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(Wow, my post was completely ignored by @xpstitch... I don't mind, given that I was leaving for the night, but... I even tagged(?) you? :/

What's going on, anyway? I don't see any openings to jump back into.)
(Wow, my post was completely ignored by @xpstitch... I don't mind, given that I was leaving for the night, but... I even tagged(?) you? :/

What's going on, anyway? I don't see any openings to jump back into.)

(My attention span is kinda little so I tend to converse with one person at a time, sorry. I don't even remember getting a notification for it)
Mornuhama Loprak

"Yeah, sure... I don't hang out with a lot of people, but I've gotten a variety of nicknames." Mornuhama kind of giggled, but stopped again. He cocked his head at Valshe, "Again, you really do seem... different. I'm just not sure what it is." Mornuhama said, staring at Valshe. "I mean... I definitely haven't giggled in years either..." @IkutoForever2222

Malhart Sumnor

"Sick fuck. I don't give a shit what you do, kill a student and you're screwed." Malhart said, walking off. "Honestly I can't care less if you come to class." He walked off, muttering about the stupid stuff he had to deal with today.
(My attention span is kinda little so I tend to converse with one person at a time, sorry. I don't even remember getting a notification for it)

(It's alright. Anyway, I have nothing to jump into at the moment, so I'm kinda lost on who to talk to. Could you catch me up to speed?)
Valshe looked back at him, not knowing how to respond. The only thing that came from him is a dakr blush. It mixed with his porcelain like skin perfectly.


Hisoka laughed and sat back down. "im not gonna kill anyone.....i knew someone would help the robot before he broke.....im really smart you know" He looked back to Liam. "you okay? you look tense"

"also like....all the boys here are gay....so watch out....i am too....but i wont do anything weird i promise" Kai smiled and made it up on the desk, laying down cause his arms hurt now.


(sorry im in school xD  she told me to shut my comp )
Kai pointed at Hisoka."that guy....hes a monster....one time he put me in a toilet and i couldnt get out......he even put "out of order" on the door.....and by the sound of it....he just hurt another student" He had watched the interaction between the teacher and Hisoka. "he has thrown me in the trash AND put me in a locker.......i try to stay away......he has like....the power to sense your weaknesses immediately.......OH! and there is some way he can control anothers body......but no one knows how" He looked back at Flann. "you look strong......but seriously.......that Demon is trouble..."


It's a long story. Danny accidentally lets his attraction to Piko be known. Piko says something that makes Danny think he got rejected. Piko is being bullied. Piko had to vomit so Danny helps hi to a toilet. Piko offers him a kiss as repayment. Danny storms out crying cuz he thinks he's being made fun of. Hisoka locks Piko into a computer lab. Piko being what he is damaged by the stuff in there. Piko is rescued. Malhart pisses Danny off and they exchange heated words. Danny and Piko eventually set things right and are now dating. Theres more to be explained of course.

Hisoka hit on Liam. Liam seems to flirt back. Valshe and Mornuhama become friends. I'm sensing a possible Kai and Flann ship but maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions.
Kai yawned and stretched. "its gonna be a long day" He sat up and then stood, bowing to Flann. "thank you for the conversation" He stood back up and attempted to climb off the desk, but ended up falling to the floor and knocking the wind out of his chest. The tiny male groaned  from the pain, but this has happened a lot, so he was slowly getting used to the pain. Though he just laid there, trying to get his breath back.


After about fifteen minutes he stumbled upon a abandoned building that gave off a ominous presence. Like the aura it gave off was almost evil, it made him nearly want to run for the hills. A shiver ran up his spine but he had no idea if that was because he lost his nerve or if he had just gotten excited. If this place was abandoned then that meant nobody would get hurt which also meant that he wouldn't feel like a complete jerk later for injuring another student. He had morals no matter how few he still had them. "Well I'm feeling something for sure. Let's see what I can do." again, he couldn't do anything to bad but he could do small stuff such as putting graffiti on the walls to setting off fireworks (that were probably illegal) to mixing a bunch of chemicals and seeing what will happen. But he wasn't trying to kill or injure anybody because it made him feel like he was the one at fault.

There was nothing but harmless fun in what he did or at least he thought so. It was hard to find the line between with people that weren't demi-gods because they tended to bruise easier. He doubted there was anything but dust, bugs, and if he was lucky some ''entities'' in there so it was fine. Who else but him would be running around in a abandoned building? Nobody. Itakura took the gum out of his mouth and stuck it on the frame in the doorway before continuing. Other than teleportation he could also do some summoning. He made a bag appear into his hands and started going through it and he found what he wanted quickly "Here  they are! My probably illegal fireworks! Time to set these babies up~!" he had a bright smile on that was the same as the smile of a kid with a new toy. He quickly got to work on setting up his ''light show''.
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(Sorry for the late reply, I just woke up. Also, in a bit I'll need to go to therapy for about an hour... but I should be able to reply after that!)

Liam watched the teacher walk off before releasing a quiet huff through his nose. Gaze traveling to Hisoka, he shifted in his seat as his puppy-like eyes held a bit of worry. "Ya alright?.." he hadn't known why he felt the need to ask, as Hisoka seemed not to be too bothered by the whole thing. Yet, something forced Liam to ask, anyway.

Kai's body was warm, and he sat up in his palm. "Ouch......yeah....thats happened quite a bit.....and thanks....that would be helpful"



Hisoka tilted his head. "hmm? of course im okay....the teachers know my rebellious reputation" He smiled mischievously.

@Kira Times

Hands were placed on both of Itakura's shoulders. The twins looked at the male with the fireworks. "what are you doing here?" They were new here, and they already claimed this place as theirs. The identical twins both tilted their heads in unison.


"You know, if you keep looking out of the window like that, you'll miss your class, Teach."



"I don't teach the bloody sods anyway."


Alexander had replied to the student who spoke to him, before turning to look back at the student.



"You know, if YOU keep talking to me, you'll miss your own class. And don't call me "Teach", It's Mr. Hellsing to you."



"Ooo, scary."


The kid would say, walking down the hall. Alex knew that he wouldn't be going to class anyway, because he was a well known delinquent. With a sigh, Alex cracked his neck and wandered off in another direction. I'm sure someone can find a substitute teacher, that'll fill in for him. At the moment, he was heading outside. Once he found the door, he swung it open and closed it behind him. Then he found the nearest bench and sat down with a big "Ahh" sigh of relief, smiling under the hood.


"No one should be able to disturb me here."


He'd mutter to himself, enjoying the peace.



(Sorry for taking a long time to actually make a post.)






While he was working somebody...scratch that some people decided to crash his party. He will admit that he froze up and almost ran for it but these were just students. He glanced behind him before answering these people "I could ask you two the same thing! I was just working on some things. Don't mind me though!" he flashed them a innocent smile to clear up suspicions. "But who are you two? Good looking guys such as yourselves shouldn't be wandering around in here." he joked but it most likely didn't come across as one. It was just something he said to get a reaction.

"your eyes show lies" Donvi said and stubbornly looked to the left.

"Lots of lies" Danvi stubbornly looked to the right. 

"BAKA" They said in unison then looked at him again, Danvi speaking again. "we found this place this morning and are staying here....its haunted so its fun"

Donvi: "So much fun!"

The identical twins smile a very pearly white, pretty smile. "what are you up to?" They said at the same time, looking over the male at the fireworks curiously.

@Kira Times
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