, not to mention the fact that I have been slacking on the pill.." She rubbed her arm, feeling ashamed. "What the fuck am I going to do? Shit, I'm so screwed. After school come with me and get a test, please." Cassidy begged.



Brian had to admit he was doing better handling his social phobia, little by little he has been breaking through his shell and each time feels like a huge accomplishment.

He smiled at the girl and before finishing up his salad, "Well, that is very cool. I'd be too anxious to ever become a tattoo artist..." Brian laughed at himself but knew it was true at the same time. Brian is too anxious to do anything besides sports.

"I'm Brian... You?" @BrooklynBaby



Names Raiden." Raiden introduced herself. "Boy name, dumb name actually but of course you can't name yourself."

She chuckled and ruffled her hair, taking another bite of her burger - finishing it. "
I wonder what I look like,

name wise of course. I don't feel as if I look like a Raiden.
" She looked over at him.

Do I?"

In some situations, she talked fast to avoid an awkward pause. Her social skills

were rusty - back at her old school she didn't have friends. She had her brothers - that was

about it. Now, without them here, she was so lost.



Cassidy sighed and nodded, knowing Effie was right. No smoking, drinking, etc. Even though that's exactly what she wanted to do right now.

"No way am I eating." She shook her head, hugging Effie. "Thanks, you're the best." Cassidy looked around the room, watching everyone talk with their friends. "We need to make more friends." She chuckled. "So, how's your day been?" She tried making conversation to distract herself.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8bb82b07_images(6).jpg.bdcd456b9f80768c19748935c9ab6f06.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8bb82b07_images(6).jpg.bdcd456b9f80768c19748935c9ab6f06.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Lunch

Interacting with: @ Anyone

Carlos knew he was pretty late to lunch. He had to take a phone call from Young Money Records. He had thought the phone call was only gonna talk about 10 minutes, but it turned out to be a few hours. He was super starving and he wanted food now. When he got their, he got just a hamburger and curly fries to eat. Of course along with a soda to wash it all down. He made sure not to get stuff all over his one of a kind designer clothes and especially not his black and white printed bandanna backpack. That cost a fortune. As he ate his food, he scrolled through his Instagram, just to make sure that he was caught up on his 14,000 emails and 70,000 notifications. He had to keep up with his 75.3 billion followers. He decided to sit by himself, once again.




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Bailee finished eating and threw away her garbage and before she walked out she noticed Carlos sitting by himself, it had been a while since she'd talked to him, so she figured why not catch up a little. As she got closer she hesitated for a second, he seemed busy with what ever he was doing. So instead she just sat at the table next to him, and she started going threw some old messages

Looking at the messages made her miss home, not really her parents but her friends she had to leave behind, she had a few friends here but none as important to her as the ones back home. It was probably the only thing that made her a little home sick.

(Mentioned: @Julie )


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8bb8c67b_images(3).jpg.003eb96db8f25383da49b170d2417f4f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8bb8c67b_images(3).jpg.003eb96db8f25383da49b170d2417f4f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Lunch

Interacting with: @Tsiwentiio

When Carlos was finished eating, he put his phone away and got up to through away the food. He was just about to leave the cafeteria, until he saw Bailee. The last time he seen her, she was supporting him at his first concert for Young Money records. He smiled at the sight of her and decided to sit next to her. He grabbed his backpack and sat right across from her. " Hey, long time no see. How are you?" he asked. When he looked at her, he still thought she was beautiful. She was his first crush, until he had to leave and move to LA. He did miss their good times together. They had always had a good bond with each other ever since, she was the first friend that he had ever told about his mom abandoning him. He even let her see the necklace that he always carried around as memory of his mom.​



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Bailee looked up from her phone when Carlos sat at her table, she smiled at him, she still felt butterflies when she seen him, he still looked great even better than before. "Hey, I'm good who have you been mr famous" she smiled at him she leaned back in her chair. He was the first person she felt really comfortable, most of the time she didn't feel like she had to act a certain way, she could just be herself.​



Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Lunch

Interacting With: @Tsiwentiio

Carlos smiled genuinely at her. " Eh..ive been around. I had to work most of the time over spring break so...."he replied. All he did over the summer was write song, make music videos, go on tour, and many more.But most of his time was wasted on making that inappropriate music video. He still didn't understand why his dad that it was good for business. If anything it just made controversy. "So what have you been up to lately. I haven't seen you in a while." he said with a smile. He hoped that she didn't see that music video. It would be very embarrassing.​


"oh you know, same old same old" laughed, compared to what he had been up to she realized how pathetic her life was. "Mainly sleeping and eating" she ran her fingers through her hair. That was pretty much all she did even before she had gotten to school, if anything she did get into a little trouble, working with a drug dealer probably wasn't the best career choice, she figured she would bring it up later if needed. "I hate that we haven't been able to hang out in a while" it was pretty obvious why they haven't, being the busy bee he seems to be these days.



Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Lunch

Interacting with: @Tsiwentiio

Carlos thought for a moment. He was pretty busy and all he wanted was just a few days of being able to act like an

actual teen. " Well maybe after classes we could hang out? Or maybe over summer, instead of working i can take some time off. So we could hang out." he said. He did like hanging out with Bailee. She knew how to make him laugh. He smiled at her, while waiting for a response. " Oh and here. I forgot to give you my new number." he said. He pulled out a paper and pen and wrote his number down. He slid the paper over to her​


Bailee couldn't help but get really excited when he mentioned taking a little time off to hang out with her, she smiled "Yeah I'd love to" she reached out and grabbed the paper he wrote the number on, "I hope your not one of those types to change their number every other week" she teased and put his number in her phone right away. "What do you want to do later" she said leaning forward in the chair. She looked at her phone, checking the time, it always seemed like time was limited when she was with him, especially now but they both didn't seem to be in any rush.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8bc5d2b4_images(6).jpg.1f1cf8b37a1a059a49ac09ba98cb8efa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114535" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8bc5d2b4_images(6).jpg.1f1cf8b37a1a059a49ac09ba98cb8efa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Lunch

Interacting with: @Tsiwentiio

Carlos chuckled a little and shook his head. " Nah...im just gonna stick with my new one. I promise." he said with a smile.

He looked over her and smiled again. No doubt she was very beautiful, inside and out. " Hmm...we could go swimming in the pool. Ive been wanting to do that for a while. Oh and did you already make friends here?" he asked. He checked his phone to see what time it was and he still had a few minutes before he had a second round of choreography class.​



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Bailee couldn't help but laugh "Alright sounds good, plus swimming sounds like fun" she grabbed a hair tie out of her bag and pulled her hair up in a messy bun "you know how I am with making friends" she turned her head to the side and gave him a sly smile. She figured they would probably have to leave soon, and she was in absolutely no mood to go to gym, or move in general. "What class do you have next" she asked placing her white book bag on the table.​




Effie shrugged and smirked, "I guess I can be the best... When I want too, at least." Effie hugged Cassidy back then let go.

"Hmm, my day? Its okay, classes sucked of course..." Effie didn't know if she should mention the whole issue with Mr. Lawrence... Cassidy does know about the relationship with that... But, theres a chance Cassidy could be pregnant so she doesn't want to get Cass stressed out, "Besides everything going on, how was your day?" @BrooklynBaby


Brian actually felt pretty comfortable around Raiden, which was weird for him... But she just seemed so easy to talk to.

"Well, I think Raiden is a pretty cool name, and yes, you look like a Raiden." Brian smiled and walked over to the garbage, throwing out his food. He then came back at saw Mitch hanging out there, "Oh hey, Mitch. Brian said with a grin and gave a small fist pump, "Meet Raiden, Raiden, this is Mitch." @Tsiwentiio @arizzle



Mitch was looking through some old pictures from Facebook and looked up when he noticed Brian coming " hey man" he said to him then looked at the girl who was behind him " hey nice to meet you Raider" he smiled at her "what's up" he looked at Brian than back to Raider.​

@QueenOfDisaster @arizzle


"My day was relaxing." Cassidy smiled. "Aside from everything, that is. I climbed through the vents during first period and slept for a bit."

Her smile faded. "Where's Brandon? I should probably tell him what's going on." Cassidy asked with a worried expression. "I'll text 'em."

'Where are you? I've got news.' She texted. "If I'm not you-know-what, than we should totally go out tonight. This whole thing has given me a reality check." Cassidy softly laughed.

@QueenOfDisaster @AmRosey


"That'd give me a reality check too..." Effie said as she took a bite from her apple, "I don't know where Brandon is, hopefully he can get his appl- ass in here soon. I need to persuade that son of a bitch to go out with us partying tonight, plus, we got to get him to bring friends, yeah?" Effie shrugged and took the last bite of her apple, "Why do I eat green apples anyway? They suck..." @BrooklynBaby


Brian shrugged and sat down, "Nothing much. Just ate... The salad bar here is great. Whats up with you?" He smiled towards Mitch then looked over to Raiden, "So, you don't look familiar, did you just start going here?" Brian asked with a smile still planted on his face. She seemed like a nice girl and he'd like to get to know her. @Tsiwentiio @arizzle



Cassidy nodded, "We'll persuade him. Besides, I'm sure he wants to get out too. He needs to loosen up a little and have some fun."

Cassidy said as she played with her hair. "Where are we going to go anyway?" She asked.

She really hoped the whole pregnancy thing was just a scare, her parents would kill her if they found out. Then again they probably wouldn't find out for another two years considering they're in Africa for multiple business meetings and such. Sometimes not ever talking to your parents can be a good thing.



Effie nodded in agreement, "He's as sweet as a strawberry but as stiff as a stick... I could of said a dirty joke, but I'm not going there today." She laughed at herself then took her cigarette pack from her leather jacket pocket with her lighter. With the lighter Effie lit her cigarette and blew out a small puff of smoke. Thankfully they were in the far back of the cafeteria so no one would notice.

"Well, theres actually many underground places we could go to. I know, I know. Around here theres a lot of rich stiff people, but you can manage to find the plenty who are willing to party, have sex, and of course get high and party their asses off."

Effie grinned mischievously, "How much do you want to party tonight?" @BrooklynBaby


"Eh, its fine, you didn't miss... Much." Brian grinned and stole a fry from her tray, "Sorry, had too... For as much as I need to keep up with my diet, I do love my fries." Brian raised an eyebrow sarcastically, "Wow, bored at this school, this school is never boring..." @Tsiwentiio @arizzle


" Dude I went to a ace restaurant in Australia and it had the best salad bar on the planet" he said slightly remembering back to his family's last vacation, he loved traveling. "I hate school, I can't wait for this day and this year to be over" he leaned his head back looking up at the ceiling " I'm surprised there is t anything going on, it's really weird" he looked around once Brian mentioned it​

@QueenOfDisaster @arizzle


Cassidy breathed in the smoke Effie let out. "Ugh, you're teasing me." She spoke with her teeth shut.

She began to crave cigarettes, she hadn't had one since this morning. "Oh, you and your dirty jokes." She laughed. "Although I'm one to talk, I'm as bad as you." Cassidy played with a loose thread on her flannel. "I want to party hard tonight if there's nothing in there. Really hard." She pointed to her stomach, and then rubbed it softly.



Effie took out her phone and quickly googled a place. Thankfully her parents were able to get her the iPhone 4. They weren't rich at all. She came from a small town, small house, small farm, in Tennessee.

She quickly found a place that she'd been to before. Its basically like an underground worn out basement turned into some kind of a rager and a mosh pit style area. A bunch of liquor is usually consumed there and dancing with body contact will always occur, "Found a place, been here before actually, quite fun. Its called 'The Basement'. You'll love it. You'll party your ass off." Effie quickly scanned the cafeteria, "Now, we just need to bring some fellow people we know. It makes it actually quite exciting seeing all these innocent people go crazy."

Effie stood up and took Cassidy's hand, "Come on duckling, I think I found a group of goodies that'd be perfect to bring along."

Effie walked with Cassidy over to a small group of three sitting together at a table, "Party?" She questioned the three with one word, seeing if any of the innocent ducklings would be interested. Effie definitely knew they weren't completely innocent. But she's positive no one except for Cassidy has been to a place like this. It will blow their socks right off. @BrooklynBaby @Tsiwentiio @arizzle


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