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Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama looked up as the boy asked him if someone was bullying him. "What? No, it's... nothing. Besides, if someone was, my buddy over here would've helped out." Mornuhama said, summoning his dragon. 

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart looked back as the boy stood up to him. "Please, I've done this for ten years. I've smoked, choked kids, I've threatened plenty of kids, shit, I just took out a bottle of whiskey in class once. It's damn impossible to get fired from here." Malhart said, rolling his eyes and continuing on his way.
Liam quietly wandered down the hall, softly removing the green scarf around his neck as his emerald gaze traveled down to the floor. He was silent, bored, and just a small bit lonely. Being the new kid, he hadn't gained the ability to make a new friend, or two. With a huff, the innocent yet wolfish looking lad closed his eyes and continued to wander.

"Wonder if it'll be easier t' make friends here..." the Irish-accented lad would ask himself as he listened to the other students.
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama smiled as he looked at the dragon. "My mother gave me a necklace to let me summon him. I usually use it for a companion, but he's also a very good guardian." The dragon just looked at Mornuhama and shook his head. Mornuhama frowned, and said, "تم کو مسترد کر رہے ہیں ." once again, dismissing his dragon. 
Valshe looked at the dragon, the blue in its eyes, almost the same as Valshes eyes. He smiled. "so beautiful"



he can talk with Kai or Hisoka if he goes to the classroom ^^)

(Okay. ^u^)

Liam would then force out a heavy sigh, stretching as his eyes would finally open. His eyes glancing to the side as he made his way into the classroom. He'd hold his books in his arms, along with his scarf, as he made his way to a nearby desk.
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama looked up as the boy asked him if someone was bullying him. "What? No, it's... nothing. Besides, if someone was, my buddy over here would've helped out." Mornuhama said, summoning his dragon. 

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart looked back as the boy stood up to him. "Please, I've done this for ten years. I've smoked, choked kids, I've threatened plenty of kids, shit, I just took out a bottle of whiskey in class once. It's damn impossible to get fired from here." Malhart said, rolling his eyes and continuing on his way.

"Don't underestimate the things that I can do, I will destroy everything that you are foolish fossil!" He marches out. He leaves school for the rest of the day. He goes into the forest and vanishes seemingly from all existence, becoming one with the haunted forest.
Malhart Sumnor

Umm... fossil? Malhart thought, before laughing to himself. He was 37, hardly old for a shadow-morph. He slung Piko the rest of the way to the office, and slung him down on a chair. After he talked with an administrator for a couple of seconds, he walked back to Piko. "So what the hell happened to you?" Malhart said, looking down at the boy. @IkutoForever2222
"thats so cool....i....am just an ordinary human....nothing special about me" Valshe gave a smile and rubbed the back of his neck.


PIko watched Danny leave and was saddened again. He looked at the teacher. "u-um....a male with a star and a drop on his cheeks.....blue hair......locked me in the computer room.....and my tail ended up connecting to that....that thing...i--avkjfnv;kjn"  Piko had a power surge in his body and his eyes flickered before he got back in control, his head still steaming. "thats all i remember besides the 562 files i downloaded.....before the plug got pulled"


Hisoka looked at Liam. "Woop woop....im gonna have to pull you over for exeding recommended hotness....i can read you your rights now, or we can skip straight to the cavity search...." He smiled at the male.


Kai looked at Flann and Kona, then leaned from desk to desk till he managed on Konas. "are you guys new here?"


From his invisible home in the evil woods he sat down on a creaky old chair inside. A sad look on his face. He fell into a deep trance. He projected his sprit from where he sat. His spirit going to where Piko was. Invisible to Piko and anyone who did not have "the sight". He was still at his house, but also at the school. It was complicated magic. He stood right in front of Piko. 

Please still be alive Piko. He look at Piko with sad eyes. He reached a hand over and cupped Piko's face tenderly. Like an unseen ghost.

Piko being robotic in nature probably couldn't feel his warm spiritual touch. Some humans could feel this sort of energy. It's funny, he was a demon but right now his spiritual body was more like that of an angel.

(this kinda illustrates the theme)

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Mornuhama Loprak

"Oh, really? So am I, actually. I guess we're some of the only ones, huh?" Mornuhama said, smiling. He stared at the boy again, looking at his eyes. He looked away quickly, trying not to be noticed. "I don't really have any powers, it's just the necklace... I'm pretty much useless without it."

Malhart Sumnor

"Ah crap..." Malhart said, walking out of the office to attempt to search for the boy with the star and drop on his face. He took a long draw from his cigarette, put it out on his arm again, and left to go find him.
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Liam perked his brows following Hisoka's comment, a faint blush seeming to warm his cheeks as he checked his seat before sitting down. Still, he couldn't help but smirk as he set his books down. "Aren't you smooth." He couldn't help but comment in a sarcastic tone as he looked to Hisoka.

its okay...i will roll with it )

Piko watched the teacher leave, then sat there, thinking of a song in his damaged head that would repair him. It would heal anyone around him. Speakers on his outfit that you didnt know was there started playing music and he started to sing the best he could, to repair himself, his voice was definitely robotic now.



Valshe smiled again. "still really cool....us humans need to stick together though"
Mornuhama Loprak

Well shit, I wouldn't mind that in the slightest... Mornuhama thought, having a dazed off look on his face. He soon realized he kinda looked like a goof, so he snapped out of it. "Yeah... The only other human I've seen is that dude with the mask, and I don't think he speaks..." Mornuhama said, pointing over at Mei.

(Also, I'm off to bed. Night everyone!)
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Hisoka smirked back. "just seemed appropriate for you"


Kai shook his head. "its my second year.....im helping out with the council....if you need anything you can come to me or the president of the council and Head Prefect Valshe" He pointed over to the pretty male talking to Mornuhama. Then he looked at Flann. "and im a fairy....i was banned from my village as a curse because i was born with no wings.....so im pretty much human....just...small.......i could see the curiousity in your eyes"

Itakura (changed his name. But he'll use the name Loki when he introduces himself.) walked through the halls grumbling under his breath about something, most likely complaints about how much he didn't want to be here. He was irritated and he didn't bother to even attempt to hide it. How could they do this to him!? He was a god...well a demi-god but still! He wasn't supposed to be stuck in school with a bunch of people. He was supposed to be causing trouble, that was his job! Coincidentally that was how he ended up there and for a few other reasons that he does not care to discuss. He didn't know why he was showing up to class anyway. He could of just ditched like he had a habit of doing to anything else he found uninteresting. But he may of got more time in ''prison'' for doing that.

He had to look on the bright side of things to keep himself sane. The positives of being here were...there were tons of dudes there to mess with! He could do more than he could here then in his home too so that was a plus. Hmm...Yeah! This could actually become quite fun for him! He started to brighten up and he was now on the lookout for some ''prey'' which was basically anybody who caught his eye. Where better to find one then in class! He suddenly liked the idea of going and made his way there using a little teleportation. He arrived and basically started eyeing up everybody in the room from a corner.
(Nope, I lied.)

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama stared at Mei for a couple of seconds. "I can definitely tell he is blind... but I don't know about the mask..." "But yeah, we should stick together... I mean like, because I think we're the only humans." Mornuhama said. He stared at Valshe again, before looking away once more. Crap, I really need to stop doing that... Mornuhama said, blushing slightly, but hiding it with his hair. @IkutoForever2222
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Valshe giggled a bit and nodded. "alright...you can join the council...then we will be together a lot."


"hey Valshe! got any extra maps?" Kai asked  him, his voice was small, so he kinda had to yell.

"be right back" Valshe said to Mornuhama and went to his seat, getting the map and taking it over to the boys who needed it. "here is the map of the campus...if you are confused about something and need help getting somewhere you can come to me or anyone in the council" Valshe gave a gorgeous smile before bowing a bit and going back to Mornu.


Hisoka smiled "glad i could help" He winked.

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Oh thank god you're alive! He was so relieved at the boy being okay, that he gave Piko a sudden passionate kiss right on the mouth. I'm so glad you're okay Piko! Of course Piko being a robot he probably couldn't feel the kiss, but it definatley happened.

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Vincent's expression was thoroughly irritated. He had been told to "lay low" and was offered this position by his current employer. Being a teacher? At a prestigious school for boys? It sounded awfully insane to him. The bearded (no, not lumberjack thick, you dumbies) man sighed, thinking to himself. "What chaos is about to ensue? Ugh, let's just get this over with." And with that, he pushed open the doors into the school, entering the sanitary, stark white main hallway.

Oh my gosh! He actually felt that! Oh no! Danny got scared and the spell broke. He abruptly left the trance panting in his chair. He felt my kiss! He wasn't supposed to! It was meant to be undetectable! It was in the heat of the moment! I shouldn't have! He hurt me. I should just forget about him. Liking him will only bring more heartbreak.

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