Wyld Hunting 101 [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

You can ranged attack someone jumping and dashing around just as well. Melee weapons tend to be slightly statistically superior to ranged weapons, but that is really the only difference.

Our ranged capabilities actually give us better options as far as tactical movement goes. We can force anybody focused on close combat to run around like crazy to actually attack us, which is great. Also there are a lot of great DB defensive charms that work specifically against ranged attacks, so we are at an advantage there too.

RE: One Big Hit. No. If we are fighting we a dumb Solar that is fine, but against a competent Celestial opponent a single big hit fails. Perfect Defenses make that a virtual non-option. It is nice when we can manage it, but we absolutely can't rely on that sort of thing.

The thing you are doing when going after a Solar is trying to drain their motes. Once they don't have motes, then you can take them down easily. Combat against Celestial Exalts is a war of mote attrition. Our advantage in that is that we can force them to spend a lot before they can get all their scene-long stuff up. We want to blow through all their motes before they even get a chance to put up more than one scene-long charm, and make sure they never get to use anything that isn't in a combo with a perfect defense.
demihappycow said:
Our advantage in that is that we can force them to spend a lot before they can get all their scene-long stuff up. We want to blow through all their motes before they even get a chance to put up more than one scene-long charm, and make sure they never get to use anything that isn't in a combo with a perfect defense.
By the by, I'm currently working on the tree to get the cost increasing charm, and it shall be my opening move more often than not.....I need 1 more charm before I can buy it....so a little while yet, but niceness when it comes...
DHC: I tried to demonstrated that with some serious opponents you will not be able to drain their motes with multiple attacks, it will only drain ours.

If you're not convinced, let's take all of our characters and test it to the Brawl section.

For some opponents, the solars above essence 3 not the rarest kind nor the most dangerous, we are going to need a different tactical approach IMHO.

All it takes for them to be the ultimate survivors is 6 charms and a combo.

We would need 1 unstoppable attack for each DV in the short run.

Also: who's willing to become the countermage ?
There are i think two sorcerers with countermagic. So, on which do we focus : the one with the biggest or smallest essence pool? The sorcerer or the dabbler?

Or do we switch according to remaining essence and to what is needed?
Most logical choice would be Ojaih.

No offensive spells, a good mote pool and a predisposition for ranged attacks.
If we can find some, Some spell storing strings could be exceedingly useful for any of our casters really, While I'd hope for the (5 dot) orich version, a (4 dot) moonsilver & starmetal example would be useful against almost any sorcerous foe
If we can find some' date=' Some spell storing strings could be exceedingly useful for any of our casters really, While I'd hope for the (5 dot) orich version, a (4 dot) moonsilver & starmetal example would be useful against almost any sorcerous foe[/quote']
Are DB's capable of wielding those? Attuning to them at double cost? What would the Immaculates say? Or would they leave the blasphemous demon-summoning sorcs to their blasphemy? Interesting questions.

Shadow Red Claws?
The fun thing about the sorcery strings, a mortal could use one to launch a stored solar spell, it just costs a willpower per spell level(terrestrial, celestial, solar) to catch or launch a spell...and really, despited being veiwed as 'tainted' orichalcum is too useful to disregard out of hand. Espeacially when you consider how much has to go into various components for first age gear.

the only question is aquiring it...
While the Immaculates might let something like that slide, acquiring it is a real problem. Raiding first age tombs isn't something to be done lightly, if at all, as you don't want to raise the ghost of a first age solar. So your only hope is maybe finding one on the corpse of an anathaema
I don't know if moonsilver and orichalcum are viewed as unholy in the immaculate dogma.

They are after all the magic material of the Incarnas, and though they do not revere the incarnas, the immaculate do not consider them as evil. Suspicions would often rise when seeing someone carrying an object made of those MM though.
The only problem would be how to get such powerfull spells to recharge them. Otherwise it's just a oneshot, and a VERY expensive one that is.

In my eye, they would most likely let it slide, but might get REALLY curious if a certain guy regulary uses stored spells of celestial or solar circle...

But anyway, it's less bothering that carrying an orichalcum or worse soulsteel grand daikave(or even worse, the soul mirror)
Ah but that's half the beauty, all one need do is spend the appropriate number of will and take a misc action when targeted or in the path of a spell and it catches it, effectivly nullifying the spell for the moment.....

It is well worth the 3, 4, and 5 dots of artifact spent on it
If we bother to get a spell cord with a solar spell, it would be the best to directly get a spell like rain of doom, total annihilation, solar sanctuary or some other world shaking spell.
heh, you can store up to three on it at any given instance, thing is though, preordering spells is highly unlikely, we'll be lucky to get the string itself, we'll have to catch the spells the hard way......
Once we get the cord we just go around intentionally making solar circle sorcerers really angry, so they'll cast big nasty spells at us. I mean, what could go wrong with that?

Seriously though, a sorcery capturing cord of any level would be super useful. Even a jade one would let our sorcerers throw out a big attack spell or two without having to be extra-vulnerable during a shape sorcery action. Did anybody take any Arsenal by any chance? We might be able to get a hold of one that way.

Cyl: There is no such thing as an unstoppable attack, unblockable or undodgeable just mean it gets perfected away like anything else nasty. They could still be useful, but I can't think of any means of getting an un(whatever)able attack that is cheaper than a Solar perfect defense. The persistent buffs (Fivefold Bulwark, Flow Like Blood, Infinite Whatever Mastery) that Solars can put up to ignore DV penalties are all simple charms, so they will need to spend multiple actions (and multiple willpower for the combos) to get more than one up.

If we come up against an experienced Solar who has already put all that up, we should run away and try to catch it off guard later. In fact we should make sure we have a good means of running like hell, so we can do hit and run to drain someone who likes to preemptively activate charms of all their willpower.

The only sort of slow drain I could see working at all is burning through all of a Celestial's willpower by forcing them to activate a combo every action. Un(whatever)able attacks won't do that. Really, surprise attacks are about the only thing I can see consistently being able to force that. That or figuring out how to use a Flaw of Invulnerability against them, but we'd probably need some good investigators for that.
maybe not, there are only four flaws, we just attack in such away as to nullify one each time and then get persistent with whatever hits home....

Good thought on the arsenal by the by.
Yes, as I'll probably be the "commander" here, I'm taking Command, Retainers Arsenal and Henchmen, buying them with xp (still negociating with SRC). All should be around 2, except for Arsenal who should be around 3.

We haven't thought about something... environmental damage... some of mah firebending can cause heavy exposure to fire (much like a bonfire), and those babies bypass armor. Isn't there anything we can do in this area ?!
Unfortunately compassion and conviction flaws are tied to motivations/intimacies, so unless we have someone in the group who can figure those out we're kinda out of luck. Temperance and Valor flaws we might be able to leverage...

If the firebending can cause some environmental effects, that might be exceptionally nasty to Temperance flaw types. Since they wouldn't be able to move out of the fire.

Any bright ideas for dealing with the Valor flaw?

Also, unless anyone can think of something else we desperately need but don't currently have I'm gonna put most of my XP into getting Virtuous Negation Defense and Vengeful Gust Counterattack.
Hmm, I think your the second or third to pick up vengeful gust counter, by that note I think I might switch out my VGC for Sense Destroying Method.....A blind solar can't run, at least not easy....Hmm, and if I can squeeze another dot of awareness in, I may be able to get Essence Disruption attack....

Yeah, a slight reduction in defense for the moment for a major advantage in the long run.....

Edit: .....and done
Essence Disruption Attack is pretty awesome, but it requires essence 4 so I don't think you're gonna be picking it up quite yet. Certainly something to go for in the longer term.

Other than Agatae do we have any good means of fleeing from Anathema? It may become necessary on occasion.
ack! good catch.... I feel silly....Well frees up a charm slot, and otherwise I'm ready for it once I get time to train up my essence.

A high awareness is especially important for a sorcerer, it allows him to make the numerous JB rolls that he will inevitably force upon himself......

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