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Still, he kept his smirk as he soon glanced down. His eyes on his books as he thought for a moment before looking up. "This school isn't as confusing to navigate through as I thought it'd be." Liam commented before softly laughing and bringing a hand behind his head. "I half-expected to get lost on my way to class."

Mornuhama Loprak

"Oh!" Mornuhama said, surprised. "I didn't know there was a student council... I was always on the student council in my other schools..." Mornuhama said, getting a dopey expression on his face. "Anyways, how do I join?" Mornuhama said, snapping back to reality. @IkutoForever2222

(Having fun with your four or five characters interaction with like, every other person? xDxDxD)
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Piko decided to finish his song, then smiled when he was all fixed up. "i need to find Danny....." He got up and headed out, looking around for him, but not being able to.


Hisoka chuckled. "you are so delicate.....if you got sense like me.....you could get here in a flash" He replied to Liam.

haha this is nothing.....one time i had 23 charas....i about died....i will prolly get the same amount on this one too....im an idiot xD  @Imapeople000 ))

Valshe heard him and sat down on his desk. "mm....you have to pass with straight a's....b's are okay too, but anything lower is unacceptable......if you qualify....you have to sign some papers and hand it to the principle....then you can get in"

He decided he wasn't mad anymore. He decided to go back to school. He teleported into the campus. He wasn't going to allow Piko to keep him from being at school. Appearing at the front gates he strode on through the campus with purpose.

Danny got slightly a alarmed at the sudden embrace. HE was worried about WHAT?! About WHAT?! I wasn't the one who got hurt, HE was! What sort of sick game is he playing?! I thought this brush with death might have taught him something but apparently not!

"Worried? Worried about WHAT?" He asked with sassy attitude.
Vincent straightened his shirt, scrowling at it fiercely. He wasn't used to feeling so... exposed. Usually he would have some sort of armor equipped, or at the very least, his cloak, but his employer insisted on stripping him of his protection for the sake of "blending in". It was a school for teens with supernatural attributes. A little armor here and there wouldn't be that suspicious. He continued down the hallway, silently brooding over his "new" attire. However, his lack of attention resulted in him smacking right into a student with brilliant white hair.

( @IkutoForever2222 )
(Ugh! I try to post something, but when I do, it seems like a million more have been added and mine becomes irrelevant... :/)
Liam blinked at that, back pressed against the back of his chair as he leaned back and glanced to Hisoka. "I suppose." His arms then folded behind his head. "Though, my senses are pretty high. At least, being what I am, I'd like to think so, anyway."

Kai looked up at the brothers. "you could come to me also....but you probably wouldnt see me....im surprised im not dead...."


Piko let go of him, his chin wavered and a tear slid down. He was a very emotional person, the registration of peoples tones are in certain categories. And now he thinks Danny hates him. "y-you....im worried about you....you left....i...thought it was for good..." By now tears were streaming. He gasped and looked at the person who had run into him. "i-im sorry..." He said to the man, bawling.



Hisoka tilted his head, cutely in a way. "oh? what are you?"

(Well, most likely because pretty much everyone is interacting with Ikuto. xD)

(@IkutoForever2222 Jesus Christ, that's insane. Couldn't imagine doing that. >.<)

Mornuhama Loprak

"Well, that's not hard at all..." Mornuhama said, chuckling. "I've never gotten a C in my life, rarely have I had a B. I'm kind of a nerd." Mornuhama said, blushing but hiding it with his hair once more. He usually didn't care what people thought of him, but he felt different about Vashe. It's because... no, shut up. He thought, mentally slapping himself. (Mentally)
The young man, having been forcefully snapped out of his silent, but fuming, trance, blinked in surprise and with wide, bright crimson eyes, looked up. "O-oh, forgive me, I didn't mean to get in your way...!" As he observed the scene he had interrupted, a large feeling of guilt began to hang over him. "So much for a good first impression," he thought, brushing some of his dark bangs out of his face.

Liam would watch him as he smiled. His own facial expression proving to be a bit cute the moment his smile appeared on his face. "I'm a wolf demon, of sorts. A shadow/nightmare wolf, to be exact."

"ah....a demon and shadow are two completely different things....me? im a demon...." Hisoka smirked, liking his face.


Piko sniffled some more and then shook his head. "you are fine.....its my fault for standing in the middle of the way....." {maybe i should have let those files fry my brain completely} 


"And just WHAT are you sorry for huh?" He asked with much shade.

"Laughing at my venerable feelings in class?! Making fun of me in the bathroom after I tried to help you out?!" He demanded in both fury and despair.

"WHAT?! WHAT?! What are you sorry for?!" He asked with tears in his eyes.

"Why would you even care if I DID leave for good?" He said, turning away from him. He couldn't even LOOK at him right now. It was just too painful.
"i ride on Vals shoulder sometimes....but most of the time no one notices me...so i have no friends" Kai sat on his knees, hands in lap. He was absolutely adorable with how tiny he was.

Mornuhama Loprak

"Cool, okay..." Mornuhama said, still debating in his mind. Yes he is- No he isn't-Yes he is- No he isn't - Yes he is stop trying to deny it- No, just shut up. He got another dopey look, not coming out of it this time. It was quite obvious he was thinking hard, but his face still looked kinda doped out. @IkutoForever2222

(Props with keeping up with everything.)
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Finally recovering from his stunned state, Vincent stood up and brushed himself off, settling himself back into his calm and collected state. "No, no, it's mine for not thinking about my surroundings," he smiles warmly, an action rarely seen from him, and continues. "Honestly, I should be making sure if you're alright, because, well... You certainly don't look like it," he says, his smile now hiding his teeth and lined with concern.

"Well, it's nice to meet a fellow demon." Liam blinked, watching him as he continued to smile. His head cocking to the side a small bit like that of a puppy. "I'm Liam, by the way."

Well in the span of a few minutes he has learned that class was boring with a capital 'B'. Weren't they supposed to be learning or doing classy stuff? Not that he cared for any of that but it might of been more exciting than listing to the conversations of  these guys. And yes he was indeed eavesdropping, so what? Sue him! Not like anyone noticed in the first place... It might of been time to start some well needed chaos and no he was not going to blow up any buildings...yet. Mostly because he didn't really have any (extremely destructive/dangerous) powers because of the seal but as soon as he broke it, found a loophole or got somebody with some serious magic to release him it was going to go down! You can believe that!

But currently he was limited to teleporting and some other small tricks which was one of the reasons for him getting annoyed. He left the room while snickering quietly to himself.

@IkutoForever (It's not another interaction so calm down before going crazy. I just have a question. Got anywhere where he can  do some damage?)
"im fine sir i ju-" When Danny started yelling at him, the tears poured down again and he flinched. "I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE SERIOUS! i thought you were being silly....and in the bathroom i really liked you and really did want to kiss you....you are shutting me down...im.....im sorry...i exist.." Piko turned away, his tail dragging on the floor as he tarted walking away, shaking his head. He knew if he listened to any more he really WOULD shut down.

Valshe gave the cutest and kinda girly laugh ever. He patted his head. "dont think to hard....things will be okay"



Well in the span of a few minutes he has learned that class was boring with a capital 'B'. Weren't they supposed to be learning or doing classy stuff? Not that he cared for any of that but it might of been more exciting than listing to the conversations of  these guys. And yes he was indeed eavesdropping, so what? Sue him! Not like anyone noticed in the first place... It might of been time to start some well needed chaos and no he was not going to blow up any buildings...yet. Mostly because he didn't really have any (extremely destructive/dangerous) powers because of the seal but as soon as he broke it, found a loophole or got somebody with some serious magic to release him it was going to go down! You can believe that!

But currently he was limited to teleporting and some other small tricks which was one of the reasons for him getting annoyed. He left the room while snickering quietly to himself.

@IkutoForever (It's not another interaction so calm down before going crazy. I just have a question. Got anywhere where he can  do some damage?)

An old dorm building that is haunted :D ))

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