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Fandom Xavier's home for the gifted-New X-men

Steph was slightly startled by the girl's sudden movement, but she quickly regained her composure. The girl extended her hand for a handshake. Steph accepted her hand and smiled.

"I'm Stephanie, but you can call me Steph," Steph introduced herself. "And yeah, I'm a mutant. Based off what I've see so far, everyone at this school is."

She began to calm down,Breathing deeply..The snow had gone and the temperature was normal again. "I-I need some fresh air.." She ran outside and hid in the shadows of the mansion. "Y-You're okay,N-Nobody will hurt you." She said to herself,she's had frequent nightmares about people trying to take her away and use her for her powers,it's almost happened before.
Danni entered the mansion looking around. "Interesting, it can be a new place to meet new people." he thought, he felt a little nervous because of his shyness he's not as confident as his mother. compared to his mother he just looks like her, same hair color, same eye color and same face shape form but only physically. Danni certainly liked what he looks like but he thinks it attracts too much attention, near the entrance felt chills by some kind of wind, but ignored it and walked into the hall.
A smile spread across Sazume's face. She couldn't remember the last time she met a mutant and was more than excited to meet more.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Stephanie-san."

The wounds have almost completely healed at this point and she didn't feel much pain anymore. Helping herself up slowly, she held on to Stephanie's shoulder muttering 'sorry' under her breath. She put her arms up to stretch and could stand firmly on the ground.

"I think we it would be best if we alerted the school of our arrival." She said looking over at Stephanie. With a deep breath, she started walking to the school with a slight limp.

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"Sounds good, I heard some voices earlier," Steph told the girl as they walked back to the school. Looking over to the girl walking beside her, Steph wondered how she had come to the academy. She also wanted to know what the girl's powers were.

"So, Sazume, what brings you to the school?"

Sazume crooked her head at the question.

"Well it depends. If you're asking what directly brought me here then I would answer a letter. If you're asking what indirectly brought me here then I would answer the X-gene." She answered, shrugging.

Steph smiled at the answer, then she thought about it. She had been given the address by a man in a subway station. She wondered if the two things were connected. But that could wait for another day.

"Pretty much the same for me actually, I mean being a mutant the X-gene was an obvious. But, I don't know I just assumed not all mutants had horrible lives," Steph said.

Steph entered the mansion, there she saw a figure standing in the middle of the floor. @Garnet

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She took another deep breath and sighed,walking back inside..the air went cold and it snowed inside a bit. "S-Sorry 'bout t-that." She whispered to people as she passes,snow following her footsteps. She went upstairs and In her room.
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While Danni was walking and admiring the view 'I think I would like living here' he thinks to himself while ignoring some looks from some mutants. I will be able to improve my powers, and nobody will disturb me, that is his goal. Danni stopped when he saw two figures in front of him "Hi?" he said a little nervous.
"Hey," Steph replied to the boy who was in the mansion. "I guess there are even more people here than before. I'm assuming you're a mutant too. If you're not this could get incredibly awkward. But yeah, umm, hey. I'm Stephanie. Who are you?"

Damian ran until he couldn't run anymore. He had already lost the gang, but he wanted to make sure. He slowed to a walk, holding his side as a stitch made it hard to breathe. As his darkening vision cleared, he found himself looking at an impressive house. It obviously had seen better days, but it still kept the lived-in vibe that all homes have. He glanced behind him and, taking a deep breath, knocked.
There was a sharp knock on the door, Steph turned her attention from the boy in front of her to the door. Walking over to the door she opened to find another boy standing there.

"Umm, hey, let me guess you're a mutant too," Steph said as she looked the boy up and down.

@Indigo Knight

Damian flinched as the girl at the door asked him a question. "Um... Can I leave that unanswered?" He shifted his glance to his feet, knowing he might as well answered. His hoodie was starting to stick to his side, and he tugged it off the bandage. "May I borrow a firstaid kit?"
Steph saw the wound and immediately flinched, that must have hurt.

"Oh my god, how did that happen?" She asked as she opened the door more. A crystal materialized in her hand and Steph opened it to a portal. She hadn't been in the house for long but so she didn't know if they had any medical supplies. But she knew she had one in her room. After she grabbed the kit she ran back through the portal to the entryway.

"Okay, what do you need from the kit? What can I do?" Steph asked as she opened the kit. @Indigo Knight
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Damian peeled the bandages off, grunting as his badly stitched wound was pulled. "Shot. Gangs don't take kindly to rats." He grinned and winked at her. "Least it wasn't my face. Million bucks right here." ((Got to go. I will edit it later.))
Steph smiled, rolling her eyes at that comment. She reached into the kit and pulled out a bottle of disinfectant and cotton swabs.

"Well, I can clean this up," Steph said as she poured the disinfectant onto the swab and started to clean the wound.

"So, I guess I should introduce myself," Steph said as she worked the swab. "I'm Stephanie, but most people just call me Steph."

Examining the wound Steph thought for a second. "Okay, I think you need new stitches. But I don't have anything to numb the pain. I don't know if you would want me to stitch it up."

@Indigo Knight
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Damian hissed slightly as the girl, Steph, cleaned his wound. "Damian. Haven't had anyone give me a nickname." He sat back, thinking. "Unless you count gang names." When she brought up new stitches, he looked at his pathetic attempt and grimaced. "You're right. You should probably do it, since I almost passed out when I tried." He tried to grin, but it came out lopsided and pained.
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Again, Steph found herself shaking her head and rolling her eyes. She had no doubt, with the would Damian had, the gang had several names for him. But, she just picked up the suture kit and began to prepare the stitches. She had a bit of experience when it came to stitches, having stitched a few of her own wounds. Once she had the sutures fully prepared she cut out the old stitches with a pair of small stitches that had come in the kit.

"Okay, I'm starting now," Steph told Damian, looking up to see if he was ready. Taking a deep breath she pushed the need through the torn skin. Seeing his muscles tense, Steph breathed out slowly. "Hang in there Hot Shot, I think you'll only need about nine if I space them right."

@Indigo Knight
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Edward stood on the balcony, like he did everyday, just watching the students. He saw many new ones come to the school recently, it was actually odd. He even saw a guy who had blood on his hand where he held his side. He finished his water and went out back to the training grounds, deciding not to greet the new mutants.


Ed had the training system set to shoot out small discs of various shapes and colors for him to hit, an exercise to help him focus his power instead of an uncontrolled-wide explosion of power. He was getting better with electrical energy, as it was the easiest, but didn't even bother with nuclear energy. Too catastrophic. The first disc went up and Edward began to run back and forth. As he ran, he absorbed the energy from his movements and it transformed into electric energy which he blasted from his hands. It went well for the next few hours. He never grew tired and never stopped. Just kept training.
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"My name is Danni.." he looked at the boy ignored him for a moment "Not trying to be rude but logically I am mutant, I supose you are one too." hearing the conversation he just stopped talking, he did not know what to say then he just went quiet.

Damian nodded, his jaw aching from how tightly it was clenched. A soft grunt wrestled its way past his locked jaw, and he looked down, stupidly, gagging at the sight of the needle passing through his skin. "I so f***ing hate needles." He took a shaky breath and kept talking, feeling most of his fear of needles puncturing him fade. "Hotshot. Heh. Better than 'Flit'. A gang in Kansas called me that when I was 14..." He talked about everything from his first soccer game to the time he convinced his parents to let him take ballet, but made sure not to give her too much information. It felt odd having something stick his side and drag another something through and under his skin, but the pain was manageable. Besides, he didn't have to watch it, and that made it easier to ignore the fact that a needle was repeatedly being stabbed into him.

((Summer!!! Busy as heck, but still fun!))
Steph worked the needle the best she could trying to minimize the number of times she wove it through his skin. As she worked she listened to him talk about his past, smiling as he mentioned almost taking ballet. Several moments later she was tying off her last stitch, slightly admiring her handiwork.

"There we go," She said setting down the medical equipment in the small plastic trash bag she had found earlier. "Those should hold for about three weeks. So, don't go getting shot by anyone else, let these heal first."

Steph started to clean up the mess she had made. It felt weird, having someone talk to her about their past.

Being confined to the dojo so people wouldn't see her, or the time she had spent locked up, there hadn't been much company. So, it was strange to not be isolated anymore. Strange, but nice.

"Hey, I just got here last night but I know where the rooms are," Steph said standing up with the medical pack in hand. "I can lead you to that hallway if you want."

@Indigo Knight

Damian glanced up at Steph as she finished stitching him up. "Thanks, and I'll try not to." He picked some gauze up and wrapped it over his wound, making sure to tuck it under his wings without lifting his hoodie any farther. When she mentioned rooms, he focused his attention on her. "I'd better not. Last time I stayed in one place for long... Well, you stitched it up. Besides, shouldn't you ask whoever owns the place first?" He nervously tied the gauze and looked down at his feet.
"I'm not sure who actually owns the place," Steph confessed, that thought hadn't even crossed her mind. "I met a girl last night and she told me where the rooms were I don't actually know who's in charge."

Steph looked around at the large house. There had to be someone in charge, but who. Did they mind all the mutants in their house?

"I don't know who we would ask," Steph admitted to Damian. Looking back over towards the boy she shrugged. "To be completely honest, I've just been living a few days in one place to pass to the next. I didn't really think about anything else. Do you think we should find the person in charge?"

@Indigo Knight
Katrina walked with her hoodie pulled up, sunglasses on and her tail hidden aka she had stuffed it up the back of her shirt since she was wearing shorts. She didn't know where she was going but didn't really care, as long as she found something to eat... Her stomach grumbled reminding her of how she hadn't had dinner last night

Glancing up she saw a drive way and a ragged old signs that she cod hardly read except the word school. Shrugging she started off down the path staying out of the sun and in the shadows of the trees till she made it to the school and froze hearing many voices she tensed and took a small step back as she looked up. Her long stockings his the fur on her legs as gloves his the fur on her hands since her jacket covered the fur on her arms.

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