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He used his help and walked out with him, heading to the bathroom.

He helped the boy over to a toilet. Made sure he put him in a position that would make as little mess as possible. The guy probably did not wish to ruin his own clothes. He helped hold his hair back so he didn't vomit on his own hair. Made sure to remove any jackets and what not that might get soiled.


gonna head to bed now.....will be on tomorrow ^^ )

Piko stayed over the toilet, feeling that it could happen any second. The boys hair was like silk, and a little electrifying to the touch. It was a good electrify though, tingly.About 5 minutes after waiting, the white head threw up, what he threw up was the spit wad and water. 
Mei Rinsaku

Mei heard the boy say hello once more, slightly irritating Mei. He reached into his bag, and pulled out his laptop. He opened it up, and typed, "Hello. My name is Mei", and showed it to the boy attempting to talk to him. @PlaguedWithInsanity

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart sat and watched the boys get up and leave the room. He grumbled and rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

(Sorry I left unnannounced guys, I had to go to sleep.)
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Piko stayed over the toilet, feeling that it could happen any second. The boys hair was like silk, and a little electrifying to the touch. It was a good electrify though, tingly.About 5 minutes after waiting, the white head threw up, what he threw up was the spit wad and water. 

It took considerable willpower not to do anything creepy while helping him. His hair was so soft and beautiful.... So silky... He felt a strange tingly feeling... Touching his hair was electrifying to the touch. He wanted to play and toy with his hair. To run his fingers through his hair. But he had been rejected. So now he was just trying to be a friendly helper to someone in need. So he forced himself to try to banish these thoughts from his head. I will be a gentleman.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asked the guy, hoping he could soon release his hair and remove himself from the close contact with the boy.
Piko stood up and leaned against him a little, getting a bit dizzy because he practically forced himself to throw up. He put the back of his wrist to his mouth, so he didnt breath on him, "Thank you"

He moved away a little and nodded. "thats helpful.....thanks again...." His tail flicked around him and his outfit glowed brightly, since it was robotic. Piko reached in the back and took out the supplies to clean his mouth.
Piko finished cleaning his mouth and handed back the stuff he borrowed. "thanks so much....if you want i can repay you with that kiss you wanted earlier" Piko was serious, he would kiss him. He tilted his head cutely. 

"im not teasing...im being serious" Piko replied, his eyes reflected truth in them and he gave another cute smile, a small and trusting one.

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Hisoka walked into school late, of course he didnt care at all. He looked around at all the new bait, the people just into high school. He was a senior, so he has been here a while, and all the teachers hated him.

Damn it! Why won't this guy just QUIT it already! I hate it when people play games!

He angrily punched the guy where the solar plexus should be. It was a very light punch. His training saw to that despite how angry he was. His powers usually made it so that the guy was paralyzed after the punch, but it probably wasn't the same for whatever this guy was.

It was too late though. He didn't care care. He was so done. After delivering the punch he turned away and began marching out of the bathroom crying. 
Blake walks into school late but doesn't care. He is Junior and the teachers absolutely hate his attitude but he won't change for anyone not anymore. He grabs one of his cigarettes and lights it. He takes a drag as he is walking down the hall and blows the smoke out as he walks into his class. "What are you all looking at?" He growls while letting his fangs show.
aw! so cute ^^ )

Piko froze for a split second before coming back and watched him go, looking down as tears start to flow. "w-what did i do wrong?" He sat down and pulled his knees to his chest, hiding his face in them. He stayed there until Hisoka walked in and lifted his chin, kissing him seductively, though his eyes were open and it was as if they smirked.

Hisoka pulled away and laughed. He had attatched a bungee gum to his lips. "follow me lovely child" He helpd him up and walked out, holding his hand. Piko still had tears streaming down his face.

He runs away. Fast as he could. I can't believe that guy would be so mean to me! I really liked him and he had to go and break my heart like that! How could he!? He ran down the halls sobbing like a broken glass of water.
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sorry i didnt know you replied xD  )

Hisoka led PIko into a secret room full of computers, the locked him in it. "have fun little boy"

Piko gasped and slamed on the door. "Let me out!!!!"

Hisoka had a plan, he was going to get the boy back to Piko. He ran threw the hall super fast to find Danny.
He runs away. Fast as he could. I can't believe that guy would be so mean to me! I really liked him and he had to go and break my heart like that! How could he!? He ran down the halls sobbing like a broken glass of water.

Blake decides to wonder the halls. He told the teacher that he had to go to the bathroom. He sees a blonde running through the halls and decides to investigate so he follows the blonde.
He runs for a short while and then stops. He crouches down and just sits in some random corner. He cries his heart out. Why? Why is it ALWAYS like this? Why?!!!
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