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(Darn you autocorrect)

"Deliquents?  I thought my father will put me in a better school than with savages. Pardon the language!" The boy stood up and bowed.

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He actually looked surprised at what he had said. Forty-two was supposed to be the answer to everything in life so why wasn't it correct? Either he wasn't alive anymore or there school system was all the way messed up. He glared daggers at him but it really just came across as more of a quint. He mumbled under his breath "He better be glad he has a nice face.'." it wasn't really anything special for him to say that sort of stuff so others probably shouldn't think about it too much. He erased all his answers and began again but after three minutes he had kind of just collapsed onto his desk and fell into a light sleep.


"So you hear what the other is thinking all the time? Doesn't that cloud over your own thoughts?" he had interrupted himself with another question that he decided was better than the previous one "Speaking of thoughts! What did you two think of me?" he asked enthusiastically. He seemed a lot more excited to learn about this than the the other thing.

"we loved your appearance......i love your features on your face.......and Danvi likes you hair......your personality at first wasnt the greatest but you have proven to be a funny fellow" Donvi replied. "and we can only share thought when we are side by side......so if we are next to each other...we are obviously thinking the same things"

@Kira Times

Valshe heard and looked back, seeing hands in the air for him to recieve the papers, and Aladdin asleep on the desk. He got a little ticked and tapped his foot to keep calm.
"i dont care if you insult me....but you also included my brother.....i will tear you to peaces if you say one more offending thing.....princess...." He huffed and threw the papers at Valshe, storming out.


Itakura stared at him and he looked something like a deer in headlights. He didn't expect that at all he was not used to being complimented anyway because most found him to be a little more than annoying. Compliments sure were a little more embarrassing than he expected but he guessed it was pretty nice to have somebody like that much about him. He had no idea how he should of responded and was pretty happy about the subject change "He is? About what?" he asked him as calmly as he could. Great now he felt awkward.



Aladdin stirred slightly at somebody's yelling and woke up completely just in time to see somebody storming out. It was one of the good-looking students unfortunately. He had heard some bits of the conversation and began looking around frantically "Princess!? Where!? Where is the princess!?" he seemed to gain all his energy back at the mention of a female being there. He kept looking around but didn't spot any princess or anything feminine in the least. He mumbled again "What was he talking about..."

Malhart Sumnor

"Hm. Odd... well, whatever. I guess I won't object to that..." Malhart said, slowly putting the money back in his wallet. He watched as Danvi walked out of the classroom, chucking the papers at Valshe. "Huh. Seems like everyone's getting pissed at everyone today..." Malhart bent down and picked up the papers, putting them on the desk. "Anyways, I can grade the papers myself. You teaching was quite enough." Malhart said, cocking his head at Valshe. He looked at the rest of the class. "Alright, class dismissed. I honestly can't care less if you stay or not." @Everyone @IkutoForever2222
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Itakura stared at him and he looked something like a deer in headlights. He didn't expect that at all he was not used to being complimented anyway because most found him to be a little more than annoying. Compliments sure were a little more embarrassing than he expected but he guessed it was pretty nice to have somebody like that much about him. He had no idea how he should of responded and was pretty happy about the subject change "He is? About what?" he asked him as calmly as he could. Great now he felt awkward.



Aladdin stirred slightly at somebody's yelling and woke up completely just in time to see somebody storming out. It was one of the good-looking students unfortunately. He had heard some bits of the conversation and began looking around frantically "Princess!? Where!? Where is the princess!?" he seemed to gain all his energy back at the mention of a female being there. He kept looking around but didn't spot any princess or anything feminine in the least. He mumbled again "What was he talking about..."


" I'm a prince" he looked to the new guy. "Why would you think a princess would be in all boys school?"
"im not sure....hopefully he storms out of the room like he should" Donvi crossed his arms and huffed

Valshe looked at the teacher ad couldnt help but to that cute girly laugh. "you are a funny guy" He bowed to him then went to Monru. "ready to go?"


@Kira Times


hisoka dropped a ceiling tile on Kon, then was done playing with him so he let him go xD )

He looked over to the guy that was a supposed prince and realized that what he said did sound a little dumb. "Oh yeah...but I heard somebody say something about a princess!" he stared at him intensely then he said "But who knows. You could be lying to me...We may need to check." he shrugged before getting up to leave while forgetting all about his incomplete paper.



"Well I can't ay anything about that because I've always been the person who has to have the last laugh. I can't stand someone else getting it." there wasn't anybody in his whole life that escaped his wrath. Know that revenge was coming if you pissed him off badly.

" Tch ...why would I be lying. If you implying that IM a girl the I'm not" he frowned as the boy walked away. Jack looked at the boys incomplete papers on the desk.

"He forgot to finish his work...I'm I in a class full of idiots"he sighed.


He looked over to the guy that was a supposed prince and realized that what he said did sound a little dumb. "Oh yeah...but I heard somebody say something about a princess!" he stared at him intensely then he said "But who knows. You could be lying to me...We may need to check." he shrugged before getting up to leave while forgetting all about his incomplete paper.



"Well I can't ay anything about that because I've always been the person who has to have the last laugh. I can't stand someone else getting it." there wasn't anybody in his whole life that escaped his wrath. Know that revenge was coming if you pissed him off badly.


Liam watched Kon leave, his ears and tail remaining visible as he smirked. Still, he couldn't help but feel a small bit bad about the whole thing. He was never the one in the position he'd been in, at his old school, he was always the one in Kon's position. Until...

Liam shook the memory from his head, a soft huff escaping him soon after.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei heard Malhart dismiss the class and walked out, without the help of his bar this time. He used his mask again to detect the life force of everyone, evading everyone and going outside to take a walk outside the school. (Mei is open)

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama was getting his stuff packed into his bag, when he heard Valshe. "Oh yeah, one second." Mornuhama said, putting the rest of his stuff into his bag. "Alright, ready to go!" Mornuhama said, hopping up and smiling. @IkutoForever2222

Takis Argyris

Takis stood up, fixing his hat again. He saluted to Malhart, saluted to Valshe, slung his military bag over his shoulder, and walked out. He walked outside the back door, sitting on a bench, with straight posture of course. He sat reading the Military Combat Handbook for about the fifteenth time. (Takis is open.)

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart kicked his feet up onto his desk as the students filed out, grabbing the stack of papers and a pen. He went through them pretty quickly, remembering all the answers. He was pretty good at Physics anyways, if he hadn't remembered the answers, and probably could've graded the papers just as fast. He finished and shoved them into a filing cabinet, then got onto his computer and started putting the grades in.
Vincent shifted his gaze over to the so-called prince. "Then allow me to be the first non-idiot you've encountered so far," the young man stated nonchalantly.

Vincent simply gave him a faint smile. "I'm not one of the ones eager to skip school, if you'd consider that a start." He pauses, shrugs, then adds, "Not entirely what you want to hear with those fluffy ears of yours."


He turns to Flann and nods. "Anytime. I'm always up for a chat."

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Aladdin couldn't believe the nerve of the prince right there. No wonder that other guy had called him a princess. Is everybody here going to be a giant butt? Do they only have their looks going for them!? he screamed in his mind about how unfair it was that all the rude people got to look like a god while the people with a actual  personality were left to look less hot. He sighed before continuing on without looking back to him. He was going to find some food to stuff in his face hole.


"Oh you're back." he didn't feel like this was the right time to be saying dumb crap so he was going to turn down his annoyingness level. "What's happened?"

Vincent simply gave him a faint smile. "I'm not one of the ones eager to skip school, if you'd consider that a start." He pauses, shrugs, then adds, "Not entirely what you want to hear with those fluffy ears of yours."


" Hmmm "he pouted , reaching his hand to his bunny ears.

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