Wyld Hunting 101 [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

The best hunt strategy is to split our prey up, then attack the weakest unit that we can find. However the question is : how to split them up?

My suggestion is that a socially able character acts as if he wasn't linked in any way to the wyld hunt, gains the target's trust and then when the trust is sure lures them in deadly traps. This could also be used to reload the cords.
Which is why I plan to take a henchmen specialized in these sort of things: reckon + traps.
inirlan said:
My suggestion is that a socially able character acts as if he wasn't linked in any way to the wyld hunt, gains the target's trust and then when the trust is sure lures them in deadly traps. This could also be used to reload the cords.
This is an excellent use of a social character. I'd feel more comfortable having it be a DB instead of a mortal for fear of having our meddler lead us into a trap after being bought by the Solar with means we DB's no nothing about (like turning him into an Essence user, for example).
Sending anything else but a player character is asking for trouble.

My character is the best socially apt character, the best liar and on top of that has reasons to be at odd with other DB's(sorcerer and rich beyond most mortal imagination). There is one small problem : he has the biggest reputation rating of us all. However he has the reputation of an easy-going socialite, a talented and fearsome sorcerer and of being as rich and financially cunning as a true Ragara

Jihn is also quite good and has a much lower reputation.
Jihn can make a fine mundane mental influence attack. However, his distinct lack of charms in the social arena hems him close to the swordsman concept, which is his primary purpose. Jihn can and will boss mortals around. Jihn probably can't lead an Anathema to a trap. Jihn can't do this for more reasons than Social Combat, for instance failing a Valor roll to not challenge him in combat on the spot would be difficult. In fact, you probably shouldn't let Jihn know about any pre-manipulating or plan making ...

On the topic of reputation, Jihn is actuly aware of his low status and means to correct that. So a dark secret about meeting with an Anathema without immediatly trying to kill him is not up his alley (at the start, he could grow away from that as a character).

Shadow Red Claws, what is your take on the nature of Excellency-reinforced social attacks? Are they UMI or MMI to you?
Yep, don't worry about your reputation, at 3 your fame isn't Realm wide, so unless the anathemas has excellent connections within the Realm, he will not know you on sight.

Only when you get to 5 will it become a problem.

(personal note: never try to aim for reputation 5 !)
4 is also bothering.

However, even if ithe anatema is a dynast, my character's reputation wouldn't put it in a worse position than he would have been without it.
Between the time he exalted and now he wouldn't probably have kept his old connections so... don't worry too much, if the guy had Realm affiliations, I'm sure we will know it before being sent after him (one of the advantages of having a siddy as a mentor... he wishes you well), and we will adopt a different tactic.
What would be even better than divide them physically would be to turn them against each other. But that would be hard to achieve.
Note: everyone raise their integrity and MDV to reasonable levels as to avoid the social attacks... dividing forces also works, if not works better, for the other side :evil:
If you can afford it , Integrity excellency is quite useful....Espeacially if you decide on some anti-persuasion or anti-solar specialties...
If we end up needing bait for some Anathema, Brother Shooting Stars would be totally willing to volunteer.

Seems like what we are really lacking at this point is a good investigator. None of us even have a good base dice pool, much less any charms for it.
demihappycow said:
Seems like what we are really lacking at this point is a good investigator. None of us even have a good base dice pool, much less any charms for it.
Now this is where 5 henchmen would be advantagous. Low risk of death in combat, lots of moderate dicepools can usually pull off some 10s for lucky fact-finding.
I got this, charms like Revelations of Associate Hunch and Homeward Trail Discovery Method will be more useful than mortals.

I'll compensate quickly with more dots in war soon.
I think I'm done, if people have comments on some changes I should make in the interest of the unit, fire at will !
demihappycow said:
If we end up needing bait for some Anathema, Brother Shooting Stars would be totally willing to volunteer.
Yeah, but you have only a low rating in social skills and don't have any approriate excellencies(safe investigation, but it isn't a good offensive weapon), so it would be very risky.
I didn't mean that in the way of a character standing there yelling : "Hey, anathemas, catch me if you can!", but as a character which becomes friend with them, gains their trust and then calmly brings sets them up for total annihilation.
That would not be "bait", that would be more of a double-agent or mole or traitor or something.

And we probably don't want anyone trying that sort of thing unless they have a bunch of integrity charms. Too easy to end up actually working for them instead of just pretending.
When those charms were actually needed, that would mean that the cover is already completly fucked up.
Or that the Anathema tries really hard to win the loyalty of those around it, is really paranoid about "helpful" terrestrials who show up out of the blue, has been making a lot of grand speeches (performance attacks get everyone who can hear), or asks the well educated person hanging out with it to proof read the written propaganda.

In a more strictly in character sense, it means that we should all be extra paranoid about the Anathema's ability to corrupt the righteous, and not let anyone who doesn't have special training in resisting their wiles spend any time alone with one.
Yeah, if a guy comes out of the blue and says : "Hi anathemas! I'm here to help you!" it's not gonna work.

But if the same guy comes as a weary traveler, asking if he can stay for the night out of fear of wild beasts or bandits, obviously not knowing that they are anathema, they wouldn't be as suspicious. Besides performance is a double edged sword, i would rather use presence, and those with moderation.

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