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"Alright Donvi! Let us finish this up then!" he was glad he got that right. To be honest when he bumped into them the only thing he noticed or paid attention to was that they were both blonde and that was pretty much it. What else was he supposed to care about? A minute ago he didn't  feel all that interested in them so he paid their appearance little attention. There were probably differences that he didn't notice before but the other one was gone so he couldn't compare them right now. "As you might not of known these fireworks are illegal so you may of guessed they're dangerous." he walked back and forth like a general as he spoke "Plus their dangerousness I have added my own stuff to them. I haven't actually used them so I have no idea how much damage they will do precisely but I can predict it might be the size a super small mini explosion." he explained his fireworks to him like he was talking about the way a plane worked. He had a smirk on as he did it. He was sometimes amazed by his own skill.




Aladdin walked into class nonchalantly like he wasn't at all late. He didn't actually think he was because nothing was currently on the board and nobody seemed to be doing anything even a little productive. He yawned tiredly then rubbed his eyes sleepily before looking for a seat to use. Some people were out so he couldn't possibly know where was open. If he sat in somebody else's seat it was there own faults. But if they came back he would have to be carried and put into another seat because for whatever reason just being in class made him tired and worn out even when not actually learning anything. Aladdin sat somewhere random without any thought then laid his head on the desk. If he fell asleep then he would get in trouble and he didn't want detention or whatever so he had to keep himself up. He turned his head in the direction of the person next to him and said  "Do you know when lunch is?" it was random and out of nowhere. He was hungry right now.

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The sudden thunk turned Vincent's attention swiftly over to the front of the room. He managed to look fast enough to see someone fly out the door, as if thrown by an invisible force. "Ah, I almost forgot that this is a school for "special kids". That's one way to get a reminder..."

@IkutoForever2222 @Kenopsia
"right....i guess i will start the lesson...you can catch up on anything you feel like" Valshe gave a bow, then got to it, beginning the lecture. Kids who actually wanted to learn wrote down notes, others just pretended to pay attention.

Danvi walked to the teacher. "can i have the assignment for this class....two of them?"

Malhart Sumnor

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Malhart said, rifling through his desk and pulling out two papers. "Just solve these four word problems. It's about the physics in sports." Malhart said, handing the papers to Danvi.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei listened to the boy as he spoke, his mask extending the same bars he used to navigate to type the notes down on the laptop he had. 
When a kid was sleeping, Valshe dropped the kids textbook on the desk next to him, startling him awake. "if you want to atleast pass school, you should stay awake..." He continued his lecture, walking through the isle and pausing at Mornu's desk and gave him a small smile, then walked by again. He walked over to Mei and saw he had worded a sentence wrong, so he leaned down and helped him get the sentence right.


Hisoka walked in a circle around Kon, wrapping him up in the bungee gum.


Danvi looked at Vincent, hearing him. Then nodded slightly.


Donvi laughed and shook his head. "you really are a delinquent"

@Kira Times
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama listened as Valshe was talking, taking notes. He was looking down at his notes, and jumped a bit when he heard the textbook drop. He kept writing his notes, and saw Vashe smile at him as he passed by. Mornuhama smiled back, and continued writing notes.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei was typing the notes, and hadn't noticed that he messed up a sentence from the notes. His mask sensed Vashe's life force coming towards him, and he felt as Vashe leaned down and corrected the typo. Mei's mask made a small noise, indicating a typo had been corrected. He looked up at Vashe, and said, "Thanks..." Although his voice is deep enough it sounded more like 'Th---s...' @IkutoForever2222

He stopped his pacing to glance at him "Me? A delinquent? I guess I am a bit of one...." he wasn't sure if he considered what he did to be delinquent acts. Course it was most likely illegal and he could possibly take this whole building with his pranks but was he being a delinquent? He thought it over for a few seconds before a impish smile was shown "Since you're here, with a delinquent such as myself and helping me with this what are you?" if he extended it that made Donvi a delinquent by affiliation.

Vlashe smiled at Mei. "your welcome Mei" He walked on and continued the lecture, once finished with it, he handed out worksheets. "please have it done by tomorrow...if you have any questions you can ask me or the teacher....if you dont have it done by tomorrow its an immediate zero"


Donvi giggled. "a partner in crime?"

@Kira Times

Hisoka smirked when he stopped struggling. "i know right? impossible to get out of"

(His Bungee Gum is created from Hisoka's aura, he turned his aura into a stretchy sticky substance called nen, and uses it to fight. He can attatch and detach it whenever he wants, and he is the only one who can touch it and control it. here is it in Hisokas eyes ))


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"Exactly! But you're a amateur delinquent...unless you got a secret, dark past that you haven't told me about yet." he examined him quickly and concluded he did not look like a delinquent at all.

Donvi shook his head. "i just dont care about cliche's stuff....besides the whole finish sentence with twin....i love doing that" He smiled.

@Kira Times


Hisoka chuckled and used his free hand and attached his bungee gum to a ceiling tile, then pulled down, the heavy thing headed fot Kon's head.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei felt the worksheet slipped onto his desk, and analyzed it with his mask. When it was finished, it sent neuro-electronic signals to his brain, giving him an image of what it looked like. He picked up his pencil and started writing, his handwriting oddly neat to anyone who would happen to look over.

Takis Argyris

Takis took the work sheet and looked through it, before scoffing. He completed it in a matter of minutes, putting his pen down. He looked around, feeling slightly superior to everyone else. He knew that was his main flaw, but he just couldn't help it. "It was the same reason I had to leave..." Takis muttered to himself, shaking his head.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama took the worksheet from Valshe, and started on it. He was comparing the notes he had written down with the questions, because he had written down everything Valshe said, word from word. He finished it pretty quickly with the notes and looked around, noticing the only other boy done was an older looking boy, seemingly aged from stress. He also appeared to be very formal, and in full military regalia. 
Valshe took a sheet and did his own, really quickly because he memorized every thing he had said."if you are finished raise your hand and i will pick it up"


Danvi did both assignments, one for him, and one for Donvi. Though since he missed out on notes he was having a bit of trouble, then decided to guess on the first 5. He raised his hand and Valshe walked over and examined it. "your guessing handwriting is far different from your normal handwriting....if you turn this in now you will get a 56% not good for you or your brother...yes i saw you writing down for him too Danvi......i will let you use my notes since you werent here for the beginning" He put his notes down and made him finish it. 
Mei Rinsaku

Mei finished it pretty quickly, his mask hooking up to a national information database and quickly sending electronic signals to his brain about the information, as he couldn't really read his notes. He finished, wrote his name, and raised his hand, staring to where he thought Valshe was (It was actually Mornuhama.).

Takis Argyris

Takis heard Valshe, and raised his hand quickly, straight and high. He took off his hat for a second, and noticed it was misshapen. "Damn..." He molded his hat into the correct fashion, and placed it on top of his head again, raising his hand once more.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama heard Valshe right before he had finished. He wrote the last part of the final answer and looked up, raising his hand. As he looked up, he felt a chill on his back. He looked behind him, and noticed Mei staring at him. Okay... that's kinda weird... Mornuhama thought, slowly turning back around.

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"Oh so you guys do that because you get a kick out of it? I can see myself doing that if I had a twin." he thought about it and it seemed fun judging from the scenarios he made up in his mind.  Their smiles weren't scary in a demonic/insane way they were scary in a...different way. It was just weird alright.



Aladdin's stomach growled loudly and he groaned in annoyance. He basically scribbled on the paper and didn't even look at what was on it. The answer to life  was forty-two so that was what he wrote for each one. The number forty-two. He was done quickly and he looked almost amazing for getting it done that fast. Out of boredom he started messing with his own hair.
Valshe looked back at the teacher and gave a nod, then went to Mei and took the worksheet, looking it over. "well done Mei." He then walked over to Takis and took his, looking over it and giving a nod to the other male. Showing his paper was good. He walked over to Monru and blushed a bit, taking his paper and gazing over it. "g-good job" He walked over to Aladdin and blinked a this answers. "either 1: you are trying to be funny 2: you didnt pay attention to the notes i JUST read or 3: you dont care if you fail.....redo it....and at least try" He handed it back, then walked to the teacher, setting the papers down on his desk after paper clipping them. "the ones there are perfects......now what did you want to talk to me about sir?"


Donvi laughed. "yeah its hella fun.....gets the people we are talking to looney tooned.....i mean...also our thoughts are connected.."

@Kira Times
Malhart Sumnor

"Here," Malhart said, pulling about 150 dollars out of his wallet and handing it to Valshe. "Usual paycheck for the day. I didn't do shit, so I figured you should probably get it." @IkutoForever2222
Valshe lifted his hands and shook them in protest. "no no.....keep your money....its also my role to help out students.....and you dont seem to be having a very good day....so it was my opportunity to help....keep your money and go buy your wife dinner....i bet it would make her happy" Valshe gave a soft smile. "i will even grade the papers so you dont have to worry about it" He gave a low bow. "i really do appreciate the offer, but im going to have to decline"

The faint scratching of Vincent's pencil ceased as he finished the sheet. He looked at it carefully, analyzing each answer and double-checking if they were correct. He was a bit of a perfectionist. After he stood up to turn it in and sat back down afterwards, he noticed Flann's worried look. His resting expression of a frown remained as Vincent spoke up. "Are you alright? You look like something's wrong."

Vlashe smiled at Mei. "your welcome Mei" He walked on and continued the lecture, once finished with it, he handed out worksheets. "please have it done by tomorrow...if you have any questions you can ask me or the teacher....if you dont have it done by tomorrow its an immediate zero"


Donvi giggled. "a partner in crime?"

@Kira Times

Hisoka smirked when he stopped struggling. "i know right? impossible to get out of"

(His Bungee Gum is created from Hisoka's aura, he turned his aura into a stretchy sticky substance called nen, and uses it to fight. He can attatch and detach it whenever he wants, and he is the only one who can touch it and control it. here is it in Hisokas eyes ))


"This unbelievable... I've already have a lot work piled up back at the dorms " he mumbled. He placed the paper inside his backpack and sat to absorb in all the information he was given.
Kona @IkutoForever2222

The ceiling tile hit Kona's head and cracked, falling on either side of him. The male blinked and looked up at the square hole in the ceiling, barely a scratch left on his head as it had healed before the heavy material could reach the floor. That hurt.. He held an uncomfortable expression behind his mask, curling the stiffness from his neck a little.

sorry! xD  )

Hisoka blushed. "another beautiful look" He put his hand on the males face gently.

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