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[I am so, so sorry for posting in the IC, but I can't seem to find the area for posting CS's, can you please tag me in it if you don't mind?]
Kai looked at the fox and pet its nose, then looked up at Kon and blushed a bit. "you have a pretty smile" He said, then pulled himself up on the fox, making sure not to pull on the fur.


He was taken aback and it was noticeable until he fixed his face to be more in control looking. He wasn't sure how but they saw through his trickery. He was born a liar so how in the world...this was his worst nightmare turned into reality. Not only that but they called him a baka and the way they had spoke reminded him of characters in some fantasy book. And they're smiles...these two were extremely scary. He thought about flooring it but that might of not been the best choice. He would just go along with these two for now "I guess I got no choice but to tell you. I'm doing something very important. I'm setting up some fireworks for a celebration. Doesn't that sound just glorious?" he wasn't planning to discuss his motives for doing so. He couldn't even lie his way out.

Danvi: "A celebration by yourself?"

Donvi: "Sounds lonely"

Danvi: "this place is abandoned and we did research"

Donvi: That no one ever enters.....so if you are setting up in here"

Danvi: "you are attempting vandalism.....and self enjoyment..."

The twins both crossed their arms and said. "im in!" They decided it would be fun.

@Kira Times
"Yeah, but he slammed you up against--" Liam then stopped himself. Obviously Hisoka been alright. So why had he been asking such an obvious question? He shook his head. Emerald eyes closing. "Well, as long as you're alright..."

"no one here can hurt me or kill me......im practically invincible.....but im not....you have to strike at the right moment....but i have enhanced senses....so good luck to all that try" He shuddered, getting turned on at the though of someone trying to kill him.


So...was he screwed or what? Were these two going to report him to the teachers or something? They didn't even know his name but you have to admit that it wouldn't be difficult to spot a red-head that was dressed like he was. He also left evidence inside the scene of the crime. Suddenly he regretted ever chewing that gum. Just about when he was going to try to bargain with the two they said something that surprised him. "Eh!? You wanna help me out?" he was skeptical because he thought this school didn't have any people who enjoyed this kind of stuff.

@IkutoForever2222 (Sorry I'm taking kind of long. Working on teachers.)
The twins do that pretty smile that Itakura found scary, then both did a thumbs up.

Donvi: "Hell yeah"

Danvi: "Lets do this"

They move on each side of him, examining the fireworks that were most likely illegal.

Donvi:  "We are earth bender mages...."

Danvi:  "So we will help if we can"

Donvi: "What are you trying to make?"

@Kira Times
"Guess you'd be able to find me easily, then." Liam remarked through a very slight giggle. He'd then pause for a moment after hearing himself, arms resting on either side of his books as he looked around the room. He'd never giggled before. Not since he was little, anyhow.


Sado was a transfer student to the "All Boys School". Before he left home, his grandfather gave him the application to this school, because it would apparently make him get over being quiet all the time, even though he preferred it that way. He took one look up a he school, before he entered, ducking his head in he process. Sado had already gotten looks from people, most were afraid of him, while most of them were just ignoring him. He sighed a little, because he wasn't the monster people thought he looked like. Talk about judging a book by it's cover.




He kept walking through the halls, not paying attention to everyone else. Right now, he just wanted to go somewhere relaxing, or get to class.


(He doesn't know when class starts.)
Lucian had already been sitting in the back of the classroom, inspecting his classmates, all of whom were male, and most who were at least fairly interesting. He was surprised by how slow class seemed to be progressing - had it even started? He hadn't a clue. Things were just so confusing. He noticed some people who could be potential friends. He kept a fox-boy in mind, eyeing him carefully as he left the classroom. Lucian also looked at another pair of boys who seemed to be conversing, though one seemed so uninterested it was amusing to watch. Smiling, he made his presence slightly more noticeable as he continued to stare, shaping a cube of ice in his hands. Once Uninterested-Boy got up and left, Lucian was tempted to run after him, but refrained from doing so, not wanting to look like a creep on the first day.

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He looked back and forth  between the two of them before deciding this wasn't a trick or some kind of joke. "Glad you decided to join me blondies! Welcome to Team Mischief!  Now anyways...let me explain since you two are so eager!" he was beginning to explain to them but stopped after a long pause "Hold up a second! I have no idea what you guys are named. I should maybe say who I am too. You may call me Loki! I believe you heard of me  I am a god after all." he looked proud as he talked even if what he said wasn't all that true.

Donvi: "Loki....brother to Thor....Thor becomes King and Loki shoved to the side as if he were yesterdays newspaper"

Danvi: "Because he did a shameful thing and almost killed his father"

Donvi: "oh right"

The twins looked back at Loki after having there self discussion.

Donvi pointed to Danvi. "This is Danvi"

Danvi pointed to Donvi. "This is Donvi"

@Kira Times

Hisoka's cheeks went pink as well. "oh i like that look"

Kai halted the fox and looked over at the giant man, then told the fox to go over to him. "EXCUSE ME!!!" He yelled to Sado, because he was so tiny and Sado was so large, it would probably be hard to hear him if he just talked normally.

@Kenpachi Zaraki



Sado had replied back, with slight confusion. He didn't really know who had just said "Excuse me", but when he looked down to see a short person.. Well, short was an understatement actually. He'd then wave slightly with his right hand, before answering him with a simple





There was a moment of silence before a look of annoyance crossed his face "Y'know you shouldn't insult somebody's fa...Somebody like that while they're less than a foot away from you." these two had some guts or at least Donvi did. What he had said had struck a nerve for sure and it showed. "Anyway let's go on. Donvi, Danvi what do you actually do as mages?" he asked in a irritated voice.

Liam's blush seemed to slightly intensify from the next comment, slightly glancing to Hisoka with a slightly cocked brow. He'd been unsure if he'd been serious or not. Though, after noticing the blush, it was almost as if his unsure feeling had been confirmed.


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