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Realistic or Modern Young And Rich (Private High School Rp)


"Nice to meet you too." Lana smiled and fixed her jacket up a bit, "Ah, parents. They suck ass, man. Make you do things you don't want to do for their benefit, trust me, I get that struggle."

Lana played with her pastel pink hair a bit and tilted her head at Carlos, "So what is someone like you sitting all alone? Carlos." Lana smirked and rested her chin on her hand. He seemed like actually a pretty chill guy. It was nice to actually meet someone like that. And in Lana's opinion they seem to already be getting along... With common issues. Not the best way to get to know someone. But at least they have a common grounding. @Julie

(@BrooklynBaby @AmRosey ... I'm just going to let @AmRosey respond, then I'll respond afterwards for Effie's post.)


Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Cafe

Interacting with: @QueenOfDisaster

Carlos kept his attention directed toward Lana. " Eh...i guess i like to play it cool. Ya know be that mysterious type..."he said as he bit his lip and winked at her. He chuckled a bit afterwards. " No im just playing with you. Im sitting alone because i haven't quite made any friends yet." he said with a genuine smile. He fixed his hat and then took of his varsity jacket. It was pretty hot outside. That type of weather just made him want to take his shirt of and hang at his pool. He wondered if they had a pool here. He was wanting to swim for a long time.​


Lana raised an eyebrow at him when he winked at her, but laughed it off, "Damn, you better be playing." Lana teased and played with a napkin that was on the table. As she was playing the the napkin, Lana looked up at Carlos, "Oh, you're new? Nice. I was new once too. But I actually made friends pretty quickly. Its quite easy actually... For me at least." Lana shrugged and ripped the napkin slowly in half and took out a pen from her purse. She handed the napkin and pen over to Carlos, "Well, new friend. Write your number and maybe we could be better friends." Lana chuckled to herself and looked up at the ceiling then back at Carlos, "Well go on, its not like I'm going to call you and reenact the movie scream with you." @Julie

Brandon Lancaster


Watching as Cassidy straddled over his lap and then made her way over to the entrance, Brandon looked to Effie, his eyes filled with questions. "What's up with her?" He asked as he stood up from his seat before shoving his hands into his pockets. "Anyway, I better get going... Well, unless we're heading the same way." His accent lingering throughout his tone.

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*Everyone First Period is about to start! Its going to be a quick little thing though

:) *


Effie stood up with Brandon and shrugged, "I'll talk to her about it later, I'm sure its nothing that big though, just Cass being Cass. We're very interesting human creatures." Effie crossed her arms, "Well I would know if we were going the same way if you told me the class you were going to." Effie ran her fingers through her curly hair and sighed, hoping everything was okay with Cassidy. @BrooklynBaby

(@AmRosey If its okay could you try and make your posts a tiny bit longer. :) Thank you.)


First period was about to start and Cassidy took her seat in her classroom, taking out what she needed. She tried not to think about what came into her mind earlier. She could play the "What if" game all day with herself. I'll stop by a convenience store and grab a test... She thought to herself.

She saw about three people she slept with in her class and rolled her eyes. Everyone knew her and Effie were basically the school sluts, but she tried not thinking about herself that way. It put her in a pissy mood. "Here we go." She mumbled to herself as the day finally started. She was just about ready to go home now.

@ anyone in chem class ??​

Brandon Lancaster


Shaking his head while letting a bright smile shine through his lips, Brandon mentally facepalmed at his own vagueness. Okay, so maybe he wasn't too good at explaining when it came down to it, but at least he could understand complex sayings. Rubbing the nape of his neck - his fingers brushed past his birthmark. This action happened to be a developed habit over the years. "Okay, well I've got History. The subject of useless past events that should stay in the past." Brandon walked around the table so he was standing next to Effie, a small smirk locked onto his lips. "Now, what about you?"

@QueenOfDisaster Sorry! I was on my phone so I couldn't really tell.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b6242a5_images(6).jpg.931ff22282bb0214b9c82e48a69a2ebd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114316" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b6242a5_images(6).jpg.931ff22282bb0214b9c82e48a69a2ebd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Cafe/ headed to class

Interacting with: @QueenOfDisaster

Carlos smiled and wrote his number down on the napkin. Once he was done he slid the napkin over to her. " There you go. Well i have to get to class. Its across campus." he said as he stood up. "See you around, Lana."he said and walked off. He slung his black and white bandanna printed backpack over his shoulder and left the cafe. He headed towards choreography class as quickly as possible. He did bump into a few high school girls that had somehow gotten into the college campus. He took a few pictures and signed a few autographs and quickly ran as fast as he could before he ended up in his boxers. He loved his fans but they were just to crazy fro him.​



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Effie watched as he came around to stand next to her with a smirk playing on his face. Which Effie couldn't help but smirk back, "Well, I've got English, which is right down the hall from history." Effie chuckled, "You can walk me to class if you want but I'm anything but a princess being escorted by a lovely prince like yourself. I'm more of that cat from cinderella. You know, the one thats named after satan." Effie laughed a bit, "Honestly, I don't even know where I'm going with this." Effie began to walk out of the cafe but turned around, looking over at Brandon, "So come on my escort. Walk me to class." Effie winked playfully and sashayed out of cafe and waiting for Brandon to meet her outside. @AmRosey (Its okay cx. I get the typing short posts on the phone thing, it can be quite annoying actually cx)


Lana smiled and watched Carlos walk off. She quickly put his number in her pocket and walked off in a different direction to her art class. She always loved art. It was s peaceful and relaxing. She said hi to a few people in her class and sat down, taking out her portfolio and began to work on the detailed flower she was drawing. @ anyone



Cassidy sat in class and waited for the teacher to come in. This was the last class she wanted to be in right now.

"May I go to the bathroom?" She asked kindly. "Of course." The teacher responded as she wrote her a quick pass.

Cassidy nodded in 'Thank you' and walked out with all of her things. Whenever she cut class she usually left before the actual class started, so the teacher would mark her there but not think to look for her. It was a little technique she picked up throughout her high school years.

Cassidy very carefully left the main building and walked around outside. She crawled into a vent from the outside of the building and ended up in her dorm. She left sticky notes with arrows the first time she did this, so she'd know where to go and how to get back. She fell through the vent when she got to the end of it, and sat up from her floor. "Thank God." She murmured, relieved that she was where she needed to be. Cassidy grabbed two brownies and sat in her bed on her phone. She ended up setting an alarm for herself, giving her enough time to get back into the vents and back into the main building before second period started. Finally, she fell asleep.​
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Mitch went to class, he was definitely considering just going back to his room and going to sleep, but he figured if he didn't show up some how his parents would hear about it and would be calling him like crazy. He walked into his English class and went right to the back, he grabbed a pen out of his pocket and placed his head down on the table. He could hear people walking in and sitting down, he recognized a few peoples voices, he kind of focused on them just so he would fall asleep, after what happened last year he became very precautious about sleeping in class.

Bailee walked to her math class, she didn't mind math, secretly she was actually really good at math, she was never one to show off that little skill, plus it was a little embarrassing. She made a quick stop at the bathroom, she checked her hair and touched up her make up, it was weird to see a lot of girls in there. She walked out and went to her math class, she sat towards the window, she grabbed her calculator out of her bag and a notebook and waited for the class to start.

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Brandon Lancaster


"Oh, I know, Cinderella." And he did. Learning not long ago how much trouble Effie managed to get herself into, Brandon knew from the start that she wasn't the obedient, good little girl she looked like. She was a rebel. A kinda hot rebel, in fact.

Stuck in his little own daydream, the boy heard Effie's edgy voice butt into his fantasy. Looking toward the exit/entrance, Brandon was already making his way out. Catching a glimpse of chocolate-brown hair, the brown-eyed boy followed after Effie. His feet falling into step with her's. "Ah, so you think I'm a prince now?" Brandon felt pride ripple over his stomach in anticipation as he looked at the girl.



Effie walked the same pace as Brandon. She couldn't help but smile and have a tiny little blush when he asked if she thought he was a prince now. He was a cutie, she had to admit and he's from England... And no matter how much Effie acts completely different from the stereotypical girl, she does love her British boys, "Well, I don't know..." Effie continued to blush as she started walking a bit faster and bit her lip, trying to prevent herself from smiling, "I guess it made sense at the time. Plus, if no one ever told you this... I'm going to tell you this." Effie couldn't believe what she was about to say, "You sort of give off that sweet Prince Charming vibe." @AmRosey
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b6a4c21_images(5).jpg.ec89ca8c8ee04ea01035faa28d9d5c2f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b6a4c21_images(5).jpg.ec89ca8c8ee04ea01035faa28d9d5c2f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carlos Martinez

Location: Choreography Class

Interacting With: @ anyone

When Carlos arrived at choreography class, he was surprised that their were more boys than girls. He seen at least 5 boys and 3 girls, not including himself. When the teacher spotted Carlos her smiled small. " Carlos, why don't you show us the dance that we have been rehearsing for the show." he said. Carlos nodded and stepped up to the front. He noticed some girls were mouthing their numbers at him, as if he would call them. He just shook his head and waited for the music to start. Once it did, Carlos moved as if there was nothing he couldn't do.





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Brandon Lancaster


Giving the girl raised brows, Brandon felt his confidence bubbling up in his system. The fact that Effie - a hard to impress gal - thought that he was somewhat of a figurative Prince Charming. Now that made the boy quite happy. Taking a quick glance back to the girl, the boy had to do a double take... Was Effie blushing? Brandon was certain that she was, after all, her freckles began to sub-merge into the redness. It was pretty cute actually. Containing the urge to just burst out laughing, Brandon pressed his lips into a line. "I do?" He asked, knowing the answer. "Well, if I'm the sweet-vibed Prince... Then you're the cheeky, princess who blushes excessively." Brandon began to tap his chin in thought before making his face light up with an idea. "Or, you could be the annoying step-sister with over-sized feet... Joking, joking. You're feet are beautiful."

@QueenOfDisaster [OCC: I'm going to bed now!]
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Effie couldn't help but trying to hold back in a laughter, which didn't really work and she ended up laughing, "Does Mr. Prince Charming have a feet fetish all of a sudden?" Effie teased and nudged his elbow.

Remembering what Brandon said about her blushing she gave a fake angry look up to him and rolled her eyes, "I did not blush... Okay? I never blush... Me and blushing we just don't mix." Effie crossed her arms but then had to open the door to make it inside the building where their classes were, "Okay, thanks for walking with me to Prince Charming." She winked and walked to class.

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Andrew waited as long as he possibly could at the cafe, eating his breakfast without giving it any real thought, but eventually had had to leave for first period. He started the day with English, a class he actually enjoyed for the most part, which made it at least a little more bearable. He finished off the last of his juice and threw it away along with the peel from his banana before heading out of the cafe. A part of him just wanted to head back to his dorm and sleep, but he even when his dad wasn't actually there to pressure him, his voice seemed to whisper in the back of his head.

He made his way through the milling groups of friends, putting on a happy face while smiling and waving to some of his friends, to the school building. Despite how he may feel about some of the activities he was involved in, or perhaps it was just the number of them, he genuinely did like most of the people that he got to spend time with. For the time being though, rather than join his friends, he was content to enter the building and turn down the English hallway. He enjoyed the odd moment of quiet that came from arriving between the overachievers who had already headed to class and the slackers who had yet to make their way into the building. He went into the room and took his seat, pulling out his notebook and tapping his pen on the table.


Raiden stood with her luggage smack right in front of the school she had been so desperately

trying to get into all summer. It all seemed like a dream come true but attending a school filled with

a bunch of spoiled rich kids? Not really her cup of tea but she would just have to keep to herself as always. Her oldest

brother, Clayton, had advised her to keep that she was on a scholarship a secret but she didn't see the problem. Her family was considerably

wealthy but not rich enough to pay for such high education.

This school had better lived up to Raiden's expectations or else she wouldn't be all that happy

with spending most of her summer days submitting in loads of work just so the school would take an interest in her. But of course, all her

family had been working today and her only ride here was her second oldest brother, Azaiah. So guess who was late on her first day?

Raiden Apollo Torin. She just hoped that she could make it to class on time if they hadn't already started yet.

Raiden, after taken in the school buildings beauty, ran inside and straight towards the girls dormitories. She was

quick on her feet, thank god to all those years she spent doing track when she was younger. She ran up numerous flights

of stairs until she found her floor and then straight down the hallway to her room number. "
Shit shit!" She muttered

to herself, becoming flustered as she tried to open the room with her key that had been sent in the mail

along with her acceptance letter.

Raiden hurried and threw her stuff onto an empty bed, noticing some were already on the other. She had a roommate

which she didn't mind as long as she wasn't snooty or had an attitude problem because Raiden was very skilled with

adjustments. "
Come on, where is the damn thing!" She yelled in frustration as she searched through her shoulder

bag, pulling out her class schedule. She then ran out her room and down the flights of stairs to the English hallway - out of breath once

she reached her classroom.

Before she walked in, she took a few breaths to control her breathing before walking inside and taking

a seat next to two young boys.

@Phobos @QueenOfDisaster @Tsiwentiio

*Everyone skip a few periods and go to lunch!


Lana was so glad history was over. She wished she could have art all the time instead of the rest of these rubbish classes. She loved art. She could just imagine her life as an art piece. She'd never draw it though, 17 years of living is a lot to draw.

She walked down the halls and the campus to get to the fucking cafeteria. It was so far away she could feel her calfs burn from how fast she was walking.

Lana finally made it all away across the campus to where the cafeteria was and got her food. Once she did that, Lana took a seat down and ate her salad in silence. @ anyone


Effie was so done with math. It had to some of the most boring times of her life, including science, but that was it really. Sometimes other things too. But nothing that she can think of at the moment. Effie finally heard the bell ring and she was going to be the first one to leave but her teacher held her back. In the past Effie had slept with this teacher. His name was Mr. Lawrence. He was pretty hot but their relationship was illegal, until Effie finally stopped it.

"What do you want?" Effie asked coldly and rolled her eyes.

"I want you..." He whispered seductively and tried to grab Effie and pin her down to the desk but Effie escaped just in time and quickly ran out of the building.

That was just so wrong. Why'd she even sleep with him in the first place? She didn't know. Sadly she had to be in his class for the rest of the year...


Effie made it to lunch and quickly went to the far back of the cafeteria with her apple and ate there, waiting for someone she knew to show up. @ anyone


Brian was finally out of his science class and quickly made it to lunch. At lunch he got himself a salad with water and sat down somewhere in the middle of the cafeteria and ate alone. He really didn't like the crowd in here, but he tried to ignore it, hoping soon one of his friends would soon come walking on in.

Brian was pretty shy so he never went to ignite a conversation. It just wasn't him. @ anyone


Raiden was happy to be out of math, one of her poor subjects that required her to

do much studying. Sure, it sucked, but hard work would eventually pay off as she worked toward

her career. Once she entered the cafeteria - she felt so out of place with all these overly wealthy children.

Sighing, she tied up her hair into a messy ponytail and went into the lunch line - grabbing a burger and some fries.

At least they had normal meals here and not incredibly fancy ones like that one dish she heard about that had fish eggs in it.

Silently grimacing to herself, she took a seat in front of a quiet looking boy. There weren't any other empty tables so she had to bear

with this. She laid her tray on the table and quickly took a seat, grabbing a fry and automatically stuffing it into her mouth. She noticed

another girl a few seats down and thought to herself that she wasn't the only outcast around here.



Brian sighed and began to zone out while staring at his salad. He was having one of the lonesome days today, you know, maybe he will hang out with Mitch (@Tsiwentiio ) after school, just to get some social interaction with someone he was comfortable with.

Brian quickly got out of his zone when he heard a girl take a seat down across from him. He looked up at the girl. Brian knew many of the people here... Its just not many of the people knew him, "Uhm, hi." Was all he could manage to say. She was a beautiful tan girl. Brian also noticed some tattoos showing a bit on her arm. They were amazing, "Nice, uh, tattoos." Brian gave a small smile before silently taking a bit of his salad. @arizzle


Mitch walked into the cafeteria, he was starving, he went up and grabbed some food, without really thinking he went and sat at one of the farther tables by himself. It didn't take too long for him to finish the food he had gotten. He was thrilled that the day was basically over, at least all his terrible classes were over. The only class he really enjoyed was gym and history, it was a weird combo but he just seemed to excel in those two.

When he went to throw away his garbage he noticed Brian, he walked over to where he was sitting and sat down.​


Bailee really wasn't sure if she wanted to go to lunch or not, she wasn't really all that hungry, but she figured why not just go. She walked in and just grabbed a bottle of water and an orange and sat down at one of the far tables near the wall, she really didn't plan on staying for too long.




Cassidy woke up and made it to second period on time. Luckily, all of her classes passed fairly quickly, and she made her way to the cafeteria.

She scanned the room until she saw Effie and bolted for her. Cassidy then sat at the table. "Code red. Code fucking red!" She screamed loudly. "We have an issue a huge fucking issue." She got up and paced back and forth. She then laughed, sitting down again. "It's probably nothing. Nothing. Nothing at all." She calmed herself down, but then, reality hit her again. "What the fuck am I saying it's not nothing!" She ran her hands through her hair.

"Effie, I don't know what I'm going to do." She was panicking now, her nap helped her energy.



Effie was suddenly startled by a freaking out Cassidy, "Oh my lord." She mumbled, running her fingers through her curly hair, "Listen, Cass. I'm sure its nothing." Effie realized that she didn't even know the issue.

She patted to the seat next to her, "Come here and we talk, now." Effie demanded seriously and confused, "Just calm down and tell me..."

Effie was a bit worried actually, she didn't want her closest friend on campus to have something bad happen to her... @BrooklynBaby



Raiden looked up at the boy, surprised he spoke to her. "
Hey, uh, thank you." She smiled at him

before taking a big bite of her burger. "
My brother did them, he's a tattoo artist." She then scolded herself

in her mind.

Why did she feel the need to tell him that? He didn't want to know about her personal life.

She always tended to misread situations and blurt out things.
Keep to yourself, it's what you do best. Socializing just get's you in trouble.

Raiden mumbled inside her head. But she did admit to herself how cute this boy was, she applauded herself on a such great

seat choosing.


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