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Danvi crossed his arms. "yes he can hear you and see you through my eyes, but he cant reply..."

The body seemed to creepily split in half as they seperated, back to normal.

Donvi stretched and looked at Danvi then nodded, moving back into each other, except now that Donvi was in control, it was a different form. 


@Kira Times
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He clapped again at Donvi's new form and began to examine that one "Not bad! I'm almost envious!" he could of buried them in a thousand and one questions but they were probably on a time limit. It was only a matter of time until someone decided that it was odd for him to be there that long and somebody would get the teachers over there to drag him away "Much as I would love to drool over you guys and your mega forms I  think we should start with my plan!" as he said that he held up a firework like a trophy.

Flann @Eterniti

Flann flinched a little, his ears facing away from the sound before he peeled his eyes open to peek over at the source of the sound.

(Oops, sorry for the delay! I was watching YouTube...)

Vincent glanced over, his eyes crackling with surprise. "Oh, did I wake you up? I didn't mean to," he apologized in a quiet, silky voice, his expression showing deep concern for the drowsy student.

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The twins split and then looked off with a stubborn look.

Both: "we arent pokemon" 

Danvi looked at Donvi. "im going to go pick up our assignments for our classes, so we can skip all day" They both share a look to each other, not liking to be away from each other for too long. Donvi gave a nod and looked back at Loki. "alright.."

Danvi left, walking into the school and heading to class.

@Kira Times
Mornuhama Loprak

"No, not at all! I like hanging out with you. Again, you bring out my childhood again, it makes me... happy, I guess. Well, I'd say something else usually, but I mean just... there really isn't, ya know?" Mornuhama said, looking Vashe in the eyes. After a second, he started laughing. "Sorry, I'm getting too serious. I really do mean it though," @IkutoForever2222

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart sat down at his desk and lit a cigarette, taking a long pull on it before looking around. He felt like he had done too much already, so he figured he would just chill and let everyone else do their thing. "Unless it's killing kids..." Malhart murmured, thinking about Hisoka and Piko.

Takis Argyris

Takis walked into school with his military bag slung over his shoulder, walking straight as a board. As he walked down the halls, he looked at other students with a glare, a glare that demanded respect. He was eighteen was already a war veteran, and what did the rest of these people do for their country? Not as much as he had done, he assumed. He slammed the door to the classroom open, saluted to Malhart, and sat down, his back still stiff.
Valshe smiled and leaned forward, giving his cheek a kiss. "you are a good person" He stood and gave a slight bow before going to the teacher. "sir if you want....i can teach the lesson....i know pretty much everything about the topic"


He hadn't even thought of that joke but when they said it he couldn't help but start laughing. "You guys are hilarious! I wasn't even thinking of that but you guys did! You have a okay sense of humor!" that pretty much sealed the deal these guys were now acquaintances of his and he wasn't hesitant to say it. He waved to Danvi (?) or whichever one that was. It was maybe him....He calmed down and wiped the tears that were forming in his eyes away with one more laughing type noise then he looked at Donvi "So...Donvi?" it was more of question what he said. "You want to wait for him or continue on with are plan?"

Liam side-stepped into the shadows before stepping out beside Kon. His ear flicking as he moved in front of him. That mischievous grin remaining on the wolfish Irishman's face as he listened to the tearing fabric. "Bit rude t' pay us no mind don't y' think?"


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"It's fine," Flann said as he propped his chin up on his folded arms and yawned, "I shouldn't be sleeping in class anyway." What he said was spoken in a joking manner, taking to the fact that nothing was going on. 


The young man nods. "It's strange... Shouldn't a school have classes? If not, why are we even here?" He smiles, close-mouthed, as he says this, the jubilant look on his face wavering just slightly as he continues. "Are we just here to not have our parents scream at us?"

"if we continue.....i will be distracted....so yes....continue..." Donvi had shorter hair than Danvi, and Donvi wore normal clothes, as Danvi did not.

Danvi walked into class, seeing peoples attention turn towards him. He was just as beautiful as Valshe, just green eyes.

@Kira Times
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama blushed as Vashe kissed him, half-waving as he left, watching him. Wow... one class, and it already happened. Wasn't expecting that... Mornuhama thought.  Of course, not that I care it was so soon...

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart was smoking and leaning back, when Vashe came up and asked if he wanted him to teach. "Sure thing. We were supposed to go over some pretty basic physics today anyways, nothing too hard..." Malhart said, sitting up a bit. "Thanks kid. What's your name anyways, kid?" Malhart said, looking at Valshe with a suspicious eye. 

Takis Argyris

Takis watched as Danvi walked into the class. He saw almost everyone looking at Danvi, and rolled his eyes. The old stereotypical pretty boy, I'm assuming... nothing I couldn't handle, anyways. Takis said, cracking his knuckles. He started looking around the room, making a list of who he knew he could beat up. Of course, he wouldn't do it without provocation, but once provoked, would do it on the spot with no hesitation. Him... him... him... huh. Can anyone here fight? Takis thought, still stiff in his seat. He always had perfect posture, walking or sitting down, and refused to give it up. 

Vincent shrugs. "I suppose. But if nothing's happening here, I don't see a reason to sit and stay like a trained dog would, unless that student up there is willing to teach." He pauses, then adds with a smirk, "I bet the teacher doesn't even know the material."
The blonde boy reached out his hand to shake the teachers. "Im Valshe....student council president and Head Prefect" This meant he was practically on the same level as a teacher, he even had to go to teachers meetings sometimes. 


One of the jocks did a cliche moment of deciding to pick on Danvi by pulling his hair. That really pissed him off so he turned and lifted him up by what looked like telekinesis. "you should shower after practice...you got dirt all over you" He threw him out the door.

Valshe jumped at the thud and glared over at Danvi. "none of that!!!"
Malhart Sumnor

"Ah, whatever, it doesn't matter. The other guy already fucked with him, so he's good." Malhart said, flicking pieces of paper of his desk into the trash can. He made another ball of shadow crystal, and started tossing it up and down again. @IkutoForever2222

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