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Jack glanced at the boy's toned boy. He caught himself looking and turned his head away. "Fire...I'm guessing?"

(I'm a little busy with some homework...so sorry for late reply)

"You are indeed correct," he confirmed, his shimmering crimson eyes holding a steady gaze on the other. He had seen the other stare, allowing the slightest hint of a smirk to spread across his lips. "I don't rely on it very much, though. I prefer training towards physical ability than magical. Of course, my younger brother is the complete opposite."

(I went to bed because I was super tired, so it's not that bad. Seriously, there's a 5 hour difference between our replies now.)

"Really!? That's..." that really wasn't as bad as he expected. He has been called worse before...he couldn't say that it wasn't all that bad because Danvi obviously

thought differently. "That's...Anyway royalty is usually stuck up. Sometimes they just need a little lesson to kick them off their high horse." he didn't think it was that serious be it was a chance to prank somebody and he wasn't going to ignore it "So are ya planning anything or are you just letting that slide?" he asked.

@IkutoForever2222 (My bad! By the way I ended up passing out.)
"You are indeed correct," he confirmed, his shimmering crimson eyes holding a steady gaze on the other. He had seen the other stare, allowing the slightest hint of a smirk to spread across his lips. "I don't rely on it very much, though. I prefer training towards physical ability than magical. Of course, my younger brother is the complete opposite."

(I went to bed because I was super tired, so it's not that bad. Seriously, there's a 5 hour difference between our replies now.)

"I'm not much for physical training. I rely on my powers at the most. It's  not like I have  much of a use for it anyways."

(Be gone for at least 8 hours because of school)

Piko blushed and nodded. "sure" He hugged Danny, unable to hold himself back. Though he needed to go to his dorm room and change, he had blood on his face still, just faintly though.

"Great!" he said enthusiastically.

"I'll see you then!" he said as he practically skipped away.

Giddy with excitement. A spring in his step. He said yes! Omg! He said yes! I'm so glad he said he would be my boyfriend!
@Marlow @Imapeople000

It was lunch break for Lucius. Usually during lunch breaks in school, friend talk to friends and eat. This doesn't account for Lucius. He sees it as a free time for study. The only thing he eats ia sandwich every day. Helikes to sit outside in the warm air and do some homework before it's due later. He sits at a table so he doesn't have to use a clipboard and creates a shadow around him so it isn't too hot. He sits across from two young boy. One with blue hair, the other with pink hair. They are talking but that doesn't bother Lucius. He continues with his homework. He has to write an essay for his writing teacher and it's due in three days. Lucius glaces up as the boy with the blue hair. It seems he's left his ice cream cone in a bowl and it's melting in the warm sun.

Lucious looks back at his essay and nonchalantly says "Your ice cream is melting." Whlie still doing his work.

(Need to go. I will be off for a little bit.)
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"I'm not much for physical training. I rely on my powers at the most. It's  not like I have  much of a use for it anyways."

(Be gone for at least 8 hours because of school)

"You never know when you might need them. Then again, our lives are likely much, much different." He scanned the courtyard, looking for anyone to people watch. Some may call it creepy, but he didn't care. It gave him something to do other than idle chatter.

He shrugged his shoulders before going onto something else "Well more importantly me and your bro were just getting to becoming closer.  I also explained my 'brilliant'  fireworks to him." 

@IkutoForever2222 (Stuck on mobile.)

Neptune swam to the top, head in his hand. He giggled. "sorry...."

Piko headed outside, walking alone and smiling to himself, forgetting about the blood all over him.


@Kira Times

Danvi looked at him with a blush. "c-closer?"

He didn't get his reaction at first but when he did he made a 'Oh' face for a second before a less then innocent smile replaced it. "That's what I said!" he disappeared beside Donvi and wrapped his arm around him. "Too bad you weren't here you could of joined are bonding session." he pulled him closer to him. He was a sort if tricky guy because he could say all kinds of things like that but he couldn't really take it himself because he wasn't really used to it.

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Donvi smirked and nodded, hugging Loki and nibbling on his ear, trying to embarrass him just as much.

Danvi blushed darker and looked away. "w-what the hell? you guys just met...." He was a little jealous though, he could never get a boyfriend that fast.

@Kira Times
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Piko is open for conversation, but he has a boyfriend

Donvi and Danvi are in the old haunted dormatory, fixing to blow shit up with Loki/Itakura

Kai is helping a new student

Valshe, is out cold cause he was attacked by a vampire since he is human

Hisoka is at lunch, just finished actually. He is with Liam


Provides broader representation of the people

More responsive to the will of people

Give voters more choices at the polls


Cause parties to form coalitions, which can dissolve easily

Failure of coalitions can cause instability in governent

BWAHAHAHAHA JK! im in American Government.....there you go xD  some stupid ass notes for no reason :P
The merman swam on his back, looking up at the sky. "so how did you get out here? the door was locked....trust me....i tried to crawl all the way over there and when i twisted the knob it wouldnt budge.....but lost breath and almost died.....so i stick to staying by the water" He gave a guilty laugh, then his face saddened a bit. "i hate it up here...."


Well this plan kind of...sort of...did backfire. He thought that Donvi didn't have enough guts to pull that kind of stuff but he had been wrong. The plan had been to embarass the both of them but it seemed to only have affected Danvi and the other one just kind of went with it. He had become completely red and he was suddenly nervous "W-Well what can I say! I-It's true  love..." he hated stuttering. 


[Itakura, Donvi and Danvi are at a abandoned building. Aladdin is just looking for food. Pandemonium and Renshou are currently inactive. Piko is just walking around. I have no idea what the others are doing.]

Danvi heard the stutter and looked over and saw Loki's face was beet red and then sighed in relief. "you are putting on an act.....good acting guys....but sorry Loki...you blew it"

Donvi walked to his twin and hugged him. "we were just talking about random stuff.....like what we thought about him"

Danvi hugged his brother back and giggled a bit. "silly.....but you did nibble on his ear....does that man you like him in a romantic way brother?"

Donvi shrugged. "maybe....maybe not....hes hot....but is he worthy?" He smirked.

Danvi rolled his eyes and put his LONG braid over his shoulder and let go of his brother.

@Kira Times

Lucian decided to head to the dormitories, but thought better of it when he realized that he was hungry. Where the hell do I get some food around here? Exiting the classroom, he leaned against a window ledge and waited for something to happen. He formed and reformed a cube of ice absentmindedly - it was clear that he did this often, perhaps to get rid of boredom.


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