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The man stood, frozen, for a moment, before trying to gather what he could from what just happened. He wanted to follow the white haired boy, but something told him that it wouldn't change anything. He glanced over at the remaining teen, with wary red eyes, unsure of what to say, other than "What was that all for?"

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Malhart Sumnor

Malhart walked down the halls, and attempted to take another cigarette out, only to realize he had none left. "Crap... looks like I'll be in a bad mood for the rest of the day." He muttered, shoving the empty box back into his pocket. As he did this, he saw Hisoka talking with Liam. He walked up to Hisoka, and noticed his incredibly odd hair colors. "Turn around, boy." He said, turning to shadow-crystal and tapping him on the shoulder. @IkutoForever2222

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama almost had to stop himself from tackling Vashe when he laughed. When Vashe went to pat his head at first, Mornuhama's first instinct was to just bitch slap him (As he usually did with people touching his hair), but he decided to let him. He stopped for a second, then looked at Vashe. "You're the only person I've let lay a finger on me since I was five. You're... definitely special, huh?" Mornuhama laughed, before staring at the boy again. He didn't really care this time if Vashe saw him staring or not. "What's your name, anyways?"
Kai giggled and put his hands on his cheeks, blushing. "haha....aw gosh...why thank you...you are cute yourself"


Hisoka turned around then smirked. "oh...shimuta....you found me..." He stood and looekd at him. "the robot boy has self healing powers so hes fine.....i got Danny and Piko to talk again....and Piko is now a hell of a lot smarter than he was.....its a win win"


Valshe looked at him with a blush, that was the first time someone called him special. "Valshe" His name and a pretty ring to it." pronounced how it looks (Vol-shhh)
"Nice to meet y'." The Irish wolf would speak, blinking a few times as he felt himself move closer - yet, his innocent, puppy-like expression seemed to prove that he had no idea why.

(I just double checked to find out that Hisoka is exactly 2 inches taller than Liam. X D )

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Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama saw his blush, and kind of giggled, another thing he hadn't done in years. He stopped quickly though, and just smiled. "I like that... mine's Mornuhama. Some people call me Mo, Morn, whatever you feel like." Mornuhama said, smiling at Valshe. He still didn't want to admit he thought that Valshe was cute, but he wasn't debating it in his mind as much. He just kind of stared at Valshe, getting another dreamy expression.

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart narrowed his eyes, and picked up Hisoka by the throat and slamming him against a locker. "If you screw with one of my students again, you are far past fucked. Only the teachers can do that. Understand?" Malhart growled, his eyes nearly slits. @IkutoForever2222

(Eh, I don't really care if it's wrong or not, I only know English anyways. I really wanna learn Latin though, since I kinda suck at English anyways. >.<)
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The guy WASNT making fun of him?! What?! This was crazy!

But he couldn't just let the boy walk away from him like that. No sir. Danny rushed towards him. He grabbed his body and turned him around before smashing his lips against Piko's own.

(Hooray for surprise Yaoi kisses! Seems like Masu and Danny are at least somewhat similar lol)


@IkutoForever2222 (Time to harass some spooky scary skeletons then and break some things.)

Itakura hummed to himself and seemed to gain a lot of energy at the thought of possibly irritating some people and doing what he was born to do. It was in his blood to be a troublemaker. If he wasn't then he was just...there. Just a lamp in the background or something like that and he would despise being a lamp. He hated the thought of being ignored. He didn't need to be the center of attention all the time but he wasn't invisible. Guess you can't be both. If he wanted somebody to pay attention to him he would need to be himself times five-thousand and six. "Suddenly this place seems pleasant~."  he was having mixed feelings about this place. He didn't know if he hated it or  liked it.

He had know idea where exactly to cause trouble at though. He hadn't thought this far at all...just like him to not think things through! Somebody once said that chewing helped with thinking. With that fact in mind he took out what looked like a gumball but the wrapper around it looked like something from Alice in Wonderland so it looked more like medicine. He removed the piece of candy from it's wrapper and started chewing enthusiastically "Yes! I can feel the ideas flowing through my brain..." he  stopped in his tracks to savor it a little but he had caught the presence of somebody Eh? he looked around with pretend panic then said loudly "Am I being followed or what?" he chuckled a little before going silent.

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(haha yeah xD  )

Piko went wide eyed, the same buzzing feeling returned, but this time complete. He blushed and kissed him back, slowly closing his eyes.


Valshe sat there for a second, then smiled. "how about Mornu?"


"calm down old man before you have a stroke" Hisoka disappeared and reappeared behind the teacher, the gave his hand a tug, he had attached his bungee gum to his hand, pulling him over, close. "im just fulfilling my duty as a delinquent demon....though....while i hurt people....i also help them....and you can slam me around more...it just turns me on" Hisoka liked his lips.

Liam then looked up, nearly jumping from the sudden sound of Malhart slamming Hisoka up against the lockers. Part of him felt the sudden impulse to attack, but held back. By the looks of it, Malhart had been a higher up in the school, a teacher, if you will. And Liam didn't want to risk it. Not again. Besides, seeing as Hisoka vanished from the male's grip, it seemed to be at least... somewhat... under control.

@IkutoForever2222 @Imapeople000
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Danny was just overcome with emotions. Oh yes! He's kissing me back! He really DOES like me! Oh I'm so happy!

Danny ran his fingers through the boy's hair. So soft...so silky... His touch electrifies my whole being... I REALLY like him don't I? He caressed Piko's body tenderly and kissed him with passion. Oh Piko you're so amazing! He thought as he practically ate the boy's lips.
Kona @Kira Times

"Am I being followed or what?"

The sound of someone speaking loudly pulled Kon's attention from one of the posters that decorated the wall. Both he and the fox shifted their gazes towards the source. Great, another person.. He was a little discouraged by the fact that he wasn't just ignored, but he didn't respond- or well, he didn't know how to respond. The white-haired male glanced around for a moment before he decided it was probably best to change directions since he didn't know if he was ready for interactions with others on his lonesome, turning on his heels and beginning to walk in a different direction.

Flann @IkutoForever2222

"Flann," he responded, watching Kai. "That's a nice name you have, do you know what it means?"

(Well for us Latinos it is a very delicious sugary spongey cake dessert with yummy syrup)
Piko was LITERALLY glowing from excitement, his body sparking more on the inside, and through his hair. Wherever Danny touched felt electrifying and amazing. He kissed him back with as much passion as was being put onto his lips.


"Kai nodded and walked along the very edge. "it means Sea Water.....what does yours mean?" He smiled when he said his name was nice.


Danny kissed him for a very long time. Utter bliss. When he finally wanted some fresh air he broke off from the kiss and smiled at Piko sweetly with a cute blush. I can't beleive we just KISSED! Omg! Just wait til I tell mom! She'll be so excited! I can't beleive this actually happened! Omg!
SPEAKING of Kingdom Hearts, I think this song by Utada Hikaru fits our DanPiko ship pretty well. Utada Hikaru was the one who sang the Kingdom Hearts theme song "Simple and Clean". I think it's fitting cuz Piko is a robot.

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He tapped his foot patiently for a response but when none came he shrugged Maybe I got a stalker...or I'm just extremely delusional. Shouldn't of breathed in all those chemicals. he shook his head to shake the thought of anybody actually being there out of his mind. He hadn't even had a decent conversation with anyone but himself yet. Which was weird since he thought he had amazing social skills. Look at his list of friends back home! Who didn't like a prankster? His pranks were a little more extreme though...He was so popular! People were almost always after him! It was so fun and a small part of him hopes he can be that popular here too!

Not thinking about the previous events anymore he went off to wander for a place to do something fun at. He had a feeling that he would have to leave the building to find the perfect place. He liked the outdoors better anyway and it wouldn't be any fun if the perfect spot was easy to find in his own not so humble opinion.
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(WHO is cute? The robot in the music video?)

"I... I... I really like you Piko and I hope that we c- that we cou- could maybe go out s-s-sometime and maybe be- boy-b-boyfriends" he stuttered out cutely but also stupidly.

He said this very sheepishly with blushed cheeks and looking down at the ground embarrasedly. "Oh Piko PLEASE say yes!" He thought in his mind desperately.

I REALLY want to be your boyfriend Piko, he thought. You're so sweet and kind and handsome...PLEASE say you'll go out with me! Please say you'll be my boyfriend. Please!  I REALLY like you Piko. Please don't reject me.... You're so amazing...

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