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Liam watched him turn around, offering a small smile on return before blinking and shifting his gaze to his outfit.

Donvi and Danvi gave each other a high five. "irritation scheme success"

Danvi: "Science has proven, when you are irritated, you seem to focus intensely on something to distract your mind"

Donvi: "And if you are focused on the fireworks, we can make something"

Both: "hella awesome"

Then hearing his question, they both tilted their heads.

Danvi: "Earth magic and Earth bending....."

Donvi: "do you need to see for yourself?"

@Kira Times

Kai sat down on his palm so he was safe. "are you lost? im on th student council...so if you need to get somewhere, or need a map...you can ask me or Valshe, Valshe is in class....if i take you to him he can give you a map and you will be in class so its a win win" He smiled up at the large male, already admiring his giantness.

@Kenpachi Zaraki

Hisoka stared forward at the blank bored, wondering if the teacher is actually gonna do his job or not. His outfit was fit for a clown, or maybe a tv character.


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Liam's head tilted a small bit from the demon's odd yet fitting clothing. That smile remaining on his face as he soon looked in the direction of the board, as well. Arms soon folding over his books while waiting for class to begin.


He couldn't help but feel slightly more peeved at them high-fivingย  each other but this time some feelings of a little respect were there but only a small, tiny, microscopic bit of it but it was there. "Yeah...science." he didn't know much about science because he didn't pay it any mind so he was just rolling with it. "See your almighty mage powers? Sure, it will give me a idea on how awesome you two are." since they said something about ย earth he was going to assume that it might get shaky. "Do I need to hold onto something?" he looked around for anything that look even a little bit stable.

@IkutoForever2222ย (Is Renshou the teacher? Cause I am not sure.)
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(It's near impossible for me to play a teacher and get any interaction in, so I might as well swap to student and reintroduce my character. We're going to say that this is a younger variation of him now, age 18.)

Vincent ducked into the classroom as silently as he could, uncertain of whether or not class had started. The school was quite vast, so he had easily gotten lost, even with his good sense of direction. Upon noticing how filled up it was, he slipped into the closest open seat, next to a sleeping student. He tried to be quiet, but the desk creaked loudlyย out of age when he sat down. Vincent winced. He hoped that he hadn't woken the other.

The twins turned to each other and put their hands together, closing their eyes. The same green symbol appeared behind them, and the earth began to tremble, shaking violently as an earthquake hit because of them.

this except green)


@Kira Times

Sado felt happy that someone was trying to help him, instead of judge him. He nodded at the question "Are you lost?" and thanked him when he said he'd help him.


"alright.....i was just going to the bathroom to wash my face....i fell off a desk and i feel a bit dizzy from the impact....." He asked the fox politely to follow and pointed Sado in the direction of the class, when they got there he smiled. "here we are......im Kai by the way....nice to meet you"

@Kenpachi Zaraki

Since he hadn't found anything stable yet he had stumbled into the wall. He would have to settle for this as support then "Kay! You guys are cool enough! Don't make the building crumble! I wanna get a chance to do something before you guys destroy it!" he coughed because of the dust that was being shook out the wall. "This is messing with my sinuses!" he wasn't sure if he actually needed to yell but he continued with it.ย 

His glance briefly shifted to Hisoka again, watching him rest his head against the desk before he brought his own chin onto his arms. His gaze seeming to travel around most of what he could see in the classroom. A soft, bored huff escaping the wolfish male.

Donvi and Danvi stop and look over at him.

Donvi: "we can also do this"

Danvi: "it takes quite a bit energy though"

They both close their eyes and walk towards each other, their bodies combining into one.


@Kira Times
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Liam lifted his head to watch him go. Hesitating for a moment, he quickly gathered his stuff and followed after him. Seeing how inactive the class was, he hadn't wanted to sit quietly until it finished. Sitting still for long periods of time wasn't one of his strong suits. "Y-Y' don't mind if I come along, do ya?"

God damn, a lot happened while I was gone. Summary please, anyone?

um.....Kai is riding around on a fox thanks to Kon and Flann....now he is helping a new student to class

my new charas Donvi and Danvi are in the haunted old dormatory causing mischief with Loki

Valshe is froze (not literally) still talking to Mornu

Hisoka is heading out of the class with Liam to go be a delinquent

Piko is still in the hallway with Danny

nothing much has happened

He stared for a minute before clapping in a almost sarcastic way even if it wasn't "Nice! You have a few tricks don't you? You guys might look slightly more attractive like this." he coughed again then wiped the dust off of his clothes. He walked over to them and began to examine them in a non-perverted or creepy way or it wasn't what he was going for "How does this form work? Do you guys control different parts of the body or..." he waited for whichever one of them to continue off ofย his sentence.

"it depends which one is in control.....since im in control....we look like this....if Donvi was in control, we have a different form....ii can hear him talking in my head, but he is just inside me" Danvi replied, knowing Itakura was just examining him.

@Kira Times
In an instant, a set of black wolf ears appeared on his head. A black wolf tail wagging behind him as he smiled a bit from the excitement towards the idea. "I could go for a bit of mischief-making."

(Nice. Riding on a fox. xD)

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama laughed when Vashe blushed (Not in a mean way, kind of in a cutesy way.). "Don't worry about it, I mean... well, I just mean you're able to make me laugh. Well, I dunno... I guess..." Mornuhama said, stumbling around trying to find a way to explain what he said without just blurting out 'I think you're hot'. "I mean... you kind of wake up my kid side, you know? I don't know what it is, but you're good at bringing out my inner child, I suppose." Mornuhama laughed. @IkutoForever2222

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart walked into the class, noticing a considerable amount of students gone, and some new ones there. "Whatever. I'll be back in a second." Malhart said, opening the window and flying out to a convenience store to buy more cigarettes. He bought them and paid quickly, getting out and flying back to the school to avoid any more odd stares that he had already received from the other store patrons.ย 
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He nodded as (presumably) Danvi talked about how them combining worked to Itakura and he was starting to become interested in it. For him that interest could blow away any second so for now he wanted to know more "So how does this other form look? Can he here what I'm saying right now? Do you share senses?" he waved his hand in front of his face with a huge grin.


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