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(Going offline for a little bit. Might not be back until tomorrow. Not sure so night just in case. Please don't leave me.)
A gentle smile spreads across his face at the other's hesitant gesture. "If you couldn't tell, I was just messing with you. I think your uniqueness is neat. After all, I don't believe I've ever met a bunny prince before. Speaking of which, I don't believe I've introduced myself yet." He deeply bows in a courteous manner. "My name is Vincent Antonius Venercium. What might be yours, your Highness?"

Valshe couldnt help but blush right now. That kiss he gave him earlier made him hella embarrassed. "o-okay"


On the roof was a pool, it was strange, on the edge of the pool was a person, no, a merman. You would think it was female at first, but it was definitely a boy.


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Jack on a straight face. Why is this guy being nice, he thought. After Vincent introduced himself, Jack went on tell his name.

" Jack Alistar...soon to be king of the Ice kingdom" he placed his hands on his hips.

A gentle smile spreads across his face at the other's hesitant gesture. "If you couldn't tell, I was just messing with you. I think your uniqueness is neat. After all, I don't believe I've ever met a bunny prince before. Speaking of which, I don't believe I've introduced myself yet." He deeply bows in a courteous manner. "My name is Vincent Antonius Venercium. What might be yours, your Highness?"

"Ice Kingdom?" He inquired, confusion lining his mildly British voice as he slightly tilted his head to the side, causing some of his longer bangs to hang just above his crimson eyes. "Whereabouts is that?"

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Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama kinda giggled when Valshe blushed, guessing what he was blushing about. "Don't worry about it, I would've ended up doing it anyways if you haven't." Mornuhama said, blushing himself. @IkutoForever2222
"Ice Kingdom?" He inquired, confusion lining his mildly British voice as he slightly tilted his head to the side, causing some of his longer bangs to hang just above his crimson eyes. "Whereabouts is that?"


" Of course you wouldn't hear about it here. Its hidden in Japan , takes a portal to enter the area."
" Of course you wouldn't hear about it here. Its hidden in Japan , takes a portal to enter the area."

He nods in acknowledgment. "I see, I see... Interesting." The young man glances over at the classroom's clock and his resting facial expression of a frown deepens. "I think we should get out of here before a teacher comes in and yells at us. I'd rather not get in trouble over a simple chat, however amusing it may be. You don't mind, do you?"
Hisoka shrugged. "im kinda hungry...lets go get something to eat" 


Valshe blushed darker. "y-your not helping...."


The merman hadnt noticed him yet, he was always stuck up here, day and night, no one to talk to. He stared off, out into the distance, watching people wlk by, wishing he himself could be down there making friends. Though he was stuck here, only for someone to come and drop off food and school work. That someone was the principal. The reason he was stuck up here, was because his species was rare around these parts. He was the only one in the country right now and people are out to get him. The merman closed his eyes with a sigh, feeling the wind on his skin, making him shiver because of the water that was on it.

He nods in acknowledgment. "I see, I see... Interesting." The young man glances over at the classroom's clock and his resting facial expression of a frown deepens. "I think we should get out of here before a teacher comes in and yells at us. I'd rather not get in trouble over a simple chat, however amusing it may be. You don't mind, do you?"

" Fine...I  might as well avoid the teacher as much as possible."he nodded.
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama kind of laughed. "Sorry, but... I mean, I wasn't gonna lie about it in the first place. Well, probably." Mornuhama said, getting a derp face. "Anyways, ready to get going?" Mornuhama said, replacing his derp face with a smile. @IkutoForever2222
" Fine...I  might as well avoid the teacher as much as possible."he nodded.

The two began to head outside of the school building, leaving and being met with bright, warm sunlight. Vincent staggered upon stepping outside, almost as if he was about to collapse.
" Are you okay? I'm not much of a person to carry such a large man like you..so please don't pass out" the blue eyed boy look slightly concerned .

The two began to head outside of the school building, leaving and being met with bright, warm sunlight. Vincent staggered upon stepping outside, almost as if he was about to collapse.
" Are you okay? I'm not much of a person to carry such a large man like you..so please don't pass out" the blue eyed boy look slightly concerned .

Red eyes flickered over to blue, the intensity behind them attempting to be reassuring. "No, I'm fine, I'm just not used to it being so warm... I feel like I could fall asleep any moment, really." He quietly mumbled a "last night took a lot more out of me than I thought" to himself, hoping that the other student wouldn't notice. Of course, he had momentarily forgotten about the fully functional rabbit ears, resulting in a series of mental curses towards himself not even a second later.
Jack raised one ear up ," I see...I guess we have similar problems. The heat practically drains the energy out of me" Jack looked up at the sky ," Definitely more warmer...kind of feels nice though "he said, watching the birds fly by.

Red eyes flickered over to blue, the intensity behind them attempting to be reassuring. "No, I'm fine, I'm just not used to it being so warm... I feel like I could fall asleep any moment, really." He quietly mumbled a "last night took a lot more out of me than I thought" to himself, hoping that the other student wouldn't notice. Of course, he had momentarily forgotten about the fully functional rabbit ears, resulting in a series of mental curses towards himself not even a second later.
Jack raised one ear up ," I see...I guess we have similar problems. The heat practically drains the energy out of me" Jack looked up at the sky ," Definitely more warmer...kind of feels nice though "he said, watching the birds fly by.

His worried thoughts settled into calmer seas after noticing that Jack hadn't heard what he had said. Still exhausted beyond belief, he offered, "Perhaps we could sit down and converse, rather than stand in the heat and the middle of the path?" Vincent gestured to the shady shelter of a great old oak tree a few feet away to further convince the other.

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