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Liam followed after him, flicking an ear as he looked to the different foods. "It all looks good..."

(What's on the menu for food today? I'm not sure what to have him pick. X D )

The merman abruptly stopped and looked back, then dived into the water, thinking he was out to get him. After sitting there for a minute he realized he wasnt diving in after him and swam to the surface, looking at him. "who are you?"

Mornuhama Loprak

"Well, that was quick," Mornuhama laughed, following Valshe to his office. He started whistling a song he had learned, it was a satirical song about Irish people dying. (I'm not gonna give a link to the music yet, as he's just whistling it.)
" A great idea . Maybe some we can get some ice cream after this "he smiled slightly.  He started to walk over to the Oak tree and sat down once they reached the destination.
i did i was waiting for you to come back on....and i remember what you said too LOL @Kira Times )

Danvi looked at him. "this prince was in class and he called us delinquents savages!" He was clearly really upset about it.

Valshe smiled and entered the office, setting his stuff down next to his desk. It literally looked like a teachers office. "i take my job seriously..." He blushed from embarrassment.

" A great idea . Maybe some we can get some ice cream after this "he smiled slightly.  He started to walk over to the Oak tree and sat down once they reached the destination.

Vincent pressed his head back against the tree and closed his eyes. Actually being able to rest for once made him realize how much his body really ached. "Yes," he said breathlessly, his cloak beginning to slide off of him, partly exposing the pale flesh of his arms, as the man adjusted himself, "maybe..."
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Mornuhama Loprak

"No, it's fine," Mornuhama smiled, looking around the place. "I actually like it. I'm definitely not as good at organization as you though." Mornuhama said, looking at how tidy everything is. He was okay at organizing things, but usually had at least one or two things mixed up. @IkutoForever2222 
"Still hot? " the bunny poked Vincent in the shoulder with his cold fingers. "Lucky for me I'm practically a refrigerator. " he referred to his beyond cold body temperature.

Vincent pressed his head back against the tree and closed his eyes. Actually being able to rest for once made him realize how much his body really ached. "Yes," he said breathlessly, his cloak beginning to slide off of him as the man adjusted himself, "maybe..."
The merman tilted his head and moved closer to him, pulling up out of the water and dragging himself very close to him. "you look amazing Kona..." *o*


Valshe rubbed the back of his neck. "i guess so" He sat down and pulled out some papers. "here is the packet. i need you to fill it out okay?"

Mornuhama Loprak

"Yeah, sure thing." Mornuhama said, taking out a pen and going through it. It just seemed like pretty basic stuff to him (Although he had been in the Student Council at his other schools almost every year before, and they had the same requirements, so it was probably just natural to him.) @IkutoForever2222
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama looked up for a second while Valshe was typing, but kept writing. He flipped to the end, put his signature, and the date. "Alright, done. Anything else?" Mornuhama asked, looking back up at Valshe.
"Still hot? " the bunny poked Vincent in the shoulder with his cold fingers. "Lucky for me I'm practically a refrigerator. " he referred to his beyond cold body temperature.

"Lucky you," he said, opening an eye to look at Jack, "I'm practically a living fireball, since the magic I was born with makes my body temperature a bit higher than usual." He lazily lifted a hand and undid the clasp holding his cloak on, letting it slide completely off and subsequently allowing his flexible chestplate, light gray tunic, and yes, his fairly muscular arms, to be fully shown. Afterwards, that same hand almost lifelessly flopped back onto the soft green grass. "...That's so much better..."
"set it in the basket by the shelf." On the shelf there were different pics of him. And he had dyed hair in them.


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Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama went and put the papers in the basket, looking at the photos on the shelf. He saw his hair in them, and giggled. "You look cuter with dyed hair. I like it." Mornuhama said, laughing. He didn't mean to embarrass Valshe, but he just couldn't help it. @IkutoForever2222
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama giggled again when Valshe hid behind his computer, but refrained from embarrassing him further, no matter how cute he thought the last photo was. "Alright, I'm done with that... for now." He laughed, sitting down. @IkutoForever2222
"my species was killed off in this country cause our scales are worth a lot...im the last one left and people try to kill me...so i was put up here so i can attend school and be safe"


Hisoka walked to a table with him, sitting down and beginning to eat.


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