Wyld Hunting 101 [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

Yes! AND they look at you with even more fear, for you do not only command demons but move your soul(it looks that way for the average pesant at least) into a great beast. However the accusation of YOU being a demon will triple. At the very least.
You would have first to build a structure large and strong enough to shelter it, then hunt the damn beast, capture it alive (that is the tricky part) and maintain it captive and take him to your structure.

Minimum ressources 5 to do all this... but I really do not see the point. The beast will probably let itself die.

About the spell, remember those things you fought in my solar game... well just know I had to design a whole lot of necromantic stuff to believe it could actually be possible controlling bodies etc etc... now if someone had told me it was possible with a single terrestrial spell... I would have laughed.

I mean the Empress herself could have been murdered a long time ago by any elder lunar sorcerer with this low level spell, he just had to fly to the isle, lay low, kidnap someone working around her, use this mojo, and wait for the right time to strike.

Imagine a solar or an abyssal using this spell... or worst a deathlord... plus the gem is indefinite, so you just need to commit 20 motes when you want to ride the guy and that is it...

Be honest, you do not think that is the most unbalanced thing ever ? :lol:

I mean just look at the spiritual possession charms... Possession can only last one scene, and Ride cannot be used on an unwilling target.

And you can use this on beasts too... rendering the lunars edge as shapeshifters completely useless...

This spell is definitely one of the most powerful thing I have ever seen in exalted ! (and I really do not think it has a place in a terrestrial circle)...

Sorry to make problems about it, but I am really shocked that the writers could not see something like this... okay... it IS easy to break... but come on... how many people will have the means to detect the possession and how many will have the power to break it ?

EDIT: the 24hrs limit and 24hrs downtime are a limit to be considered, as well as the fact that the target can sense the possession... but this spell is still crazy, you can build an army of sleepers with it.
Sure, it would have been a childs play, wouldn't it have been for the wards and other protective spells, and i'm not even talking about counterspell.

I haven't checked the rules yet, but I imagine that the sorcerer's body is left completely defenceless, right? It would be free for possession or simply to slit the throat.
Sigh....I suppose it is rather powerful.....

though, the idea of killing the empress would never work, 'excuse me....why does essence sight have you glowing....?' common enough armor feature or prosthetic ability and what ever spirits she has gaurding her are bound to have amythest awareness. even if they got to the point of confronting the empress she's bound to have at least an emerald countermagic stored on some spell storing string and that's all it take to counter the spell....

I could see it fixed with a range limit, and perhaps making the three dots of willpower lost when/if the host dies into 1 or 2 permanent willpower (thus preventing haphazard host deaths

but yeah, I'll start looking for a replacement spell....and reworking my plan of combat....
I think what bothers them the most is that it's not easy to see that a target is possessed. Mayby changing the spell so that there is an obvious sign that, combined with a succesfull (perception+occult) permits to identify a subjet under said spell.
Hmmm....On that note perhaps a sort of third eye, or similar mark on the forehead, since that is where the sorcerer places the gem.....Make it glow so that it is hard to conceal, but not impossible....Perhaps a wit+stealth (or perhaps larceny since this is sort of disguising) to hide it, successes set the difficulty on the perception+occult to notice. Combine that with a essence x10 mile range limit and the loss of a permanent willpower if the subject dies while your possessing them.
As there is no limit to the number of miles you can be from your host... you can sleep safely, there is no way someone actually tracks you down.

You could be at the end of the world, and still put a dagger in someone or bite him with an extremely poisonous animal.

Just imagine what a night caste solar could do with this spell...

Plus I am not sure there are wards against this specific form of possession, there are wards against ghostly and spiritual possession, but this is something very different.

Some spirit or exalts could see them, but the actual enchantment is undetectable until you take control of the little guy... so you just need to wait for the right time and you can strike undetected.

I am really really sorry I raised this in the first place... it would have been an extremely useful spell and a considerable advantage for you and for the group... I oughta keep my mouth shut sometimes :oops:

EDIT: working and posting... not a good combination when people own you ! :mrgreen:
Yeah, that does seem more reasonable.

Also note that if your enemies start realizing that you use this tactic, they might try to ambush you, the lone DB, and then fall on the rest of the party.

BTW, yeah I forgot that your Anima doesn't go inside you, so the gut demon would be fine, as long as it remains inside.
inirlan said:
I think what bothers them the most is that it's not easy to see that a target is possessed. Mayby changing the spell so that there is an obvious sign that, combined with a succesfull (perception+occult) permits to identify a subjet under said spell.
Actually no, what bothers me is :

- no time limit on the gem, once you caught the target, it is caught until you blow your "cover".

- no way to tell that the creature have undergone the ritual

- no space limit

- possible possession of exalts spirits and beasts alike

and... terrestrial circle :)
You just said that you should have kept your mouth shut.

Anyway, it's almost midnight here and i have to sleep.
You just said that you should have kept your mouth shut.
I did but now it is too late 8)

I forgot this one too...

- no anima banner for the host when using charms...
Really so it's good with the three mods...?

suggestions for the forehead mark, perhaps it should be something different and unchanging for each sorcerer, removing to a certain extent the anonymity....? (I just need to stay away from anything involving circles)

Hardness applies against anima? Awesome!

That's what the other two henchmen are for, to gaurd my body....Eventually I'll figure some means of comunication that will allow them to get in contact should trouble arise. then it's a misc action to get back there while the body with the party goes slack jawed and another misc action to get back....


What do you mean by Space Limit...?

-no way to tell a creature's undergone the ritual


- no time limit on the gem,

perhaps the standard year and a day...?

- possible possession of exalts spirits and beasts

Spirits can only be possesed if they are materialized, and probably have to remain materialized else the gem will shatter.

also Cyl, it may be annoying but it's stuff that needs to come up, never fret when rules or game balance are in danger (though keep it up and your off my fave ST list... :D Kidding)

-no anima banner when using charms

Who says....?
What do you mean by Space Limit...?

- meant range, but your mod is fine essence x10 miles is a good limitation.

perhaps the standard year and a day...?

- could be


- that is one of the best part of this charm, if you can steal the target for an hour, you have a sleeper up your sleeve and there will be no way of identifying him as a sleeper until you blow his cover. I think your mod is rather cool. Some strange mark requiring a very difficult per+occult roll would do.

But imagine spotting a snake or a spider with a strange mark, first you need to spot the creature, then to spot the mark.

Who says....?

- if it is not mentioned there is no reason it should be. Plus since I think the exalt is still awake and focus it is him who shall have the anima banner, it is his essence he sends through the gem.

If you use the identifiable mark, it limits the use of the spell to reasonable circles of influence (though you could still use beasts to kill targets and remain undetected) and in time too.
I believe by Space Limit, he refered to how many such Sleepers you can have at one time.

As for the possession of Exalts, I'd say it's a risky business at the best of times, because you'll have no idea as to their Essence score and Willpower, and as long as they get three successes they are fine, and can do their outmost to break the spell, and since you'll be called upon more often to deal wih sorcerers, they can easily break this spell. and that will leave you guys with one less friend to help you in battle.

I'd say spirits have to stay materialized, and again, their essence and willpower will likely be good enough to resist this, and in any case he can't use their powers. Also note that messing with spirits in this way can and likely will, bring about the wrath of the spirits.
Woo, lot of activity here while I was sleeping.

On SIP, I would point out that anyone with any sort of essence sight or magical detection power can detect when someone is being controlled pretty easily (perception plus occult roll at sorcerer's essence difficulty). If you consider the Essence Sight power that a lot of magitech stuff can get to be an essence sight power (which would oddly enough be something of a houserule, as it normally just ignores visual penalties, but a fairly rational and easy to implement one) then a big chunk of people can notice when it is going on. Loads of gods and elementals are also gonna be able to detect it in use.

Once you've noticed it all it takes is one casting of Emerald Countermagic to kill the spell permanently (it even destroys the gem).

Really, I think y'all are overestimating how badass SIP is. Not to say it isn't an awesome spell. But not totally broken like you guys seem to think. Also consider that you have to capture and totally incapacitate the target, somehow convince them (without any help from the spell) to hang out wherever it is you want you little possessible minion, and unless you managed to incapacitate and cast an hour long ritual on them without them noticing you also have to hope no one discovers through normal investigation/social combat that the person is hiding something.

Also, for a DB the fact that you are committing 20 motes to the possession is a pretty big deal, and makes you significantly less effective in actual combat.

EDIT: Also, I believe the spell mentions that spirits are not valid targets of the spell.
By Space I meant range, but the undefined maximum number of gems is also a problem :mrgreen:

As the spell requires an immobile target either unconscious or willing, the math is easy, if you managed to capture the exalt / spirit, you will probably also beat him at the possession.

But by all means keep this spell, it is definitely one of the most useful even nerfed.

Possessing beasts or mortals for spying / stealing / killing is still applicable, and that makes you probably the most useful member of the team :D
Also, I would like to point out one thing that you guys seem to forget....

...The Anathema can use this spell as well, and it's the least of sorcery they are capable of... :twisted:
ok, so....

-Gems last a year and a day.

-Max range is essence x10 miles.

-If target is killed while possessed, the sorcerer loses a perm willpower.

-While possessed, the target has a mark (difficulty to spot mark based on a wit+Stealth or wit + Larceny roll, Mark is dependent on the sorcerer but is the same for every usage of the spell by the sorcerer).

-And for clarification the Sorcerer's Anima will not flare on the target but instead on the sorcerer's own body (Which I originally didn't realize but makes sense since this is in truth remote control not actual possession)

Any further question, comments, concerns?

If not we can get back to strategizing our combat strategies, which was the original thread purpose.....
The permanent willpower lose seems way overkill to me.

I mean, isn't much of the point being able to fight without putting yourself at actual risk?
Hmm, true, and we did kind of settle everything else....

SRC, mind terribly if I back track a bit and go back to the three temp willpower? Keep in mind that I do take bashing damage for each damage the host takes.....
We can go back to the three Wilpower loss. that will also go well with any Anathema sorcerers out there who might know this spell to confuse the bloody Wyld Hunt...
Fortunately we have a man who knows the spell, he will be able to recognize a mark... if he cares to investigate a bit.

And yes, my original intent was to make clear that if we could use this powerful spell, our ennemies could use it but ten times worst...

So about the overall strategy, we have a few socially able character, two sorcerers, an immaculate a martial artist who can do both ranged and close contact, and a swordsman. We have lost an inquisitor and must not underestimate this aspect of the Hunt.

I'll may be able to manage around a talon to lead, so depending on who we are going after, we might have some considerable backup to deal with mortal followers of our ennemies.

We however have one problem, our numbers don't mean squat to exalt so we need to have well defined battle tactics.

The best way to kill an anathema is not to cut him, but sometimes to wound him, tire him a bit and then immobilize him (nets, Shackles of Doom, clinch) for questionning or finish him of.

We have one advantage, we have powerful ranged attacks, Guillotines, Air Dragon immaculate and firebending, we have one weakness, close contact. Jihn and Yugo are the only ones able to be serious threats to a celestial at close distance. We have therefore 2 problems:

- we are both fire aspect (so... not cool for the men, or the nets or the Shackles...)

- we are both skilled coordinators. Sending both of us to tire the celestial is probably a mistake

2+ demonic / elemental fighters could be useful.

Erymanthoi are great (10 acc + excellency for a clinch), Teodozijas are probably a better option (more resistant and they have word of power) and Anhules have Capture.

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