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Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama finished the song about halfway to the office, and sighed. It was one of his favorite songs, his father always sung it to his mother when she had a bad day. He started singing another song (Another one of my favorites, 'Ring of Fire' by Johnny Cash. Again, here's a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfCOJLRk2D4).

If you can't tell, I love music. :3

Also, all my other characters (Mei, Takis, and Malhart) are up for interaction, if anyone is interested.
"Lucky you," he said, opening an eye to look at Jack, "I'm practically a living fireball, since the magic I was born with makes my body temperature a bit higher than usual." He lazily lifted a hand and undid the clasp holding his cloak on, letting it slide completely off and subsequently allowing his flexible chestplate, light gray tunic, and yes, his fairly muscular arms, to be fully shown. Afterwards, that same hand almost lifelessly flopped back onto the soft green grass. "...That's so much better..."

Jack glanced at the boy's toned boy. He caught himself looking and turned his head away. "Fire...I'm guessing?"

(I'm a little busy with some homework...so sorry for late reply)
The sound of his shoes patting against the hard floor was the only thing Rein could hear in this empty walkway. Warm air filled his lungs and small hands wrapped around the strap of the back pack strung across his torso as deep blue eyes surveyed each area he traversed through. It was new territory altogether and yet Rein wasn't nervous much. Rather, he was in a calm and peaceful state of being. He was unaware of the time or where he really was within the campus, but there were a lot of scents outside and inside of the big building that gave him small ideas. At the moment he was outside of the eating area, that much he knew. His steps turned quiet when a took a little trip inside to exchange currency for an ice-cream cone and Styrofoam bowl. A waterling's presence was faint, as if they didn't exist, so it was a small trial for him to try to get the worker's attention. However, he wasn't moved by it as much as he was by his cold ice-cream when it was handed to him. He softly rocked on his feet as he waited for bowl to be handed to him next. The worker gave him an odd look that the boy didn't take notice to as he left the eating area with both items acquired.

A small smile curved his lips as he found an outside table, or picnic table, to sit at. The Styrofoam bowl was sat on the table, and the cone sat upside down in the bowl. Rein was determined to wait and watch the Ice-cream melt into the bowl, propping his chin onto the table with big eyes focused on the cone. His feet swung just an inch or two from the ground in patience.

Neptune smiled and was starting to have a hard time breathing. He gasped for air, almost like he was having an asthma attack. He slipped into the water and relaxed. The merman surface again and let out a relieved sigh.

I'm a country boy myself. I mean, I'm from Tennessee, so what can I say? xD  I also like classical and rock. And orchestral... really, the only music I don't like is rap and most modern pop songs.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama got to the office, softly humming other songs. He talked with the secretary for a couple of seconds, and showed her the papers. She took it from him and told Mornuhama that she would put it in the Principal's mailbox. Mornuhama thanked her and started walking back to Valshe's office, probably to tease him more and keep telling him he's cute. 

I'm also a HUGE teacher's pet. Just because I treat the teacher's like my friends. I usually greet my teacher's with, "Yo, what's up (Enter name here)" and leave them with a "Later dude.". I also skipped lunch every day to volunteer in the library, so I was also the main office/library/teacher assistant during my lunch. xD  Such a nerd, I am. 
Neptune nodded. "sadly......i enjoy being out more than i do in.....and since i cant breath well out of water....they cant move me to a new location" He swam as he watched Kon.


Valshe had been "attacked" well, only slammed against the wall and is now having his blood sucked away by a vampire. His face was a pained look, but also kinda...um....erotic.

@Imapeople000 country, 80's, pop. classic rock, and eminem xD  thats what i like mainly )

Hisoka closed his eyes, taking in the air, and raking this moment for advantage to relax.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama whistled a tune as he walked to Valshe's office, getting there pretty quickly. He walked in, saw the vampire, and stopped. He summoned his dragon, pointed at the vampire, and said, ان کے گدا مارو (Roughly translates to, 'kick his ass'). His dragon kind of rolled his eyes at Mornuhama, but did what he said, picking up the vampire with his mouth and breathing ice, freezing him. His dragon chucked the vampire out the room, and Mornuhama slammed and locked the door. and said to his dragon, آپ کا شکریہ ، آپ کو مسترد کردیا ہے," thanking and dismissing his dragon. He rushed over to Valshe and half-picked him up. "Valshe, are you okay?" Mornuhama had kind of a panicked look in his eyes, because... well, you know why. @IkutoForever2222
"probably....i guess they are too lazy" Neptune huffed. "seriously angers me because i have feelings and needs....they arent saving my life, they are ruining it"


Valshe was limp and even more pale, his neck bled where the vampire was latched on. His eyes rolled a bit, meaning he was about to pass out. "n-no..."


(Alright, you good. See you sometime tomorrow. :3)

Mornuhama Loprak

"Shit... wait, why'd I even ask that? It's pretty obvious." Mornuhama teased himself. He picked Valshe up (A challenge, as Mornuhama isn't what you'd call the 'strongest' guy in the school.), and started carrying him to the office, probably to call an ambulance, or get the nurse, or something. He looked over at Valshe, and kissed him on the cheek while he was carrying him there. "You owe me that one." Mornuhama said, a slight sarcastic tone in his voice. @IkutoForever2222
Takis Argyris

Takis was sitting outside reading, when he felt like someone else was there. He looked over at another bench, and there was a boy sitting there with a bowl, and there was a cone upside down, with ice cream in it. The ice cream was slowly melting, and Takis watched this for about a minute before he walked over to the boy and said, "What in god's name are you doing?" He himself had never liked ice cream (Except for savory flavors, which do exist), or any other sweet in particular, but could understand why people liked it. He just couldn't understand what Rein was doing. @Marlow
Rein's eyes rose towards Takis when he spoke, but only for second before they were directed back to the cone. "I'm watching it melt," A gentle aquatic voice with a hint of lighthearted amusement flowing with it sounded as the boy spoke. Originally the scales on his fingers bore a faded yellow to go along with this delighted mood yet a few of them mixed with an orange shade after a second. An array of hues scattered across his hair like light reflecting off water whilst he moved his head look up at the stranger. "What are you doing? " He inquired in a friendly manner, his feet swaying to and fro.

| @Imapeople000 |
Takis Argyris

"Reminiscing about the old days," Takis joked, looking down at the Military Combat Handbook. "I was in the Greek-Afghanistan War. What about you? Anything interesting?" Takis asked, looking down at the boy. @Marlow
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'Greek-Afghanistan war?', The boy's head titled moderately to the side in curiosity while he took a small moment to ponder about what it was. Rein wasn't very well versed in history or cultures here and he wasn't going to pretend like he knew what Takis was talking about. He gifted a small smile and turned his head to examine the melting ice-cream, his voice sounding once again in response, "I used to be a part of the ocean."

| @Imapeople000 |
Takis Argyris

"Hmph. I was a general in the Greek Army. Nearly well led them to victory, before I left... I remember that day like it was yesterday." Takis said, drifting off. "Anyways, I'm assuming you have some kind of water-based power then, being a male Nereid." Takis said, still looking down at the odd boy. He just seemed naive to Takis, he didn't see much about him that was that special. Except, of course, being a water spirit. @Marlow

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In other words, I need to sleep. Night! :3
"A water based power I have, a nereid I am not," Rein rocked his head a little as he stared at the cone  which had nearly melted entirely. His peaceful composition stayed intact despite his eagerness to simply drink the Ice-cream. "I've met a nereid before, and she was quite lovely, but I'm simply a spirit born from the ocean, a nymph or nature spirit; not a son of Nereus or dancing around Poseidon. Nothing more, and nothing less," His tone hadn't drifted from his usual friendly melody and his shoulders lifted up in a short shrug. Rein was fully aware and accepting of where his species lied in the chain of water dwelling supernaturals as he had encountered many of them. However, he wasn't well aware of modern nicknames, or adaptations, used to describe species.

| @Imapeople000 |

(Night! I'm off to rest my fins as well. hah)
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